base locus
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Enrico Arbarello ◽  
Giulio Codogni ◽  
Giuseppe Pareschi

Abstract We give completely algebro-geometric proofs of a theorem by T. Shiota, and of a theorem by I. Krichever, characterizing Jacobians of algebraic curves among all irreducible principally polarized abelian varieties. Shiota’s characterization is given in terms of the KP equation. Krichever’s characterization is given in terms of trisecant lines to the Kummer variety. Here we treat the case of flexes and degenerate trisecants. The basic tool we use is a theorem we prove asserting that the base locus of the linear system associated to an effective line bundle on an abelian variety is reduced. This result allows us to remove all the extra assumptions that were introduced in the theorems by the first author, C. De Concini, G.Marini, and O. Debarre, in order to achieve algebro-geometric proofs of the results above.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 338
Jorge Caravantes ◽  
J. Rafael Sendra ◽  
David Sevilla ◽  
Carlos Villarino

Let S be a rational projective surface given by means of a projective rational parametrization whose base locus satisfies a mild assumption. In this paper we present an algorithm that provides three rational maps f,g,h:A2⇢S⊂Pn such that the union of the three images covers S. As a consequence, we present a second algorithm that generates two rational maps f,g˜:A2⇢S, such that the union of its images covers the affine surface S∩An. In the affine case, the number of rational maps involved in the cover is in general optimal.

Ulrike Rieß

Abstract We approach non-divisorial base loci of big and nef line bundles on irreducible symplectic varieties. While for K3 surfaces, only divisorial base loci can occur, nothing was known about the behaviour of non-divisorial base loci for more general irreducible symplectic varieties. We determine the base loci of all big and nef line bundles on the Hilbert scheme of two points on very general K3 surfaces of genus two and on their birational models. Remarkably, we find an ample line bundle with a non-trivial base locus in codimension two. We deduce that, generically in the moduli spaces of polarized K3[2]-type varieties, the polarization is base point free.

Mihai Fulger

Abstract We develop a local positivity theory for movable curves on projective varieties similar to the classical Seshadri constants of nef divisors. We give analogues of the Seshadri ampleness criterion, of a characterization of the augmented base locus of a big and nef divisor, and of the interpretation of Seshadri constants as an asymptotic measure of jet separation. As application, we show in any characteristic that if $C$ is a smooth curve with ample normal bundle in a smooth projective variety then the class of $C$ is in the strict interior of the Mori cone. This was conjectured by Peternell and proved by Ottem and Lau in Characteristic 0.

2019 ◽  
Vol 373 (3) ◽  
pp. 1667-1700 ◽  
Antonio Laface ◽  
Alex Massarenti ◽  
Rick Rischter

2019 ◽  
pp. 1-43 ◽  

We extend results on asymptotic invariants of line bundles on complex projective varieties to projective varieties over arbitrary fields. To do so over imperfect fields, we prove a scheme-theoretic version of the gamma construction of Hochster and Huneke to reduce to the setting where the ground field is $F$ -finite. Our main result uses the gamma construction to extend the ampleness criterion of de Fernex, Küronya, and Lazarsfeld using asymptotic cohomological functions to projective varieties over arbitrary fields, which was previously known only for complex projective varieties. We also extend Nakayama’s description of the restricted base locus to klt or strongly $F$ -regular varieties over arbitrary fields.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 191-204 ◽  
Giovanni Staglianò

Abstract A famous result of Crauder and Katz (1989) concerns the classification of special Cremona transformations whose base locus has dimension at most two. They also proved that a special Cremona transformation with base locus of dimension three has to be one of the following: 1) a quinto-quintic transformation of ℙ5; 2) a cubo-quintic transformation of ℙ6; or 3) a quadro-quintic transformation of ℙ8. Special Cremona transformations as in Case 1) have been classified by Ein and Shepherd-Barron (1989), while in our previous work (2013), we classified special quadro-quintic Cremona transformations of ℙ8. Here we consider the problem of classifying special cubo-quintic Cremona transformations of ℙ6, concluding the classification of special Cremona transformations whose base locus has dimension three.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2020 (21) ◽  
pp. 7829-7856 ◽  
Francesca Carocci ◽  
Zak Turčinović

Abstract We show how blowing up varieties in base loci of linear systems gives a procedure for creating new homological projective duals from old. Starting with a homological projective (HP) dual pair $X,Y$ and smooth orthogonal linear sections $X_L,Y_L$, we prove that the blowup of $X$ in $X_L$ is naturally HP dual to $Y_L$. The result also holds true when $Y$ is a noncommutative variety or just a category. We extend the result to the case where the base locus $X_L$ is a multiple of a smooth variety and the universal hyperplane has rational singularities; here the HP dual is a weakly crepant categorical resolution of singularities of $Y_L$. Finally we give examples where, starting with a noncommutative $Y$, the above process nevertheless gives geometric HP duals.

2016 ◽  
Vol 368 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 905-921 ◽  
Caucher Birkar

2016 ◽  
Vol 212 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-122 ◽  
John Brevik ◽  
Scott Nollet

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