colloidal solution
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-16
R. Brovko ◽  
L. Mushinskii ◽  
V. Doluda

The continuous depletion of hydrocarbon sources contributes to a wide study of the use of biorenewable raw materials to obtain synthetic hydrocarbons from them. Isopropyl alcohol is traditionally produced by chemical hydration of propylene, however, with the development of biotechnology, broad prospects have opened for its production by fermentation of glucose-containing substrates obtained from agricultural and forestry waste. This way, isopropyl alcohol can also be considered as a bio-renewable raw material and it can be widely used for the production of chemical synthesis products, including hydrocarbons. One of the possible ways of processing isopropyl alcohol is the catalytic transformation of alcohols on zeolites and zeotypes of various natures with the formation of hydrocarbons. Currently, zeolite H-ZSM-5 and zeotype SAPO-34 are the most frequently used catalysts for the transformation of alcohols into hydrocarbons, however, their rapid deactivation due to the formation of a carbon residue remains an unresolved problem. The formation of core-shell structures with H-ZSM-5 zeolite in center and an outer shell consist of H-Beta zeolite with large pores can reduce the deactivation of zeolite because of increase in reagents diffusion rate. In this article is devoted to synthesis of ZSM-5/Beta sample with a core-shell structure, as well as a study of its catalytic and physicochemical properties. To form the H-ZSM-5 zeolite, a colloidal solution of tetrapropylammonium hydroxide, a colloidal solution of silicon oxide, aluminum oxide, sodium hydroxide of distilled water was used. The colloidal solution was placed in an autoclave, heated to 140 °C and kept at this temperature for 48 hours, after which the crystals formed were centrifuged, washed with distilled water and kept in a 1M solution of ammonium nitrate for a day. Then, to form the H-Beta layer, H-ZSM-5 was suspended in a colloidal solution consisting of tetraethylammonium hydroxide, tetraethylammonium chloride, a colloidal solution of silicon oxide, sodium hydroxide, sodium chloride and distilled water. The suspension was placed in an autoclave and kept at a temperature of 140 °C for 48 hours, followed by centrifugation, washing in distilled water, suspended in a 1M solution of ammonium nitrate, with repeated washing with distilled water, drying and calcining at 600 °C. Testing of the synthesized of H-ZSM-5/Beta zeolite sample showed a significant decrease in the rate of deactivation compared to the synthesized sample of H-ZSM-5; it is also necessary to note a slight increase in the fraction of liquid hydrocarbons for the sample H-ZSM-5/Beta.

Yuta Tsubonouchi ◽  
Masashi Kajita ◽  
Taichi Hayasaka ◽  
Hamada S. A. Mandour ◽  
Mohamed R Berber ◽  

Platinum nanoparticles (PAA-Pt) stabilized by polyacrylic acid (PAA) of a polymeric stabilizer were adsorbed on an indium tin oxide (ITO) surface from their colloidal solution due to the chemical adsorption...

2022 ◽  
Vol 130 (1) ◽  
pp. 146
К.Р. Каримуллин ◽  
А.И. Аржанов ◽  
Н.В. Суровцев ◽  
А.В. Наумов

The temperature-dependent luminescence spectra were analyzed to determine the parameters of the electron-phonon interaction (Huang-Rhys factor and the average phonon energy) for nanocomposites with colloidal CdSe/CdS/ZnS quantum dots (deposited on the surface of a glass substrate and embedded in a thin polymer film of polyisobutylene, and in a frozen colloidal solution in toluene). The measured values of the parameters are analyzed in comparison with model calculations and data obtained using the low-frequency Raman spectroscopy. It is found that in the case of a vitrified colloidal solution of quantum dots in toluene, the matrix effect leads to a noticeable change in the parameters of the electron-phonon interaction.

Hemant Ramakant Hegde ◽  
Santhosh Chidangil ◽  
Rajeev K. Sinha

AbstractIn this work, we present the synthesis and surface immobilization of Au nanostars, Au nanocubes and Au nanorods for localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR)-based refractometric sensing applications. Au nanostructures exhibiting LSPR peak positions in 500–900 nm spectral range were prepared by seed-mediated synthesis method. The refractive index (RI) sensitivity of all these nanostructures in the colloidal solution were measured and the sample exhibiting highest sensitivity in each category were immobilized on the glass substrate. The surface immobilized nanostructures were investigated for RI sensing. Au nanostars having LSPR peak position at 767 nm exhibited highest RI sensitivity of 484 nm/RIU in solution and 318 nm/RIU on the substrate. This study gives an outline for selecting the Au nanostructures for developing plasmonic sensing platforms.

Ольга Николаевна Мусская ◽  
Валентина Константиновна Крутько ◽  
Анатолий Иосифович Кулак ◽  
Евгений Николаевич Крутько

Боргидридным методом с использованием полимерных стабилизаторов (полиэтиленгликоля, поливинилпирролидона) синтезированы наночастицы меди. Методом оптической спектроскопии установлено, что наибольшей стабильностью (до 1,5 месяца) обладают наночастицы меди, полученные при мольном соотношении Cu /полимер 1:3 - 6. Показано, что в отсутствии полимера либо при его небольшом содержании (мольное соотношение Cu /полимер 1:1) происходит агрегирование образующихся наночастиц и выпадение осадка, содержащего медь и ее оксиды (CuO, CuO). Механическим смешиванием аморфизированных фосфатов кальция (в порошковой и гелевой форме) и наночастиц меди (в виде коллоидного раствора) получен порошковый композит, содержащий фазы CaCuH(PO) и CuPOOH . Выявлено, что при совместном осаждении фосфатов кальция и наночастиц меди происходит встраивание ионов меди в кристаллическую решетку фосфатов кальция с образованием смешанных кислых и средних солей. Copper nanoparticles were synthesized by the borohydride method using polymer stabilizers (polyethylene glycol, polyvinylpyrrolidone). It was found by optical spectroscopy that copper nanoparticles obtained at a molar ratio Cu / polymer of 1: (3 - 6) have the highest stability (up to 1.5 months). It was shown that in the absence of polymer or at its low content (molar ratio Cu / polymer 1:1), the resulting nanoparticles aggregate and a precipitate forms containing copper and its oxides (CuO, CuO). By mechanical mixing of amorphized calcium phosphates (in powder and gel form) and copper nanoparticles (in the form of a colloidal solution), a powder composite containing CaCuH(PO) and CuPOOH phases was obtained. It was shown that during the coprecipitation of calcium phosphates and copper nanoparticles, copper ions are incorporated into the crystal lattice of calcium phosphates with the formation of mixed acidic and medium salts.

Solar RRL ◽  
2021 ◽  
Juan Meng ◽  
Jason A. Röhr ◽  
Hang Wang ◽  
B. Edward Sartor ◽  
Dandan Song ◽  

Ryungeun Song ◽  
Minki Lee ◽  
Hyeokgyun Moon ◽  
Saebom Lee ◽  
Seonghun Shin ◽  

Abstract We study particle dynamics in drying colloidal solutions using the numerical simulation with discrete particle method (DPM). Simulations of two different systems were conducted; the drying dynamics of monodispersed and binary mixture of colloidal solution, and compared with those from the previous studies. In the monodispersed colloidal solution, the time evolution of particle concentration profile for varying Péclet number was simulated with the same initial particle concentration. In the binary colloidal solution, when the particle size ratio α is 3, three different stratification modes were observed varying Péclet number and initial particle concentration. By comparison, our method was in a good agreement with the existing methods. Additionally, because of the mesh-based Eulerian approach in our model, other various multi-physical phenomena, such as effect of thermal Marangoni or chemical reaction, can be included in an easy way. From the results, we expect that this work can provide a physical insight for predicting the quality of colloidal drying in a complicated situation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 ◽  
pp. 123-128
G. A. Pashchenko ◽  

A method of colloidal synthesis of monodisperse nanocrystals (NC) with high stability, narrow bands of photoluminescence (PL) and high quantum yield has been developed. The process of colloidal synthesis took place at room temperature and for the passivation of NC used a variety of surfactants. The surface of NC CdTe was modified by introducing them into a matrix, organic or crystalline. In our case, the matrix was porous Silicon (PS), that is a composite structure was formed on the basis of the matrix and NC semiconductor. Nanocomposite structures of PS – NC CdTe were obtained by introducing colloidal solutions of NC CdTe into the solid matrix of PS and subsequent processing at a certain temperature regime. The photoluminescent properties of a composite system in which the matrix is microcrystalline PS and the second component is NC CdTe deposited from a colloidal solution of NC CdTe have been studied. The peculiarity of this system is that both components have PL of different intensities.The large difference in PL intensities and different positions of the radiation bands allowed, comparing the PL spectra of the colloidal solution of NC CdTe, PS and NC CdTe – PS at different stages of introduction of CdTe nanoparticles into the porous Silicon surface, to identify the interaction and mutual influence of the two constituent materials. The main disadvantages of the method are its relative novelty, which leads to the need for empirical selection of some parameters of the synthesis. The planned change of properties of PS and colloidal solutions of NC CdTe by variation of technological methods of synthesis and processing methods will allow to control the physical properties of this composite system and use it to develop new principles of design and creation of new generation sensor devices.

2021 ◽  
pp. 105120
A.M. Smirnov ◽  
A.D. Golinskaya ◽  
V.N. Mantsevich ◽  
M.V. Kozlova ◽  
K.V. Ezhova ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 2086 (1) ◽  
pp. 012034
A A Ryabko ◽  
O A Korepanov ◽  
A A Bobkov ◽  
O A Aleksandrova ◽  
V A Moshnikov

Abstract This paper presents the effect on the visible light photoresponse caused by the modification of ZnO nanorod coating with colloidal AgInS2 quantum dots. The modification of ZnO nanorods by immersion in colloidal solution results in the enhancement of visible absorption and photoresponse. Obtained results indicate the possibility of local heterojunctions between ZnO and AgInS2.

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