calcium phosphates
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2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Memoona Akhtar ◽  
Syed Ahmed Uzair ◽  
Muhammad Rizwan ◽  
Muhammad Atiq Ur Rehman

Bioceramic coatings on metallic implants provide a wear-resistant and biocompatible layer, that own ability to develop bone-like apatite in physiological environments to ensure bonding with hard tissues. These bioceramics primarily belong to Calcium Phosphates (CaPs), bioactive glasses, and glass-ceramics. Several techniques are used to deposit these coatings such as; electrophoretic deposition (EPD), plasma spray (PS), and Radio frequency magnetron sputtering (RFMS). Most of these techniques require a high-temperature operation or sintering treatment. This causes either thermal decomposition of bioceramic or results in delamination and cracking of the bioceramic coating due to differences in thermal expansion behavior of metals and bioceramics. RFMS is primarily carried out either at room temperature. However, annealing is performed or substrate is heated at various temperatures ∼400–1,200°C for 2 or 4 h under dry argon (very low temperature compared to other techniques) to ensure crystallization of bioceramics and improve coating adhesion. Chemical composition stability and excellent surface finish are the premium features of RFMS, due to less heat involvement. Moreover, RFMS has the unique ability to develop one-unit/ multilayered composite coatings and the flexibility of in-situ reactions to yield oxides and nitrides. Single or multiple targets can be employed with the insertion of Oxygen and Nitrogen to yield versatile coatings. Due to this attractive set of features RFMS has a strong potential in the field of bioceramic coatings. In recent years, several multifunctional bioceramic coatings have been deposited on metallic substrates using RFMS for biomedical applications. This review focuses on the recent efforts made in order to deposit multifunctional bioceramic RFMS coatings with surface characteristics necessary for biomedical applications and highlights future directions for the improved biological performance of RFMS bioceramic coatings.

CrystEngComm ◽  
2022 ◽  
Diana Griesiute ◽  
Eva Raudonyte-Svirbutaviciene ◽  
Aivaras Kareiva ◽  
Aleksej Zarkov

The present study investigates the influence of annealing conditions on phase transformations in calcium phosphates. Synthetic brushite (CaHPO4∙2H2O) with Ca/P ratio 1:1 was taken as a starting material and annealed...

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
pp. 0-0
Betül Sarsık ◽  
Nader A. Salman ◽  
Sitem Merve Şahin ◽  
Murat Şahin ◽  

Ольга Николаевна Мусская ◽  
Валентина Константиновна Крутько ◽  
Анатолий Иосифович Кулак ◽  
Евгений Николаевич Крутько

Боргидридным методом с использованием полимерных стабилизаторов (полиэтиленгликоля, поливинилпирролидона) синтезированы наночастицы меди. Методом оптической спектроскопии установлено, что наибольшей стабильностью (до 1,5 месяца) обладают наночастицы меди, полученные при мольном соотношении Cu /полимер 1:3 - 6. Показано, что в отсутствии полимера либо при его небольшом содержании (мольное соотношение Cu /полимер 1:1) происходит агрегирование образующихся наночастиц и выпадение осадка, содержащего медь и ее оксиды (CuO, CuO). Механическим смешиванием аморфизированных фосфатов кальция (в порошковой и гелевой форме) и наночастиц меди (в виде коллоидного раствора) получен порошковый композит, содержащий фазы CaCuH(PO) и CuPOOH . Выявлено, что при совместном осаждении фосфатов кальция и наночастиц меди происходит встраивание ионов меди в кристаллическую решетку фосфатов кальция с образованием смешанных кислых и средних солей. Copper nanoparticles were synthesized by the borohydride method using polymer stabilizers (polyethylene glycol, polyvinylpyrrolidone). It was found by optical spectroscopy that copper nanoparticles obtained at a molar ratio Cu / polymer of 1: (3 - 6) have the highest stability (up to 1.5 months). It was shown that in the absence of polymer or at its low content (molar ratio Cu / polymer 1:1), the resulting nanoparticles aggregate and a precipitate forms containing copper and its oxides (CuO, CuO). By mechanical mixing of amorphized calcium phosphates (in powder and gel form) and copper nanoparticles (in the form of a colloidal solution), a powder composite containing CaCuH(PO) and CuPOOH phases was obtained. It was shown that during the coprecipitation of calcium phosphates and copper nanoparticles, copper ions are incorporated into the crystal lattice of calcium phosphates with the formation of mixed acidic and medium salts.

Валентина Константиновна Крутько ◽  
Анна Евгеньевна Дорошенко ◽  
Ольга Николаевна Мусская ◽  
Сергей Михайлович Рабчинский ◽  
Анатолий Иосифович Кулак

Методом электрохимического осаждения на титановых пластинах при комнатной температуре в двухэлектродной ячейке при постоянной плотности тока 30 мА/см и времени осаждения 10 мин получены кальцийфосфатные покрытия: брушитные в системе Ca (NO )/ NH H PO при pH = 4 и композитные (брушит/кальцит/апатит) в системе CaCOjCa (HPO ) при pH = 5. Выдерживанием кальцийфосфатных покрытий обоих типов в модельном растворе SBF в течение 1 месяца определяли апатитообразующую способность (биоактивность). Новообразованный аморфизированный апатитовый слой после термообработки при 800°С кристаллизовался в Д -трикальцийфосфат/гидроксиапатит на брушитных покрытиях и в гидроксиапатит на композитных покрытиях за счет присутствия кальцита, карбонат-ионы которого являются инициаторами образования гидроксиапатита, а также апатитных наночастиц в исходном покрытии. Полученные кальцийфосфатные покрытия перспективны в качестве биопокрытий повышающих остеоинтеграцию металлических имплантатов. Calcium phosphate coatings on titanium plates were obtained by electrochemical deposition at room temperature in a two-electrode cell at a constant current density of 30 mA/sm and a deposition time of 10 min, and brushite coatings from Ca (NO )/NHHPO system at pH = 4, and composite (brushite/calcite/apatite) coatings from the CaCO/ Ca(HPO) system at pH = 5. The apatite-forming ability (bioactivity) was determined by soaking both types of calcium phosphate coatings in a model SBF solution during month. The newly formed amorphized apatite layer after heat treatment at 800 °С crystallized into p -tricalcium phosphate/hydroxyapatite on brushite coatings and hydroxyapatite on composite coatings due to the presence of calcite, whose carbonate ions initiate formation of hydroxyapatite, as well as apatite nanoparticles in the initial coating. The obtained calcium phosphate coatings are promising as biocoatings capable to increase osseointegration of metal implants.

Татьяна Ивановна Правильникова ◽  
Ольга Александровна Голованова

В работе представлено исследование процессов осаждения минеральноорганических образований в модельном растворе плазмы крови в присутствии добавок альбумина, глицина, глюкозы, глутаминовой и молочной кислот. Методом рентгенофлуоресцентного анализа изучен фазовый состав образцов. Для измерения площади покрытия образца модифицированным фосфатом кальция были сделаны фотографии. На фотографиях были выделены области покрытия твердой фазой и с помощью программы ToupView произведен расчет степени покрытия образцов стали. Осаждение кристаллической фазы происходит на всех исследуемых образцах. Отличия заключаются в распределении кристаллов по поверхности пластины. Добавка альбумин ингибирует процесс осаждения гидроксилапатита на исследуемых образцах. Показано, что добавки глюкозы, глутаминовой и молочной кислот катализируют процесс осаждения гидроксилапатита на поверхности стального образца. В процентном соотношении, от общей площади фотографии, наибольшее количество осажденного порошка гидроксилапатита наблюдается у образцов с добавлением глюкозы. The paper presents a study of the processes of precipitation of mineral-organic formations in a model solution of blood plasma in the presence of additives of albumin, glycine, glucose, glutamic and lactic acids. The phase composition of the samples was studied by the X-ray diffraction analysis. Photos were taken to measure the surface area of the sample with modified calcium phosphate. The solid phase coating areas were highlighted in the photos and the degree of coating of steel samples was calculated using the ToupView software. The deposition of the crystal phase occurs on all the studied samples. The differences are in the distribution of crystals on the surface of the plate. The additive albumin inhibits the deposition of hydroxyapatite on the studied samples. It is shown, that additions of glucose, glutamic and lactic acids catalyze the process of hydroxylapatite deposition on the surface of a steel sample. As a percentage of the total area of the image, the largest amount of precipitated hydroxylapatite powder is observed in samples with the addition of glucose.

I. E. Glazov ◽  
V. K. Krut’ko ◽  
R. A. Vlasov ◽  
O. N. Musskaya ◽  
A. I. Kulak

Nanocomposites based on apatitic tricalcium phosphate in an autofibrin matrix were obtained by precipitation at a Ca/P ratio of 1.50, pH 9 and a maturation time from 30 min to 7–14 days. The resorbability of nanocomposites was determined by the composition of calcium phosphates, which, during long-term maturation, formed as the calcium-deficient hydroxyapatite with a Ca/P ratio of 1.66, whereas biopolymer matrix favored the formation of more soluble calcium phosphates with a Ca/P ratio of 1.53–1.59. It was found that the fibrin clot stabilized, along with apatitic tricalcium phosphate, the phase of amorphous calcium phosphate, which after 800 °C was transformed into resorbable α-tricalcium phosphate. Citrated plasma inhibited the conversion of apatitic tricalcium phosphate into stoichiometric hydroxyapatite, which also facilitated the formation of resorbable β-tricalcium phosphate after 800 °C. The combined effect of the maturation time and the biopolymer matrix determined the composition, physicochemical and morphological properties of nanocomposites and the possibililty to control its extent of resorption

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (23) ◽  
pp. 12747
Anastasia Yu. Teterina ◽  
Igor V. Smirnov ◽  
Irina S. Fadeeva ◽  
Roman S. Fadeev ◽  
Polina V. Smirnova ◽  

Octacalcium phosphate (OCP, Ca8H2(PO4)6·5H2O) is known to be a possible precursor of biological hydroxyapatite formation of organic bone tissue. OCP has higher biocompatibility and osseointegration rate compared to other calcium phosphates. In this work, the synthesis of low-temperature calcium phosphate compounds and substituted forms of those at physiological temperatures is shown. Strontium is used to improve bioactive properties of the material. Strontium was inserted into the OCP structure by ionic substitution in solutions. The processes of phase formation of low-temperature OCP with theoretical substitution of strontium for calcium up to 50 at.% in conditions close to physiological, i.e., temperature 35–37 °C and normal pressure, were described. The effect of strontium substitution range on changes in the crystal lattice of materials, the microstructural features, surface morphology and biological properties in vitro has been established. The results of the study indicate the effectiveness of using strontium in OCP for improving biocompatibility of OCP based composite materials intended for bone repair.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (22) ◽  
pp. 12567
Ole Jung ◽  
Bernhard Hesse ◽  
Sanja Stojanovic ◽  
Christian Seim ◽  
Timm Weitkamp ◽  

Background: Magnesium (Mg) is one of the most promising materials for human use in surgery due to material characteristics such as its elastic modulus as well as its resorbable and regenerative properties. In this study, HF-coated and uncoated novel bioresorbable magnesium fixation screws for maxillofacial and dental surgical applications were investigated in vitro and in vivo to evaluate the biocompatibility of the HF coating. Methods: Mg alloy screws that had either undergone a surface treatment with hydrofluoric-acid (HF) or left untreated were investigated. In vitro investigation included XTT, BrdU and LDH in accordance with the DIN ISO 10993-5/-12. In vivo, the screws were implanted into the tibia of rabbits. After 3 and 6 weeks, degradation, local tissue reactions and bony integration were analyzed histopathologically and histomorphometrically. Additionally, SEM/EDX analysis and synchrotron phase-contrast microtomography (µCT) measurements were conducted. The in vitro analyses revealed that the Mg screws are cytocompatible, with improved results when the surface had been passivated with HF. In vivo, the HF-treated Mg screws implanted showed a reduction in gas formation, slower biodegradation and a better bony integration in comparison to the untreated Mg screws. Histopathologically, the HF-passivated screws induced a layer of macrophages as part of its biodegradation process, whereas the untreated screws caused a slight fibrous tissue reaction. SEM/EDX analysis showed that both screws formed a similar layer of calcium phosphates on their surfaces and were surrounded by bone. Furthermore, the µCT revealed the presence of a metallic core of the screws, a faster absorbing corrosion front and a slow absorbing region of corroded magnesium. Conclusions: Overall, the HF-passivated Mg fixation screws showed significantly better biocompatibility in vitro and in vivo compared to the untreated screws.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Rupak Dua ◽  
Hugh Jones ◽  
Philip C. Noble

AbstractRecent advances in materials and manufacturing processes have allowed the fabrication of intricate implant surfaces to facilitate bony attachment. However, refinement and evaluation of these new design strategies are hindered by the cost and complications of animal studies, particularly during early iterations in the development process. To address this problem, we have previously constructed and validated an ex-vivo bone bioreactor culture system that can maintain the viability of bone samples for an extended period ex-vivo. In this study, we investigated the mineralization of a titanium wire mesh scaffold under both static and dynamic culturing using our ex vivo bioreactor system. Thirty-six cancellous bone cores were harvested from bovine metatarsals at the time of slaughter and divided into five groups under the following conditions: Group 1) Isolated bone cores placed in static culture, Group 2) Unloaded bone cores placed in static culture in contact with a fiber-mesh metallic scaffold, Group 3) Bone cores placed in contact with a fiber-mesh metallic scaffold under the constant pressure of 150 kPa, Group 4) Bone core placed in contact with a fiber-mesh metallic scaffold and exposed to cyclic loading with continuous perfusion flow of media within the ex-vivo culture system and Group 5) Bone core evaluated on Day 0 to serve as a positive control for comparison with all other groups at weeks 4 and 7. Bone samples within Groups 1–4 were incubated for 4 and 7 weeks and then evaluated using histological examination (H&E) and the Live-Dead assay (Life Technologies). Matrix deposits on the metallic scaffolds were examined with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), while the chemical composition of the matrix was measured using energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX). We found that the viability of bone cores was maintained after seven weeks of loading in our ex vivo system. In addition, SEM images revealed crystallite-like structures on the dynamically loaded metal coupons (Group 4), corresponding to the initial stages of mineralization. EDX results further confirmed the presence of carbon at the interface and calcium phosphates in the matrix. We conclude that a bone bioreactor can be used as an alternate tool for in-vivo bone ingrowth studies of new implant surfaces or coatings.

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