fabric structures
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Yu. Tsapko ◽  
O. Bondarenko ◽  
А. Tsapko ◽  

Abstract. The analysis of fire-retardant materials for fabrics is carried out and it is established that the paucity of data for explanation and description of the process of fire protection, neglect of elastic coatings, leads to ignition of fabric structures under the action of flame. The development of reliable methods for studying the conditions of fire protection of fabrics leads to the creation of new types of fire protective materials. Therefore, it becomes necessary to determine the conditions for the formation of a barrier both for high temperatures and for leaching in the presence of precipitation and to establish a mechanism for inhibition of these processes. In this regard, full-scale tests were carried out and it was found out that when the flame is applied to untreated model samples of tent elements made of canvas fabric, the surface ignites and spreads the flame, which leads to their complete combustion within 105...120 s, instead, the model The fire-resistant sample of tent elements did not catch fire when ignited with a gasoline-based substance, and the flame did not spread. In this case, the final combustion was recorded for 3 c and the swelling of the protective coating reached 3...5 mm, and the surface was charred on an area of about 80% from the inside. When tested for fire retardant efficiency for a fire-resistant sample treated with a water repellent (5 % solution of GDJ-94), a decrease in efficiency and carbonization of the material was recorded, which amounted to 100%, and for a fire-resistant sample treated with a water repellent (5 % solution), a decrease in efficiency was recorded due to the combustion of paraffin and local burnout of the material, and carbonization was 100 %. Obviously, such a mechanism of influence of the fire-retardant coating is the factor regulating the process, which preserves the integrity of the object. Thus, there is reason to argue about the possibility of targeted regulation of the processes of fire protection of the fabric by applying coatings capable of forming a protective layer on the surface of the material, which inhibits the rate of heat penetration.

2021 ◽  
pp. 152808372110519
Mengqi Yang ◽  
Xiaogang Chen

Modern ballistic helmets made from textile composites offer enhanced protection with lightweight, but the discontinuity of the reinforcing materials is a potential problem affecting the helmet performance. This work uses 3D angle-interlock fabrics to provide reinforcement continuity, and evaluates 3D through-the-thickness angle-interlock (TTAI) fabrics to study the influence of fabric structural parameters on fabric mouldabilty and ballistic performance for ballistic helmet application. The mouldability was measured through experiments and modelled numerically, and the ballistic impact test was carried out to identify the optimal fabric structures for constructing ballistic helmet shells. The results show that increase in weft density of the TTAI fabrics causes decrease in the mouldability of the TTAI fabrics, and that the addition of wadding yarns into the TTAI fabrics has little influence on fabric mouldability compared to the conventional TTAI fabrics with the same weft density. However, the involvement of wadded TTAI fabrics demonstrates a 34% increase in ballistic energy absorption and 3% higher estimated ballistic limit over the conventional counterpart. Taking both mouldability and ballistic protection into account, the wadded TTAI fabric structure is an effective continuous reinforcement for ballistic helmet shells, offering required mouldability and improved ballistic performance.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (18) ◽  
pp. 5157
Eglė Kumpikaitė ◽  
Eglė Lapelytė ◽  
Stasė Petraitienė

The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution of crimp in new jacquard fabric structures (in which one-layer and two-layer weaves are combined) in the fabric width and to create a method of crimp prediction. It was established that crimp was around 18.80% and changed within the limits of errors, i.e., a range of only ~4%, in the fabric width. It can therefore be said that the warp crimp was constant in the fabric width. Because the warp crimp of jacquard fabric changed insignificantly (within the limits of errors), it can be stated that the fabric-setting parameters and structural solutions were chosen and matched correctly, and such fabric can be woven on any jacquard weaving loom.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Ferran Parés ◽  
Heura Ventura ◽  
F. Xavier Capdevila ◽  
Mònica Ardanuy

Abstract This paper examines the influence of weaving variables such as yarn count, number of layers, warp and weft ratio, materials of the top layer, weft density and interlocking cell shape, and size on the thermal performance of multilayer interlocked woven fabrics. A split-plot design was used to construct a total of 64 fabric structures, which were assessed for thermal performance in terms of resistance to convective, conductive, and radiative heat. It was found that, for equal weft density and yarn number, protective performance improved with the number of fabric layers and with the presence of air cells between these layers, especially if air was not trapped within and could rather pass freely between the cells. An optimal combination of factors for the thermal response to the three types of heat was established via a Derringer–a much needed desirability function. The results of this paper are useful for identifying the interaction between configuration parameters and thermal performance, and hence for the design of improved heat protective clothing.

2021 ◽  
pp. 004051752110372
Chang Yuping ◽  
Yanping Liu ◽  
Zhao Shuaiquan ◽  
Hu Hong

Warp knitting technology is a fabric-forming technologies that is very suitable to fabricate three-dimensional (3D) auxetic fabrics due to its high efficiency and powerful pattern designing possibilities. In this study, two typical auxetic geometries, namely the re-entrant hexagonal network and rotating square solids, were selected as the design prototypes for the design and manufacture of 3D warp-knitted spacer fabrics. While two 3D warp-knitted spacer fabric structures with representative units of different sizes designed based on the re-entrant hexagonal geometry were manufactured by using a RD7 double needle bar Raschel machine with seven yarn guide bars, two 3D jacquard warp-knitted spacer fabrics with different base fabric structures designed based on the rotating squares geometry were fabricated by using a RDPJ4/2 double needle bar jacquard machine with two ground yarn guide bars and four jacquard guide bars. The Poisson’s ratios of these 3D warp-knitted fabrics in the course direction and wale direction were evaluated respectively through constant-rate tensile tests. The results revealed that the re-entrant hexagonal fabric structure with double chain stitches has auxetic behavior across a wide range of tensile strains along the course direction, while the rotating square fabric structure with elastic chain stitches as the base is auxetic within a narrow range of tensile strains along the wale direction. The study provides an alternative method to directly produce auxetic warp-knitted spacer fabrics through a single knitting process instead of using an additional post-compression and heat-setting process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1037 ◽  
pp. 161-166
Phone Thant Kyaw ◽  
Pyae Phyo Maung ◽  
Galina V. Malysheva

This paper presents the development of methods for improving the thermal conductivity of fiber reinforcing materials based on the fabric structures. The thermal analysis of fabric structure in thermal load calculation is performed by Fourier’s Law of Thermal Conduction and Steady-State Thermal calculation in Siemens NX. This study leads to the development of thermal conductivity in manufacturing technology of fiber reinforcing materials. Keywords: Thermal conductivity, fabric structure, polymer composite materials

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (6) ◽  
pp. 525-528
V. E. Rogov ◽  
L. A. Bokhoeva ◽  
A. S. Chermoshentseva

2021 ◽  
Shubham Joshi ◽  
Vinay Midha ◽  
Subbiyan Rajendran

Abstract Healthcare and hygiene products in the medical sector uphold a prime responsibility to prevent the passage of bacteria or other harmful organisms from non-sterile to sterile areas. This has been currently possible with increased awareness and concern about the healthcare/ hospital textiles. Along with protection, various products are accommodated with several functional properties such as comfort, odor-free, and hygiene aspects. This manuscript presents an insight into the development of such textiles by application of the grapeseed oil (Vitis vinifera L.), a by-product of the winemaking industry. The fabric structures chosen for the study are relevant to the end uses of textile products in the medical applications such as 100% texturized polyester, 100% micro-polyester, polyester/viscose and polyester/cotton woven fabrics. All polyester fabric samples have been pre-treated with an optimized concentration of trichloroacetic acid-methylene chloride (TCA-MC) solvent and further treated with four different grapeseed oil concentrations (5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%). The antibacterial and comfort properties of the treated fabric samples have been evaluated and analysed. The treated fabric samples show the substantial antibacterial activity of 48% and 39% respectively against S. aureus and E. coli bacteria after 50 home laundry washing cycles.

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