twin sister
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Ana Virginia López Fuentes

This article explores the representation of borders and cosmopolitanism in the film Tinker Bell and the Secret of the Wings (2012), the fourth title in the Disney fairies franchise. The film tells the story of a world divided into two territories, the Winter Woods and Pixie Hollow. A ban on cross-border mobility prohibits any kind of interaction between the inhabitants of the two worlds. Tinker Bell, the main character in the film, feels the urge to break the law and cross to the other side, where she meets her twin sister and finds out the reason for the ban. Tinker Bell and the Secret of the Wings is a border film that deals with the processes of border construction and dissolution while also highlighting the potential, and some of the risks, of the dismantling of borders. This article analyses the film’s use of different spaces that, in line with the dual nature of borders theorised by, among others, Gloria Anzaldúa, work simultaneously as dividing lines and borderlands. Gerard Delanty’s concept of cosmopolitan moments is used to analyse the articulation of cross-border relationships in the film.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 18
Evelina Boreikaitė ◽  
Vytautas Bilius ◽  
Elžbieta Bumbul-Mazurek ◽  
Žana Bumbulienė

This is the first case describing vaginal papillomatosis with a fibroepithelial polyp of the vulva in a prepubertal girl and vaginal papillomatosis in her twin sister. Parents contacted pediatric urologist regarding their eight-year-old daughter (twin A), who had a growth next to the external urethral meatus. The girl was referred to a pediatric surgeon. The exophytic 3 cm long structure with necrosis on top was found. After obtaining informed consent from girl parents, pediatric surgeon removed the exophytic structure and perform cystoscopy and vaginoscopy for possible changes in the bladder and vagina. Cystoscopy findings were normal. On vaginoscopy, numerous macroscopic papillomatous structures were identified on the cervix and vaginal walls. Vaginal biopsies were performed on the areas affected by papillomatosis. Histopathologic examination showed a fibroepithelial polyp with a central fibrovascular core covered by squamous epithelium and vaginal squamous papillomatosis. The decision was made to perform vaginoscopy on her twin sister (twin B), too. On vaginoscopy, solitary small vaginal papillomas were also found. In this case manifestation of vaginal papillomatosis in twins might have been influenced by inheritance and the same bacterial and viral environment.

2021 ◽  
Melanie Monica de Wit ◽  
Sander Begeer ◽  
Michel Guillaume Nivard ◽  
Elsje van Bergen

Background: Having twin and non-twin siblings might influence autistic traits both prenatally and postnatally. The twin testosterone transfer hypothesis suggests that girls with a twin brother are exposed to higher levels of prenatal testosterone than girls with a twin sister. Prenatally, increased testosterone exposure could masculinize neural development and increase autistic traits. Postnatally, siblings may provide example behaviour, which could reduce autistic traits. Methods: We studied pre- and postnatal influences of twin and non-twin siblings on (mother and teacher-reported) autistic traits in 7,714 dizygotic twins. We examined the effect of gender of the proband child and of the siblings. We fitted regression models (for boys and girls separately) with as predictors sex of co-twin and having older and/or younger siblings. Results: Prenatally, girls’ (mother-reported) autistic traits were slightly lower for those with a twin brother than those with a twin sister, β = -.08, p = .001. This difference was not replicated in teacher-reported autistic traits, β = .01, p = .734. Boys’ (mother and teacher-reported) autistic traits were not related to the sex of their cotwin, p’s > .05. Postnatally, girls’ teacher-reported autistic traits were slightly higher if they had an older brother, β = .07, p = .013. Other than this small effect, girls’ autistic traits were not related to having siblings. Likewise, boys’ autistic traits were not related to having siblings. Conclusions: We do not find increased autistic traits in girls with a twin brother compared to a twin sister. This finding contributes to the body of literature that rejects the twin testosterone transfer hypothesis. In all, we find little evidence for pre- and postnatal sibling influences. Besides, our findings suggest that parent reports on autistic traits in twins might be slightly biased. Our findings align with ASD’s high heritability and absence of shared-environmental influences.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Weifeng Zhang ◽  
Zhiyong Liu ◽  
Yiming Lin ◽  
Ruiquan Wang ◽  
Jinglin Xu ◽  

Abstract Background Lethal respiratory failure is primarily caused by a deficiency of pulmonary surfactant, and is the main cause of neonatal death among preterm infants. Pulmonary surfactant metabolism dysfunction caused by variants in the ABCA3 gene is a rare disease with very poor prognosis. Currently, the mechanisms associated with some ABCA3 variants have been determined, including protein mistrafficking and impaired phospholipid transport. However, some novel variants and their underlying pathogenesis has not been fully elucidated yet. In this study we aimed to identify the genetic features in a family with lethal respiratory failure. Methods We studied members of two generations of a Chinese family, including a female proband, her parents, her monozygotic twin sister, and her older sister. Trio whole exome sequencing (WES) were used on the proband and her parents to identify the ABCA3 variants. Sanger sequencing and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were used on the monozygotic twin sister of proband to validate the ABCA3 synonymous variant and exon deletion, respectively. The potential pathogenicity of the identified synonymous variant was predicted using the splice site algorithms dbscSNV11_AdaBoost, dbscSNV11_RandomForest, and Human Splicing Finder (HSF). Results All patients showed severe respiratory distress, which could not be relieved by mechanical ventilation, supplementation of surfactant, or steroid therapy, and died at an early age. WES analysis revealed that the proband had compound heterozygous ABCA3 variants, including a novel synonymous variant c.G873A (p.Lys291Lys) in exon 8 inherited from the mother, and a heterozygous deletion of exons 4–7 inherited from the father. The synonymous variant was consistently predicted to be a cryptic splice donor site that may lead to aberrant splicing of the pre-mRNA by three different splice site algorithms. The deletion of exons 4–7 of the ABCA3 gene was determined to be a likely pathogenic variant. The variants were confirmed in the monozygotic twin sister of proband by Sanger sequencing and qPCR respectively. The older sister of proband was not available to determine if she also carried both ABCA3 variants, but it is highly likely based on her clinical course. Conclusions We identified a novel synonymous variant and a deletion in the ABCA3 gene that may be responsible for the pathogenesis in patients in this family. These results add to the known mutational spectrum of the ABCA3 gene. The study of ABCA3 variants may be helpful for the implementation of patient-specific therapies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-117
Andreea Florentina Stoenescu ◽  
Geta Vancea ◽  
Dana Ispas ◽  
Nicoleta Voicu-Parvu ◽  

Introduction. Although SARS-CoV-2 infection is more common in adults, many cases have been reported in the pediatric population. Case presentation. An 8-month-old infant from twin pregnancy, confirmed with COVID-19, is hospitalized with nasal obstruction, serous rhinorrhea, rare cough and watery stools. The epidemiological link is known, both the parents and the maternal grandparents of the infant being confirmed with COVID-19. Biologically, he presented with thrombocytosis and discrete inflammatory syndrome, and the lung radiograph did not show any lesions. At the same time, the twin sister was hospitalized, who presented a similar symptomatology, with a negative SARS-CoV-2 PCR test, but the lung radiograph showed specific lesions of COVID-19. During hospitalization, 2 more SARS-CoV-2 PCR tests were performed, but with negative results. The evolution of the twins was favorable under symptomatic treatment, respectively antibiotic and symptomatic treatment. Conclusion. SARS-CoV-2 infection may be asymptomatic, especially in infants and newborns, and has a lower prevalence.

Anastasija Ropa ◽  

The present article analyses intertextual references in David Lodge’s Small World. An Academic Romance (1984), focusing on allusions to the corpus of medieval and twentieth-century Arthuriana in the representation of women characters. An analysis of Arthurian allusions in the portrayal of women characters shows that Lodge introduces Arthurian women to his academic ‘Camelot’ in response to medieval and post-medieval literature about King Arthur and the Grail quest. In this respect, his representation of academic women in Small World is different from the way they are described in Lodge’s other academic novels, Changing Places and Nice Work. Lodge rarely recasts Arthurian women characters as his heroines with the exception of Prof Fulvia Morgana, who is modelled on the Arthurian sorceress Morgane/Morgause. Nevertheless, in Small World, women appear in the traditional roles of being the object of a ‘knight’s’ quest, such as Persse’s beloved Angelica and Swallow’s lover Joy, and wise advisors (Miss Maiden). Alternatively, women are portrayed as antagonistic or negative characters, the so-called ‘whores’ or ‘demonic temptresses’: such are Angelica’s twin sister Lily and the lusty Fulvia Morgana.

Minerals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 1091
Muhammad Imran Rashid ◽  
Emad Benhelal ◽  
Faezeh Farhang ◽  
Michael Stockenhuber ◽  
Eric M. Kennedy

The aim of this study was to increase feedstock availability for mineral carbonation. Acid dissolution and carbonic acid dissolution approaches were used to achieve higher Mg extractions from peridotites. Acid dissolution studies of raw dunite, heat-activated dunite, heat-transformed dunite, and twin sister dunite have not been reported in the literature. Heat-activated dunite is more reactive as compared to heat-transformed dunite, raw dunite, and twin sister dunite. The fraction of magnesium extracted from heat-activated dunite was 57% as compared to 18% from heat-transformed dunite, 14% from raw dunite, and 11% from twin sister dunite. Similarly, silicon and iron extractions were higher for heat-activated dunite compared to that of heat-transformed dunite, raw dunite, and twin sister dunite. Materials rich in forsterite (twin sister dunite and heat-transformed dunite) showed preferential Mg release and exhibited incongruent dissolution similar to that of forsterite. Heat-activated dunite (amorphous magnesium silicate rich) on the other hand behaved differently and showed congruent dissolution. Olivine did not dissolve under carbonic acid dissolution (with concurrent grinding) and acidic conditions. Under carbonic acid dissolution with concurrent grinding conditions, olivine was partially converted into nanometer sized particles (d10 = 0.08 µm) but still provided 16% Mg extraction during 4 h of dissolution.

Development ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 148 (1) ◽  
pp. dev193870
Hendry Susila ◽  
Zeeshan Nasim ◽  
Katarzyna Gawarecka ◽  
Ji-Yul Jung ◽  
Suhyun Jin ◽  

ABSTRACTPHOSPHORYLETHANOLAMINE CYTIDYLYLTRANSFERASE 1 (PECT1) regulates phosphatidylethanolamine biosynthesis and controls the phosphatidylethanolamine:phosphatidylcholine ratio in Arabidopsis thaliana. Previous studies have suggested that PECT1 regulates flowering time by modulating the interaction between phosphatidylcholine and FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT), a florigen, in the shoot apical meristem (SAM). Here, we show that knockdown of PECT1 by artificial microRNA in the SAM (pFD::amiR-PECT1) accelerated flowering under inductive and even non-inductive conditions, in which FT transcription is almost absent, and in ft-10 twin sister of ft-1 double mutants under both conditions. Transcriptome analyses suggested that PECT1 affects flowering by regulating SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE (SVP) and GIBBERELLIN 20 OXIDASE 2 (GA20ox2). SVP misexpression in the SAM suppressed the early flowering of pFD::amiR-PECT1 plants. pFD::amiR-PECT1 plants showed increased gibberellin (GA) levels in the SAM, concomitant with the reduction of REPRESSOR OF GA1-3 levels. Consistent with this, GA treatment had little effect on flowering time of pFD::amiR-PECT1 plants and the GA antagonist paclobutrazol strongly affected flowering in these plants. Together, these results suggest that PECT1 also regulates flowering time through a florigen-independent pathway, modulating SVP expression and thus regulating GA production.

2020 ◽  
Maia Stanisławska-Kubiak ◽  
Katarzyna Anna Majewska ◽  
Andrzej Kędzia ◽  
Wlodzimierz Samborski ◽  
Marek Ruchala ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 27
Rongfei Wang

Roderick Usher is the protagonist of Edgar Allan Poe’s masterpiece The Fall of The House of Usher. Concerning his death, the scholars and critics at home and abroad have discussed a lot but there is no fixed conclusion. Based on the ecological niche theory, this thesis explored Roderick Usher’s death and concluded that his death was a natural outcome as his natural as well as his social niche positions were on the decline because of his failure to have effective communication with the environment he was living in and with the people around him. Furthermore, his niche trend to do nothing to the ever-decaying living environment but to do harm to his twin sister further accelerated the demise of his niche position. It is hoped that this thesis can shed some new light on the exploration of Roderick Usher’s death and work as a kind of tentatively interdisciplinary research between ecology and literature.

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