quality type
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2022 ◽  
pp. 580-606
Tianxing Wu ◽  
Guilin Qi ◽  
Bin Luo ◽  
Lei Zhang ◽  
Haofen Wang

Extracting knowledge from Wikipedia has attracted much attention in recent ten years. One of the most valuable kinds of knowledge is type information, which refers to the axioms stating that an instance is of a certain type. Current approaches for inferring the types of instances from Wikipedia mainly rely on some language-specific rules. Since these rules cannot catch the semantic associations between instances and classes (i.e. candidate types), it may lead to mistakes and omissions in the process of type inference. The authors propose a new approach leveraging attributes to perform language-independent type inference of the instances from Wikipedia. The proposed approach is applied to the whole English and Chinese Wikipedia, which results in the first version of MulType (Multilingual Type Information), a knowledge base describing the types of instances from multilingual Wikipedia. Experimental results show that not only the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art comparison methods, but also MulType contains lots of new and high-quality type information.

2021 ◽  
Honorio Cruz-López ◽  
Sergio Rodríguez-Morales ◽  
Luis M Enríquez ◽  
Luis Jesús Villarreal-Gómez ◽  
Conal True ◽  

Abstract PurposeFinding strategies to use swim bladder of farmed totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi) is of utmost need to reduce waste. Fish swim bladders are rich in collagen; hence, extracting collagen is a promising alternative with benefits for aquaculture of totoaba and the environment.MethodsThe elemental biochemical composition of totoaba swim bladders, including proximate composition and amino acid composition were determined. Acid-enzyme solubilisation (PSC) was used to extract collagen from swim bladders and its characteristics were analyzed. The alcalase and papain were used for the preparation of collagen hydrolysates.ResultsSwim bladders contained 95% protein, 2.4% fat, and 0.8% ash (dry basis). The essential amino acids content was low, but the functional amino acids content was high. The PSC yield was high, 68% (dry weight). The amino acid composition profile, electrophoretic pattern, and structural integrity analyses of the isolated collagen suggested it is typical type-I collagen with high purity. The denaturalization temperature was 34.5 °C, probably attributable to the imino acid content (205 residues/1000 residues). Papain-hydrolysates (<3 kDa) of this collagen exhibited higher radical scavenging activity than Alcalase-hydrolysates.ConclusionsSwim bladder from farmed totoaba is an ideal raw material for producing high-quality type-I collagen and a viable alternative to conventional collagen sources.Statement of NoveltyTo our knowledge, this paper is the first to examine the composition and characteristics of collagen of swim bladder from Totoaba macdonaldi. Although the processing currently wastes bladders, this study showed that they could be a potential source for producing high-quality type-I collagen.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (13) ◽  
pp. e203101320978
Gustavo Augusto Grossi-Oliveira ◽  
Stéfany Barbosa ◽  
Eduardo Dallazen ◽  
Ana Maira Pereira Baggio ◽  
Stefani Caroline Ferrioli ◽  

              Posterior mandible region is considered a highly predicable place for primary stability during dental implant placement. Although, this region can present a significant decrease in bone density, which can lead to implant dislocation during insertion. The present case reports an unusual dislocation of dental implant in a 59 old healthy patient's mandible and a secure solution for this kind of complication. During the drilling, bone quality type IV was observed. In sequence, implant was abruptly inserted in the perforation site and dropped into the bone marrow. Panoramic radiograph showed the implant inside bone marrow, close to mandibular base. The implant was removed through the surgical site. The screw of the implant prosthesis transfer was used to reach the displaced implant. A second implant with the same dimensions as the first one, differing by the external hexagon, was inserted into the same implant site. Therefore, the authors strongly recommend the use of the presented technique prior to osteotomy on mandibular body, reserving the second in the impossibility of reaching the internal connection of the displaced implant.


ABSTRAKKarakterisasi untuk memisahkan mutu-mutu yang berbeda dalam aplikasi industri dapat dipenuhi dengan menggunakan alat dengan kemampuan yang terbatas. Teknik sortir memanfaatkan sistem papan evaluasi Eval AD5933 EBZ berakurasi 0,5% dilakukan terhadap pisang kepok (musa spp) hasil perkebunan di Pulau Enggano, Provinsi Bengkulu. Sistem dinyalakan dengan sambungan listrik bertegangan 2,7 V – 5,5 V mengeksitasi gelombang dari frekuensi 4000 Hz sampai 100.000 Hz kepada tiga sampel, masing-masing tiga kali sapuan. Tanpa ada modifikasi yang diberikan, sistem mampu membedakan impedansi musa spp antara jenis-jenis mutu mentah, mengkal dan masak melalui diagram Argand yang digambar dari data impedansi masing-masing. Diagram Argand yang dihasilkan menunjukkan jenis mutu masak dari musa spp lebih besar (dalam Ohm) dari jenisj-jenis mutu di bawahnya. Sistem ini dapat membantu industri pembuatan tepung pisang yang memerlukan pemilahan jenis bahan baku bermutu tertentu. Kata kunci: sortir, mutu, buah pisang kepok, impedansi ABSTRACTCharacterization to sortir different qualities in industrial applications can be fulfilled by using a tool with limited capability. Sorting technique using a 0.5% accuracy Eval AD5933 EBZ evaluation board system has been carried out on kepok banana (musa spp) from the plantation of Enggano Island, Bengkulu province. The system powered by a 2.7 V – 5.5 V DC low-voltage excited waves from 4000 Hz to 100,000 Hz frequencies to three samples, three sweeps of each. Without any modification, the system has been able to segregate different quality types of unripe, almost ripe and ripe from their Argand diagram drawn from their impedance data. The Argand diagram characterizes that the quality type of banana ripe is more expanded (in Ohm) than the other quality types of below. The system is applicable for a banana flour manufacturing industry that requires the sorting of certain types of quality raw materials.Keywords: sorting, quality, musa banana, impedance

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-100
Siti Rohmah Nurhayati

This study aims to explore the types of marital quality. A survey was distributed to 316 participants with the characteristics of having been married for at least five years and identified themselves as people of Yogyakarta, which were obtained purposively. The instrument used marital quality scale which was analyzed quantitatively using cluster analysis. Grouping using cluster analysis was based on indicators of marital quality, namely connectivity, passion, complementarity, mutual respect, mutual acceptance, sharing roles, carrying out the roles with responsibility, harmony, and happiness. The results of the analysis showed that there were three types of marital quality that is happy, functional, and survival type. The happy type is the best quality type that scores above the average population score for all indicators. The second, functional type, has a score below the first type, with variations for each indicator. The third type is the type with the lowest score compared to the other two types.

Y. V. Plugatar' ◽  
N. M. Makrushin ◽  
E. M. Makrushina ◽  
T. S. Naumenko

The method of allocation of zones of seed production of agricultural plants depending on soil and climatic factors is developed on the basis of the established four types of seed yield: type I - high yield, high seed quality; type II - high yield, low seed quality; type III - low yield, high seed quality; IV - low yield, low seed quality. Data on crop types were plotted on a contour map of the studied administrative subject (region, territory, republic) with the designated boundaries of districts and soil-climatic zones, as a result, 4 possible zones of seed production were identified: 1- the zone of optimal seed production, in which the seed farms form the I type of crop; 2 - the zone of risky seed production (II type of crop); 3 - the zone of permissible seed production (III type of crop); 4 - the zone of unacceptable seed production (IV type of crop). The network of seed farms should be organized primarily in the areas of optimal seed production. When organizing the production of seed material in the zones of permissible seed production, it is necessary to increase the yield by improving agricultural technologies. In the zones of risky (II type of crop) and unacceptable (IV type of crop) seed production, it is not advisable to produce seed material.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Giacomo Valle ◽  
Francesco Iberite ◽  
Ivo Strauss ◽  
Edoardo D'Anna ◽  
Giuseppe Granata ◽  

Somatosensory neuroprostheses exploit invasive and non-invasive feedback technologies to restore sensorimotor functions lost to disease or trauma. These devices use electrical stimulation to communicate sensory information to the brain. A sensation characterization procedure is thus necessary to determine the appropriate stimulation parameters and to establish a clear personalized map of the sensations that can be restored. Several questionnaires have been described in the literature to collect the quality, type, location, and intensity of the evoked sensations, but there is still no standard psychometric platform. Here, we propose a new psychometric system containing previously validated questionnaires on evoked sensations, which can be applied to any kind of somatosensory neuroprosthesis. The platform collects stimulation parameters used to elicit sensations and records subjects' percepts in terms of sensation location, type, quality, perceptual threshold, and intensity. It further collects data using standardized assessment questionnaires and scales, performs measurements over time, and collects phantom limb pain syndrome data. The psychometric platform is user-friendly and provides clinicians with all the information needed to assess the sensory feedback. The psychometric platform was validated with three trans-radial amputees. The platform was used to assess intraneural sensory feedback provided through implanted peripheral nerve interfaces. The proposed platform could act as a new standardized assessment toolbox to homogenize the reporting of results obtained with different technologies in the field of somatosensory neuroprosthetics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 176
S. M. Sithole ◽  
M. L. Mphaphathi ◽  
M. D. Sebopela ◽  
T. L. Nedambale

The invitro embryo production technique is one of the assisted reproduction technologies that has the potential in speeding up genetic improvement in cattle. The developmental competence of invitro-matured oocytes is influenced by several factors during invitro maturation (IVM), such as maturation environment, oocyte quality, type of media, and additives. The objective of the present study was to compare two IVM media (TCM-199 and BO-IVM) on cattle oocyte maturation rate invitro. Cattle ovaries were collected from local slaughterhouse and transported to the laboratory in a thermos flask containing 0.9% saline (Adcock Ingram Critical care) at 37°C. Oocytes were retrieved from the ovaries by the aspiration technique, and then matured invitro in 500µL of TCM-199 (supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, FSH, LH, and E2) or in 500µL of commercially available BO- IVM (Bioscience) medium, both covered with mineral oil for 22h at 38.5°C with 5% CO2 and 5% O2. After 22h of IVM, oocyte polar body extrusion was evaluated with the aid of Oosight Imaging System (Hamilton Thorne) connected to an inverted microscope. The total number of oocytes matured in TCM-199 and BO-IVM media were 401 and 396, respectively. The experiment was replicated 19 times. Data were analysed using the GenStat® program (VSN International). Means of different treatments were separated using Fisher’s protected t-test least significant difference at 5% level of significance. No difference was recorded for polar body extrusion rates in TCM-199 (50.6±13.9) and BO-IVM (47.3±13.7) media. In conclusion, TCM-199 and BO-IVM media did not differ in terms of maturation rate; thus, both can be used for successful cattle oocyte IVM.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 78-83
Samirah Dunakhir ◽  
Mukhammad Idrus

Objective – This paper aims to propose a framework for cultural values and perceived audit quality Methodology/Technique – The methodology used in this study is the content analysis of the published papers in relation to cultural values and perceived audit quality Findings – There is a strong relationship between cultural values and accounting values in the judgement process of auditing and they determine the quality of audit. Novelty – There is not much information published in the area of the roles of cultural values and perceived audit quality. Therefore, this paper offers a conceptual framework on cultural values and perceived audit quality. Type of Paper: Review Keywords: Culture; Cultural Values; Perception; Audit Quality Reference to this paper should be made as follows: Dunakhir, S; Idrus, M. (2020). Cultural Values and Perceived Audit Quality: A Conceptual Framework, J. Fin. Bank. Review, 5 (3): 78 – 83. https://doi.org/10.35609/jfbr.2020.5.3(2) JEL Classification: M4, M42.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 200
Dedi Iskamto

This study aims to find a correlation between the effects of the product both in terms of Variations in size or shape of the product, product quality, type of product, product utilization and product durability to the consumer's decision to buy the product. This research is a quantitative study in which to process research data using SPSS 21. This research was conducted in Kuansing Regency, Riau Province. The number of samples in this study were 210 with simple random sampling technique. The results of data processing obtained that the hypothesis testing with the t test there is an existence of t-count of 25.904 means t-count = 25.904> t-table = 1.996 which means the product has a significant effect on consumer buying decisions. The value of the determinant coefficient (R2) is 0.910

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