unity of knowledge
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4-1) ◽  
pp. 129-138
Liubov Karelova ◽  

Ability of knowledge and thinking operations, such as abstraction, comparison syllogisms and so on, are of course common to all peoples. Nevertheless, when referring to this or that specifi c cultural material, the problem of the existence of separate epistemic cultures arises. Contemporary research on epistemological diversity relies primarily on methods of analytic epistemology and focuses on identifying examples of ‘cross-linguistic divergence’ at the semantic level. The concepts of ‘know’ and ‘knowledge’ often become the object of research. However, there are suffi cient grounds for identifying and studying epistemic cultures also in terms of other parameters. This article is focused upon highlighting these parameters by referring to examples of the history of the Japanese spiritual tradition associated with Buddhist and Confucian teachings. In particular, the author examines the Buddhist doctrines of two truths and the identity of absolute being and the phenomenal world, as well as the neo-Confucian principle of the unity of knowledge and action from the point of view of their infl uence on the epistemological attitudes of Japanese culture. The undertaken analytic excursion allows, using the example of Japan, to show that each culture has its own set of assumptions underlying the cognitive strategy, certain preferences, more or less trust in relation to one or another form of acquiring knowledge, e.g., sensoryempirical, rational, intuitive forms, as well as ideas about the goals of cognition, differently perceived in diverse cultural and historical contexts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Henrawansyah Harahap

Integration according to Sanusi is a unified whole, not divided and scattered. Integration includes the needs or completeness of the members who form a unit with a close, harmonious and intimate relationship between the members of the unit. Whereas what is meant by value education integration is the process of integrating certain values into another concept so that it becomes a coherent and inseparable whole or the process of assimilation to become a unified whole and unified. In the world of education, the term integration is usually associated with a movement for democratic education that focuses on actual issues as the core curriculum. Integration learning centers on organizing important issues in the school curriculum with the wider world. This integration will connect problems with one another, so that a unity of knowledge is built. A knowledge that represents the parts to the whole (part whole relationships)

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (S1) ◽  
pp. 8
Liangbin Yi ◽  
Wei Xu

On the basis of improving teaching quality and enriching education mind, the rural workshop of Liangbin Yi in Hangzhou returns to the essence of teaching, truly promoting students’ development. This research topic is also the core of the teaching, scientific research, and management of the workshop. With the abundant teaching resources, the workshop conducted various teaching activities and exhibition activities, such as building the learning platform, holding the report sharing, summit forum, on-the-job training, and sending teachers to the countryside, through practical action research. It can also propel the curriculum reform, deepen the classroom teaching research, strengthen the unity of knowledge and action, improve teachers’ teaching theory and practical ability at the same time, and improve the evaluation system, which provided fully play to the guidance and demonstration of famous rural teacher workshop, and positively contributed to the rural teachers’ development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 545-561
Andrey V. Skorobogatov ◽  
Alexandr V. Krasnov

The legal nature of judicial practice in the context of legal reality is investigated through prism of phenomenological and axiological analysis. The purpose of the research is to form scientifically proved knowledge of the place and judicial practice role in the legal reality. Methodology is based on complex use of postclassical methods of investigation: integrative approach allows combining within the category both activity of courts on ensuring justice and gained experience. The findings are as follows. Judicial practice is analyzed as a part of social and legal practice. It shows organic unity of knowledge, activity and result. Judicial practice promotes formation of uniform rules of interpretation, formulation of legal norms and decision making in similar situations/cases that removes ambiguity in understanding of norms and clarity of their content. Correlation of ordinary, professional and doctrinal understanding of law as well as rapprochement of social expectations and judicial consciousness, which provide legitimacy to legislation and judiciary practice, is ensured. Conclusions are as follows. Judicial practice covers activity of judicial bodies in administering justice, taking in different values - pragmatist, organizational, logic-intellectual, and formal-legal in a combination of experience generalizations. Due to this, the feedback system between legal norms and individual acts that is reflected in actual formation of models of interpretation and realization of norms, and finally leads to refining legislation is ensured. Judicial practice, thereby, harmonizes legal reality, providing rapprochement of valuable orientations of addressees and senders of law communication.

Manuela Valentini

The school is a safe zone where the curriculum is determined, in a shared manner; where the actors (pupils and teachers), each in their own roles, aim at a project of professional and human, personal and collective growth. A system involving theory, practice and technique combined with relationships and emotions: head and heart together. An encounter between verbal and non-verbal languages, between scientific and humanistic areas where thought becomes actions and actions become thinking, in a thoughtful action. The aim of this intervention is to promote the culture of interdisciplinarity, to offer a focus on the importance of the Integrated Curriculum, also in the university sphere as it is increasingly urgent to create a network of synergies to foster a unity of knowledge that offers a holistic-global vision also by proposing joint scientific work for a biodiversity of languages that means protecting a plurality of information useful for knowledge and thus for the protection of all. Education is developed on transversal competences, soft skills training, inclinations identified in each one (pupil, teacher), which impact on disciplinary knowledge; as well as defining hard skills; to reflect on a methodological framework where the body becomes the protagonist, the glue, the bridge of meanings, transforming them and transporting them into other languages.

2021 ◽  

Taking the characteristic ideological and political course of "scenic ideological and political course" as an example, this paper inspires and innovates the reform of ideological and political course in colleges and universities through the concrete application of the idea of "unity of knowing and doing" embodied in it in practical teaching. Combined with the problems existing in the implementation of the thought of unity of knowing and doing in ideological and political courses in colleges and universities in China, this paper draws lessons from the implementation of the thought of unity of knowing and doing in "scenic ideological and political courses" and gives some enlightenment to ideological and political courses in colleges and universities.

Rosnani Hashim

Malay philosophies of education refer to the educational thoughts of Malay philosophers from the period of the Islamization of the Malay world in the 13th century up to the present. Malay refers to an ethnic group with the Malay language as the major language of communication. The Malay world refers to the region in Southeast Asia comprising Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, southern Thailand, pockets of Indo-China (Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia), and the southern Philippines. Prior to the introduction of Islam to the region in the 13th century, the Malay people were influenced by Hinduism, and some remnants of Hindu practices such as the conduct of the wedding ceremony and yellow being the color of royalty are still visible today. Islamization revolutionized the Malay worldview with a new ontology, cosmology, and monotheism. Moreover, the Malay language was elevated as a scientific and literary language and became a lingua franca that was widely used for communication, while Jawi script (Arabic) was used in writing, such that the region became known as the Malay world. Malay philosophies of education are very intricately related to Islamic philosophy or the Islamic worldview. Hamka, a 20th century Indonesian scholar, states that his Malayness is totally integrated with Islamic elements. Thus, the Malays’ understanding of Islam determines the goals of education. Historically, the goals of Malay education developed from the focus on the hereafter and sufism due to the nature of Islam received by the Malays at this particular time. Al-Ghazali, al-Shafie, and al-Ash’ari were among the scholars who exerted great influence on Malay scholarship. The philosophy of Malay education changed as a result of colonization by Western powers that established schools offering a liberal, secular education. However, contact with Muslim reformers in Egypt, specifically Muhammad Abduh, led to the reform of Islamic traditional schools. Hence, there was a shift in focus to reason, philosophy, and science with a closer reading of the Qur’an and Sunnah, and the goals of education emphasized the study of the acquired sciences and the use of reason. As a consequence, there were many efforts to change the existing educational institutions in terms of their curriculum. Finally, after independence, attempts were made to integrate the dualistic educational system—liberal, secular public school and traditional, religious schools—through an educational philosophy and curriculum that is holistic, integrated, and balanced, but that is also faith-based. It is not adequate to have both the acquired and revealed sciences merely coexisting but compartmentalized in the curriculum, for their values may still be conflicting. Thus, the concept of the Islamization of contemporary knowledge was deliberated and subsequently attempted. This is the climax of the unity of knowledge that is enshrined in the Islamic worldview. The educational landscape in the Malay world has been shaped by the thought patterns of Muslim scholars and the Islamic worldview.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (34) ◽  

The competence of a professional in the construction industry should include understanding the development trends of a modern city, expressing a new type of changing sociality, which is becoming more and more relevant in the post-pandemic world. One of the most important tasks of the construction of engineering science and urban development is to create a comfortable environment for human life.The author considers the "smart city" project as an object of complex implementation by means of building technical sciences and social and humanitarian knowledge. The most relevant parameters of this project, causing the need for humanitarian reflection, are the concepts of a smart environment and a landscape of knowledge, the problem of creating new types of public spaces and the formation of socio-cultural identity in the context of standardization of the urban environment. The article explains the question of the development of monitoring mechanisms of innovative knowledge and ways of its application.The concept of a knowledge landscape is revealed as non-economic cultural contexts associated with a certain type of organization of the urban environment, and having a formative influence on the interaction between the processes of development of knowledge, space and the city. Professional competencies are transformed into personal qualities, forming a unity of knowledge and understanding. The author emphasizes that at all levels of construction education it is necessary to form the ability of critical reflection on technological solutions.

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