cognitive principles
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Feruza Fayzullaevna Tairova ◽  

This article discusses the cognitive principles of information coverage in literary texts in English and Uzbek. A literary text, resulting from a combination of such texts and artistic activities that form an artistic discourse can be fully described in the form of a certain structured space of a number of artistic images. These images are formed in the consciousness of the author and the reader, as participants in artistic communication, peculiar linguistic forms of existence of aesthetic-artistic concepts, they can be characterized as a unit used to teach linguo-cognitive analysis of the proposed artistic discourse. Within the framework of psycholinguistics, the mechanisms of perception and generation of speech were investigated, as well as the mechanisms of studying language as a system of signs that is preserved in human consciousness.

2021 ◽  
David A. Lagnado

How do we make sense of complex evidence? What are the cognitive principles that allow detectives to solve crimes, and lay people to puzzle out everyday problems? To address these questions, David Lagnado presents a novel perspective on human reasoning. At heart, we are causal thinkers driven to explain the myriad ways in which people behave and interact. We build mental models of the world, enabling us to infer patterns of cause and effect, linking words to deeds, actions to effects, and crimes to evidence. But building models is not enough; we need to evaluate these models against evidence, and we often struggle with this task. We have a knack for explaining, but less skill at evaluating. Fortunately, we can improve our reasoning by reflecting on inferential practices and using formal tools. This book presents a system of rational inference that helps us evaluate our models and make sounder judgments.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Leor Zmigrod

Abstract Ideological behavior has traditionally been viewed as a product of social forces. Nonetheless, an emerging science suggests that ideological worldviews can also be understood in terms of neural and cognitive principles. The article proposes a neurocognitive model of ideological thinking, arguing that ideological worldviews may be manifestations of individuals’ perceptual and cognitive systems. This model makes two claims. First, there are neurocognitive antecedents to ideological thinking: the brain’s low-level neurocognitive dispositions influence its receptivity to ideological doctrines. Second, there are neurocognitive consequences to ideological engagement: strong exposure and adherence to ideological doctrines can shape perceptual and cognitive systems. This article details the neurocognitive model of ideological thinking and synthesizes the empirical evidence in support of its claims. The model postulates that there are bidirectional processes between the brain and the ideological environment, and so it can address the roles of situational and motivational factors in ideologically motivated action. This endeavor highlights that an interdisciplinary neurocognitive approach to ideologies can facilitate biologically informed accounts of the ideological brain and thus reveal who is most susceptible to extreme and authoritarian ideologies. By investigating the relationships between low-level perceptual processes and high-level ideological attitudes, we can develop a better grasp of our collective history as well as the mechanisms that may structure our political futures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (31) ◽  
pp. e2014725118
Claire Pelofi ◽  
Morwaread M. Farbood

Despite the remarkable variability music displays across cultures, certain recurrent musical features motivate the hypothesis that fundamental cognitive principles constrain the way music is produced. One such feature concerns the structure of musical scales. The vast majority of musical cultures use scales that are not uniformly symmetric—that is, scales that contain notes spread unevenly across the octave. Here we present evidence that the structure of musical scales has a substantial impact on how listeners learn new musical systems. Three experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that nonuniformity facilitates the processing of melodies. Novel melodic stimuli were composed based on artificial grammars using scales with different levels of symmetry. Experiment 1 tested the acquisition of tonal hierarchies and melodic regularities on three different 12-tone equal-tempered scales using a finite-state grammar. Experiments 2 and 3 used more flexible Markov-chain grammars and were designed to generalize the effect to 14-tone and 16-tone equal-tempered scales. The results showed that performance was significantly enhanced by scale structures that specified the tonal space by providing unique intervallic relations between notes. These results suggest that the learning of novel musical systems is modulated by the symmetry of scales, which in turn may explain the prevalence of nonuniform scales across musical cultures.

2021 ◽  
Ilka Helene Gleibs ◽  
Nihan Albayrak-Aydemir

Intergroup bias and conflict are significant and multidimensional societal challenges that require compound explanations. Recently, Alves et al. (2018) proposed a cognitive-ecological explanation for intergroup bias, which states that biases are formed based on the interaction between the basic cognitive principles of learning and the structure of the information ecology. As part of the Systematizing Confidence in Open Research and Evidence (SCORE) program, the present study consisted of a one-stage replication test of the central finding of Alves et al (2018). In this high-powered, preregistered replication of their study (analytic N = 361), we lent support to their novel explanation by replicating their main findings with different samples in a different context (Cohen’s w = .25). Thus, the current work supports the robustness of the cognitive-ecological model and gives directions for further research into how the cognitive-ecological model could expand research on intergroup bias, both towards and beyond novel groups.

Communicology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-184
K.-M. A. Sosnovskaya

A competitive, attractive and even unique project or product, without its wide representation in the information space, will not receive proper implementation and response. Without effective promotion in the mass media, and this applies to almost any sphere from the economy to culture, the creation process will be incomplete and incomplete. Creating a visual production requires a deep understanding of various communication processes: the laws of communication, the basics of audience perception, cognitive principles, as well as the basics of drama and Public Relations. The article is based on the understanding of theoretical knowledge and scientific sources on this topic, as well as the practical long-term experience of the author of the study in creating visual works of different genres, styles and directions. The material of this study is given on the example of the sphere of cultural and event tourism, however, the scope of application is much wider. This concept, due to its universality, can be used for the preparation of visual works and their further promotion in the media space in various fields of application, e.g. economy, society, culture, ecology, besides it provides a methodological component for teaching students of specialized areas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 188
Monica Aparecida Rodrigues Luppi ◽  
Marilda Aparecida Behrens ◽  
Ricardo Antunes de Sá

Este estudo apresenta aspectos sobre o desenvolvimento de pesquisa na perspectiva da teoria do Pensamento Complexo, problematizando as relações que se estabelecem a partir dos objetos de estudo que emergem nas pesquisas sobre Formação Inicial de Professores e pela compreensão dos princípios cognitivos propostos na visão da complexidade. A pesquisa é teórica, tem abordagem qualitativa, é exploratória e descritiva. Os resultados indicaram a multiplicidade de fatores que envolvem a diversidade de objetos de estudo, a tessitura de relações presentes e as associações estabelecidas e percebidas na investigação que se fundamenta nesta teoria por meio dos princípios cognitivos propostos para a reforma do pensamento e procura contribuir com conhecimentos que fundamentam a Ciência da Educação. Palavras-chave: formação inicial de professores; pensamento complexo; princípios cognitivos; pesquisa em Educação.INTRODUCTION RESEARCH ON TEACHER EDUCATION BASED ON COMPLEX THOUGHTAbstract This study presents aspects about the development of research from the perspective of the Complex Thought theory, problematizing the relations established by the objects of study that emerge in the researches about Initial Teacher Formation and by the understanding of the cognitive principles proposed in the complexity view. The research is theoretical, has a qualitative approach, is exploratory and descriptive. The results indicated the multiplicity of factors that involve the diversity of objects of study, the structure of present relations and the associations established and perceived in the research that is based on this theory through the proposed cognitive principles for the reform of the thought and seeks to contribute knowledge which underpin the Science of Education.Keywords: initial teacher formation; complex thinking; cognitive principles; research in Education.INTRODUCCIÓN INVESTIGACIÓN SOBRE FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL BASADA EN PENSAMIENTO COMPLEJOResumenEste estudio presenta aspectos sobre el desarrollo de la investigación desde la perspectiva de la teoría del Pensamiento Complejo, problematizando las relaciones que se establecen a partir de los objetos de estudio que surgen en la investigación sobre Formación Inicial Docente y mediante la comprensión de los principios cognitivos propuestos en la visión de la complejidad. La investigación es teórica, tiene un enfoque cualitativo, es exploratoria y descriptiva. Los resultados indicaron la multiplicidad de factores que involucran la diversidad de objetos de estudio, el tejido de las relaciones presentes y las asociaciones establecidas y percibidas en la investigación que se fundamenta en esta teoría a través de los principios cognitivos propuestos para la reforma del pensamiento y busca contribuir con conocimientos que fundamentan la Ciencia de la Educación.Palabras clave: formación inicial del profesorado; pensamiento complejo; principios cognitivos; investigación en Educación.

Anna M. Klyoster ◽  
Natalia Ju. Shnyakina ◽  
Svetlana A. Zhiliakova

This article is devoted to the consideration of cognitive principles that justify the concept of introducing knowledge about ethnic variants of the German language into the educational process. The presented problem is relevant in connection with the need of modern society in personnel possessing cross-cultural communication skills, including the use of relevant language structures reflecting language variability. The dynamics of national language contacts encourages the development of methodological foundations for teaching linguistic and cultural differences at the lexical level. The stated topic involves consideration of the mental processes that determine the assimilation of language knowledge and their use in communication. The aim of the work is to formulate the cognitive principles of pluricentric knowledge assimilation in the framework of the intercultural competence formation. In the linguistic part of the work, the methods of comparative and conceptual analysis are used in the study of factual material. The didactic component of the study is based on the awareness of the learning process from the standpoint of cognitive processes responsible for the processing and assimilation of various types of information. The use of logical methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as the method of observation implemented in the course of experimental work, made it possible to create a pluricentrically-oriented concept of teaching German. The pluricentricity of the German language is realized in the existence of the Austrian and Swiss national variants. As a result of the study, the cognitive principles of introducing knowledge about German language variants into the educational process were formulated: consideration of the importance of the transition from the sensory stage of cognition to the rational one and the need for the formation of individual cognitive models and strategies that optimize the assimilation of territorial differences. The set of exercises and tasks developed in the course of the experimental work includes language, adaptive and real speech exercises and tasks aimed at the formation of cross-cultural competence within the framework of the development of lexical skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 557-561
D. Ashurova

The research is concerned with the cognitive approach to literary text interpretation which presupposes certain models of understanding. It discusses the problems of multidimensional structure of the literary text, the basic linguistic signals put in the position of foregrounding and the role of cultural concepts in decoding authors world picture. Special attention is paid to the principles of foregrounding, linguistic iconicity, redundancy and economy, which are considered to be cognitive principles of information distribution in a literary text and perform conceptually significant functions, highlighting the most essential information. It is substantiated that in the process of literary text interpretation, attention should be paid to the representation of cultural concepts, the processes of conceptualization and distribution of information in a literary text, the distribution of conceptual features according to the field principle.

Christopher D. Wickens ◽  
Domenick Mifsud ◽  
Richi Rodriguez ◽  
Francisco R. Ortega

Objective Evaluate and model the advantage of a situation awareness (SA) supported by an augmented reality (AR) display for the ground-based joint terminal attack Controller (JTAC), in judging and describing the spatial relations between objects in a hostile zone. Background The accurate world-referenced description of relative locations of surface objects, when viewed from an oblique slant angle (aircraft, observation post) is hindered by (1) the compression of the visual scene, amplified at a lower slang angle, (2) the need for mental rotation, when viewed from a non-northerly orientation. Approach Participants viewed a virtual reality (VR)-simulated four-object scene from either of two slant angles, at each of four compass orientations, either unaided, or aided by an AR head-mounted display (AR-HMD), depicting the scene from a top-down (avoiding compression) and north-up (avoiding mental rotation) perspective. They described the geographical layout of four objects within the display. Results Compared with the control condition, that condition supported by the north-up SA display shortened the description time, particularly on non-northerly orientations (9 s, 30% benefit), and improved the accuracy of description, particularly for the more compressed scene (lower slant angle), as fit by a simple computational model. Conclusion The SA display provides large, significant benefits to this critical phase of ground-air communications in managing an attack—as predicted by the task analysis of the JTAC. Application Results impact the design of the AR-HMD to support combat ground-air communications and illustrate the magnitude by which basic cognitive principles “scale up” to realistically simulated real-world tasks such as search and rescue.

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