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Krzysztof Koc

This article argues that the main task of humanities in education is to reveal the mechanisms typical for a totalitarian worldview, including discrimination and minority exclusion. A collection of reportage stories Cywil w Berlinie by Antoni Sobanski will form the basis for my deliberations. The writings of Sobanski are interesting for a scholarly educator in terms of detecting disturbing and threatening elements of the surrounding world. Despite being written in the 1930s, they are surprisingly contemporary and universal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (139) ◽  
pp. 11-24
Hussein Kadhim Majdi

The article notes the interrelation of language, culture and thinking. Some stable linguistic expressions that convey the meanings of specific phenomena in Russian and English are considered and reflect the phenomena of the surrounding world through the features of the transfer of values inherent in a particular country. The analysis of influence of mentality on features of national thinking is given. The factors that determine the formation of the national mentality and mentality of the Russian people are described. Features of features of Russian people in comparison with features of the American people are resulted.

Victoria Gonța ◽  
Elena Roșcan

This article addresses the subject of self-knowledge as a necessity for the personaldevelopment process in achieving the own life ideal. We have set out to consider whether the self-knowledge process is an approach that occurs naturally, as a trend towards the integrity of a human being or synergy with the surrounding world, up to the union with transcendence or a preoccupation, a conscious, eff ervescent search, that requires interest and eff ort in developing the potentialities until the fulfi lment of the achieved self at the highest level. Is this process a component part of motivation in achieving success within profession, our relations with others or our development actions, from intuitive structures of individual thinking and primary conduct of group and society integration, to elements of metacognition, creativity and society integration through high moral values?

2021 ◽  
pp. 63-86
Cecilia Sayad

This chapter finds in the found-footage horror cycle an alternative way of understanding the relationship between horror films and reality, which is usually discussed in terms of allegory. It investigates theories about framing, considered both figuratively (framing the film as documentary) and stylistically (the framing in handheld cameras and in static long takes), as a device that playfully destabilizes the separation between the film and the surrounding world. The chapter explores the idea that documenting an event has the potential to contain it, which is relevant to both horror and documentary studies. A variety of found-footage horror films is considered, including the Paranormal Activity franchise, The Blair Witch Project, Cloverfield, and [•REC].

2021 ◽  
pp. 188-200
Zaza Skhirtladze

Georgia’s location at the crossroads of East and West determined the character of its culture, expressed in architecture and the visual arts, among other spheres. Along with centuries-old original and uninterrupted local traditions, Georgia maintained a close relationship with the surrounding world and cultural circles throughout the Middle Ages. Particularly significant were aspirations of closeness to Byzantium and an active involvement in the Christian Orthodox commonwealth, based on common interests and confessional unity. All this is evident in the architecture and various artistic expressions of medieval Georgia, which are marked by a combination of original forms inspired by the Byzantine themes and elements.

Philologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 127-133
Ina Colenciuc ◽  

Proverbs, being an element of ethnoculture, reflect the mentality, basic values of people, and their idea of the surrounding world. The author of the article accounts for the necessity to study money-related proverbs and notes that money is an unalienable part of the contemporary society, and consequently, it represents the material for psychological, sociocultural and linguistic research. Our aim is to conduct a comparative semantic analysis of proverbs in English, Romanian and Russian. The material for the research was 150 proverbs in the corresponding linguacultures. The author classifies proverbs by the semantic basis, identifies similarities and differences of English, Romanian and Russian proverbs

2021 ◽  
Aiste Barbora Uspuriene ◽  
Julija Svipaite

It is often forgotten that the health of the body, the ability to overcome stress and weakness depend on a person's physical activity and movement. Movement is an inexhaustible means of self-expression, self-realization and cognition of the surrounding world. Research aim – to analyze the literature and to reveal aspects of the effect of dance on girls’ motor abilities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Ahmad Yahya Alghamdi

The feminist movement is ever transforming because it challenges the injustices continually practiced against women. A vital part of the movement is ecofeminism, which addresses issues surrounding the degradation of both women and nature. According to eco-feminist theory, patriarchal societies consist of a culture/nature dualism in which culture and males are both valued: culture is valued for itself, and males are as being associated with culture. Conversely, females are associated with nature, and both of them are devalued. Eco-feminist literary criticism, which is a part of ecocriticism, involves analyzing a work by focusing on gender and/or race oppression, oppressed identities and their correlation with subjugation of the natural world. This paper aims at examining the eco-feminist aspects in Michelle Cliff’s quasi-autobiographical novel, Abeng (1990). The focus is on identifying how the female protagonists interact with their surrounding world. Cliff highlights the struggles that females face when trying to make their voices heard, identities recognized and to perform tasks equal to men. The importance of showcasing women authors who write from an eco-feminist perspective is that it proclaims that societies in which females are treated as equals to males will be in accord with nature.

Tsiuri Akhvlediani ◽  
Giorgi Kuparadze ◽  
Ketevan Gabunia

Phraseologisms are used in everyday speech, in works of art, in journalism. They give expression to utterances and are the means of creating images. Phraseologisms have their specificities in every language, they reflect and represent the national mentality, the consciousness of perception of the surrounding world and its expression lexically and grammatically; The peculiarities of the use of phraseological units are also very important. The purpose of the present article is to study and analyze phraseologisms in terms communicative perspectives of foreign language teaching. When mastering a foreign language, it is inevitable to come across the difficulties in understanding authentic texts containing phraseological units, including proverbs, sayings, and comparisons.

2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (PR) ◽  
pp. 102-111

The study focuses on the most productive patterns of semantic derivation, namely metaphorical and metonymic transfer, exemplified by contemporary Russian media texts. The metaphorical and metonymic patterns outlined in the study are based on the principle of anthropocentrism, which is realized in two interrelated directions highlighting the cognitive nature of semantic relations: 1) person → surrounding world (external personalization); 2) surrounding world → person (description in view of the extralinguistic reality). Specific micro patterns are based on the concrete → abstract macro pattern. It can be argued that semantic derivation functions as a means of linguistic ex-pression of ideas about intangible entities, thus creating the respective images in the mind of the addressee. The results of the study are of relevance to lexical semantics, cognitive linguistics, media linguistics, etc. Keywords: semantic derivation, metaphor, metonymy, Russian, media texts, anthropocentrism

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