wavenumber range
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Geophysics ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-82
Yang Liu

The time step and grid spacing in explicit finite-difference (FD) modeling are constrained by the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition. Recently, it has been found that spatial FD coefficients may be designed through simultaneously minimizing the spatial dispersion error and maximizing the CFL number. This allows one to stably use a larger time step or a smaller grid spacing than usually possible. However, when using such a method, only second-order temporal accuracy is achieved. To address this issue, I propose a method to determine the spatial FD coefficients, which simultaneously satisfy the stability condition of the whole wavenumber range and the time–space domain dispersion relation of a given wavenumber range. Therefore, stable modeling can be performed with high-order spatial and temporal accuracy. The coefficients can adapt to the variation of velocity in heterogeneous models. Additionally, based on the hybrid absorbing boundary condition, I develop a strategy to stably and effectively suppress artificial reflections from the model boundaries for large CFL numbers. Stability analysis, accuracy analysis and numerical modeling demonstrate the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed method.

ChemPhysChem ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (12) ◽  
pp. 1272-1279
Vladimír Palivec ◽  
Pavel Michal ◽  
Josef Kapitán ◽  
Hector Martinez‐Seara ◽  
Petr Bouř

2020 ◽  
Vol 495 (2) ◽  
pp. 1927-1933 ◽  
A Owens ◽  
E K Conway ◽  
J Tennyson ◽  
S N Yurchenko

ABSTRACT Silicon dioxide (SiO2) is expected to occur in the atmospheres of hot rocky super-Earth exoplanets but a lack of spectroscopic data is hampering its possible detection. Here, we present the first, comprehensive molecular line list for SiO2. The line list, named OYT3, covers the wavenumber range 0 – 6000 cm−1 (wavelengths λ > 1.67 μm) and is suitable for temperatures up to T = 3000 K. Almost 33 billion transitions involving 5.69 million rotation–vibration states with rotational excitation up to J = 255 have been computed using robust first-principles methodologies. The OYT3 line list is available from the ExoMol data base at www.exomol.com.

2019 ◽  
Vol 490 (1) ◽  
pp. 813-831 ◽  
Daniel B Thomas ◽  
Michael Kopp ◽  
Katarina Markovič

ABSTRACT Constraints on the properties of the cosmological dark matter have previously been obtained in a model-independent fashion using the generalized dark matter (GDM) framework. Here we extend that work in several directions: We consider the inclusion of WiggleZ matter power spectrum data (MPS), and show that this improves the constraints on the two perturbative GDM parameters, $c^2_\mathrm{ s}$ and $c^2_\text{vis}$, by a factor of 3, for a conservative choice of wavenumber range. A less conservative choice can yield an improvement of up to an order of magnitude compared to previous constraints. In order to examine the robustness of this result we develop a GDM halo model (HM) to explore how non-linear structure formation could proceed in this framework, since currently GDM has only been defined perturbatively and only linear theory has been used when generating constraints. We then examine how the HM affects the constraints obtained from the MPS data. The less-conservative wavenumber range shows a significant difference between linear and non-linear modelling, with the latter favouring GDM parameters inconsistent with ΛCDM, underlining the importance of careful non-linear modelling when using this data. We also use this HM to establish the robustness of previously obtained constraints, particularly those that involve weak gravitational lensing of the cosmic microwave background. Additionally, we show how the inclusion of neutrino mass as a free parameter affects previous constraints on the GDM parameters.

Molecules ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (10) ◽  
pp. 1953 ◽  
Wolfram Rudolph ◽  
Gert Irmer

Raman spectra of aqueous Ho3+, Er3+, Tm3+, Yb3+, and Lu3+-perchlorate solutions were measured over a large wavenumber range from 50–4180 cm−1. In the low wavenumber range (terahertz region), strongly polarized Raman bands were detected at 387 cm−1, 389 cm−1, 391 cm−1, 394 cm−1, and 396 cm−1, respectively, which are fairly broad (full widths at half height at ~52 cm−1). These isotropic Raman bands were assigned to the breathing modes, ν1 Ln–O of the heavy rare earth (HRE) octaaqua ions, [Ln(H2O)8]3+. The strong polarization of these bands (depolarization degree ~0) reveals their totally symmetric character. The vibrational isotope effect was measured in Yb(ClO4)3 solutions in H2O and D2O and the shift of the ν1 mode in changing from H2O to D2O further supports the character of the band. The Ln–O bond distances of these HRE ions (Ho3+, Er3+, Tm3+, Yb3+, and Lu3+) follow the order of Ho–O > Er–O > Tm–O > Yb–O > Lu–O which correlates inversely with the band positions of the breathing modes of their corresponding octaaqua ions [Ln(OH2)8]3+. Furthermore, the force constants, kLn–O, were calculated for these symmetric stretching modes. Ytterbium perchlorate solutions were measured over a broad concentration range, from 0.240 mol·L−1 to 2.423 mol·L−1, and it was shown that with increasing solute concentration outer-sphere ion pairs and contact ion pairs were formed. At the dilute solution state (~0.3 mol·L−1), the fully hydrated ions [Yb(H2O)8]3+ exist, while at higher concentrations (CT > 2 mol·L−1), ion pairs are formed. The concentration behavior of Yb(ClO4)3 (aq) shows similar behavior to the one observed for La(ClO4)3(aq), Ce(ClO4)3(aq) and Lu(ClO4)3(aq) solutions. In ytterbium chloride solutions in water and heavy water, representative for the behavior of the other HRE ions, 1:1 chloro-complex formation was detected over the concentration range from 0.422–3.224 mol·L−1. The 1:1 chloro-complex in YbCl3(aq) is very weak, diminishing rapidly with dilution and vanishing at a concentration < 0.4 mol·L−1.

2017 ◽  
Vol 24 (1&2) ◽  
pp. 125-130
T.L. Phan ◽  
R. Vincent ◽  
D. Cherns ◽  
N.X. Nghia

Mn-doped ZnO nanowires prepared by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) were obtained in the temperature range of 450–500°C. X-ray diffraction patterns, SEM and TEM images indicate that crystals with a hexagonal structure grow along the c axis. At low Mn-doped concentrations, photoluminescence (PL) and Raman scattering (RS) spectra are almost independent of the Mn doping. However, the increase in concentration of Mn above 1.6 at% weakens significantly the PL signal and the RS-lines intensity in the low wavenumber range of 300–480 cm-1, and concurrently increases the RS-lines intensity in the higher wavenumber range of 480-700 cm-1.. Magnetic measurements determined the Curie temperature of Mn-doped ZnO nanowire to be about 37 K.

2015 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 957-984 ◽  
Jitenjaya Pradhan ◽  
Amit ◽  
Bikash Mahato ◽  
Satish D. Dhandole ◽  
Yogesh G. Bhumkar

AbstractIn the present work, a new type of coupled compact difference scheme has been proposed for the solution of computational acoustics and flow problems. The proposed scheme evaluates the first, the second and the fourth derivative terms simultaneously. Derived compact difference scheme has a significant spectral resolution and a physical dispersion relation preserving (DRP) ability over a considerable wavenumber range when a fourth order four stage Runge-Kutta scheme is used for the time integration. Central stencil has been used for the present numerical scheme to evaluate spatial derivative terms. Derived scheme has the capability of adding numerical diffusion adaptively to attenuate spurious high wavenumber oscillations responsible for numerical instabilities. The DRP nature of the proposed scheme across a wider wavenumber range provides accurate results for the model wave equations as well as computational acoustic problems. In addition to the attractive feature of adaptive diffusion, present scheme also helps to control spurious reflections from the domain boundaries and is projected as an alternative to the perfectly matched layer (PML) technique.

2014 ◽  
Vol 71 (10) ◽  
pp. 3569-3582 ◽  
Keigo Matsuda ◽  
Ryo Onishi ◽  
Masaaki Hirahara ◽  
Ryoichi Kurose ◽  
Keiko Takahashi ◽  

Abstract This study investigates the influence of microscale turbulent clustering of cloud droplets on the radar reflectivity factor and proposes a new parameterization to account for it. A three-dimensional direct numerical simulation of particle-laden isotropic turbulence is performed to obtain turbulent clustering data. The clustering data are then used to calculate the power spectra of droplet number density fluctuations, which show a dependence on the Taylor microscale-based Reynolds number (Reλ) and the Stokes number (St). First, the Reynolds number dependency of the turbulent clustering influence is investigated for 127 &lt; Reλ &lt; 531. The spectra for this wide range of Reλ values reveal that Reλ = 204 is sufficiently large to be representative of the whole wavenumber range relevant for radar observations of atmospheric clouds. The authors then investigate the Stokes number dependency for Reλ = 204 and propose an empirical model for the turbulent clustering influence assuming power laws for the number density spectrum. For Stokes numbers less than 2, the proposed model can estimate the influence of turbulence on the spectrum with an RMS error less than 1 dB when calculated over the wavenumber range relevant for radar observations. For larger Stokes number droplets, the model estimate has larger errors, but the influence of turbulence is likely negligible in typical clouds. Applications of the proposed model to two idealized cloud observing scenarios reveal that microscale turbulent clustering can cause a significant error in estimating cloud droplet amounts from radar observations with microwave frequencies less than 13.8 GHz.

Tao Ren ◽  
Todd A. Reeder ◽  
Michael F. Modest

An inverse radiation algorithm was developed to reconstruct temperature and species concentrations from a homogeneous gas column to determine the optimal wavenumber range and resolution for such reconstruction. By minimizing the error between calculated and measured transmissivity spectra, temperature and species concentrations are deduced as results of the inversion process. The error is minimized while considering multiple factors, including spectral region, spectral resolution, temperature and concentration range, and susceptibility to measurement drift (systematic error) and noise (random error). Results are obtained for homogeneous mixtures containing CO2, H2O or CO with N2. Measured spectra were synthesized through calculations from HITEMP2010, the high-temperature spectral database. These optimal parameters can be further used for guiding experiment and inversion of gas temperature and concentration in nonhomogeneous media.

ChemPhysChem ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 14 (11) ◽  
pp. 2525-2528 ◽  
Boris A. Kolesov ◽  
Elena V. Boldyreva

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