The relevance of the study of the interaction of kindergarten and family in the mathematical development of preschoolers is due to the fact that the unification of the family and kindergarten in one educational space implies the cooperation of teachers and parents. The mathematical development of preschool children will be successful if the teacher interacts with parents. Only cooperation between the kindergarten and the family can ensure the effectiveness of educational activities in the mathematical development of a preschool child. It is necessary to select the forms and methods of organizing this interaction, taking into account the age characteristics of children and the settings of the Federal State Educational Standard (complex tasks, integration of different types of activities, individualization of the child's mathematical development, etc.) in the mathematical development of preschool children. The work of a preschool teacher on the mathematical development of children is particularly time-consuming and requires a lot of pedagogical attention. Mathematical knowledge of preschoolers, such as counting down to ten in ascending and descending order; the ability to recognize numbers in a row and randomly, quantitative (one, two, three...) and ordinal (first, second, third...); to study and present the basic geometric shapes (triangle, square, circle, and others); the basic forms of measurement: the ability to measure length, volume, width, height using a conditional measurement measure; comparison of objects: heavier-lighter, larger-smaller, wider-narrower, higher-lower; the ability to navigate in space and time, etc., will later be the basis for school education.