radio program
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2021 ◽  
Madhusudan Neupane (PhD) ◽  
Shree Ram Khanal (PhD)

The study has explored the impact of agriculture radio programs among rural farmers to increase their productivity and quality of life in rural area. It represents the positive effects of radio program on farmers who use to listen agriculture radio program regularly. This qualitative study was carried out by basic observation, focus group discussion, and in-depth interview as data collection tools. The study revealed that agriculture radio program had changed the knowledge, attitudes and practise of the farmers to increase productions. Agriculture radio programs were associated with various factual and fruitful activities, such as planting hybrid rice, off-season vegetables, using modern technique of farming, goat farming, poultry farming etc through agriculture radio programs. Enough resources, technical knowhow and incentives are crucial for the enhancement of the standards of life of farmers as well as their productivity.

Artur Nowaczewski

Wacław Tkaczuk (1942–2018) was one of the most important commentators on Polish poetry after 1989, which is best exemplified in his radio broadcast series “Poems from newspapers and magazines” (Polish Radio Program 2, 1991–2014). The author of the article introduces Tkaczuk’s poetry (three volumes of poetry, publications in literary magazines), tries to reconstruct the poet’s creative process and, more importantly, his world-view transformations. 

2021 ◽  
Anastasia Oreshkina

The title of the radio program is considered in the aspect of its perception by the addressee. The research material is fragments of the hyperradiotext of the program "Equals among the Firsts", including the title, annotation, announcements of the radio program, as well as comments from Internet users and survey data. The research was carried out in the following stages: searching for associations related to the name of the radio program; establishing a connection between the title and the topic of the program; identifying the actualization of the program title in the announcements of specific issues; analyzing the perception of the title of the radio program by the addressee. The author's communicative strategy of naming a radio program is defined in the case when the name does not have an informative function and hinders cognitive forecasting. A technique is proposed that allows the addressee to realize the connection of the title of the radio program with its subject matter. A certain type of title is considered, which serves as an impulse that allows the addressee, using a number of associative actions, to unravel all the meanings laid down by the author and read them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Rúsbel Freddy Ramos Serrano ◽  
Walter Mayhua Matamoros ◽  
Víctor Marcelino López Lino ◽  
Raúl Eleazar Arias Sánchez

This article is the result of the execution of the Cultural Extension project entitled "The economic hour"; carried out by the members of the monovalent group "Elinor Ostrom" of the Professional School of Economics (EPE) of the Faculty of Business Sciences (FCE) of the National University of Huancavelica (UNH) in 2019. The main objective of this project was carrying out social service work to the Huancavelica community and provide important information on economic, political, environmental and social situations through a community radio program. A methodological approach of participation-action was used with a specific and contextualized speech model for the elaboration of each radio program during four months. Likewise, the results obtained showed a favourable impact and a high level of satisfaction of the different groups of listeners. Finally, we conclude that the execution of the project involved a successful experience of social rapprochement between the university and society. In this sense, we are sure that this experience will generate greater dialogue and create similar projects for the benefit of our communities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 2842-2850
Helton Wesley Gonzaga ◽  
Eugenia Paula Meireles Machado ◽  
Edinaldo Learte Viana ◽  
Wilma Araujo Modesto ◽  
Liana Vidigal Rocha

Pautado na intenção de dar voz ao cidadão e exercer o direito constitucional e democrático da livre comunicação este projeto busca criar um programa de rádio voltado para a comunidade da Região Noroeste de Palmas, conhecida como ARNOS. Desenvolvido nos moldes de um programa de rádio comunitária, o Programa Bela Praia se propõe a ser um instrumento de valorização e difusão da cultura local ao respeitar os costumes, gêneros e a cultura dos moradores locais. Com uma linguagem simples, clara e ampla o programa traz informações de turismo, segurança, saúde, desenvolvimento local, dentre outros. A comunidade está inserida na construção e na continuidade deste projeto que fortalecerá os laços sociais, econômicos e culturais da região das ARNOS.   Based on the intention of giving voice to the citizen and exercising the constitutional and democratic right of free communication, this project seeks to create a radio program aimed at the community of the Northwest Region of Palmas, known as ARNOS. Developed in the molds of a community radio program, the Bela Praia Program proposes to be an instrument of valorization and diffusion of local culture by respecting the customs, genres and culture of the local residents. With a simple, clear, and broad language, the program brings information about tourism, security, health, local development, among others. The community is inserted in the construction and continuity of this project that will strengthen the social, economic, and cultural ties of the ARNOS region.

2021 ◽  
Vol 111 (9) ◽  
pp. 3064-3092
Tianyi Wang

I study the political impact of the first populist radio personality in American history. Father Charles Coughlin blended populist demagoguery, anti-Semitism, and fascist sympathies to create a hugely popular radio program that attracted 30 million weekly listeners in the 1930s. I find that exposure to Father Coughlin’s anti-Roosevelt broadcast reduced Franklin D. Roosevelt’s vote share in the 1936 presidential election. Coughlin’s effects were larger among Catholics and persisted after Coughlin left the air. Moreover, places more exposed to Coughlin’s broadcast were more likely to form a local branch of the pro-Nazi German-American Bund and sold fewer war bonds during World War II. (JEL D72, L82, N32, N42, Z12)

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 390-409
Zhou-min Yuan ◽  
Xingchen Shen

Abstract While previous studies highlight the dynamic nature of identity co-construction, how and especially why speakers construct and shift their own multiple identities still remains understudied. The present study argues that identity is part of speaker communicative resources as evidenced by radio program hosts’ strategic employment and shift among their different identities to facilitate their interactional purposes. Based on data drawn from radio medical consultations, this article attempts to reveal the dynamic adaptability of hosts’ identity construction. It is found that (1) in general, hosts of medical consultation programs construct three identities for themselves, namely an authoritative expert identity, a caring friend identity and a sales representative identity; (2) the three identities constructed are respectively adaptable to power relationships, solidarity and role relationships between hosts and callers in conversation; (3) the three identities shift in conversations to facilitate callers’ purchasing acts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-114
Soon-Hee Choi

2021 ◽  
pp. 325-336

Imagine that you have an hour to introduce and explain the topic of “The Beat Generation in American Culture” on a radio program. Your audience is educated twenty-somethings who may be somewhat familiar with American literature but don’t know much about the Beat Generation. Your task is to explain how you would want to cover this topic. Write on each of the following sections....

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