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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 1008-1017
Ilhamsyah Ilhamsyah ◽  
Aviv Yuniar Rahman ◽  
Istiadi Istiadi

Coffee is one of Indonesia's foreign exchange earners and plays an important role in the development of the plantation industry. In previous studies, coffee bean quality research has been carried out using the ANN method using color features. RGB and GLCM. However, the results carried out in the study only had an accuracy value of up to 47%. Therefore, this study aims to improve the performance of coffee bean quality classification using four machine learning methods and 7 color features. From the results obtained, it shows that MultilayerPerceptron is better starting with RGB color with an accuracy of 38% split ratio 90:10. HSV has an accuracy of 57% split ratio 90:10. CMYK has an accuracy of 63% split ratio 90:10. LAB has a 58% curation split ratio of 90:10. The YUV type has an accuracy of 58% split ratio 90:10. Furthermore, the HSI color type has an accuracy of 42% split ratio 90:10. The HCL color type has an accuracy of 65% split ratio 90:10 and LCH has an accuracy of 78% split ratio 90:10. In testing, it can be concluded that the MultilayerPerceptron method is better than other methods for the coffee bean classification process.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (8) ◽  
pp. 69-76
T. V. Reusova ◽  
M. V. Novikov ◽  
O. A. Strepetova ◽  

The results of the study on indicators of some commercial properties and the assessment of the quality of farm male mink skins obtained from the animals with a various degree of intensity of eimeriosis invasion are given in the article. Eimeriosis invasion of male mink population is a vital reason for cessation of the growth of young mink and also their increased mortality and change in the quality of their hair-covering for the worse. The skins of male farm mink of the standard dark brown (SDB) color type with a various degree of invasion intensity were taken as materials for the investigations from the fur farm in Kaliningrad Region of the Northwestern District of the Russian Federation and were divided into four experimental groups. The first group of skins was obtained from clinically healthy animals, the second group of skins – from the sick ones with a weak degree of invasion intensity, the third group of skins – from the sick mink diseased with eimeriosis of a medium degree of invasion intensity, the fourth group of skins – from the mink with eimeriosis of a high degree of invasion intensity. The analysis of the results of the study on the indicators of natural and true hair length and thickness and height of the hair-covering, size of male mink skins with a various degree of invasion is presented in the article.

A.I. Fayzulin ◽  
F.F. Zaripova ◽  
M.V. Rubanova ◽  

The results of the study of the features of polymorphism of green toad populations in the conditions of the Trans-Urals of the Republic of Bashkortostan are presented. It was found that among the green toads in the urbanized territories of the Trans-Urals, individuals with the color type M3 ("light background, merged spots") and M4 ("dark background, merged spots") prevail. There was a decrease in the diversity index in the conditions of low-rise buildings (m=1.995), as well as industrial (m=2.843) and green zones (m=2.986) relative to the control areas (3.286<m<3.99).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 55-64
M. V. Novikov ◽  
T. V. Reusova ◽  
N. А. Balakirev ◽  

In order to form national chinchilla breeding market sector it is necessary to determine the main parameters that can characterize chinchilla furs of local production, classify them as fur and peltry and establish standard indicators for this kind of commercial production. Chinchilla peltry with its softness, tenderness, velvety texture and high aesthetic properties are in great demand by consumers. The article provides information on the structure of chinchilla hair-covering, characteristics of hair types, hair form, degree of tortuosity. The results of the study of the length and thickness of the down hair according to the color type of chinchilla pelts and topographical part (spine, rump or side) are given in the article. The author gives recommendations on chinchilla selection in order to improve the pelt quality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 133 ◽  
pp. 326-331
Karin Mundbjerg ◽  
Anders Tolver ◽  
Ida Sebbelov ◽  
Tove Clausen ◽  
Jesper Lundfold ◽  

Marcella Felicia ◽  
Rudy Surya

Millennials are facing many challenges in this era. Of course, the growth spurt of technology and business brings positive changes but also negatives for physical and mental. One of the negative sides is the higher rate of stress that causes people to demand a refreshment facility, where the word ‘refreshment’ itself means to give energy physicallly and mentally. Seeing from the programs needed and the project location, produce a building design that adapt tropical style and post-modern architecture without leaving the traditional value. With highly slanted roof and having many skylights protruding the tropical style of the building. The façade uses basic materials like woods, concrete, and glass with warm tone color. Type and behavior also take important roles by co-influencing each other. Type itself is a concept that occurs in typology which determines whether the new typology will be the same as it is before or will it be a new form of typology that start a breakthrough. Instead, this project must use pattern language method of design which makes complicated design more simplified, and in the end produces a final design that answers the Milenial problems. AbstrakGenerasi milenial menghadapi banyak tantangan zaman. Tentu saja kemajuan teknologi dan bisnis dengan pesat membawa dampak positif namun juga dampak negatif bagi fisik dan mental.  Dampak negatif mental yang terjadi adalah kecenderungan stress yang tinggi sehingga diperlukan sebuah fasilitas penyegaran, dimana arti kata ‘penyegaran’ sendiri adalah memberikan energi bagi fisik dan mental. Sehingga melihat dari kebutuhan program dan lokasi proyek, menghasilkan sebuah bangunan yang bergaya tropis dan berasitektur post-modern namun tidak meninggalkan cirikhas tradisional. Dengan atap yang juga berkemiringan curam dan memiliki banyak skylight menonjolkan cirikhas tropis dari bangunan. Fasad bangunan juga banyak mengandalkan material-material dasar kayu, beton dan kaca dengan warna-warna bernuansa hangat. Tipe dan perilaku juga berperan penting dengan cara saling mempengaruhi. Tipe sendiri merupakan sebuah konsep yang kemudian ada pada tipologi yaitu apakah tipologi bangunan yang akan terbentuk akan sama dengan sebelum-sebelumnya atau malah akan terbentuk tipologi baru yang akan membuat sebuah terobosan. Selain itu, proyek ini juga harus menggunakan metode penelitian pattern language yang dapat mempermudah proses desain yang rumit sehingga menghasilkan program ruang yang beragam.

Nurlisa Ginting ◽  
Fitri A Sinaga

Bukit Lawang merupakan kawasan wisata alam yang terletak di Sumatera Utara, yang memiliki potensi wisata alam yang terkenal baik domestic maupun mancanegara. Bukit Lawang juga merupakan salah satu tujuan wisata prioritas di Kabupaten Langkat yang juga merupakan bagian dari kawasan konservasi Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser (TNGL). Untuk meningkatkan pariwisata di Bukit Lawang, dibutuhkan Penataan kawasan yang berbasis wisata berkelanjutan. Pengembangan Tata Hijau Bukit Lawang adalah salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan Pariwisata, kunjungan wisatawan dan menjaga kelestarian kawasan wisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan Tata Hijau Bukit Lawang, berbasis Pariwisata Berkelanjutan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menganalisis aspek Tata Hijau/vegetasi seperti Bentuk vegetasi, warna, jenis vegetasi, Tata letak dan jarak vegetasi serta ketinggian vegetasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah konsep pengembangan Tata Hijau wisata Berkelanjutan Di Bukit Lawang yang dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan pariwisata di Bukit Lawang Kabupaten Langkat Sumatera Utara.   Bukit Lawang is a natural tourism area located in North Sumatra, which has the potential of natural tourism which is well-known both domestic and foreign. Bukit Lawang is also one of the priority tourist destinations in Langkat Regency which is also part of the Gunung Leuser National Park (TNGL) conservation area. To increase tourism in Bukit Lawang, a sustainable tourism-based regional arrangement is needed. Development of the Bukit Lawang Green System is one way to increase tourism, tourist visits and maintain the sustainability of tourist areas. This study aims to develop the Bukit Lawang Green System, based on Sustainable Tourism. The study was conducted by analyzing aspects of vegetation such as the shape of vegetation, color, type of vegetation, layout, and distance of vegetation and height of vegetation. The result of this study is the concept of developing a Sustainable Green Tourism in Bukit Lawang that can be used to develop tourism in Bukit Lawang, Langkat District, North Sumatra.

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 038504 ◽  
Zhi Jiang ◽  
Yao-Yao Sun ◽  
Chun-Yan Guo ◽  
Yue-Xi Lv ◽  
Hong-Yue Hao ◽  

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