whatman filter paper
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
Syed Farhad Shah ◽  
Gohar Hussain ◽  
Ali Turab Jafry

Active pumps are often used in microfluidic devices for programmable fluid flowrate in a microchannel. Active pumps have some drawbacks due to their large size and requirement of external power. To overcome them, a new class of passive pumps based on capillary action in cellulose material, known as paper-based microfluidic pumps, has recently been explored. In this study, fluid flow in 3D paper-based pumps was investigated using flowrate measurements in microchannels. In order to develop 3D cylindrical pumps, Whatman filter paper grade 1 was shredded, mixed with water, molded and dried. The patterned serpentine channel was created using a CO2 Laser Cutting/Engraving machine. The 3D paper-based pump was integrated with microfluidic channel. The effect of paper pumps of different porosities on the fluid flowrate through a serpentine microchannel was investigated. It was found that flowrate of the fluid flowing through the channel increases with an increase in the pump’s porosity. Moreover, these pumps have the ability to transport larger volumes of liquid with improved flowrate, programmability and control, in addition to being inexpensive and simple to design and fabricate. These 3D pumps will help researchers move closer to developing an effective miniaturized diagnostic platform for point-of-care (POC) diagnostic applications.

K. Janani ◽  
R. V. Geetha ◽  
S. Rajeshkumar

Introduction: Recently there is considerable awareness and interest in the field of herbal medicine due to its natural origin and lesser side effects compared to Allopathy. Selected herbal plants like Symplocos racemosa, commonly known as lodhra, are found mainly in plains and lower hills of Bengal. The word ‘Lodhra’ means ‘Propitious’. Symplocos racemosa is an important Indian traditional drug used in many Ayurvedic and herbal formulations for treatment of liver as well as uterine disorders and leucorrhea. Ethnobotanical Literature indicates use of Symplocos racemosa in treatment of eye disease, skin disease, ear disorders, liver and bowel complaints, tumours,uterine disorders, spongy and bleeding gums, asthma, fever, snakebite, gonorrhoea and arthritis. Aim: To analyse the anti-inflammatory activity of Symplocos racemosa using protein denaturation assay. Materials and Methods: 2 g of Lodhra bark powder is mixed with 100 ml distilled water & boiled for 20 min at 50°C. The extract is filtered using whatman filter paper & concentrated to 10 ml.1 ml each of Bovine serum albumin is added to various fixations of plant extract (10μL - 50 μL) and the anti - inflammatory activity was evaluated by analysing the percentage inhibition. Results: From this study, it is evident that Lodhra has significant anti-inflammatory activity. At 50μℓ concentration, the plant extract shower higher anti- inflammatory activity of 76%. Conclusion: Symplocos racemosa extract has proved to exhibit effective anti- inflammatory activity. Further studies have to be carried to analyse the other properties of this herb, which can be incorporated successfully in the pharmaceutical industry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 529-535
S. Danjuma ◽  
I. Muhammed ◽  
G. Yahaya

The efficacy of the Senegal prickly-ash Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides (Lam.) roots and the African locust bean tree Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) pod back was study for their efficacy in the control of okra pest, Podagrica spp. The study was carried out in the laboratory and on the field in the farming season of 2018. Z. zanthoxyloides roots were obtained from Jima-Doko forest and P. biglibosa fruit back from Takunpara. Both plant materials were air-dried under shade for 120 hours. Both plant parts were pounded separately in wooden mortar with the aid of wooden pestle until the materials turns to fine particles. Determined weight of 100, 150, 200, 250, and 300 grams were taken for each plant materials and soaked in water for 24 hours and stirred at intervals of an hour. The mixture were then sieved with a muslin cloth and filtered with Whatman filter paper to eliminate all finest particles of varying sizes. These concentrations were applied individually on 10 adults of Podagrica spp. in the laboratory. It was observed that the concentration of 200 – 300g performed better for both plant materials in the control of okra flea beetle. These resulted to the death of above 50% of the insect within 2 hours. These significant laboratory trials were then formulated and taken to the field. Both plant materials acted as anti-feedants and repellants against Podagrica spp. It was also revealed that Z. zanthoxyloides performed significantly (p<0.05) better than the P. biglibosa. Furthermore, short interval applications (<or=3days) of these plant materials could be a good  replacement for synthetic chemicals, hence bio-pesticides that could be adopted for organic agriculture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 638-648
Saptian Wisnu Sandra ◽  
Arlini Dyah Radityaningrum

Sampah plastik dapat terdegradasi menjadi mikroplastik (MP) dan nanoplastik (NP) melalui proses fisik, kimia, dan biologis. MP didefinisikan sebagai partikel plastik kecil berukuran < 5 mm. MP saat ini telah ditemukan di tubuh biota perairan, baik perairan permukaan maupun perairan laut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji MP pada biota perairan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi literatur terhadap artikel publikasi 10 tahun terakhir. Kajian dilakukan terhadap kelimpahan, ukuran, bentuk, warna, dan komposisi MP pada biota perairan permukaan dan laut. Review dilakukan terhadap penelitian di Indonesia dan berbagai wilayah di negara lain. Beberapa metode pengambilan sampel biota perairan yang digunakan dalam penelitian terdahulu yaitu menggunakan trawl atau pukat dasar (jaring polietilen), jaring pukat pantai (10 m x 1,5 m; ukuran mata jaring: 8 mm). Identifikasi MP pada saluran pencernakan biota ikan dilakukan menggunakan larutan KOH 10% selama 24 jam pada suhu 60°C, selanjutnya dilakukan penyaringan dengan kertas saring Whatman. Selanjutnya, proses identifikasi menggunakan mikroskop okuler dan FTIR untuk menentukan ukuran, bentuk, dan jenis polimer. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa kelimpahan MP terbanyak pada biota perairan masing-masing yaitu 468 partikel MP/individu pada spesies Ikan Sapu-Sapu (Hypostomus plecostomus) di perairan sungai; 18 partikel MP/individu pada Ikan Nila Hitam (Oreochromis niloticus) di perairan payau; 1,4 – 7 partikel MP/individu pada spesies Tiram (Saccostrea cucullata) di perairan muara; 22,21 ± 1,7 partikel MP/individu pada spesies Ikan Thryssa kammalensis di perairan teluk; 2,7 ± 0,10 partikel MP/individu pada spesies Ikan Zeus faber di perairan selat; dan 22,3 partikel MP/individu pada Diadema sp. (Bulu babi) di perairan laut. MP yang dominan pada biota perairan adalah berukuran 20 μm – 50 μm, berbentuk fiber, dan berwarna hitam. Polyethylene (PE) ditemukan dominan pada biota perairan permukaan, serta polyprophylene (PP) dan polyethylene (PE) pada biota perairan laut.ABSTRACTPlastic wastes could be degraded into microplastic (MP) and nanoplastic (NP) through physical, chemical, and biological processes. MP was defined as the small particle of plastic with the size of < 5 mm. Currently, MP has been found in the body of aquatic biota both in the surface and sea water biota. This research aimed to investigate the microplastic content in aquatic biota. The study was conducted through literature review of the last 10 year published articles. The previous studies were reviewed in terms of abundance, size, shape, colour, and polymer type of MP in the aquatic biota in Indonesia and areas of other countries. Sampling of aquatic biota in the previous studies was conducted in several methods using trawling or bottom trawl (polyethylene net), beach trawl net (10 m x 1.5 m; mesh size: 8 mm). Identification of MP in the digestive tract of fish was conducted using 10% KOH solution for 24 hours at a temperature of 60°C, then was filtered using Whatman filter paper. Next, the identification process used an ocular microscope and FTIR to determine the polymer. The result demonstrated that the highest number of MP abundance was 468 MP particles/individual in the cattle fish (Hypostomus plecostomus) species in the river water; 18 MP particles/individual in the black nile fish (Oreochromis niloticus) species in the brackish water; 1.4 – 7 MP particles/individual in the oyster (Saccostrea cucullata) species in the estuary water; 22.21 ± 1.7 MP particles/individual in the Thryssa kammalensis fish species in the gulf water; 2.7 ± 0.10 MP particles/individual in the Zeus faber fish species in the strait water; and 22.3 MP particles/individual in the Diadema sp. (sea urchin) in the sea water. The most dominant MP size, shape, and colour in the aquatic biota was 20 μm – 50 μm, fiber, and black. Polyethylene (PE) was dominant in the surface water biota, whereas, polyprophylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) in the sea water biota.

2021 ◽  
Dehui Yin ◽  
Qiongqiong Bai ◽  
Xiling Wu ◽  
Han Li ◽  
Jihong Shao ◽  

Abstract Background: At present, as a serious zoonotic infectious disease, the incidence of brucellosis is increasing each year worldwide, exhibiting signs of resurgence. Brucellosis seriously threatens the health of humans, and it is necessary to strengthen the methods utilized for its rapid and accurate diagnosis.Methods: Bioinformatic technology was used to predict B-cell epitopes of the main outer membrane proteins of Brucella and subsequently verified the antigenicity of these epitopes. Prepared a Brucella multiepitope fusion protein and verified the antigenicity of the protein by indirect ELISA. Whatman filter paper was then modified with nano-zinc oxide to construct a paper-based ELISA (p-ELISA) technology for the diagnosis of brucellosis.Results: A total of 22 linear B cell epitopes were predicted. Each epitope could recognize some brucellosis sera. The constructed multiepitope fusion protein had good antigenicity and significantly reduced cross-reaction compared with LPS. The sensitivity and specificity of the method were 92.38% and 98.35%, the positive predictive value was 98.26%, and the negative predictive value was 91.67%.Conclusions: A multiepitope fusion protein of Brucella was successfully prepared, and a rapid diagnostic technique for brucellosis was established. This technology has potential application value and can be used for the rapid diagnosis of brucellosis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (12) ◽  
pp. 3099-3102
Longjam Shantabi ◽  
Ganesh Chandra Jagetia ◽  
Sh.Victoria Devi ◽  
H. Lalhlenmawia

The present work was done for seven ethnomedicinal plants used by the inhabitants of Mizoram in order to investigate the presence of various phytoconstituents. The root-stock of Alocasia indica, leaves of Bidens pillosa, Chromolaena odorata, Elaeagnus caudata and Spilanthes acmella, the latex of Carica papaya and rhizomes of Curcuma caesia were dried and powdered. The chloroform extract of each sample were prepared by soaking dried powdered samples in chloroform for 72 h. The extracts were filtered using Whatman filter paper No. 42 (125 mm). The filtrates of plant extracts were preserved at 4-5 ºC for further process. Crude extracts of selected plants parts were analyzed using TLC coupled to HPLC fingerprinting, which gives some prominent and moderate peaks with different retention time, which may be a bioactive compounds.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 133-143
Katarzyna Grata

Abstract Decomposition of cellulose to glucose requires complex cooperation of glycoside hydrolase enzymes. As a result of glycoside β-1,4 bonds hydrolysis, shorter chains of cellulose, oligodextrin, cellobiose and glucose are created. A number of bacteria and fungi demonstrate the capacity to degrade cellulose. Their activity can be assessed with the use of qualitative and quantitative methods. Qualitative methods with the use of e.g. Congo red, are used in screening studies, however, they do not provide information about the quantity of the produced enzyme. Spectrophotometric methods are more accurate and they measure the quantities of reducing sugars with the use of appropriate substrates, e.g. carboxymethylcellulose is used to determine endoglucanases, avicel cellulose to determine exoglucanases and Whatman filter paper to determine total cellulolytic activity. Activity of microorganisms depends not only on their species or type but also, among others, on substratum composition, cultivation conditions and the appropriate selection of parameters of the carried out enzymatic reactions.

Mohammad Shafiq Che Soh ◽  
Mastura Shafinaz Zainal Abidin ◽  
Shaharin Fadzli Abd Rahman ◽  
Shuthish Elangkovan ◽  
Ahmad Bukhairi Md Rashid

Paper based sensor is the new technology to fabricate a simple, portable, and low cost device that exhibits the comparable properties and functions with those fabricated using complex fabrication process. Paper based sensor is usually applied in environmental monitoring, health diagnostics, and food quality control.  This research is focusing on the paper based sensor that will contribute to the development of Ultraviolet (UV) sensor. The fabrication of the sensor was done by using different grade of pencil, namely 6B and 2B on different type of paper. The different grade of pencil corresponds to different percentage of graphite and clay. As for the type of paper, A4 printing paper and Whatman filter paper were used. UV sensing operation was analyzed from the measurement of current-voltage (I-V) characteristics under the exposure of UV light. Zinc oxide (ZnO) was coated on the sensor to facilitate the detection in the presence of UV. The sample fabricated using 6B pencil grade on A4 printing paper and with ZnO coating showed a better UV sensing performance compared to other samples. This is due to the high conduction of 6B pencil grade and smooth surface of A4 printing paper. The ZnO coating increased the sensor sensitivity and response towards the UV light. These findings provide valuable information which can be used in fabricating a low-cost and simple UV paper sensor.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (02) ◽  
pp. 36-39
Manu Bansal ◽  
Rajinder Bansal ◽  
Nikhil Dev Wazir ◽  
Mandeep Singh Matta ◽  
Shalini Chaudhary ◽  

Abstract Introduction The main aim of this study was to compare and evaluate different chemical agents and herbal products in disinfecting gutta-percha (GP) cones through an in vitro study. Materials and Methods For this study, 160 GP cones were taken in test tubes, which were contaminated with Enterococcus faecalis inocula, prepared by dissolving it in Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) broth. The GP cones were then taken from the test tubes and dried on Whatman filter paper no. 1 and were divided into four groups according to the decontaminant used for the study—group 1 (5% sodium hypochlorite [NaOCl]), group 2 (2% chlorhexidine), group 3 (propolis), and group 4 (Aloe vera)—which were further subdivided into subgroups on the basis immersion time periods of 1 and 10 minutes. The GP cones were then again dried and taken in the test tubes containing freshly prepared BHI broth to check the turbidity. Results It was found that 2% chlorhexidine was the most effective disinfectant against E. faecalis, 5% NaOCl was the second best disinfectant followed by propolis, while Aloe vera had not shown any effect as GP disinfectant. Conclusion Since 2% chlorhexidine showed better disinfection efficacy against E. faecalis than 5% NaOCl, it can be recommended for chairside disinfection of GP. One-minute immersion of GP in 2% chlorhexidine is sufficient for elimination of E. faecalis.

M. Emmanuel ◽  
A. J. Dadah ◽  
A. A. Orukotan ◽  
J. Abbah ◽  
I. E. Aigbogun

The phytochemical screening of Terminalia avicennoids was carried out using qualitative method to determine the bioactive compounds present in the plant root, stem and leave extracts. Cooled Maceration method was used for the extraction.  Hundred grams (100 g) of each powder was soaked in 1000 ml of distilled water, allowed to stand for 5 hours.  The suspension was agitated after 30 minutes. The filtrate was thereafter separated from residue using No. 1 Whatman filter paper and concentrated using rotary evaporator. The crude extracts were separately kept in a screw capped bottle for further research. The bioactive compound in the plants were detected using AOAC method. The result revealed that alkaloid, flavonoid, tannin, saponins, phenol and glycoside were detected in the plants while steroid was not detected in the plants. Therefore, the presence of these phytocompounds is an indicative that the plant is medicinal and it can be used for the treatment of bacterial and fungal infections.

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