root stock
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2022 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 261-272
A. Vanitha ◽  
R. Kavinprashantha ◽  
S. Mugendhirana ◽  
J. Shashikanth ◽  

Symphytum L. commonly called as comfrey, belongs to the family Boraginaceae. The genus of Symphytum L. have a great medicinal value and used to treat a wide variety of ailments viz., bronchial problems, sprains, broken bones, arthritis, acne and skin conditions whereas pharmacological effects of comfrey extracts are endorsed to several chemical compounds. In view of above point, the present study of Survey, Collection and Documentation of Symphytum species, were carried out in different places of India. The rhizomes of Symphytum species were collected from Mynala village of Nilgiris, subsequent survey were carried out to IIIM Chatha Research Farm Jammu Tawi during 2017-2018 and it was grown at CMPRH garden, Emerald to confirm the identification of plants species. This specimen was collected and preserved herbarium at CMPRH garden Emerald for future reference. Among plants parts roots and leaves are mostly used for homeopathic system of medicine and this species were maintained and reproduces subsequent year by seed and root fragments. Root cuttings are the least expensive method of propagation. In addition to that Performance of Symphytum officinale at Nilgiris conditions were observed and the results revealed that Symphytum officinale L. is an erect, perennial herb with thick root stock. Leaves oblong-lanceolate and flowers are blue in colour. The data on length of root ranged from 10-20 cm with black to brown colour. Similarly, the length of lower, middle and upper cauline leaves ranged from 32.3-37.2 cm, 25.2-27.8cm, 10.4- 13.2cm, respectively Whereas the width of the lower, middle, upper leaves ranged 12.5-17.4 cm , 7.6- 10.2cm , 3.4-4.1cm, respectively. Further, the studies on Symphytum officnale regarding root yield, dry matter ratio of leaves and roots as well as physiochemical properties other chemical compounds present and uses in homoeopathic system of the medicine under the Nilgiris condition are need to be studied elaborately in future.

Jurnal Agro ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-177
Elis Kartika ◽  
Gusniwati Gusniwati ◽  
Made Deviani Duaja

Grafting bibit kopi memiliki tujuan menghasilkan tanaman dengan karakteristik terbaik dari dua varietas kopi yang disambungkan. Kopi robusta digunakan sebagai batang bawah, karena lebih tahan terhadap kondisi yang tidak menguntungkan di lahan gambut. Upaya peningkatan ketahanan batang bawah dapat memanfaatkan mikoriza dan disambungkan dengan kopi liberika sebagai batang atas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk  mendapatkan bibit kopi Liberika unggul hasil grafting dengan kopi Robusta bermikoriza serta mendapatkan panjang entres kopi Liberika yang mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan bibit kopi Liberika hasil sambung pucuk. Percobaan ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap faktorial dengan dua faktor dan empat ulangan. Faktor pertama adalah inokulasi mikoriza (tanpa aplikasi mikoriza dan aplikasi mikoriza gabungan Glomus sp-1a dan Glomus sp-3c) dan  faktor kedua berupa panjang entres (10, 15, 20 dan 25 cm). Parameter yang diamati adalah persentase keberhasilan sambungan, waktu pecah tunas, pertambahan tinggi bibit, pertambahan jumlah daun, jumlah tunas, bobot kering tunas, dan infeksi mikoriza. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan respons bibit kopi Liberika hasil grafting dengan bibit kopi Robusta bermikoriza terbaik diperoleh pada panjang entres 15 cm, sedangkan yang disambungkan dengan Robusta tidak bermikoriza diperoleh pada panjang entres 25 cm. Pertumbuhan bibit kopi Liberika hasil grafting dengan bibit kopi Robusta terbaik pada berbagai panjang entres diperoleh pada kopi Robusta bermikoriza.” The main goal of coffee grafting is to create a crop with the best characteristic of two coffee varieties in one plant. Robusta coffee is used as the rootstock, which is more resistant to constraints and unfavorable conditions in the peatland. The effort to increase rootstock resistance is inoculated by mycorrhizae and grafted with Liberica coffee as the scion. This study aimed to obtain the best scion length in order to increase the growth of Liberica coffee with Robusta coffee as the inoculated rootstock. The experiment used factorial completely randomized design with the first factor was mycorrhizae inoculation (without inoculation and inoculation of Glomus sp-1a and Glomus sp-3c combination) and the second factor was  the length of scion (10, 15, 20 and 25 cm). The variables observed were the percentage of success grafted plants, shoot break time, growth (plant height, number of leave, number of shoots, and shoot dry weight) and mycorrhizae infection. The results showed that the plant inoculated by mycorrhizae and scion lenght of 15 cm gave the best percentage of the success graft, shoot break time, and growth of scion. While, the root stock without inoculation showed the best result with the scion length 25 cm. The best growth of grafted plant was obtained in all scion length with mycorrhizae inoculation. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (14) ◽  
pp. e425101420690
Jeane Crasque ◽  
Sara Dousseau Arantes ◽  
Basílio Cerri Neto ◽  
Maria Luiza Pereira Barbosa Pinto ◽  
Lúcio de Oliveira Arantes ◽  

The production of black pepper seedlings through grafting is a promising strategy to mitigate the effect of environmental stresses, such as drought, that limit its cultivation. However, studies on compatibility between grafts and rootstocks are still scarce, especially considering the wild species of the genus Piper and the cultivated genotypes of black pepper. The objective of this work was to evaluate the relationship between primary metabolism and the development of black pepper seedlings obtained through intra- and interspecific grafting. The method used was that of cleft lateral grafting, as graft the Bragantina cultivar, better known in the world as ‘Panniyur 1’, and ‘Kottanadan’ cultivar and three wild species (Piper hispidum, Piper aduncum and Piper tuberculatum) were used as root-stock. As a control, ´Bragantina` was grafted onto itself (homograft). The experiment was carried out for 110 days and the seedlings were evaluated for development, gas exchange, and carbohydrate allocation. The rootstock influences the development and primary metabolism of seedlings. P. aduncum showed greater initial compatibility among wild species, due to less impediment to carbohydrate flow. P. tuberculatum showed early incompatibility, as the grafts died. The seedlings grafted on P. hispidum and 'Kottanadan' had initial compatibility with an average of 78% survival and 60% budding, but they may have late incompatibility due to limitation of carbohydrate flow.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Kumud Joshi ◽  
Joshua L. Baumgardner ◽  
Madison MacPhail ◽  
Shailesh R. Acharya ◽  
Elizabeth Blotevogel ◽  

The soybean aphid (Aphis glycines) continues to threaten soybean production in the United States. A suite of management strategies, such as planting aphid-resistant cultivars, has been successful in controlling soybean aphids. Several Rag genes (resistance against A. glycines) have been identified, and two are currently being deployed in commercial soybean cultivars. However, the mechanisms underlying Rag-mediated resistance are yet to be identified. In this study, we sought to determine the nature of resistance conferred by the Rag5 gene using behavioral, molecular biology, physiological, and biochemical approaches. We confirmed previous findings that plants carrying the Rag5 gene were resistant to soybean aphids in whole plant assays, and this resistance was absent in detached leaf assays. Analysis of aphid feeding behaviors using the electrical penetration graph technique on whole plants and detached leaves did not reveal differences between the Rag5 plants and Williams 82, a susceptible cultivar. In reciprocal grafting experiments, aphid populations were lower in the Rag5/rag5 (Scion/Root stock) chimera, suggesting that Rag5-mediated resistance is derived from the shoots. Further evidence for the role of stems comes from poor aphid performance in detached stem plus leaf assays. Gene expression analysis revealed that biosynthesis of the isoflavone kaempferol is upregulated in both leaves and stems in resistant Rag5 plants. Moreover, supplementing with kaempferol restored resistance in detached stems of plants carrying Rag5. This study demonstrates for the first time that Rag5-mediated resistance against soybean aphids is likely derived from stems.

2021 ◽  
Ian Popay

Abstract A medium-sized, evergreen tree which is indigenous in western Himalaya in the Indo-Pakistan sub-continent, ascending to 2000 m. It is a slow growing, shade, drought and fire-tolerant tree, often lopped for fodder. It coppices well, produces root suckers and may also be grown from seed and cuttings. The stem is generally crooked. The wood is used for agricultural implements, turnery articles, tool handles and as a fuel. The root-stock of this species is sometimes used for grafting the European olive, O. europaea subsp. europaea. It is a useful tree for soil conservation and erosion control in its natural habitat.

Russian vine ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 30-35
N.G. Pavluchenko ◽  
S.I. Melnikova ◽  
O.I. Kolesnikova ◽  
N.I. Zimina ◽  

The aim of the study was to evaluate the ef-fect of salicylic acid on the processes of re-generation and root formation in vine grafts during the stratification period. The efficiency of treatment of copulation sections on root-stock cuttings of vines with Salicylic acid (SC) solution was studied) (10-2, 10-4, 10-6, 10-8) during the production of grafted grapevine seedlings. For setting up the experiment, we used the grafted grapevine variety Cabernet Sauvignon, the rootstock - Kober 5BB. In some variants of the experiment, a reduction in the period of vaccination stratification was noted, due to the activation of the process of wound tissue formation. At the same time, the use of salicylic acid stimulated the budding of the scion, the growth of shoots and the devel-opment of the root system. With an increase in the concentration of the solution to 10-2, a slowdown in the growth of shoots was noted. The present results indicate that salicylic acid, being an endogenous stimulator of growth processes, can be used in nursery production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 733 ◽  
pp. 160-174
Sekarathil Resmi ◽  
Santhosh Nampy

A new species of Melastomataceae, Sonerila longipedunculata Resmi & Nampy sp. nov., is described from the southern Western Ghats, India. It is morphologically close to S. travancorica, but differs by the tuberous root stock, fleshy stems, ovate to cordate lamina, longer, angular peduncles, 3-ribbed hypanthium, ovate-elliptic petals, acute anthers, and 3-ribbed capsules. Detailed description, distribution map, and photographic images are provided. The morphological differences with relevant species are discussed. The status of the new species is provisionally assessed here as ‘critically endangered’ according to IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. The name Sonerila travancorica is lectotypified and its identity is discussed. The status of Sonerila longipetiolata is discussed and is synonymised under S. travancorica.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (12) ◽  
pp. 3099-3102
Longjam Shantabi ◽  
Ganesh Chandra Jagetia ◽  
Sh.Victoria Devi ◽  
H. Lalhlenmawia

The present work was done for seven ethnomedicinal plants used by the inhabitants of Mizoram in order to investigate the presence of various phytoconstituents. The root-stock of Alocasia indica, leaves of Bidens pillosa, Chromolaena odorata, Elaeagnus caudata and Spilanthes acmella, the latex of Carica papaya and rhizomes of Curcuma caesia were dried and powdered. The chloroform extract of each sample were prepared by soaking dried powdered samples in chloroform for 72 h. The extracts were filtered using Whatman filter paper No. 42 (125 mm). The filtrates of plant extracts were preserved at 4-5 ºC for further process. Crude extracts of selected plants parts were analyzed using TLC coupled to HPLC fingerprinting, which gives some prominent and moderate peaks with different retention time, which may be a bioactive compounds.

Saimnazarov Yuldash Bekmirzayevich ◽  
Abduramanova Salomat Khudaybergenovna

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