petroleum potential
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2022 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Piyaphong Chenrai ◽  
Thitiphan Assawincharoenkij ◽  
John Warren ◽  
Sannaporn Sa-nguankaew ◽  
Sriamara Meepring ◽  

Bedding-parallel fibrous calcite veins crop out at two Permian carbonate localities in the Phetchabun area, central Thailand, within the Nam Duk and Khao Khwang Formations. Samples are studied to determine their petrographic, geochemical and isotopic character, depositional and diagenetic associations and controls on the formation of fibrous calcite across the region. Biomarker and non-biomarker parameters are used to interpret organic matter sources in the vein-hosting units, the depositional environment and levels of source rock maturation in order to evaluate source rock potential in the two Formations. Carbon and oxygen isotope values of the veins and the host are determined to discuss the source of carbonates and diagenetic conditions. The petroleum assessment from the Khao Khwang and Nam Duk Formations suggests that both Formations are a petroleum potential source rock with type II/III kerogen deposited in an estuarine environment or a shallow marine environment and a slope-to-basin marine environment or an open marine environment, respectively. The bedding-parallel fibrous calcite veins from the Khao Khwang and Nam Duk Formations are divided into two types: 1) beef and, 2) cone-in-cone veins. The carbon and oxygen isotope compositions from the fibrous calcite veins suggest that the calcite veins could be precipitated from a carbon source generated in the microbial methanogenic zone. The results in this study provide a better understanding of the interrelationship between the bedding-parallel fibrous calcite veins and petroleum source rock potential.

Marta Politykina ◽  
Anatolii Tyurin ◽  
Sergei Makarov ◽  
Vadim Petrishchev ◽  
Petr Pankrat'ev ◽  

Majid Safaei-Farouji ◽  
Mohammadreza Kamali ◽  
Mohammad Hail Hakimi

AbstractGeochemical study of Kazhdumi and Pabdeh Formations as potential source rocks in Gachsaran Oilfield demonstrates that the Kazhdumi Formation has a fair to good capability of hydrocarbon generation and predominately contains type II-III kerogen. On the other hand, the Pabdeh Formation has a poor to good petroleum potential and contains different kerogen types, including type II, type II-III, type III and even for one sample, type IV, indicating different depositional conditions for this formation. The geochemical log of the Kazhdumi Formation shows that there is a close correlation between different geological parameters as noticed prominently in well number 55, which suggests the more extensive the anoxic condition, the higher the petroleum potential is for Kazhdumi Formation. By contrast, a poor correlation between TOC and other Rock–Eval-derived parameters for the Pabdeh Formation at a depth of more than 2100 m may demonstrate the inert organic matter and mineral matrix effects at this depth interval. However, biomarkers show differences in lithology and depositional environment for the Kazhdumi Formation in well numbers 55 and 83. On the other hand, the Pabdeh Formation has a mixed lithology (carbonate-shale) deposited in a marine setting under suboxic–anoxic condition. Moreover, thermal maturity indicators suggest that Pabdeh and Kazhdumi Formations are immature and early mature, respectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Zhaolin Qi ◽  
Yalin Li ◽  
Chengshan Wang

The Qamdo Basin in eastern Tibet has significant petroleum potential and previous studies indicate that the basin contains thick potential source rocks of the Late Permian and the Late Triassic ages. In this paper, the petroleum potential of samples from measured the Upper Permian and Upper Triassic outcrop sections was evaluated on the basis of sedimentological, organic petrographic and geochemical analyses. Initial evaluations of total organic carbon contents indicated that shale samples from the Upper Permian Tuoba Formation and the Upper Triassic Adula and Duogala Formations have major source rock potential, while carbonate rocks from the Upper Triassic Bolila Formation are comparatively lean in organic matter More detailed analyses of OM-rich shale samples from the Tuoba, Adula and Duogala Formations included Rock-eval, elemental analyses, gas chromatography and organic petrography. Maceral compositions and plots of atomic O/C versus H/C indicate that the organic matter present in the samples is primarily Type II with a mixed source. Analyses of acyclic isoprenoid biomarkers indicate the organic matter was deposited under reducing and sub-to anoxic conditions. Based on the high vitrinite reflectance (Ro>1.3%) and Rock-eval data, the samples are classified as highly to over-mature, suggesting that the Tuoba, Adula and Duogaila Formation shales may generate thermogenic gas. Source rock intervals in the three formations are interpreted to have been deposited in marginal-marine environment during transgressions and under a warm and moist climatic condition.

G. G. Shemin ◽  
P. A. Glazyrin ◽  
A. G. Vakhromeev ◽  
O. I. Bostrikov ◽  

The article presents the results of petroleum potential quantitative forecast of the Toarcian, Pliensbachian and Hettangian-Sinemurian regional reservoirs of Lower Jurassic deep-buried deposits within Yenisei-Khatanga and adjacent territories of the Gydan petroleum regions based on models of structure and reconstructed conditions of formation for each of the noted reservoirs and their components – permeable complexes and fluid seals, developed earlier by the authors of this article. Tectonic, lithological-facies and geochemical criteria for assessing the oil-and-gas bearing prospects of reservoirs are described. The methodology and the petroleum potential quantitative assessment results for regional reservoirs with attached maps of petroleum potential of each reservoir are considered. The structure of hydrocarbon resources (HC) is given: the distribution of initial total hydrocarbon resources by phase composition, regional reservoirs and oil and gas-bearing areas.

Benatus Norbert Mvile ◽  
Emily Barnabas Kiswaka ◽  
Olawale Olakunle Osinowo ◽  
Isaac Muneji Marobhe ◽  
Abel Idowu Olayinka ◽  

AbstractIn this study, the available 2D seismic lines have been interpreted to understand the basin development and petroleum potential of the Late Cretaceous–Quaternary stratigraphy of the Tanga offshore Basin in Tanzania. Conventional seismic interpretation has delineated eight sedimentary fill geometries, fault properties, stratal termination patterns and unconformities characterizing the studied stratigraphy. The Late Cretaceous was found to be characterized by tectonic quiescence and uniform subsidence where slope induced gravity flows that resulted during the Miocene block movements was the major mechanism of sediment supply into the basin. The Quaternary was dominated by extensional regime that created deep N-S to NNE-SSW trending graben. The graben accommodated thick Pleistocene and Holocene successions deposited when the rate of tectonic uplift surpasses the rate of sea level rise. Thus, the deposition of lowstand system tracts characterized by debris flow deposits, slope fan turbidites, channel fill turbidites and overbank wedge deposits, known for their excellent petroleum reservoir qualities, especially where charged by Karoo Black Shales. Subsequent tectonic quiescence and transgression lead to the emplacement of deep marine deposits with characteristic seismic reflection patterns that indicate the occurrence of Quaternary shale sealing rocks in the study area. The occurrence of all the necessary petroleum play systems confirms the hydrocarbon generation, accumulations and preservation potential in the Tanga Basin.

2021 ◽  
Vol 133 ◽  
pp. 105108
Henrik Nøhr-Hansen ◽  
Gunver Krarup Pedersen ◽  
Paul C. Knutz ◽  
Jørgen A. Bojesen-Koefoed ◽  
Kasia Kamila Śliwińska ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. M57-2020-6
John R. Hopper ◽  
Jon R. Ineson

AbstractThe Franklinian margin composite tectono-sedimentary element (CTSE) in North Greenland is dominated by Neoproterozoic - lowermost Devonian sedimentary strata that include early syn-rift through passive margin TSEs of mixed carbonate and siliciclastic facies. The sedimentary successions are well exposed in much of northern Greenland, but locally were strongly affected by the Ellesmerian Orogeny, resulting in a fold and thrust belt that deformed the northernmost exposures. An exposed palaeo-oilfield attests to the petroleum potential of the basin. Several formations have good source potential and several others have good reservoir properties. Palaeo-heat flow indicators show that temperatures increase to the north, where much of the basin is over-mature. Because of the remoteness of the area and the restricted locations where petroleum potential is likely to remain, the basin is not currently a target for exploration.

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