austenitic transformation
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A.A. Krugljakow ◽  
S.O. Rogachev ◽  
N.V. Lebedeva ◽  
P.Yu Sokolov ◽  
A.M. Arsenkin ◽  

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (18) ◽  
pp. 5363
Krzysztof Bzowski ◽  
Łukasz Rauch ◽  
Maciej Pietrzyk ◽  
Marcin Kwiecień ◽  
Krzysztof Muszka

Development of a reliable model of phase transformations in steels presents significant challenges, not only metallurgical but also connected to numerical solutions and implementation. The model proposed in this paper is dedicated to austenitic transformation during heating and ferritic transformation during cooling. The goal was to find a solution which allows for the decreasing of computing time without noticeable decreasing the accuracy and reliability of the model. Proceedings to achieve this goal were twofold. Statistically Similar Representative Volume Element was used as a representation of the microstructure. It allowed for the reducing of the complexity of the computational domain. For the purpose of the model, carbon diffusion was assumed to be the main driving force for both transformations. A coupled finite element–level set method was used to describe growth of a new phase. The model was verified and validated by comparing the results with the experimental data. Numerical tests of the model were performed for the industrial intercritical annealing process.

O. Sydorchuk

Purpose. Production of die tool from steel with regulation of austenitic transformation during operation to increase the level of service life during hot deformation of copper-nickel alloy. Research methods. Metallographic, high-temperature X-ray phase and dilatometric analyzes of research steel. Results. The mode of heat treatment (incomplete annealing) of steel 4Х3Н5М3Ф at a temperature of 750±20 °С, obtained by electroslag remelting, allowed to obtain a perlite-sorbitol structure at a hardness of33–34 HRC and allowed better machining by cutting the workpiece alloy. The proposed mode of final heat treatment (hardening 1030±10 °C and tempering 600±5 °C) of the investigated steel, makes it possible to heat the matrix during operation to a temperature of 600 °C. Scientific novelty. The thermal stability of the tool for hot deformation can be significantly increased when using steel with adjustable austenitic transformation during operation. Such steel in the initial state has a ferrite base, and when heated to operating temperatures occurs from α-Fe to γ-Fe conversion and, subsequently, the austenitic structure is preserved throughout the period of high-temperature operation of the stamping tool. It is confirmed that the stamping tool made of steel 4Kh3N5М3F when pressing a copper-nickel alloy works in the temperature range corresponding to the austenitization process. Practical value. Abbreviated technological operation, namely thermo-deformation processing (forging) of ingots obtained by electroslag remelting. Experimental-industrial tests of the die tool of steel 4Х3Н5М3Ф in the manufacture of tube blanks of Ø 67±0,1 mm from a copper-nickel alloy of the МНЖ 5-1 brand are carried out. As a result of research “Artemovsk plant for processing of non-ferrous metals and alloys” (Bakhmut, Donetsk region, Ukraine) at an operating temperature of 900–950 ° C, matrices made of steel 4Х3Н5М3Ф (without deformation-forging) showed stability in three times higher than the matrices from steel 3Х3М3Ф made at the enterprise.

2021 ◽  
Vol 98 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-53
O. M. Sydorchuk ◽  

The intermediate class of steels, which at room temperature belong to the ferritic state, and at operating temperature pass into the austenitic region, are called steels with control of austenitic transformation during operation. The possibility of increasing the service life of such intermediate steels at high temperatures (above the critical point A3) is shown. For the first time, the cast structure and phase-structural state of steel (grade 4Kh3N5М3F) obtained by electroslag remelting were studied. An improved composition of steel (4Kh4N5М3F) for the production of stamping tools for hot pressing of copper, copper and aluminum alloys is proposed. When setting the critical points (A1 and A3) of the investigated steel, which was confirmed by the results of high-temperature X-ray phase analysis, it was possible to optimize the heat treatment (annealing) of steel 4Kh3N5M3F and 4Kh4N5M4F2 in cast and forged condition, which facilitated processing tool. The results of researches on optimization of modes of heat treatment (hardening, tempering) of steel are given. The mechanical properties (strength, toughness, heat resistance) of steel in cast and forged state depending on the tempering and tempering temperature are determined. The tempering brittleness of the experimental steel is determined. An experimental-industrial test of a stamping tool (die dies, extruder parts) made of the investigated steel was carried out. The possibility of using stamped steel with adjustable austenitic transformation for a wide range of operating temperatures of hot deformation of aluminum alloy AK7h (450-500 ºC), copper M1 (600-630 ºC) and copper-nickel alloy MNZh 5-1 (900-950 ºC) with increased service life in comparison with steels of ferrite class 4Kh5МF1S and 3Kh3М3F. Keywords: die steel, composition, thermal treatment, structure, mechanical properties.

Nazarii Bykiv ◽  
Volodymyr Iasnii ◽  
Petro Yasniy ◽  
Robert Junga

Shape memory alloys are functional materials characterized by the effect of shape memory and superelasticity. Due to these properties, they are widely used, particularly, in bioengineering, aeronautics, robotics and civil engineering. The temperatures of phase transformations and the influence of external temperature and strain rate on the functional and mechanical characteristics of Ni55.75Ti44.15 shape memory alloy are investigated in this paper. The temperature of alloy phase transformations is obtained by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) in the temperature range from -70°C to 70°C. Diagrams of differential scanning calorimeters at different heating and cooling rates of Ni55.75Ti44.15 alloy is constructed and analyzed. Samples for mechanical tests are made of round rod 8 mm in diameter. The samples working area is 12.5 mm in length and 4 mm in diameter. Mechanical tests are carried out at temperatures close to the maximum value of the completion temperature of martensitic-austenitic transformation Af = 14.7°C. Diagrams of deformation under uniaxial tension are constructed and stresses of phase transformations, Young's modulus and relative elongations of transformation areas at different loading speeds and exterior temperatures are determined. Using Clausius-Clapeyron formula, it is shown that with simultaneous changes in temperature and strain rate, the stresses of phase transformations are largely due to changes in temperature rather than load rates. The coefficients of Clausius-Clapeyron equation for superelastic Ni55.75Ti44.15 alloy with shape memory, which are consistent with those known in the literature, are determined.

RPM Guimarães ◽  
F Pixner ◽  
G Trimmel ◽  
J Hobisch ◽  
T Rath ◽  

Nickel–titanium alloys are the most widely used shape memory alloys due to their outstanding shape memory effect and superelasticity. Additive manufacturing has recently emerged in the fabrication of shape memory alloy but despite substantial advances in powder-based techniques, less attention has been focused on wire-based additive manufacturing. This work reports on the preliminary results for the process-related microstructural and phase transformation changes of Ni-rich nickel–titanium alloy additively manufactured by wire-based electron beam freeform fabrication. To study the feasibility of the process, a simple 10-layer stack structure was successfully built and characterized, exhibiting columnar grains and achieving one-step reversible martensitic–austenitic transformation, thus showing the potential of this additive manufacturing technique for processing shape memory alloys.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (01) ◽  
pp. 77-85
O. M. Sydorchuk ◽  
A. A. Mamonova ◽  
Y. V. Lukianchuk ◽  
K. O. Gogaiev ◽  

The ligature for finishing of base steel 3H3M3Ftype for obtaining steel 4H3N5M3Ftype with adjustable austenitic transformation is developed in the article. The phase-structural state of steel in the cast state is investigated. The uniform distribution of alloying components on the body of grains is shown. It was found that the investigated hardened steel is softening above the tempering temperature of 620 °C, because the heat resistance of steel decreases (below 40 HRC). It was developed a 3H3M3F base steel ligature for steel production with adjustable austenitic transformation of 4H3N5M3F brand. Ingots (ligature of the Fe―Ni―Mo―V―Mn system) weighing 25 kg were obtained. The ligature was obtained by means of an induction furnace in a casting mold. The temperature of the metal in the furnace before release was 1550 °C. The duration of refining did not exceed 20 minutes. The phase-structural state of cast steel is studied. The uniform distribution of alloying components on the body of grains is shown, as well as the absence of coarse carbide eutectic in metal. This allows to reduce energy-intensive technological operations (diffusion annealing, forging) for the die toolsmanufacture. The presence of martensitic structure in the steel in the cast state of the investigated ingot requires the main thermal operation — annealing. It is established that incomplete annealing at a temperature of 750 ± 20 °C under the condition of partial recrystallization of the investigated steel allows to improve the mechanical processing (cutting) for the production of the die tool. It was determined that the investigated hardened steel hardens above the tempering temperature of 620 °C, because the heat resistance of steel decreases (below 40 HRC). Thus, a die tool of the investigated steel for hot deformation, capable of operating up to the temperature of 620 °C. Keywords: steel, ligature, temperature, structure, hardness.

Metals ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (10) ◽  
pp. 1092 ◽  
Jintao Wang ◽  
Shouping Liu ◽  
Xiaoyu Han

In this paper, a method of using the second phase to control the grain growth in Fe–Al–Cr alloys was proposed, in order to obtain better mechanical properties. In Fe–Al–Cr alloys, austenitic transformation occurs by adding austenitizing elements, leading to the formation of the second phase and segregation at the grain boundaries, which hinders grain growth. FeCr(σ) phase was obtained in the Fe–Al–Cr alloys, which had grains of several microns and was coherent and coplanar with the matrix (Fe2AlCr). The nucleation of σ phase in Fe–Al–Cr alloy was controlled by the ratio of nickel to chromium. When the Ni/Cr (eq) ratio of alloys was more than 0.19, σ phase could nucleate in Fe–Al–Cr alloy. The relationship between austenitizing and nucleation of FeCr(σ) phase was given by thermodynamic calculation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (9) ◽  
pp. 894-900 ◽  
A. A. Kruglyakov ◽  
S. A. Nikulin ◽  
S. O. Rogachev ◽  
N. V. Lebedeva ◽  
G. A. Panova ◽  

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