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Nanomaterials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 205
María Salvador ◽  
José Luis Marqués-Fernández ◽  
José Carlos Martínez-García ◽  
Dino Fiorani ◽  
Paolo Arosio ◽  

Today, public health is one of the most important challenges in society. Cancer is the leading cause of death, so early diagnosis and localized treatments that minimize side effects are a priority. Magnetic nanoparticles have shown great potential as magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents, detection tags for in vitro biosensing, and mediators of heating in magnetic hyperthermia. One of the critical characteristics of nanoparticles to adjust to the biomedical needs of each application is their polymeric coating. Fatty acid coatings are known to contribute to colloidal stability and good surface crystalline quality. While monolayer coatings make the particles hydrophobic, a fatty acid double-layer renders them hydrophilic, and therefore suitable for use in body fluids. In addition, they provide the particles with functional chemical groups that allow their bioconjugation. This work analyzes three types of self-assembled bilayer fatty acid coatings of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: oleic, lauric, and myristic acids. We characterize the particles magnetically and structurally and study their potential for resonance imaging, magnetic hyperthermia, and labeling for biosensing in lateral flow immunoassays. We found that the myristic acid sample reported a large r2 relaxivity, superior to existing iron-based commercial agents. For magnetic hyperthermia, a significant specific absorption rate value was obtained for the oleic sample. Finally, the lauric acid sample showed promising results for nanolabeling.

Sabarinathan Palaniyappan ◽  
Annamalai Veiravan ◽  
Vishal Kumar ◽  
Nitin Mathusoothanaperumal Sukanya ◽  
Dhinakaran Veeman

Consumption of coated abrasive discs in various automobile and pipe fitting application is increasing, due to its good surface finish. Coated abrasive disc consists of single layer of abrasive grain bonded to a fibre backing. The major portion of the disc is comprised of fibre backing. But the sustainability of the fibre backing is low and is dumped as waste after usage. The present work deals with the removal of resin coating and recovery of fibre backing from the spent coated abrasive discs using physical separation process such as sand blasting technique. Initially, the recovery experiment was carried out based on L16 orthogonal array. The factors and levels chosen for the experiments were erodent pressure (0.2, 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 MPa), erodent size (36, 60, 80 and 120 grit), disc orientation (30, 45, 60 and 75°) and number of times flexing (5, 10, 15 and 20). The experimental result shows that erodent size and erodent pressure have a major impact on recovery of the fibre backing. The surface structure of the recovered backing was analysed using scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy. The recovered backing was very much useful for the coated abrasive industry as the flexible backing and support material for abrasive grain coating.

Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Juchen Zhang ◽  
Shasha Song ◽  
Junsheng Zhang ◽  
Weijie Chang ◽  
Haidong Yang ◽  

Due to its advantages of good surface quality and not being affected by material hardness, electrochemical machining (ECM) is suitable for the machining of blisk, which is known for its hard-to-machine materials and complex shapes. However, because of the unstable processing and low machining quality, conventional linear feeding blisk ECM has difficulty in obtaining a complex structure. To settle this problem, the vibration-assisted ECM method is introduced to machine blisk channels in this paper. To analyze the influence of vibration on the process of ECM, a two-phase flow field model is established based on the RANS k-ε turbulence model, which is suitable for narrow flow field and high flow velocity. The model is coupled with the electric field, the flow field, and the temperature field to form a multi-physics field coupling model. In addition, dynamic simulation is carried out on account of the multi-physics field coupling model and comparative experiments are conducted using the self-developed ECM machine tool. While a shortcut appeared in the contrast experiment, machining with vibration-assisted channel ECM achieved fine machining stability and surface quality. The workpiece obtained by vibration-assisted channel ECM has three narrow and straight channels, with a width of less than 3 mm, an aspect ratio of more than 8, and an average surface roughness Ra in the hub of 0.327 μm. Compared with experimental data, the maximum relative errors of simulation are only 1.05% in channel width and 8.11% in machining current, which indicates that the multi-physics field coupling model is close to machining reality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-9
Tuan Anh Nguyen ◽  
Thi Thu Trang Bui

Carbon-based fillers have attracted a lot of interest in polymer composites because of their ability to alter beneficial properties at low filler concentrations, good surface bonding with polymers, availability in different forms, etc. Carbon-based materials (such as fullerene, CNTs, graphene, and graphite) have been studied as fillers with enhanced fire resistance to epoxy resins. In order to reduce the flammability and improve the thermal stability of epoxy resin-based nanocomposite materials, which can be achieved by a simultaneous combination of graphene oxide and multiwall carbon nanotubes, the graphite oxide (GO) epoxy nanomaterial was developed by 1% wt.% GO combined with 0.02 wand 0.04 wt.% MWCNT. The homogeneous dispersion of GO and MWCNTs in epoxy resins is supported by ultrasonic vibrations. The results showed that when nanocomposite materials were present at the same time MWCNTs and GO, their mechanical properties and fire resistance were significantly improved. Nanomaterials are characterized by FT-IR spectroscopy and SEM imaging, mechanical strength, and flame retardant properties (LOI, UL94).

2021 ◽  
Abdelwahab Noufal

Abstract Abu Dhabi subsurface fault populations triggered basin system in diverse directions, because of their significant role as fluid pathways. Studying fault infill materials, fault geometries, zone architecture and sealing properties from outcrops as analogues to the subsurface of Abu Dhabi, and combining these with well data and cores are the main objectives of this paper. The fault core around the fault plane and in areas of overlap between fault segments and around the fault tip include slip surfaces and deformed rocks such as fault gouge, breccia, and lenses of host rock, shale smear, salt flux and diagenetic features. Structural geometry of the fault zone architecture and fault plane infill is mainly based on the competency contrast of the materials, that are behaving in ductile or in a brittle manner, which are distributed in the subsurface of Abu Dhabi sedimentary sequences with variable thicknesses. Brittleness is producing lenses, breccia and gouge, while, ductile intervals (principally shales and salt), evolved in smear and flux. The fault and fractures are behaving in a sealy or leaky ways is mainly dependent on the percentage of these materials in the fault deformation zone. The reservoir sections distancing from shale and salt layers are affected by diagenetic impact of the carbonates filling fault zones by recrystallized calcite and dolomite. Musandam area, Ras Al Khaima (RAK), and Jabal Hafit (JH) on the northeast- and eastern-side of the UAE represents good surface analogues for studying fault materials infill characteristics. To approach this, several samples, picked from fault planes, were analysed. NW-trending faults system show more dominant calcite, dolomite, anhydrites and those closer to salt and shale intervals are showing smearing of the ductile infill. The other linked segments and transfer faults of other directions are represented by a lesser percentage of infill. In areas of gravitational tectonics, the decollement ductile interval is intruded in differently oriented open fractures. The studied outcrops of the offshore salt islands and onshore Jabal Al Dhanna (JD) showing salt flux in the surrounding layers that intruded by the salt. The fractures and faults of the surrounding layers and the embedment insoluble layers are highly deformed and showing nearly total seal. As the salt behaving in an isotropic manner, the deformation can be measured clearly by its impact on the surrounding and embedment's insoluble rocks. The faults/fractures behaviour is vicious in migrating hydrocarbons, production enhancement and hydraulic fracturing propagation.

Micromachines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 1510
Ninghui Yu ◽  
Lihua Li ◽  
Chea-su Kee

Aluminum alloy (Al6061) is a common material used in the ultraprecision area. It can be machined with a good surface finish by single-point diamond turning (SPDT). Due to the material being relatively soft, it is difficult to apply post-processing techniques such as ultraprecision lapping and ultraprecision polishing, as they may scratch the diamond-turned surface. As a result, a novel low-pressure lapping method was developed by our team to reduce the surface roughness. In this study, a finite element model was developed to simulate the mechanism of this novel lapping technology. The simulation results were compared with the experimental results so as to gain a better understanding of the lapping mechanism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
Balkrishna C. Rao

Manufacturing is a crucial activity of product development that feeds into and is also influenced by the design process. Any material conservation gained during manufacturing directly affects the green credentials of a product. Manufacturing waste can be contrived to approach zero through a recently developed frugal design approach that quantifies resource conservation at all stages of development of a product engineered for frugality. Accordingly, this effort presents frugal manufacturing (FM), integral to the frugal design approach , for utmost reduction of waste while aiming for good surface integrity, better properties, minimal number of processes and low cost. Other than saving on energy and hence emissions, the new concept of FM also goes beyond current near net shape technologies, which advocate mainly for zero wastage and suitable properties while using a narrow range of manufacturing processes. Case studies involving high-speed machining , superplastic forming and additive manufacturing of aerospace alloys have been presented that bring out the features and benefits of FM. As such the multipronged objectives of FM should be dovetailed with those of smart factories for creating novel technologies that abet widespread sustainable development. Such enhancement of the smart factories concept has been argued to support unusual applications such as the fight against pandemics including the current one involving COVID-19.

Jayakumar N ◽  
Senthilkumar G ◽  
Pradeep A D ◽  

Additive manufacturing significantly reduces the lead time of the product development cycle in the way of design trials and thus reduces delivery time to the market. The essence has been understood by many sectors including, education, manufacturing industries, automotive, medical, aerospace, consumer electronics, bio-medical and even fashion enthusiasts. It is used to prepare this PLA for the used plastics and landfills. By this way, it can reduce the plastics waste from the earth. Compare with ABS plastics, PLA plastics are cheaper. This disruptive technology going to the change the way of manufacturing goods and sets a new narrow path to the future industries. During usage of filament material, it’s got failure due to not enough quality printing because of not proper process parameters. Also, the printed part does not have good surface quality. So, the PLA material requires improved mechanical properties. The objective of this study is to create 3D printed parts with good quality with the optimized process parameters.The selected process parameters are infill density (%), Nozzle temperature (º) and print orientation. Taguchi orthogonal array (L9) design method has been chosen for generating design of experiments. The samples are produced according to its ASTM standards. The specimens were tested for identifying the mechanical properties like tensile strength, compression strength and impact strength. From the results obtained from the tests, taking the mean values and conclude the better infill density, orientation and the nozzle temperature the PLA.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
A. Bovas Herbert Bejaxhin ◽  
G.M. Balamurugan ◽  
S.M. Sivagami ◽  
K. Ramkumar ◽  
V. Vijayan ◽  

Dual heat treatment (DHT) effect is analyzed using the machining of Al6061-T6 alloy, a readily available material for quickly finding the machining properties. The heat treatments are conducted twice over the specimen by the furnace heating before processing through CNC machining. The HSS and WC milling cutters are preferred for the diameter of 10 mm for the reviewed rotational speeds of 2000 rpm and 4000 rpm, and the constant depth of cut of 0.5 mm is chosen based on various reviews. Worthy roughness could be provided mostly by the influence of feed rates preferred here as 0.05 mm/rev and 0.1 mm/rev. The influencing factors are identified by the Taguchi, genetic algorithm (GA), and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) techniques and compared within it. The simulation finding also helps to clarify the relationship between influenced machining constraints and roughness outcomes of this project. The average values of heat treated and nonheat treated Al6061-T6 are compared and it is to be evaluated that 41% improvement is obtained with the lower surface roughness of 1.78975 µm and it shows good surface finish with the help of dual heat treatment process.

Processes ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (11) ◽  
pp. 2083
Ken-Chuan Cheng ◽  
Chien-Yao Huang ◽  
Jung-Chou Hung ◽  
A-Cheng Wang ◽  
Yan-Cherng Lin

The micro lens array (MLA) has played an important role in optical systems for the past few years, and the precision of pressing dies has dominated the quality of MLAs in glass molding. Few studies have covered the transcription effects on surface roughness of pressing dies for this technology. Therefore, this research utilized pressing dies to produce a sine-wave lens array on glass molding, to transform the Gauss-distributed spotlight into a uniform straight one and then characterize the transcription effects of these lenses. Pressing dies with a sine-wave shape were firstly cut by wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM), and then ultrasonic polishing using diamond abrasives was applied to finish the sine-wave surface with an original roughness of 0.2 μm Ra. Next, the sine-wave lens arrays were pressed by glass molding at the appropriate pressure and temperature, before evaluating the transcription effects of transforming the Gauss-distributed spotlight into a uniform straight one. The result showed that the sine-wave lens array stuck easily to the pressing die and then ruptured during glass molding due to the poor surface roughness of pressing tool. However, the diamond abrasive with appropriate sizes could establish good surface roughness on pressing dies via ultrasonic polishing, and the pressing die with a low surface roughness of 0.08 μm Ra was able to successfully perform MLA in the glass molding. However, only pressing dies with a surface roughness smaller than 0.023 μm Ra could produce precision glass lenses to transform the Gauss-distributed spotlight into a uniform straight one.

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