state education policy
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2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 104-118

The purpose of the article is to consider the qualitative aspects of the modernization of the educational space of the Russian Federation on the basis of a political analysis of this process. The author presents the features of preparation and adoption of political and legal decisions in the field of education. It is considered in the article that many documents adopted in the field of education do not specify the mechanism for implementing the established norms and the required sources of funding. As a result, the conclusion is substantiated about the purposeful depoliticization of education and the transfer of the functions of educating the younger generation to other institutional formats that are not directly related to the education system. At the present stage, the mechanisms of interaction between the government and society in the field under study are mainly represented by an open public discussion. But the nature of the dialogue, expressed in the tacit disregard of public opinion by the state authorities, speaks of a hidden confrontation between the parties, which at times becomes open.

2020 ◽  
pp. 13-26
Victor Bondarenko ◽  
Alla Semenova

The authors of the article analyse the social and personal dimensions of the targets of the strategic development of educational policy of Ukraine under integration into the European educational space in their cultural and historical integrity. On the examples of comparison of foreign experience, achievements of modern progressive democracies, it is explained that the path of Ukrainian state formation determines the need for optimal civilizational choice of priorities, based on which - education and upbringing of the nation. It is shown that in contrast to the EU, where the strategic basis in the field of education and training is determined by teachers, in Ukraine the problem of teacher training, deepening the content of their education, decent financial rewards, etc. is not only obvious but also glaring. Further integration of the country into the world economic and cultural space encourages the synchronization of the Ukrainian education with European. It is proved that the issues of concretization of value content and development of methodology for training competent specialists in the field of educational policy for Ukraine, on the one hand, and personal and professional selection, training for work in the field of state education policy - on the other are important. The necessity of creating an educational and research institution in Ukraine - the Institute for Educational Policy Research - is substantiated.

2020 ◽  
Vol 55 ◽  
pp. 75-92
Viktoria Sydorenko ◽  
Tetiana Kravchynska ◽  
Olena Aleinikova ◽  
Oksana Dubinina

The reform of the continuing teachers’ training system in Ukraine is meant to provide teachers with the opportunities for professional development and lifelong learning according to the requirements set by the State education policy, employers and key stakeholders. This implies creation of flexible competitive educational environment using mobile advanced training programs and modernization of content, forms, methods techniques of teaching. The authors present a set of andragogic and psychological assessment instruments to use for continuing teachers’ training, including feedback questionnaires, complex questionnaires, blitz polls, tests, selection of monitoring methods on teachers’ professional and lifelong development.

M. B. Ponyavina ◽  
P. S. Seleznev

The article discusses the urgent problem of attracting international students to Russian universities as well as their readiness to attract a new type of student. The work considers aspects of useful international experience of the issue: today when education has become one of the main priorities in countries with developing economies, many of them seek to establish partnerships with leading world universities. The authors made recommendations for adjusting the current situation in the Russian Federation, where the most intensive flow of international students comes from the former USSR republics studying at the expense of budgetary funds. At the same time, the choice for international students is limited to universities of the country’s largest cities — Moscow and St. Petersburg, and this requires a change. Also considered is the growth factor of the position of Russian universities in international rankings, high positions in which play a significant role in enhancing the flow of international students into the country.

K. E. Stupak ◽  

The article deals with analyzing the main streams of the education policy in Finland, which reflect the relationship between a person and society in modern socio–economic conditions. Such policy directs the system of education to change the person and his mind himself. Finland using its education system, has long before been concerned about preparing people for the future by reforming approaches to teaching in schools and higher education institutions. As a result, it has achieved world–wide recognition and top positions in various ratings have resulted. Therefore, today there is a great interest of scientists in certain issues of education functioning in Finland. Thus, G. Androshchuk, V. Butova. I. Zhernokleeva, T. Pushkareva and others study in their works the purpose and decisive role of Finland's education policy in the development of the education system. S. Grinyuk and V. Zagvozdkin pay attention to the practical the steps of reforming the Finnish system of education. T. Drobyshevsk investigates the system of providing educational services in Finland as a sector of knowledge production. L. Volynets, P. Kukharchuk consider the principles of the state education policy of Finland. L. Smolskaya examines the role of the state policy in implementing the "Finnish phenomenon"; P. Basyliuk and Yu. Kulykova, focus attention on the study of the evolution of the system of higher education in Finland; O. Scherbak reveals peculiarities of vocational education and training.

2020 ◽  
Vol 89 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-103
V. V. Abroskin

The emphasis has been placed on the fact that due to the competent use of the necessary tools during the development and implementation of state policy in the field of higher education it is possible to create conditions for the reproduction of educational potential of our state. Particular attention has been paid to the fact that the main purpose of higher education is the state investment in human capital in order to develop skills and professional competencies for priority areas of economic activity. The ability to use them properly will ensure innovative socio-economic and cultural development of our country taking into account current needs of human beings and society. In this regard, it is important to have a clear understanding of the place and role of state policy in the field of higher education within state education policy in general, the use of the necessary legal tools in developing effective state policy within higher education, since it directly affects the competitiveness of our state on the world stage, its socio-economic development and Ukraine’s entry into the international educational and scientific space. The author has emphasized the importance of understanding the role and significance of the state policy in the field of higher education within the system of state education policy in general, outlining the priority areas of its modernization in order to bring it into line with generally accepted European standards in this area. As a result of revealing the essence of the state education policy, the author has offered to understand the state policy in the field of higher education as a set of key ideas, priorities or goals enshrined in national legislation, when the authorized subjects implement managing impact with the assistance of certain legal tools in order to ensure the proper functioning of higher education area, acquisition of skills and professional competencies by applicants for higher education, development of their employment abilities. The purpose of the state policy in the field of higher education is to create an ideal model of higher education system and its integration into the national education system, strengthening relationship between higher education institutions and the labor market, ensuring further development of socio-economic, scientific and cultural potential of our country, strengthening the intellectual potential and the state’s competitiveness on the world stage, Ukraine’s entry into the European educational and scientific space. The tasks of the state policy in the field of higher education have been systematized. That allowed to determine its characteristic features that distinguish it from other types of state policy in general and state educational policy in particular. The factors influencing the effectiveness of the state policy in the field of higher education have been highlighted. It has been emphasized that the current stage of modernization of the state policy in higher education in Ukraine is characterized by the focus on higher education as the most important innovative component of the modern economy, as the necessary prerequisite for economic growth, cultural and intellectual development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 39
Julia Everitt

Despite the move to state education, policy-makers since the early 1900s have encouraged the community, external agencies, private companies, employers and voluntary organisations to become involved in schools. The rationales for these collaborations are to address issues (e.g., delinquency, neglect, underachievement and low family support), which will be tackled through activities (e.g., extra-curricular clubs and one-to-one support) and to focus on the social aspects of schooling of wider audiences (e.g., adults). These activities are deemed as beneficial through implementation which is perceived to be issue free. Research is lacking with regard to how these policy responses are played out in practice and the perceptions of those involved. This paper reveals the individuals involved in four case study schools using an audit pro-forma, documentary analysis and interviews with school staff and external agencies. The findings highlight that several individuals were expected to deliver former statutory provision for free, but quality was a concern. Individuals may perceive that their activities contribute to the national curriculum, but staff had different perceptions. This paper reveals how policies are directing the individuals involved and their activities. There are questions over whose interests are intended to be served and the implications for pupils, parents, schools, communities and politicians.

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