magma dynamics
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2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
M. Ripepe ◽  
D. Delle Donne ◽  
D. Legrand ◽  
S. Valade ◽  
G. Lacanna

AbstractVolcano seismicity is one of the key parameters to understand magma dynamics of erupting volcanoes. However, the physical process at the origin of the resulting complex and broadband seismic signals remains unclear. Syn-eruptive very long period (VLP) seismic signals have been explained in terms of the sudden expansion of gas pockets rising in the liquid melt. Their origin is linked to a magma dynamics which triggers the explosive process occurring before the explosive onset. We provide evidence based on acoustic, thermal, and ground deformation data to demonstrate that VLP signals at Stromboli are generated at the top of the magma column mainly after the explosion onset. We show that VLP amplitude and duration scale with the eruptive flux which induces a decompression of 103–104 Pa involving the uppermost ~ 250 m of the feeding conduit. The seismic VLP source represents the final stage of a ~ 200 s long charge and discharge mechanism the magma column has to release excess gas accumulated at the base of a denser and degassed magma mush. The position of the VLP seismic source coincides with the centroid of the shallow mush plug and tracks elevation changes of the magma free surface.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Lea Ostorero ◽  
Georges Boudon ◽  
Hélène Balcone-Boissard ◽  
Daniel J. Morgan ◽  
Thiebaut d’Augustin ◽  

AbstractDominica, one of the most magmatically active islands of the Lesser Antilles through its four active volcanoes, is likely host under its central part, below Morne Trois Pitons–Micotrin, to a well-established transcrustal mush system. Pre-eruptive spatiotemporal magma dynamics are examined for five, explosive, pumiceous eruptions of this volcano in the last 24 kyrs through a combined Crystal System Analysis and intracrystalline Fe–Mg interdiffusion timescales modelling approaches. Before all eruptions, two magmatic environments of close compositions have interacted. These interactions began ~ 10–30 years prior to the four smaller of these eruptions, with more sustained mixing in the last decade, accelerated in the last 2 years. This contrasts with the largest pumiceous eruption, involving deeper magmas, with magma interaction starting over roughly a century but with various patterns. This suggests a possibility that increasing reactivation signals could be registered at the surface some years before future eruptions, having significant implications for volcanic risk mitigation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 412 ◽  
pp. 107182
J.A. Power ◽  
D.C. Roman ◽  
J.J. Lyons ◽  
M.M. Haney ◽  
D.J. Rasmussen ◽  

2021 ◽  
Giuseppe Puglisi

<p>Flank dynamics is an ensemble of phenomena observable in many volcanoes, caused by shallow (e.g. material erosion) or deep sources (e.g. tectonics or magma dynamics). Whatever its origin, the most evident effect of flank dynamics is the continuous/steady movement of the flanks of the volcano. The interaction between gravity, tectonics and magma dynamics produce deep-seated, steady-state movement of large sectors of the volcanoes (sometimes called “persistent flank motion” or “volcanic spreading”), whose effects may be severe, either when it evolves in sudden transient acceleration (producing flank collapses or landslides) or when the steady movement damages essential infrastructures or inhabited areas.</p><p>Before space-based observations begun, the knowledge of flank dynamics was limited in terms of areal dimension, magnitude and evolution. Since the 90s, first the GPS, then the SAR interferometry have produced a dramatic shift in the capacity to measure ground deformations at the scale of the volcano. GPS and InSAR now give a complete picture of the persistent flank motion and allow inferring the processes inducing this phenomenon. All this impacts the ability to improve the Hazard Assessment and Risk Reduction related to the persistent flank dynamics. Some worldwide examples are reported in the presentation, among of which from Supersite volcanoes. In particular, Mt. Etna offers the opportunity to make some considerations on the benefit of these improvements in hazard assessment of the flank dynamics.</p>

2021 ◽  
Patricia Larrea ◽  
Elisabeth Widom ◽  
Claus Siebe ◽  
Helena Albert ◽  
Teresa Ubide ◽  

2021 ◽  
Lea Ostorero ◽  
Hélène Balcone-Boissard ◽  
Georges Boudon ◽  
Alexander Belousov ◽  
Marina Belousova ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 94 (S1) ◽  
pp. 80-80
Chao ZHANG ◽  
Juergen KOEPKE

2020 ◽  
Chiara Maria Petrone ◽  
Flavio Di Stefano ◽  
Ralf Gertisser ◽  
Silvio Mollo ◽  
Simone Tommasini ◽  

<p>Steady-state volcanic activity implies equilibrium between the rate of magma replenishment and eruption of compositionally homogeneous magmas, lasting for tens to thousands of years in an open conduit system. The Present-day activity of Stromboli volcano (Aeolian Islands, Southern Italy) has long been recognised as typical of a steady-state volcano, with a shallow magmatic reservoir (highly porphyritic or hp-magma) continuously refilled by more mafic magma (with low phenocryst content or lp-magma) at a constant rate and accompanied by mixing, crystallisation and eruption. The lp-magma is erupted only during more violent explosive events (paroxysms), which usually occur at intervals of a few years. However, the two most recent paroxysms occurred at very short timescales on 3 July and 28 August 2019 offering the unique opportunity of obtaining crucial information on the current magma dynamics of Stromboli.</p><p>Albeit the plumbing system shows such uniformity, clinopyroxene phenocrysts exhibit marked chemical heterogeneities and complex textures caused by continuous lp-hp magma mixing as well as antecryst recycling from different mush portions. The compositional zoning in clinopyroxene provides essential information on pre-eruptive magma dynamics, indicating multi-stage crystallization across the lp-hp-reservoirs, where diopsidic compositions are markers of more primitive, high-T magmas injecting into shallow, low-T domains of the plumbing system. By comparing clinopyroxene texture, chemistry and residence times from the Present-day eruptions with the previous Post-Pizzo activity, we conclude that a distinct phase in the life of Stromboli volcano commenced after the violent 2003 paroxysm. Our observations suggest there are more efficient mechanisms of mush disruption and cannibalization, in which old diopsidic antecrysts are continuously remobilized and transported by the lp-magmas permeating the mush. The disappearance of diopsidic recharge bands within augitic overgrowths indicates that over time, magmatic injections feeding the persistent Present-day activity are more intensively mixed and homogenized prior to eruption.</p>

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