leadership potential
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2022 ◽  
pp. 408-424
Lanoi Maloiy ◽  
Jocelyn Cranefield

This chapter draws on the results of an explorative, qualitative study that investigated how online communities can facilitate civic engagement amongst Millennials. Based on the study's findings, the chapter explores how the use of online communities can assist and empower youth, particularly African young people, to overcome barriers, empower and foster civic engagement. This chapter begins with a review of key literature, and then a summary of the study methodology, followed by a discussion of the study findings and their potential for African youth. Results of the study indicated that five facilitating factors and two barriers were influential towards youth civic engagement in an online context. Adult perceptions of youth and the low credibility of online communities were found to act as significant barriers to online youth participation. Given these key findings from the study, the authors show how to employ online communities to engage African youth civic participation and decision making.

2021 ◽  
pp. 20-33
Yevgen Sokol ◽  
Oleksandr Romanovskiy ◽  
Olexandr Ponomaryov

the meaning and tasks of the professional activity of a modern engineer are revealed. The content and nature of its preparation in the system of higher education are substantiated. The need for a clear focus of this training on identifying potential leaders among students and the subsequent purposeful development of their leadership potential is shown. It is proposed to focus the rest of other students on their training as representatives of the national humanitarian and technical elite. The characteristic features of the training of the elite and leaders in the conditions of institutions of higher engineering education are analyzed. The experience of such training, accumulated at the National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”, is given. The importance of forming students’ innovative thinking and development of their creative abilities as a condition for the implementation of the paradigm of education 4.0 and staffing industry 4.0 is emphasized.

Andrey Cherkashyn

the article points out that the scientific problem of training leaders in higher education institutions is aimed at developing new theoretical, methodological and practical principles that reflect the basic patterns of formation of leadership potential of future professionals. It is stated that the use of leadership potential and the implementation of leadership, which will significantly improve the effectiveness of solving difficult situations, will encourage effective interaction of all its participants. The focus is on the fact that the education system in the process of targeted leadership training should pay attention not only to the formation of the necessary set of knowledge and skills, but also to the development of future leaders' ability to influence people and inspire them to dream, learn and work more. The need to further study the phenomenon of spiritual leadership in modern science to improve the training of future professionals in institutions of higher education.

Iryna Kostyria ◽  
Larysa Filipenko

the article reveals the concept of leadership position of the future specialist in the context of his connections with personal qualities. The latest research on the topic of leadership is considered. It is specified that the leadership position of the future specialist is a personal education that includes awareness of the future specialist’s readiness to play the role of leader and ability to organizational influence on the production team, it is based on leadership potential and is formed in the process of mastering leadership in various life situations, including conditions of the professional sphere. The results of the study of the leadership position of future specialists in various professional fields are presented. It is determined that most future professionals are characterized by the presence of personal traits necessary for the development of leadership, but their experience in the process of education does not allow to try on the role of leader, which negatively affects their motivation to develop leadership.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (11) ◽  
pp. 9-9
Joan Hope

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (10) ◽  
pp. 6-6
Joan Hope

Selma Ndeyapo Kandjengo ◽  

The purpose of this study was to engage learners and teachers with the aim of developing leadership potential and improving the leadership capacity and capabilities of the learner leaders through mainly Change Laboratory Workshops, which were conducted with the Learner Representative Council (LRC) members, at a public secondary school in the Oshana Region, Namibia. The study was guided by the following main question: How can learner leadership structure be improved in schools? The researchers used a researcher-interventionist approach to implement measures for improving learner leadership, guided by the ideals of the Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT), as a theoretical lens through which the researchers made interventions for improving learner leadership at school. Empirically, the study made use of a qualitative research methodology carried out through a case study design. The population consisted of teachers and learners of the case study school. The data was collected by questionnaires, interviews, document analysis, observation and journaling. The data was analysed thematically, interpreted and discussed inductively.

Volodymyr Voronov

The human’s personality takes shape in preschool age. Later in school and adolescence age, a human’s personality continues to develop. However, the preschool age is the most sensitive period for forming emotional and value attitudes to cognition, interaction with the social environment, and self-development. The educational system “Education & Care” is the first complex system in preschool education; it uses modern educational technologies to develop a child’s harmonious personality and leadership potential. The system includes the Programme for early childhood and preschool education: “Education & Care”, “Monitoring the level of child’s educational development”, “Approximate daily planning”, recommendations for parents on children’s education, nutrition, and other methodical and didactic materials. The principal value of the educational system “Education & Care” is that it can be used not only by a teacher but by an adult who takes care of a child of early and preschool age and is engaged in his or her education; it is also possible to organize an effective educational process for a child even at home.

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