programmed learning
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Juli Afnita ◽  
Eva Latipah

Early childhood is also a group of children aged 0-6 years. So children at an early age as the golden age (Golde Age) which only happens once in their life. Early childhood is a period of development which is very important for his life. Because during this period of development, all the potential that the child has, needs encouragement that can develop optimally. At this time one of the attitudes that children must have is to be a good and right human being towards their parents, teachers and in the community. Although the main role of parents is to stimulate their development, teachers in schools are also very necessary in laying the foundation for the moral development of early childhood. Therefore, in the development of moral values, it is closely related to the character of children that must become an habituation in their daily life. With the teacher designing more programmed learning activities and learning media that can lead children to moral values, because it is very influential for early childhood playing in designing interesting games as well as fun to develop morein children's moral development. Early childhood is also a group of children aged 0-6 years. So children at an early age as the golden age (Golde Age) which only happens once in their life. Early childhood is a period of development which is very important for his life. Because during this period of development, all the potential that the child has, needs encouragement that can develop optimally. At this time one of the attitudes that children must have is to be a good and right human being towards their parents, teachers and in the community. Although the main role of parents is to stimulate their development, teachers in schools are also very necessary in laying the foundation for the moral development of early childhood. Therefore, in the development of moral values, it is closely related to the character of children that must become an habituation in their daily life. With the teacher designing more programmed learning activities and learning media that can lead children to moral values, because it is very influential for early childhood playing in designing interesting games as well as fun to develop morein children's moral development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (08) ◽  
pp. 122-128
Sindhu M ◽  
Vivekanandan S J ◽  
Dr Sivasubramanian S ◽  

Malaria is an infectious sickness that influences a large number of lives each year. Customary conclusion of malaria in lab requires an accomplished individual and cautious investigation to segregate sound and contaminated red platelets (RBCs). It is likewise exceptionally tedious and may deliver wrong reports because of human mistakes. The target of this paper is to show how profound learning engineering, for example, convolutional neural organization (CNN) and Resnet-50 which can be valuable continuously malaria identification successfully and precisely from input pictures and to lessen difficult work with a portable application. To this end, we assess the presentation of a custom CNN model utilizing a repetitive stochastic inclination plummet (SGD) enhancer with a programmed learning rate locater and get an exactness in characterizing sound and tainted cell pictures with a serious level of accuracy and affectability. This result of the paper will work with microscopy determination of malaria to a portable application so unwavering quality of the therapy and absence of clinical mastery can be settled.

Roman Stasyuk ◽  
Yurii Ostapenko ◽  
Eleanora Simbirska

The article considers the issue of improving the system of sports training of players in table tennis on the basis of the principle of programmed learning, which is implemented in the form of a comprehensive method of training process. Programmed training in sports training of table tennis players at the preparatory stage is optimized using a system of tools and methods built in the form of a structural-logical scheme is an important area of research. Methodological ways of building a system of sports training of table tennis players on the basis of the method of programmed learning are revealed, which made it possible to determine the principles of building target tasks, which are a certain block of physical exercises structured with a single goal setting. It was necessary to summarize the experience of modern methods of organization for the construction of programmed training in sports training of table tennis players by implementing the principles of complexity and coherence of training activities. At the present stage of development of game sports fundamental knowledge of the content of game, systems of preparation, various, flexible and highly automated skills and perfect activity of functional systems of an organism is especially necessary. Difficulties that turn out to be unpredictable by a program of tactical actions are usually related to informative influences. This is due to the probable nature of the game activity, which, first of all, concerns the information aspect. Despite a certain number of standard game actions, which were mentioned above, the actions of athletes who play sports are based on the response to changes in the situation, the conditions of wrestling. With such a variety of forms of manifestations of the player's actions are constantly associated with the solution of situational motor problems that require the use of programming mechanisms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 274 ◽  
pp. 09015
Vladimir Kalmanovich ◽  
Alexey Kurshev ◽  
Sergey Sevodin

Modern industrial activities connected with professional actions in limited space, in personal protective equipment, in various environmental conditions, with increased smoke, gas, radio emissions, etc., require great physical strength, agility and endurance. Under these conditions arises an objective necessity of scientific substantiation of the content and structure of the model of the students' physical training formation, providing their fullfledged preparation for modern professional activity. Materials and methods. We applied analysis of scientific and methodical literature, statistical methods, and expert evaluation method. There were used data from open sources on the problem of research and official statistics data. It is obvious that the model of physical training formation of construction university students developed by us is the most effective in improving the cognitive activity of the students. The success of realization of our hypothesis in this part is provided in active and exploratory learning schemes. Also, in the active and exploratory schemes of learning students actively develop skills, i.e., the ability to adapt the acquired skills to changing conditions. The dogmatic and passive schemes ensure effective formation of physical skills, namely, stable, clearly algorithmized structures of motor actions.

In this chapter, the models of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and social learning are analyzed as scientific foundations of education and teaching. After a historical contextualization of the referred behavioral approaches to learning, an explanation of the basic processes and mechanisms involved is presented for each one, as well as the main associated authors. The authors present examples of cases, practical applications (for example, programmed learning) and investigations resulting from the presented models. In the analysis of the models, the author highlights both their potential and their main limitations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (190) ◽  
pp. 104-109
Olena Kolomiiets ◽  
Anna Bondarenko ◽  
Oksana Holovata ◽  

The article analyzes the challenges facing the theory and practice of modern pedagogy in connection with the avalanche-like dynamics of the processes of «informatization»: first, the development of modern youth so-called «clip thinking»; second, the spread of extreme forms of «clip thinking» in the form of «digital dementia», «information pseudo dementia»; third, the need to take swift and radical measures to adapt educational programs focused mainly on verbal and logical thinking to the realities of informatization of society; fourth, the issue of introduction of «techno-pedagogical» models that ensure the effective use of virtual-technological educational space into the practice of modern national education has become acute. It was concluded that teachers should be trained to combine the natural fascination of young people with new technologies with effective teaching and a clear vision of the strategic goals of modern education. The growing awareness of the need for systemic change should ensure the effective, balanced implementation of integrated models of ICT adoption, tested in advanced countries, in the domestic education system. These models – TPACK, M. Kerres model, SAMR – are defined as «techno-pedagogical», and are based on the cognitivist-constructivist approach and above all the methodology of programmed learning. The theory and technology of programmed learning involves the study of cognitive information by certain fragments is logically complete, convenient and accessible for holistic perception.

2020 ◽  
Vol 66 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-102
D.M. Dzhussubaliyeva ◽  
А.К. Мynbayeva ◽  
А.Е. Mambetkaziyev ◽  

The article describes the current state of distance education in Kazakhstan and the world, as well as analyzes the difficulties of the modern period of development of the distance education system. The purpose of the article is to develop recommendations for the development of didactic means of distance education and digital educational resources. The authors identify financial, technical, legal, methodological problems of the development of distance education, the problems of training teachers for the development of electronic didactic tools. Based on an analysis of the scientific and pedagogical literature and a generalization of experience with electronic textbooks, digital educational resources, and MOOCs, a three-part structure for the development of didactic units - classes in digital format: video, a short text of the training material, and practical tasks is proposed. The design of digital educational resources is based on eutagogical foundations, the theory of programmed learning, connectivity, actor-network theory, rhizomatic pedagogy and other latest achievements of digital didactics. The requirements for electronic and multimedia textbooks and manuals are outlined.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (29) ◽  
pp. 417-426
Olga Donina ◽  
Natalya Ivanushkina ◽  
Irina Aryabkina ◽  
Anatoliy Chernykh ◽  
Anastasia Gemranova ◽  

The paper presents the analysis of methodological approaches to the origin, formation and development of the ‘information and education space’ concept, and also notes the relevance of its application in contemporary society. The genesis of methodological approaches to the definition of an information and education space concept is based on a theoretical analysis and generalization of the philosophical, historical, pedagogical, sociological and cultural sciences, which made it possible to specify its essential content. It is indicated that the use of media resources, sites, instant messaging services acts as an organizational and pedagogical toolkit, which provides means for optimizing time management, managing on-line and off-line interactions as part of the learning process in present-day universities and colleges. The main purpose of this article is a brief analysis of a system-holistic, mental-emotional, personality-developing, socio-geographical, distance, and local-poster approaches to the essence of information and education space determination; and also the definition of this pedagogical phenomenon. The study has used various methods described in this paper: a hindsight analysis of domestic and foreign experience in the use of state-of-the-art IT solutions; theoretical methods; established pedagogical methods; empirical methods, an educational experiment; programmed learning techniques; interactive methods; forecasting methods; intuitive methods; methods of statistical data processing; methods for the study and generalization of contemporary pedagogical experience in the development of a personal information literacy in education. The result of the introduction of the methodological approaches described by the authors of this article to the organization of the educational information environment of the university was a positive dynamic in the development of information needs, reflection and self-assessment of educational and cognitive activities in the Internet environment, as well as assessing the ability of self-education and self-development among students of various profiles and areas of preparation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 095
Ellyana Ilsan Eka putri ◽  
Rosdiana Dewi ◽  
Imam Wahyono

This study aims to describe: 1) the implementation of centers of preparation in developing verbal linguistic intelligence, 2) supporting factors and obstacles to the implementation of preparation centers in developing verbal linguistic intelligence. This type of research is a qualitative research method with the principal subject of research, teachers, students aged 5-6 years. Data collection is done using the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that: 1) the implementation of the method of preparation center in developing verbal linguistic intelligence was carried out with 3 stage, 2) supporting factors in the implementation of preparation centers, namely: a) the media provided varies or the availability of complete facilities and infrastructure, b) learning based on age classification c) programmed learning. while the inhibiting factors are: a) the condition of the guardian of the student who does not understand the method of preparation center, b) the mood of the changing child c) the media that do not support the difficult theme d) not all teachers graduate from PAUD.

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