teacher understanding
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 165-169
Amartia Putri ◽  
Dede Lipiah ◽  
Nurul Hidayati ◽  
Ina Magdalena

Every human being was created by the Creator with all the uniqueness and characteristics or characteristics of each. This is referred to as individual differences (individual differences). Individual differences are differences in abilities and characteristics (cognitive, personality, physical skills, etc.) between students at a certain age level and in each particular group. Through educational practices and activities, we can accommodate the individual differences of students. Likewise, the learning styles of each other are also different. There are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles. The differences in students have big implications for learning in schools. Therefore, education personnel, especially a teacher, must know and understand the differences in students to design learning with appropriate methods, models, and approaches. If learning is carried out by paying attention to differences in students, then the delivery and acquisition of knowledge can be carried out optimally. Thus, learning objectives can be achieved without having to put pressure on students. In addition, the teacher's understanding of individual differences in students can foster a comfortable feeling for learning at school.

Nur Fauziyah ◽  
Ulfatul Ma’rifah ◽  
Slamet Asari ◽  
Churun L. Maknun

This study aims to describe the implementation of LSLC (Lesson Study for Learning Community) which was carried out on a remote island. The subjects in this study were 29 teachers of MTs (Madrasah Tsanawiyah) and MA (Madrasah Aliyah) Penaber on the island of Bawean Gresik. To find out the impact of LSLC on increasing teacher creativity in developing quality learning tools, an LSLC product analysis was carried out in the form of chapters and lesson designs. Quantitative data from the pre-test and post-test results are also used as a comparison of the impact of increasing teacher understanding of the LSLC principle. Based on this study, it was found that LSLC activities were able to increase teacher creativity in designing quality learning. Learning that focuses on efforts to solve student problems in learning. Learning that emphasizes how learning can grow students' abilities in critical thinking, creative, collaborative and communication. During the implementation of LSLC, it also has an impact on increasing the positive attitude of teachers as well as communication and collaboration skills. The quantitative data analysis also shows that during the implementation of the LSLC there is an influence on the teacher's understanding of the LSLC principles.

Jurnal ABDI ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Siti Maizul Habibah

Logical thinking is a way of thinking that leads a person to be able to make correct statements and decisions based on logic and rationale. This skill is indispensable in communicating and writing scientific papers. Based on preliminary observations made, this is one of the obstacles experienced by PPKn teachers in Magetan in scientific writing. Therefore, through this logical thinking exercise, efforts were made to strengthen the logical thinking skills of teachers who are members of the MGMP PPKn Magetan. In accordance with that, the purpose of this service activity is to increase teacher understanding of the rules of logical thinking and increase the ability of teachers to think logically in the context of scientific writing. The activity which was attended by 25 PPKn teachers was carried out at SMA Negeri 1 Magetan, with stages: revealing fallacy in thinking through exercises, discussions about logical thinking fallacies, strengthening logical thinking rules, and logic-based writing exercises. This service activity has been successful in improving the basics of the teacher's ability to think logically. The teacher better understands that in writing, careful thinking logic is needed, the ability to compose simple logical writing also increases, but to be able to write scientifically that can be published, further training and assistance is needed.

2021 ◽  
Robin Averill ◽  
Hiria McRae

Culturally sustaining practices are advocated for enhancing learning experiences of Indigenous learners. Developing the use of culturally sustaining practice is challenging, in part as many educators do not have Indigenous heritage and have not themselves experienced such teaching. Here we discuss an investigation into how we develop student teacher understanding of practice culturally sustaining for Indigenous Māori learners in our initial mathematics teacher education courses. We show how a four-dimension framework (accommodation, reformation, transformation, and representation) can expose strengths and opportunities for improvement in course content and approaches towards developing culturally sustaining practices. Factors considered include education policy, resources, course development and content. Affordances (e.g., ease of use) and challenges (e.g., contextal factors) of using the framework are discussed. We demonstrate that the framework can be a useful tool for teacher educators working to strengthen their focus on developing culturally sustaining teacher practice to enhance educational opportunities of Indigenous learners.

2021 ◽  
Robin Averill ◽  
Hiria McRae

Culturally sustaining practices are advocated for enhancing learning experiences of Indigenous learners. Developing the use of culturally sustaining practice is challenging, in part as many educators do not have Indigenous heritage and have not themselves experienced such teaching. Here we discuss an investigation into how we develop student teacher understanding of practice culturally sustaining for Indigenous Māori learners in our initial mathematics teacher education courses. We show how a four-dimension framework (accommodation, reformation, transformation, and representation) can expose strengths and opportunities for improvement in course content and approaches towards developing culturally sustaining practices. Factors considered include education policy, resources, course development and content. Affordances (e.g., ease of use) and challenges (e.g., contextal factors) of using the framework are discussed. We demonstrate that the framework can be a useful tool for teacher educators working to strengthen their focus on developing culturally sustaining teacher practice to enhance educational opportunities of Indigenous learners.

Al-Khidmat ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-72
Hasan Mukhibad ◽  
Asrori Asrori ◽  
Prabowo Yudo Jayanto

AbstrakMasalah yang masih dihadapi oleh guru adalah rendahnya kemampuan dalam menyusun artikel ilmiah yang dipublikasikan jurnal ilmiah. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah melakukan pendampingan guru dalam menyusun artikel ilmiah. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan ini, perlu dilakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan guru dalam menyusun artikel ilmiah. Metode pendampingan adalah dengan melakukan pelatihan dan pendampingan guru dalam menyusun artikel ilmiah. Keberhasilan atas kegiatan ini akan dievaluasi dengan membandingkan pre-test dan post-test dan dianalisis menggunakan paired simple T-test. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa respon guru dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan ini sangat baik. Selain itu, hasil uji perbedaan antara nilai pre-test dan post-test menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan dan ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pemahaman guru terkait dengan artikel ilmiah dan jurnal ilmiah. Saran dari kegiatan ini adalah dapat dilakukan pelatihan lanjutan yang dilakukan secara intesif dengan melibatkan organisasi keguruan, sekolah, dinas pendidikan dan universitas. AbstractThe problem that is still faced by teachers is the low ability of teachers to compile scientific articles published in scientific journals. The purpose of this activity is to assist teachers in compiling scientific articles. To solve this problem, it is necessary to train and mentor teachers in compiling scientific articles. The mentoring method is to conduct training and mentoring teachers in compiling scientific articles. The success of this activity will be evaluated by comparing the pre-test and post-test and analyzed using the paired simple T-test. The results of the activity showed that the teacher's response in the implementation of this activity was very good. In addition, the results of the difference test between the pre-test and post-test scores showed a significant difference and this indicated that there was an increase in teacher understanding regarding scientific articles and scientific journals. The suggestion from this activity is that further training can be carried out intensively by involving teacher organizations, schools, education offices and universities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Sri Suryanti ◽  
Deni Sutaji ◽  
Muyasaroh . ◽  
Yudhi Arifani ◽  
Muhammad Zamzamy

This Community Service activity was backgrounded by three things namely 1) obtained SPADA Grant for the development and impelementation of online learning in 2018; 2) the results of evaluation of devotion activities in 2018 and 2019 namely 80% of teachers understand mobile learning based on Augmented Reality; 3) the fact that there is a gap in the quality of education that occurs in remote areas with urban areas, so it is necessary to increase the competence of teachers in terms of learning innovation through the development of e-learning content for teachers in remote areas of Bawean Island located 80 miles or 135 km north of Java island. The geographical location and transport conditions connecting Bawean island with Gresik are the main obstacles for teachers on Bawean island to keep up with the development of science and technology.This Community Service Program  was implemented through the stage of Strengthening the concept of e-learning followed by needs analysis workshop, e-learning system design workshop, e-learning content development workshop, Upload development results to LMS system, then implementation with assistance from the service team and continued implementation independently by the school. The result of this activity were 1) increased teacher understanding of e-learning and examples of its implementation; 2) produced an e-learning design consisting of the design of the materials of each meeting, video tutorials, discussion activities for students, and evaluation tools; 3) teachers are able to implement e-learning independently.

Elizabeth Probert

There have recently been increasing numbers of published articles lamenting school students’ lack of information literacy skills. All strongly state the urgent need for improvement. The problem may arise from classroom teachers’ lack of knowledge of information literacy skills and their related pedagogical practice but there is little research. This presentation reports on a project, involving a cluster of New Zealand schools, which investigated both teacher’s and students’ understanding of information literacy and classroom practices. The results have established the need for better teacher understanding and practice. One solution will be to trial appropriate professional development.

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