shipping channel
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2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 022-032
Okol Sri Suharyo ◽  
Ayip Rivai Prabowo ◽  
Mardi Winoelyo

Surabaya East Shipping Channel is part of the busiest shipping lanes west of Surabaya in Indonesia after inflows in Tanjung Priok. With the navigation, channel conditions are long and narrow plus the number of flows in and out of the harbor boats is very vulnerable to accidents resulting in either the stranded sea, ship collision, or other accident types, which would harm the cruise interocular. By looking at the facts above, so it is necessary to conduct a more in-depth study of the accident risk assessment of the shipping channel east of Surabaya. This study aimed to obtain any kind of accident that has a high risk in the port of Surabaya, to know what impact may result from an accident with a high risk and gain steps that can be taken to reduce accidents in Surabaya East Shipping Channel by using Method Formal Safety Assessment (FSA). Of the six types of accidents that occur, there are three accidents with the highest risk of stranded ships, human accidents, collisions with ships dock at the time of sailing ships and dock. The impact of the third accident caused huge material losses. To reduce the risk of all three types of accidents was measured Implied Cost of Averting a Risk (ICAR), the lowest of any risk reduction options. Reduction of risk to do is impose a routine patrol and installation of signs groove ICAR ports have amounted to 234 million, giving a human rescue training vessel which has a value of 112 million ICAR and the latter is tightened harbor area with ICAR 84 million so that unauthorized parties do not enter in the harbor area.

2021 ◽  
Jayakrishna Kandasamy ◽  
Simon Peter Nadeem ◽  
Anil Kumar ◽  
Vimal K.E.K ◽  
Hrishikesh Bedekar Nikhil ◽  

2021 ◽  
Eduard Onishchenko ◽  
George Kolomiychenko ◽  
Alexander Matygin ◽  

The analysis of the features of the structure of the fields of salinity, dissolved oxygen and turbidity of water masses of the estuary was carried out according to the data of expeditionary studies using the hydrological multiparameter sonde. The negative role of the approach shipping channel for the ecosystem of the Dniester estuary is determined. It is shown that the modern regulation of the Dniester runoff leads to a deterioration in the quality of the estuary waters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Lukman Yudho Prakoso ◽  

The Sunda Strait is one of the areas in the Indonesian Archipelago Sea Channel (ALKI) I. The flow of this voyage is used for international interests. Facing the factual and potential threats that occur today, the Sunda Strait waters has an important role for international interest, particularly in Indonesia, since the position of its capital city is relatively close. This study is using a qualitative descriptive method of phenomenology and using the theory of George Edward III. The results of the study indicate that the variable communication between related entities shows that it still needs to be optimized since it is still not integrated. In the variable resources of each entity related to the security of the Sunda Strait are still have many limitations, particularly in budgetary resources that are related to the availability of other resources. The disposition variable is still found by persons related to the attitude of the executor who makes the obstacle an opportunity to do negative things, and in the variable structure of the bureaucracy, opportunities are still found to optimize the security of the international shipping channel in the Sunda Strait.

Land ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 310
Anastasiia Snigirova ◽  
Yuliya Bogatova ◽  
Sophia Barinova

There is a lack of understanding of the main drivers that form the picture of biological communities of transitional waters in deltaic ecosystems under the influence of terrestrial sources. Analysis of hydrochemical parameters in relation to phytoplankton communities in the Ukrainian part of the Danube coastal zone (in August 2018) is the focus of current work. The goal was to identify patterns in the distribution of environmental parameters (salinity and nutrients) in the area of the shipping channel through the Bystry arm, as well as to assess the state of water quality. The ecological bioindicators approach using modern statistical methods, and ecological mapping shows sufficient achievements in interpreting the results. The indicators of salinity (mesohalobes) had better describe the character of the transportation of fresh riverine waters than salinity gradient. The composition of 35 indicator phytoplankton species corresponds to 3 and 4 water quality classes in the coastal zone. High N:P ratios showed an imbalance in the ecosystem as an indicator of production and destruction processes. Statistical maps of the indicator species distribution revealed the river current’s influence on the nearshore water mass. Ecological maps of surface and bottom variables show various environmental impacts resulting from dredging in the shipping channel and excavated soil dumping. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and statistical maps revealed two pools of factors with oppositely directed effects on phytoplankton: salinity, on one hand, and nutrients, on the other. Miozoa and Chlorophyta have an opposite interaction with salinity and oxygen and can be ecosystem change indicators in further analysis

2021 ◽  
Lukman Yudho Prakoso

The Sunda Strait is one of the areas in the Indonesian Archipelago Sea Channel (ALKI) I. The flow of this voyage is used for international interests. Facing the factual and potential threats that occur today, the Sunda Strait waters has an important role for international interest, particularly in Indonesia, since the position of its capital city is relatively close. This study is using a qualitative descriptive method of phenomenology and using the theory of George Edward III. The results of the study indicate that the variable communication between related entities shows that it still needs to be optimized since it is still not integrated. In the variable resources of each entity related to the security of the Sunda Strait are still have many limitations, particularly in budgetary resources that are related to the availability of other resources. The disposition variable is still found by persons related to the attitude of the executor who makes the obstacle an opportunity to do negative things, and in the variable structure of the bureaucracy, opportunities are still found to optimize the security of the international shipping channel in the Sunda Strait.

Ecotoxicology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Xiaowei Zhang ◽  
Han Meng ◽  
Yuchun Yang ◽  
Wensheng Lan ◽  
Weidong Wang ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
Syaiful Anwar ◽  

The governance regarding shipping safety in the Surabaya's West Shipping Channel is very important because it affects the smoothness of movement of ships, which carry goods and passengers to the ports in Surabaya City. Due to the frequent occurrence of ship accidents in the channel, there is a possibility that these were caused by several factors related to the governance in the shipping channel. The required data was obtained from relevant informants, while other supporting information was obtained by direct observation in the field. Then the data was analyzed using descriptive qualitative method. From this analysis, it was found several findings concerning the factors causing the accident of ships in the shipping channel, namely: the technical condition of the ships, the level of professionalism of the ship's crews, natural factors, the condition of navigation aids, and installation of infrastructures in the sea. The next findings were about things that have not been achieved by the government, such as law enforcement regarding the ships’ maintenance, education and training for the ship's crew especially in handling ships’ accidents at sea, law enforcement regarding the installation of undersea infrastructures, and the installation of proper navigation aids along the shipping channel.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Dody Efrianto

<p><em>The master plan evaluation of Semarang Container Terminal was carried out in anticipation of current container flow. It is also used to analyze the Container Terminal master plan to be able to meet the needs up to the year of 2030. The evaluation was conducted by collecting secondary data related to shipping lanes, vessel flows and container flows. Regression method was used to analyze container flows and vessel flows. The results of the analysis were used to determine the Container Terminal master plan development plan up to the year of 2030. The results of the evaluation showed that the existing conditions of the depth and width of the shipping channel also in the port pond have exceeded the existing conditions. The shipping lanes and port pond must be deepened to 13 m and 12 m and the widening of the shipping lane is up to 146 m.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em><em>: Container terminal, master plan, shipping Lanes</em></strong></p><p class="Tpendahuluan"> </p><p class="Tpendahuluan">Evaluasi master plan Terminal Petikemas Semarang (TPKS) dilakukan dalam mengantisipasi arus petikemas saat ini. Analisis terhadap master plan TPKS juga dilakukan untuk bisa memenuhi kebutuhan hingga tahun 2030. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data sekunder yang berkaitan dengan alur pelayaran, arus kapal serta arus petikemas. Metode regresi dilakukan untuk memprediksi arus petikemas dan arus kapal yang hasilnya digunakan untuk menentukan rencana pengembangan master plan TPKS hingga tahun 2030.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kondisi <em>existing</em> pada kebutuhan dalam dan lebar alur pelayaran, serta dalam kolam pelabuhan sudah melebihi kondisi <em>existing</em>. Kedalaman alur pelayaran dan kolam pelabuhan harus diperdalam hingga 13 m dan 12 m. Pelebaran alur pelayaran dilakukan hingga 146 m.</p><p><strong>Kata kunci : Master plan TPKS dan alur pelayaran</strong></p>

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