sport consumption
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2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Huimin Song ◽  
Ting-ting Zeng ◽  
Brian H. Yim

PurposeThe purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between leisure involvement (LI), conspicuous sport consumption and subjective well-being (SW) for two luxury leisure activities: golf and skiing.Design/methodology/approachThe authors collected data from Guangdong Province (golf, n = 342) and Jilin Province (skiing, n = 310) and examined the proposed model using structural equation modeling (SEM) and tested the mediating effect of conspicuous sport consumption using bootstrapping method.FindingsThe findings show that the proposed model explained the relationships among LI, conspicuous sport consumption and SW. Furthermore, the findings suggest that LI and conspicuous consumption (CC) can elevate sport participants' perception of SW, enriching leisure-class theory.Originality/valueThe authors’ findings contribute to the domain of CC in sport participant and leisure research and provide significant implications for the sport tourism marketers.

2021 ◽  
Chris Knoester ◽  
Frances S. Sutton

In this study, using data from the National Sports and Society Survey (N = 2853), we examine U.S. women’s reports of their sport consumption and self-identified sport fandom. Multiple regression analyses are used to assess associations between social structural and sociocultural antecedents of consumption and women’s frequencies of watching and following sport, frequencies of attending live sport events, and the amount of money that they spend to watch and follow sport. We then investigate the relationships between women’s sport consumption behaviors and their fandom. We find that women are common consumers of sport and their consumption is positively associated with their socioeconomic statuses, number of children, social relationships, sport participation experiences, and sport-related identities. We also find evidence that women’s sport consumption behaviors are only modestly associated with their levels of fandom. We conclude with reflections on what these results mean for better understanding and supporting women’s sport consumption and fandom.

2021 ◽  
pp. 101269022110682
Frances S. Sutton ◽  
Chris Knoester

In this study, using data from the National Sports and Society Survey (N = 2853), we examine U.S. women’s reports of their sport consumption and self-identified sport fandom. Multiple regression analyses are used to assess associations between social structural and sociocultural antecedents of consumption and women’s frequencies of watching and following sport, frequencies of attending live sport events, and the amount of money that they spend to watch and follow sport. We then investigate the relationships between women’s sport consumption behaviors and their fandom. We find that women are common consumers of sport and their consumption is positively associated with their socioeconomic statuses, number of children, social relationships, sport participation experiences, and sport-related identities. We also find evidence that women’s sport consumption behaviors are only modestly associated with their levels of fandom. We conclude with reflections on what these results mean for better understanding and supporting women’s sport consumption and fandom.

2021 ◽  
pp. 36-50
D. Parthasarathy

D Parthasarathi’s paper centres global sportscapes as indicative of global-local linkages and transnational flows of investment in clubs across nations and the spread of viewership and consumption across continents, but offers a different scope and perspective, through football within the political economy of leisure as it is played in the streets of Mumbai, Singapore and Bangkok. The changing politics of class, ethnicity, aspirations, and leisure among the urban working classes in these cities is illustrated using the lens of globalizing football. Heterotopic uses of public spaces through the sport of football, served as a counterstrategy of the urban poor, migrants, minorities and working classes against the dehumanizing and disciplining effects of alienating work and urban spatial exclusion. Some of these are also channeled into sport consumption cultures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Ann Pegoraro ◽  
Heather Kennedy ◽  
Nola Agha ◽  
Nicholas Brown ◽  
David Berri

While there has been research into what teams, leagues, and athletes post on social media and the impact of post content on social media engagement, there is limited understanding and empirical research on the impact of broadcasting media on social sport consumption. There are an increasing number of new media through which sport leagues can distribute their content to fans. This research examines the impact of different broadcast platforms on game day engagement with WNBA team Twitter accounts. Using data for the 2016–2018 seasons, results indicate athlete/team quality and performance were positively associated with post engagement, underscoring the importance of the core sport product and potentially indicating that the WNBA is developing a star-driven culture similar to the NBA. In addition, broadcasting on League Pass or local TV (for home teams) and Twitter were associated with lower post engagement suggesting we have more to learn about maximizing online engagement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (8) ◽  
pp. 4164
Shang-Chun Ma ◽  
Kevin K. Byon ◽  
Wooyoung (William) Jang ◽  
Shang-Min Ma ◽  
Tsung-Nan Huang

Previous studies have paid little attention to spectators’ consumption behaviors and motives for watching different types of esports live-streaming and game genres. This study, therefore, investigates spectator motives and consumption behaviors based on the interaction effects of live-streaming types and game genres. Convenience sampling was conducted to collect 312 responses from Taiwanese individuals via the Professional Technology Temple. The measurement tools include the motivation scale for sport consumption, esports streaming consumption behaviors, and two moderators (i.e., game genres and live-streaming types). The moderating effects were examined using the PROCESS macro. The results showed that esports spectating motives and consumption behaviors are determined by different types of live-streaming and game genres. A matrix of esports spectator segments was developed to illustrate the findings and managerial implications. The study’s findings broaden our understanding of esports consumption behaviors and can contribute to the fast-growing esports marketing literature. In addition, the results are expected to help practitioners better segment their consumer groups to develop more tailored marketing programs.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-17
Jing Tian ◽  
Chengli Xu ◽  
Kyungyeol (Anthony) Kim ◽  
John Nauright ◽  
Minkil Kim ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Ted Hayduk ◽  
Natasha Brison ◽  
Joris Drayer

The efficacy of partitioned pricing (PP) has been investigated in a range of industries. This work showed that the usefulness of PP is situational, with numerous contextual factors playing important roles. Ticket pricing scholarship has yet to devote adequate attention to PP as a focal variable, which is problematic given the industry’s reliance on ticket revenue and the “service” fees ubiquitous in the ticketing industry. In addition, there is a need to investigate the moderating factors unique to sport consumption, such as team identification and the entertainment value of live sport. Using a sample of 403 sport consumers, this study found that PP is associated with lower perceptions of fairness but not lower enduring attitudes about the platform. Thus, sport consumers are displeased by PP, but not enough to dissuade them from future purchases. The analysis found that team identification—the entertainment value of live sports entertainment value—can further offset negative perceptions of PP.

Sid Terason

Sport consumer decision making is a complex process in which an individual evaluates, acquires, uses, or disposes of sport products or services. This qualitative study aimed to identify, understand, and describe the essential characteristics of sport products consumption behavior among professional athletes in Thailand. In-depth interviewing was carried out on 25 professional athlete consumers who responded to semi-structured questions regarding their sport goods consumption. Thematic analysis was performed on the transcripts to describe the essential characteristics of the consumption and to identify overarching topics. Following social constructionism, three themes (i.e., acquisition, use, and disposal) were analyzed and eight categories (i.e., economy concern, gender independence, internet reliance, inquisitive mind, visibility quest, brand focus, environmental concern, gifting preference) were induced. The findings gave insight into athlete consumers’ behavioral characteristics in term of their sport products consumption. Understanding these points contributes to gaining leverage in planning a domestic marketing strategy for this kind of goods.

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