disordered films
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2021 ◽  
Jibu Stephen

<p>Half-metallic ferromagnets with 100 % electronic spin polarisation are an interesting class of materials for new spin transport electronics applications. Some of the double perovskites and Heusler alloys are predicted to be half-metallic with Curie temperatures above room temperature. This thesis presents the results from an experimental study of polycrystalline double perovskites Sr₂₋ₓLaₓFeMoO₆ and Ba₂₋ₓLaₓFeMoO₆, and ordered and disordered epitaxial thin films of Co₂MnSi Heusler alloys. A magnetothermopower was observed in Sr₂₋ₓLaₓFeMoO₆ and Ba₂₋ₓLaₓFeMoO₆. This magnetothermopower can be explained in terms of a spin-tunnelling contribution to the thermopower between grains that changes in an applied magnetic field. The results from the high temperature (above 400 K) magnetisation studies on Ba₂₋ₓLaₓFeMoO₆ in the paramagnetic region reveal that a localised electron model with antiferromagnetic coupling to itinerant electrons can account for the carrier concentration dependent effective moments. The correlation between the bare itinerant electron susceptibility and the Curie-Weiss temperature supports the kinetic energy driven model that has been used to account for the electronic spin polarisation and high Curie temperatures.  Antisite disorder is evident in the Co₂MnSi thin films that leads to a reduction in the saturation magnetisation. The resistivity of the ordered Co₂MnSi thin film is linear in temperature whereas the resistivity of the disordered film increases at low temperature due to weak localisation. A magnetoresistance is observed in ordered and disordered films. At low fields (below 0.1 T) the magnetoresistance is likely to be due to domain wall scattering. For magnetic fields greater than 0.1 T there is likely to be a contribution from a magnetic-field-induced suppression of the weak localisation resistivity. Similar magnetoresistance behaviour was observed for ordered and disordered films. There is a large anomalous Hall resistivity observed in the ordered and disordered Co₂MnSi thin films. In the case of the ordered film it is found that the anomalous Hall effect is dominated by skew scattering.</p>

2021 ◽  
Jibu Stephen

<p>Half-metallic ferromagnets with 100 % electronic spin polarisation are an interesting class of materials for new spin transport electronics applications. Some of the double perovskites and Heusler alloys are predicted to be half-metallic with Curie temperatures above room temperature. This thesis presents the results from an experimental study of polycrystalline double perovskites Sr₂₋ₓLaₓFeMoO₆ and Ba₂₋ₓLaₓFeMoO₆, and ordered and disordered epitaxial thin films of Co₂MnSi Heusler alloys. A magnetothermopower was observed in Sr₂₋ₓLaₓFeMoO₆ and Ba₂₋ₓLaₓFeMoO₆. This magnetothermopower can be explained in terms of a spin-tunnelling contribution to the thermopower between grains that changes in an applied magnetic field. The results from the high temperature (above 400 K) magnetisation studies on Ba₂₋ₓLaₓFeMoO₆ in the paramagnetic region reveal that a localised electron model with antiferromagnetic coupling to itinerant electrons can account for the carrier concentration dependent effective moments. The correlation between the bare itinerant electron susceptibility and the Curie-Weiss temperature supports the kinetic energy driven model that has been used to account for the electronic spin polarisation and high Curie temperatures.  Antisite disorder is evident in the Co₂MnSi thin films that leads to a reduction in the saturation magnetisation. The resistivity of the ordered Co₂MnSi thin film is linear in temperature whereas the resistivity of the disordered film increases at low temperature due to weak localisation. A magnetoresistance is observed in ordered and disordered films. At low fields (below 0.1 T) the magnetoresistance is likely to be due to domain wall scattering. For magnetic fields greater than 0.1 T there is likely to be a contribution from a magnetic-field-induced suppression of the weak localisation resistivity. Similar magnetoresistance behaviour was observed for ordered and disordered films. There is a large anomalous Hall resistivity observed in the ordered and disordered Co₂MnSi thin films. In the case of the ordered film it is found that the anomalous Hall effect is dominated by skew scattering.</p>

2020 ◽  
pp. 171-292
Stephen R. Forrest

In this chapter, the basic principles of the origins of transport levels and bands, charge conduction in disordered materials, and injection from contacts are introduced. Charge transport in organics is fundamentally different than in inorganic semiconductors due to narrow transport bands that, in general, lead to charge transport via hopping, resulting in carrier mobilities that are at most only a few cm2/V s. Processes of charge injection leading to space charge limited transport that defines the current vs. voltage characteristics of the materials are discussed. Methods of measuring mobility, background charge densities, and quantifying charge recombination are described. Doping of organics using both molecular and atomic species to modify their conductivity is also considered. The theory of transport in energetically and structurally disordered films is developed. The chapter closes by describing, from first principles, the theory of conduction over organic and organic/inorganic semiconductor heterojunctions that are used in almost all organic photonic devices.

Molecules ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (7) ◽  
pp. 1620 ◽  
Alexandr Sukhikh ◽  
Dmitry Bonegardt ◽  
Darya Klyamer ◽  
Pavel Krasnov ◽  
Tamara Basova

In this work, the tetra-, octa- and hexadecachloro-substituted copper phthalocyanines CuPcClx (where x can equal 4, 8 or 16) were investigated by the methods of vibrational (IR and Raman) spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. The assignment of the most intense bands, both in IR and Raman spectra, was carried out on the basis of DFT calculations. The structure of a CuPcCl4 single crystal grown by sublimation in vacuum was refined for the first time. The effect of chloro-substitution on the structure of CuPcClx thin films deposited in a vacuum onto a glass substrate at 50 and 200 °C was studied. It was shown that CuPcCl4 formed polycrystalline films with the preferential orientation of the (100) crystallographic plane of crystallites parallel to the substrate surface when deposited on a substrate at 50 °C. Introduction of more Cl-substituents into the phthalocyanine macrocycle leads to the formation of amorphous films on the substrates at 50 °C. At the elevated substrate temperature, the growth of polycrystalline disordered films was observed for all three copper phthalocyanines.

2019 ◽  
Vol 61 (9) ◽  
pp. 1523-1528 ◽  
A. V. Antonov ◽  
A. V. Ikonnikov ◽  
D. V. Masterov ◽  
A. N. Mikhailov ◽  
S. V. Morozov ◽  

JETP Letters ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 109 (12) ◽  
pp. 795-798
M. V. Burdastyh ◽  
S. V. Postolova ◽  
I. A. Derbezov ◽  
A. V. Gaisler ◽  
M. C. Diamantini ◽  


2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-78 ◽  
Silvan Schwebke ◽  
Ulf Werner ◽  
Günter Schultes

Abstract. Granular and columnar nickel–carbon composites may exhibit large strain sensitivity, which makes them an interesting sensor material. Based on experimental results and morphological characterization of the material, we develop a model of the electron transport in the film and use it to explain its piezoresistive effect. First we describe a model for the electron transport from particle to particle. The model is then applied in Monte Carlo simulations of the resistance and strain properties of the disordered films that give a first explanation of film properties. The simulations give insights into the origin of the transverse sensitivity and show the influence of various parameters such as particle separation and geometric disorder. An important influence towards larger strain sensitivity is local strain enhancement due to different elastic moduli of metal particles and carbon matrix.

2017 ◽  
Vol 110 (13) ◽  
pp. 132404 ◽  
Joo-Von Kim ◽  
Myoung-Woo Yoo

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