statistics course
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2022 ◽  
pp. 436-454
Merve Samioğlu

After the unexpected spread of the global pandemic, all the universities around the world have implemented online learning procedures. This necessity forced the mathematics and statistics instructors to use more technological means than ever. The method used in this chapter involves an intense use of applet-based education tools for a two-course sequence of introductory statistics. Forty-five applets were used during the courses. At the end of the semester for each course, a short questionnaire was given to the students to evaluate the method applied. The feedback from the students about the applet-based instruction was largely positive. Possible future works are suggested in the conclusion.

KadikmA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 108
Maya Saftari ◽  
Marna Marna ◽  
Sariman Sariman

Research to describe whether the results of the assessment in the affective domain affect student learning outcomes on the subject matter of Probability Statistics. One of the assessments of the affective domain is attitude assessment. The research approach is a quantitative research with an analysis of the research subject of 100 students who have taught the Probability Statistics course. This research was conducted using an instrument in the form of an attitude scale questionnaire based on a Likert scale consisting of 22 questions with answers to questions including: Always (SL) points 5, Often (SR) points 4, Sometimes (K) points 3, Rarely (JR) point 2, and Never (TP) point 1 which is based on the attitude scale instrument grid in the form of a checklist. The indicators measured on the attitude scale are interest, curiosity, attention in learning and self-confidence. The method of analysis in the form of a correlation survey is to see the influence of the affective domain on student learning outcomes. From the results of the research, it is known that the effect of learning outcomes based on student attitudes is the most prominent due to the interest and confidence of students who are in charge of the Probability Statistics course. For curiosity and attention in learning do not have a direct effect on learning outcomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 10

Statistical education is a very important area of research because it builds knowledge and promotes innovation in the courses of this discipline. Based on the advances in this area, changes in the content and approaches of the courses at all educational levels have been promoted in several countries. In this study, we examine programs of introductory statistics courses at the higher education level, seeking to characterize the state of statistical education for non-statisticians in Mexico. The extent to which the Statistical Learning Goals (MAEs) were addressed was explored. Included in the study were 410 statistics course programs from various Mexican institutions. A checklist was constructed to assess the extent to which MAEs were considered in the programs; that is, indicators of the degree of consideration of each of the goals were constructed. Exploratory and descriptive analyses were carried out to identify the extent the goals were met, followed by multiple correspondence analysis to identify associations with the program identification variables. The results showed that the MAEs were applied very little in Mexico, especially those that refer to the development of statistical thinking and culture; the exceptions were the goals of organizing data, building tables and graphs, as well as calculating descriptive statistics. For all this, it was concluded that there is much work to be done on this issue in Mexico. Abstract: Spanish La educación estadística es un área de investigación muy importante porque permite obtener conocimiento y promover la innovación en los cursos de esta disciplina. A partir de los avances en esta área, en varios países se han promovido cambios en los contenidos y enfoques de los cursos en todos los niveles educativos. En este estudio examinamos programas de cursos introductorios de estadística en el nivel superior, buscando caracterizar el estado que mantiene la educación estadística para no estadísticos en México. Se exploró la medida en la que se consideran las Metas de Aprendizaje de la Estadística (MAE) propuestas por Gal y Garfield (1997). Se recopilaron 410 programas de cursos de estadística de diversas instituciones mexicanas. Se construyó una lista de cotejo para evaluar qué tanto se consideran las MAE en el programa; es decir, se construyeron indicadores del grado de consideración de cada una de las metas. Se realizaron análisis exploratorios y descriptivos para identificar qué tanto se atiende cada una de las metas, seguidos de análisis de correspondencia múltiple para identificar asociaciones con las variables de identificación de los programas. Los resultados muestran que las MAE se han aplicado muy poco en México, sobre todo las que se refieren al desarrollo del pensamiento y la cultura estadística; la excepción es la meta que se refiere organizar los datos, construcción de tablas y gráficas, así como calcular estadísticas descriptivas. Por todo esto, se concluye que hay mucho trabajo por hacer en este tema en México.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 2

In general, engineering students show little interest in the activities inherent in statistics subjects. This claim may be partly explained by the competition with other subjects in the first years of undergraduate courses, or by student perceived low attractiveness of the classes. In this context, several studies indicated that methodologies where the student is the protagonist of the learning process lead to greater engagement during the activities and better scores in the assessments. This work describes the use of active learning methodologies in an introductory probability and statistics course for Engineering classes at a Brazilian public institution. Two classes were monitored during one term: in the first one (control class) traditional lectures were used, in the second one (experimental class) three different active methodologies were applied, namely: Jigsaw, Peer Instruction and Think-Pair-Share. On the one hand, the results indicated slightly better performances in the experimental class, as well as an increase in attendance. On the other hand, dropout rates were similar in both classes. This study is part of a renewal proposal of the mathematics subjects, based on the use of active learning methodologies and the review of curricular content to meet current pedagogical demands. Abstract: Portuguese Em geral, os alunos de Engenharia demonstram pouco interesse nas atividades inerentes à disciplina de Estatística. Tal constatação pode ser em parte explicada pela concorrência com outras disciplinas do ciclo básico, ou ainda, pela pouca atratividade das aulas. Nesse contexto, diversos estudos apontam que metodologias onde o aluno é o protagonista do processo de aprendizagem acarretam maior engajamento durante as atividades e melhores escores nas avaliações. Este trabalho descreve o uso de metodologias de aprendizagem ativa em um curso introdutório de Probabilidade e Estatística para turmas de Engenharia, numa instituição pública brasileira. Duas turmas foram monitoradas ao longo de um semestre: na primeira, fez-se uso de aulas expositivas dialogadas (turma controle) e, na segunda, aulas com três metodologias ativas diferentes, a saber: Jigsaw, Peer Instruction e Think-Pair-Share (turma experimental). Os resultados indicam um desempenho acadêmico levemente melhor da turma experimental, assim como na frequência dessa turma. Por outro lado, a taxa de evasão manteve-se semelhante em ambas as turmas. Este estudo é parte de uma proposta de renovação para as disciplinas de cunho matemático da instituição, baseada no uso de metodologias de aprendizagem ativa e na revisão de conteúdos curriculares para atender às demandas pedagógicas atuais.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-189
Syafriandi Syafriandi ◽  
Ahmad Fauzan ◽  
Lufri Lufri ◽  
Armiati Armiati

Two types of errors are one of the important topics in hypothesis testing. Studying the two types of errors is not only studying how the procedure determines the probability of making an error, but it is very important to study the theoretical concepts of the two types of errors. To achieve this goal, a learning design is needed that can facilitate students to construct their own concepts of the two types of errors. The learning design developed is local instructional theory resulting from the cyclic process of hypothetical learning trajectory. The type of research used is design research using the model developed by Gravemeijer and Cobb. The test subjects used in this study were students of the Ma thematics Education Study Program, FMIPA UNP who took the Elementary Statistics Course in the July – December 2019 semester. This research resulted in a very practical local instructional theory used to facilitate students in carrying out horizontal and vertical mathematization processes, so that students are able to construct their own concepts of two types of errors in hypothesis testing.

2021 ◽  
pp. 003329412110434
Joshua J. Reynolds

Undergraduate statistics in psychology is an important, often challenging, course for students. The focus in psychology tends to be on hypothesis tests, such as t tests and analysis of variance. While adequate for some questions, there are many other topics we might include that could improve that data analytic abilities of students and improve psychological science in the long run. Topics such as generalized linear modeling, multilevel modeling, Bayesian statistics, model building and comparison, and causal analysis, could be introduced in an undergraduate psychological statistics course. For each topic, I discuss their importance and provide sources for instructor’s continuing education. These topics would give students greater flexibility in analyzing data, allow them to conduct more meaningful analyses, allow them to understand more modern data analytic approaches, and potentially help the field of psychology in the long run, by being one part of the strategy to address the reproducibility problem.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-105
K.R. Winatha ◽  
N.K.A.U. Dewi

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the government issued a policy to implement online learning. This, of course, causes many problems in universities, one of which is a decrease in the expected competency targets due to the application of monotonous online learning methods. In order to overcome these problems, researchers as lecturers tried to apply an innovative flipped learning model in online learning for statistics courses. This course was chosen as the object of research, because it is often used in completing student thesis, especially in determining the population and sample when distributing questionnaires, the material is quite abstract because it must be supported by examples in everyday life, and the learning implementation plan has not adjusted to the system. online learning. However, to support the implementation of learning methods, especially lipped learning, a special learning device is needed. This research is a development research that aims to produce a product in the form of a lipped learning learning device in statistics course using the ADDIE model. Learning devices with flipped learning models have been successfully developed, and are valid based on expert testing.

2021 ◽  
pp. 95-106
jenn Berg ◽  
Catherine A. Buell ◽  
Danette Day ◽  
Rhonda Evans

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