canadian studies
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2021 ◽  
Benoit A. Lalonde ◽  
Christine Garron

Abstract Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are anthropogenic substances that are very stable in the receiving environment. PFASs are persistent and resistant to typical environmental degradation processes and therefore are distributed across all trophic levels and environmental compartments (soil, air, water). Since most uses of PFOS, PFOA and LC-PFCAs are banned in Canada, alternative PFASs have been in use for a number of years. Twenty-nine sites across Canada were sampled for PFASs to determine concentrations and trends. Overall, 13 PFASs were measured in 566 Canadian freshwater samples from 2013- 2020 with a range from below the detection limit of the laboratory to a maximum of 138 ng/L (for PFBS). While PFOS and PFOA concentrations are declining significantly over time, other compounds such as PFPeA and PFBA have increased significantly over 2013-2020. Overall the range of concentrations found in this study were similar to that of other Canadian and international studies. However, this study also found a higher frequency of detections of the replacement PFASs than that of the other, older, Canadian studies.

M Son ◽  
R Kiwan ◽  
M Mayich ◽  
M Boulton ◽  
S Pandey ◽  

Background: Ruptured Intracranial Infected Aneurysms (IIAs) are a relatively rare phenomenon, but they portend high mortality. To our knowledge, there are no Canadian studies on IIA with paucity of data on experiences as well. Our purpose is to share experience of a single Canadian tertiary centre in managing ruptured IIA and to conduct a systematic review. Methods: Retrospective case series review of adult patients with ruptured IIA treated at our institution. Secondly, we conducted a systematic review of literature on ruptured IIA between 2011-2021 inclusive. Results: At our institution, with a total 8 cases with ruptured IIA, 4 patients were treated endovascularly and 2 by surgical bypass. For the systematic review, we included 12 non-comparative studies with a total of 547 patients with IIA. Median percentage of ruptured IIA was at least 65.2%, cases that required intervention was 23.7% for surgical cases, and 50% for endovascular cases. The overall median percentage of complications was 5.3%. Conclusions: This study highlights a single Canadian tertiary centre experience in the management of IIA and compares it to the global trends of the last 10 years in a systematic review.

2021 ◽  
pp. e20200012
Patrick Bondy ◽  
Howard Ramos

Hockey and hockey arenas are often touted as pillars of Canadian identity and community. However, recent debates over inclusion in the sport question the game’s ability to facilitate social and cultural integration. This paper analyzes different forms of social interaction in hockey and hockey arenas in Halifax, Nova Scotia. In doing so, the paper identifies three social forms that hockey players and parents produce and reproduce in arenas. These are “friendliness without friendship,” “ritual togetherness,” and “transactional relationships.” Each form has textures of solitude embedded within the social form and has different social boundaries that separate in-and out-group members. We consider our findings in relation to literature on friendliness, solitude, and socio-cultural integration, as well as Atlantic Canadian and Canadian studies.

2021 ◽  
pp. 38-108
Murray Weeks ◽  
Su-Bin Park ◽  
Samantha Ghanem ◽  
Sieara Plebon-Huff ◽  
Anne-Marie Robert ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  

Issue information for London Journal of Canadian Studies 28(1).

2021 ◽  
Sofiya Kovalenko

It is recognized that racialized youth are significantly over-represented in the Canadian Criminal Justice System relative to their population percentages. Research also determined that similar disproportion exists with respect to school discipline. Similar to US research, a number of Canadian studies found that racialized youth are being disproportionately affected by zero-tolerance school disciplinary policies, such as the Ontario Safe Schools Act. Such research also hypothesized about a "school-to-prison pipeline" for minority youth. This MRP explores the link between immigration, policing, and school disciplinary policies in Ontario, Canada. In particular, the MRP investigates the racialization of school disciplinary procedures that largely affect immigrant youth, and the criminalization of certain behaviors that may lead visible minority youth, including immigrant youth, to having disproportionate police contact. The findings suggest that there is a relation between racial disproportion of school suspensions and expulsions and the racial disproportion in the likelihood of youth- police contact.

2021 ◽  
Sofiya Kovalenko

It is recognized that racialized youth are significantly over-represented in the Canadian Criminal Justice System relative to their population percentages. Research also determined that similar disproportion exists with respect to school discipline. Similar to US research, a number of Canadian studies found that racialized youth are being disproportionately affected by zero-tolerance school disciplinary policies, such as the Ontario Safe Schools Act. Such research also hypothesized about a "school-to-prison pipeline" for minority youth. This MRP explores the link between immigration, policing, and school disciplinary policies in Ontario, Canada. In particular, the MRP investigates the racialization of school disciplinary procedures that largely affect immigrant youth, and the criminalization of certain behaviors that may lead visible minority youth, including immigrant youth, to having disproportionate police contact. The findings suggest that there is a relation between racial disproportion of school suspensions and expulsions and the racial disproportion in the likelihood of youth- police contact.

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