lattice calculations
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (10) ◽  
Vladimir M. Braun ◽  
Yao Ji ◽  
Alexey Vladimirov

Abstract We study chiral-odd quark-antiquark correlation functions suitable for lattice calculations of twist-three nucleon parton distribution functions hL(x) and e(x), and also the twist-two transversity distribution δq(x). The corresponding factorized expressions are derived in terms of the twist-two and twist-three collinear distributions to one-loop accuracy. The results are presented both in position space, as the factorization theorem for Ioffe-time distributions, and in momentum space, for quasi- and pseudo-distributions. We demonstrate that the twist-two part of the hL quasi(pseudo)-distribution can be separated from the twist-three part by virtue of an exact Jaffe-Ji-like relation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (9) ◽  
R. Frezzotti ◽  
G. Gagliardi ◽  
V. Lubicz ◽  
F. Sanfilippo ◽  
S. Simula

AbstractWe propose a scheme of lattice twisted-mass fermion regularization which is particularly convenient for application to isospin breaking (IB) QCD and QED calculations, based in particular on the so called RM123 approach, in which the IB terms of the action are treated as a perturbation. The main, practical advantage of this scheme is that it allows the calculation of IB effects on some mesonic observables, like e.g. the $$\pi ^+ - \pi ^0$$ π + - π 0 mass splitting, using lattice correlation functions in which the quark and antiquark fields in the meson are regularized with opposite values of the Wilson parameter r. These correlation functions are found to be affected by much smaller statistical fluctuations, with respect to the analogous functions in which quark and antiquark fields are regularized with the same value of r. Two numerical application of this scheme, that we call rotated twisted-mass, within pure QCD and QCD + QED respectively, are also provided for illustration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (1) ◽  
Dmitry Melnikov ◽  
Cornélio Rodrigues Filho

Abstract In this paper we describe a pseudoscalar subsector of the Klebanov-Strassler model. This subsector completes the holographic reconstruction of the spectrum of the lowest-lying glueball states, which are singlet under the global symmetry group SU(2) × SU(2). We derive the linearized supergravity equations for the pseudoscalar fluctuations and analyze their spectrum. The system of equations is shown to be compatible with six eigenmodes, as expected from supersymmetry. Our numerical analysis allows to reliably extract four of the corresponding towers. Their values match well the eigenvalues of the 0++ scalar states known from an earlier work. Assuming the masses of 0++ as a reference, we compare the lightest states of the holographic spectrum with lattice calculations in the quenched QCD at Nc = 3 and Nc = ∞.

2020 ◽  
Vol 125 (23) ◽  
Bálint Joó ◽  
Joseph Karpie ◽  
Kostas Orginos ◽  
Anatoly V. Radyushkin ◽  
David G. Richards ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 145 ◽  
pp. 107492
Sherly Ray ◽  
S.B. Degweker ◽  
Umasankari Kannan

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
Axel Maas

A continuum formulation of gauge-fixing resolving the Gribov-Singer ambiguity remains a challenge. Finding a Lagrangian formulation of operational resolutions in numerical lattice calculations, like minimal Landau gauge, would be one possibility. Such a formulation will here be constrained by reconstructing the Dyson-Schwinger equation for which the lattice minimal-Landau-gauge ghost propagator is a solution. It is found that this requires an additional term. As a by-product new, high precision lattice results for the ghost-gluon vertex in three and four dimensions are obtained.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (11n12) ◽  
pp. 2030006 ◽  
Huey-Wen Lin

In this paper, I review recent progress in lattice-QCD calculations of hadron structure with an emphasis on nucleon structure. A wide range of nucleon observables are being studied in modern lattice calculations, and important progress has been made at physical pion mass, including the spin decomposition of the nucleon and the Bjorken-[Formula: see text] dependence of hadron structure. Challenges and perspectives for future lattice hadron-structure calculations will be discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 137 ◽  
pp. 107029 ◽  
Sherly Ray ◽  
S.B. Degweker ◽  
Umasankari Kannan

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