bin packing problem
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Saharnaz Mehrani ◽  
Carlos Cardonha ◽  
David Bergman

In the bin-packing problem with minimum color fragmentation (BPPMCF), we are given a fixed number of bins and a collection of items, each associated with a size and a color, and the goal is to avoid color fragmentation by packing items with the same color within as few bins as possible. This problem emerges in areas as diverse as surgical scheduling and group event seating. We present several optimization models for the BPPMCF, including baseline integer programming formulations, alternative integer programming formulations based on two recursive decomposition strategies that utilize decision diagrams, and a branch-and-price algorithm. Using the results from an extensive computational evaluation on synthetic instances, we train a decision tree model that predicts which algorithm should be chosen to solve a given instance of the problem based on a collection of derived features. Our insights are validated through experiments on the aforementioned applications on real-world data. Summary of Contribution: In this paper, we investigate a colored variant of the bin-packing problem. We present and evaluate several exact mixed-integer programming formulations to solve the problem, including models that explore recursive decomposition strategies based on decision diagrams and a set partitioning model that we solve using branch and price. Our results show that the computational performance of the algorithms depends on features of the input data, such as the average number of items per bin. Our algorithms and featured applications suggest that the problem is of practical relevance and that instances of reasonable size can be solved efficiently.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (4) ◽  
pp. 808-826
Đorđe Stakić ◽  
Miodrag Živković ◽  
Ana Anokić

The two-dimensional heterogeneous vector bin packing problem (2DHet-VBPP) consists of packing the set of items into the set of various type bins, respecting their two resource limits. The problem is to minimize the total cost of all bins. The problem, known to be NP-hard, can be formulated as a pure integer linear program, but optimal solutions can be obtained by the CPLEX Optimizer engine only for small instances. This paper proposes a metaheuristic approach to the 2DHet-VBPP, based on Reduced variable neighborhood search (RVNS). All RVNS elements are adapted to the considered problem and many procedures are designed to improve efficiency of the method. As the Two-dimensional Homogeneous-VBPP (2DHom-VBPP) is more often treated, we considered also a special version of the RVNS algorithm to solve the 2DHom-VBPP. The results obtained and compared to both CPLEX results and results on benchmark instances from literature, justify the use of the RVNS algorithm to solve large instances of these optimization problems.

John Martinovic ◽  
Nico Strasdat ◽  
José Valério de Carvalho ◽  
Fabio Furini

AbstractThe aim of this letter is to design and computationally test several improvements for the compact integer linear programming (ILP) formulations of the temporal bin packing problem with fire-ups (TBPP-FU). This problem is a challenging generalization of the classical bin packing problem in which the items, interpreted as jobs of given weight, are active only during an associated time window. The TBPP-FU objective function asks for the minimization of the weighted sum of the number of bins, viewed as servers of given capacity, to execute all the jobs and the total number of fire-ups. The fire-ups count the number of times the servers are activated due to the presence of assigned active jobs. Our contributions are effective procedures to reduce the number of variables and constraints of the ILP formulations proposed in the literature as well as the introduction of new valid inequalities. By extensive computational tests we show that substantial improvements can be achieved and several instances from the literature can be solved to proven optimality for the first time.

2021 ◽  
Vol vol. 23, no. 3 (Discrete Algorithms) ◽  
Yoshiharu Kohayakawa ◽  
Flávio Keidi Miyazawa ◽  
Yoshiko Wakabayashi

In the $d$-dimensional hypercube bin packing problem, a given list of $d$-dimensional hypercubes must be packed into the smallest number of hypercube bins. Epstein and van Stee [SIAM J. Comput. 35 (2005)] showed that the asymptotic performance ratio $\rho$ of the online bounded space variant is $\Omega(\log d)$ and $O(d/\log d)$, and conjectured that it is $\Theta(\log d)$. We show that $\rho$ is in fact $\Theta(d/\log d)$, using probabilistic arguments.

2021 ◽  
pp. 105550
Hao Zhang ◽  
Qiang Liu ◽  
Lijun Wei ◽  
Jiawei Zeng ◽  
Jiewu Leng ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 141-151
Hiroshi Fujiwara ◽  
Ryota Adachi ◽  
Hiroaki Yamamoto

Summary. The bin packing problem is a fundamental and important optimization problem in theoretical computer science [4], [6]. An instance is a sequence of items, each being of positive size at most one. The task is to place all the items into bins so that the total size of items in each bin is at most one and the number of bins that contain at least one item is minimum. Approximation algorithms have been intensively studied. Algorithm NextFit would be the simplest one. The algorithm repeatedly does the following: If the first unprocessed item in the sequence can be placed, in terms of size, additionally to the bin into which the algorithm has placed an item the last time, place the item into that bin; otherwise place the item into an empty bin. Johnson [5] proved that the number of the resulting bins by algorithm NextFit is less than twice the number of the fewest bins that are needed to contain all items. In this article, we formalize in Mizar [1], [2] the bin packing problem as follows: An instance is a sequence of positive real numbers that are each at most one. The task is to find a function that maps the indices of the sequence to positive integers such that the sum of the subsequence for each of the inverse images is at most one and the size of the image is minimum. We then formalize algorithm NextFit, its feasibility, its approximation guarantee, and the tightness of the approximation guarantee.

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