orthometric heights
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2021 ◽  
Vol 906 (1) ◽  
pp. 012036
Persephone Galani ◽  
Sotiris Lycourghiotis ◽  
Foteini Kariotou

Abstract Deriving a local geoid model has drawn much research interest in the last decade, in an endeavour to minimize the errors in orthometric heights calculations, inherited by the use of global geoid reference models. In most parts of the earth, the local geoid surface may be tens of meters away from the Global Reference biaxial Ellipsoid (WGS84), which create numerus problems in topographic, environmental and navigational applications. Several methods have been developed for optimizing the precision of the calculation of the geoid heights undulations and the accuracy of the corresponding orthometric heights calculations. The optimization refers either to the method used for data acquisition, or to the geometrical method used for the determination of the best fit local geoid model. In the present work, we focus on the reference ellipsoid used for the geometric and geoid heights determination and develop a method to provide the one that fits best to the local geoid surface. Moreover, we consider relatively small sea regions and near to coast areas, where the usual methods for data acquisition fail more or less, and we pay attention in two directions: To obtain accurate measured data and to have the best possible reference ellipsoid for the area at hand. In this due, we use the “GNSS-on-boat” methodology to obtain direct sea level data, which we induce in a Moore Penrose pseudoinverse procedure to calculate the best fit triaxial ellipsoid. This locally optimized reference ellipsoid minimizes the geometric heights in the region at hand. The method is applied in two closed sea areas in Greece, namely Corinthian and Patra’s gulf and also in four regions in the Ionian Sea, which exhibit significant geoid alterations. Taking into account all factors of uncertainty, the precision of the mean sea level surface, produced by the “GNSS on boat” methodology, had been estimated at 5.43 cm for the gulf of Patras, at 3.76 cm for the Corinthian gulf and at 3.31 for the Ionian and Adriatic Sea areas. The average difference of this surface and the local triaxial reference ellipsoid, calculated in this work, is found to be less than 15 cm, whereas the corresponding difference with respect to WGS84 is of the order of 30m.

Fabio Luiz Albarici ◽  
Gabriel Do Nascimento Guimarães ◽  
Marcelo Carvalho Santos ◽  
Jorge Luiz Alves Trabanco

In July 2018, IBGE launched the new heights of the Brazilian Geodetic System (BGS), the normal height, which has associated gravity. These new heights are replacing the old normal-orthometric ones, in which there was only the non-parallelism correction. The IBGE informs that the values farther from the origin, have less accuracy. This lower accuracy may interfere in the future, the connection of the local tide gauges to IHRF (International Reference Frame Height). Thus, this paper proposes the integration of the local tide gauge of Cananeia-SP to the IHRF. In order to validate the methodology, the normal, Helmert, and rigorous orthometric heights using two distinct references: the Imbituba-SC tide gauge, as the origin of the BGS and the Cananeia-SP tide gauge, as a local tide gauge to be integrated into the IHRF. Calculating the three heights through these two origins, we analyzed the discrepancies in comparison to the heights calculated by IBGE. Numerical tests indicate that there was an improvement in terms of a mean and standard deviation when using the Cananeia gauge as origin in the calculation of normal, Helmert, and rigorous heights. In the congruence analysis, the calculations indicate that the highest standard deviation is presented when using IBGE normal heights. Thus, we have a new origin that is reliable and functional, can be integrated with the IHRF, where the Helmert and rigorous orthometric heights have the best statistical results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 360
Claudio Alimonti ◽  
Valerio Baiocchi ◽  
Giorgia Bonanotte ◽  
Gábor Molnár

The aqueducts built by the ancient Romans are among the most impressive evidence of their engineering skills. The water inside the aqueducts was transported for kilometers, exploiting only the slight but constant differences in altitude throughout the route. To keep the differences in height constant, the aqueducts could proceed underground or aboveground on well-known arched structures that supported lead, ceramic or stone pipes. In order to reconstruct the characteristics of these structures, it is necessary to carry out an accurate survey of the orthometric heights, and therefore the most suitable technology is geometric levelling. In this case, however, it is not applicable, and therefore here we propose an alternative methodology. The final goal of this work was to estimate the flow of some sectors of these aqueducts preserved in the area south of the city of Rome. This has two main purposes: The first is to reconstruct the flow rate of these aqueducts for historical studies; the second is to check how much the orthometric heights have changed over the centuries, in order to reconstruct the movements from a geophysical and geodynamic point of view. The latter analysis will be developed in a following phase of this research. For this purpose, a high-precision geomatic survey was carried out in the area under study, partly retracing a survey already carried out in 1917 whose purpose and methodologies are not known. The area has been affected by a gradual subsidence over centuries, including since 1917. The observed sections of the aqueducts showed average inclinations, slightly lower than the 2 per thousand that is reported in the literature for similar aqueducts. The measurements carried out allowed the flow rate of the two specific aqueducts to be estimated more accurately, both as they were originally and in the presence of deposits that have accumulated during the years of use of the aqueducts. The reconstruction of the initial geometry will later be used as a reference to estimate how much the geodynamic deformations of the area have deformed the aqueducts themselves.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1879 (3) ◽  
pp. 032072
Nawal Khalaf Ghazal ◽  
Neran Saleh leaby Saray

2021 ◽  
Muhammed Raşit Çevikalp ◽  
Bihter Erol ◽  
Bilal Mutlu ◽  
Serdar Erol

<p>The maintenance of leveling benchmark is both laborious and costly due to distortions caused by geodynamic activities and local deformations. It is necessary to realize geoid-based vertical datum, which also enables calculation from ellipsoidal heights obtained from GNSS to orthometric heights that have physical meaning. It can be considered as an important step for height system unification as it eliminates the problems stem from the conventional vertical datum. The ongoing height modernization efforts in Turkey focus to improve quality and coverage of the gravity data, eliminate errors in existing terrestrial gravity measurements in order to achieve a precise geoid model. Accuracy of the geopotential model is crucial while realizing a geoid model based vertical datum as well as unifying the regional height systems with the International Heights Reference System. In this point of view, we assessed the accuracies of recently released global geopotential models including XGM2019e_2159, GECO, EIGEN-6C4, EGM2008, SGG-UGM-1, EIGEN-6C3stat, and EIGEN-6C2 using high order GNSS/leveling control benchmarks and terrestrial gravity data in Turkey. The reason for choosing these models in the validations is their relatively higher spatial resolutions and improved accuracies compared to other GGMs in published validation results with globally distributed terrestrial data. The GNSS/leveling data used in validations include high accuracy GNSS coordinates in ITRF datum with co-located Helmert orthometric heights in regional vertical datum. 100 benchmarks are homogeneously distributed in the country with the benchmarks along the coastlines. In addition, the terrestrial gravity anomalies with 5 arc-minute resolution were also used in the tests. In order to have comparable results, residual terrain effect has been restored to the GGM derived parameters. Numerical tests revealed significant differences in accuracies of the tested GGMs. The most accurate GGM has the comparable performance with official regional geoid model solutions in Turkey. The drawn results in the study were interpreted and discussed from practical applications and height system unification points in conclusion.</p>

Hareya Biryhane ◽  
Tulu B. Bedada ◽  
Berhan Gessesse ◽  
Martin Vermeer

The quality of photogrammetric-based derived products like orthophotos, digital terrain models (DTMs) and digital line maps as well as the global digital elevation models (DEM) are rigorously dependent on the accuracy of image orientation. This paper evaluates the vertical accuracy of aerial photogrammetric Digital Terrain Model (DTM), Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM), Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflectance Radiometer (ASTER), and TerraSAR-X's twin satellite of TanDEM-X (TDX) datasets against in-situ orthometric heights computed from ellipsoidal heights and the 2008 Earth Gravitational Model (EGM2008) derived geoid heights in Ethiopia. The quality of the four global digital elevation models was also validated against the aerial photogrammetric DTM measurements. Besides, the accuracies of the photogrammetric DTM and the four DEM products were checked for their compliance to the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) standards as well as the Ethiopian national vertical data evaluation standards. The study showed that the photogrammetric DTM is in a good agreement with the reference orthometric heights compared to SRTM, ASTER and TDX datasets. More precisely, the result has an absolute accuracy of 1.67 m at Linear Error (LE) 95% confidence level, while the absolute accuracy of SRTM3 arc seconds (SRTM3) at LE 90% (11.91 m) is better than its product specification (16 m). The absolute accuracy of SRTM1 arc second (SRTM1) (7.70 m at LE 90%) surpasses that of SRTM3, whereas the absolute accuracy of ASTER DEM is somehow below its product specification. TDX also has the same vertical accuracy (10.29 m at LE 90%) compared to its product specification (10 m). Furthermore, the vertical accuracy of the photogrammetric DTM meets the100 cm vertical accuracy of the 2015 ASPRS standard. However, it does not meet the Ethiopian national vertical data accuracy requirement standard, i.e., RMSEz of ± 0.45 m. In general, the photogrammetric DTM, SRTM1, and TDX have been proven a superior product over the SRTM3 and ASTER DEMs, and better to use these products for high-level precision and accuracy required applications.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1823-1830
Aysar Jameel Abdulkadhum Aljanbi ◽  
Hayder Dibs ◽  
Bashar H. Alyasery

The regions around the world need to perform their results based on the local geoid. However, each region has different ground topography based on the amount of gravity in this region. Nowadays, the recent global Earth's gravity model of 2008 is successfully used for different purposes in geosciences research. This research presents an overview of the preliminary evaluation results of the new Earth Gravitation Model (EGM08) in the middle of Iraq. For completeness, the evaluation tests were also performed for EGM96 by examining 31 stations distributed over four Iraqi provinces. The national orthometric heights were compared with the GPS /leveling data obtained from these stations. This study illustrated that the GPS /leveling based on EGM08 data was better than that based on EGM96 data in terms of reducing the root mean square error (RMSE) of the differences between the orthometric heights and GPS/leveling data.  The standard deviation (SD) values for the national orthometric heights and GPS heights were about 4 and 26cm, respectively. The results also show that there is a small difference in hight ranged (0.0013 - 0.1333 m) in Karbala, (0.0023 – 0.0062 m), in Najaf and  (0.0173 – 0.0703 m), in Babylon. Due to the flat area, better results were obtained in Karbala and Najaf than Babylon. The EGM08 geoid method has shown to yield very close results to reality for various projects, thus its accuracy is acceptable.

Oluyori P. Dare ◽  
Eteje S. Okiemute

<p class="abstract"><strong>Background:</strong> Orthometric height, as well as geoid modelling using the geometric method, requires centroid computation. And this can be obtained using various models, as well as methods. These methods of centroid mean computation have impacts on the accuracy of the geoid model since the basis of the development of the theory of each centroid mean type is different. This paper presents the impact of different centroid means on the accuracy of orthometric height modelling by geometric geoid method.</p><p class="abstract"><strong>Methods:</strong> DGPS observation was carried out to obtain the coordinates and ellipsoidal heights of selected points. The centroid means were computed with the coordinates using three different centroid means models (arithmetic mean, root mean square and harmonic mean). The computed centroid means were entered accordingly into a Microsoft Excel program developed using the Multiquadratic surface to obtain the model orthometric heights at various centroid means. The root means square error (RMSE) index was applied to obtain the accuracy of the model using the known and the model orthometric heights obtained at various centroid means.  </p><p class="abstract"><strong>Results:</strong> The computed accuracy shows that the arithmetic mean method is the best among the three centroid means types.</p><p class="abstract"><strong>Conclusions:</strong> It is concluded that the arithmetic mean method should be adopted for centroid computation, as well as orthometric height modelling using the geometric method.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-81
Sher Muhammad ◽  
Lide Tian

AbstractGlobal Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and remote sensing Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) represent earth’s surface elevation with reference to ellipsoid and orthometric heights. Proper estimation of the geoid (difference of ellipsoid and orthometric heights) is necessary before comparing data referenced to the different vertical datum. In this paper, an error in estimating EGM96 orthometric height is highlighted, verified by NGA/NASA developed model and MATLAB®. A significant error was found in the ArcGIS derived EGM96 orthometric heights range between ±6.9 meters. In addition, interpolation of low-resolution geoid data also produces significant biases depending on geographic location and the number of the interpolation data point. The bias was maximum negative in the central part of Tibetan Plateau and Himalaya. Therefore, estimation of orthometric height similar to NGA/NASA model precision is necessary for comparison of DEMs for natural resources management, 3D modelling and glaciers mass balance mainly in the mountainous regions.

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