psychological education
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2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Chun-Hung Ko ◽  
Yucheng Shen

With the continuous development of society, the pressure of human beings is increasing, and the problem of psychological counseling for school students is getting more and more serious, which has brought great challenges to the education and management of school students. Universities should cultivate students’ professional ability on knowledge and practical skills; we should pay more attention to their psychological counseling and develop and design a simple and efficient learning environment. It is very necessary to establish a psychological evaluation system for college students. This article is based on the design and application of the mobile education information system for psychological education. It highlights that the current psychological counseling problems in school education are indispensable. To better manage the psychological counseling problems faced by many students, 67% of the students have many psychological problems, and the mental health of students in school education and psychological counseling have become the common concern and urgent problems of all college managers. This paper uses the methods of literature research, behavior interview, and experimental investigation to investigate the complementary relationship between the connotation of education and psychological counseling from the data of the fuzzy integral model of psychological counseling, so as to pay more attention to the students’ mental health problems and make the students grow up healthily. The experimental results of this article show that there is still a lot of room for improvement in the use of mobile education information systems to improve their ability to carry out psychological counseling work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Chun-Hung Ko ◽  
Shun Tang ◽  
Yucheng Shen

Education has improved the ideological style of society, improved people’s spiritual quality, and improved people’s lifestyle, provided sincere principles for people’s enthusiasm, and provided goals and political power for people’s ideals and contemporary thinking. Thinking diagrams are a teaching method that helps people sort out their ideas and solve difficult problems and can clearly connect the relationships between various concepts. This article is intended to explore the auxiliary effects of case analysis and thinking in psychological education in the context of mobile new systems. Through a series of research methods such as literature research method, action research method, mathematical statistics method, etc., finally 110 elementary and middle school students with psychological problems in a city conducted an experimental survey, and SPSS software was used to analyze and research the statistical results. The experimental results of this article show that psychological teachers use mental icons to provide psychological counseling to students with psychological problems. The success rate of counseling can be increased by 5–10%. It can be seen that an effective method of thinking diagram education can promote the better development of students, and it can also help more teenagers with psychological problems to get rid of psychological barriers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Yueting Xiang ◽  
Yurong Miao ◽  
Jianxiang Zhang ◽  
Yujia Lin

In recent years, in the face of new situations and problems in society, the discourse system, academic concepts, and related research perspectives of Chinese national theory have been strongly impacted by Western thought, making the discourse mode of western national theory become the second discourse system outside the traditional Chinese national theory. In order to further promote the construction of the Chinese national discourse system in college students' mental health education systems, the study first starts with the concept of national theory and discourse system and then uses the literature method to consult the development status of the Chinese national theoretical discourse system and the mental health education of college students. The results show that students' grade is directly proportional to the satisfaction of students with mental health education, that is, with the increase of grade, students are more and more satisfied with mental health education. The attendance rates of college students, high school students, junior middle school students, and primary school students are about 98, 87, 81, and 78%, respectively. In addition, students who are willing to actively accept psychological education account for about 38% of the total number of students, those who do not refuse account for 51% of the total number of students, and those who are unwilling to accept account for 11% of the total number of students. Among these students, their acceptance of mental health education will not be affected by other factors. Furthermore, the satisfaction score of college students with mental health education is about 4.1, the satisfaction score of high school students is about 3.6, the satisfaction score of junior middle school students is about 2.9, and the satisfaction score of primary school students is about 2.1. It reveals that the degree of satisfaction with mental health education is also related to grade. While taking mental health education courses, students not only realize a comprehensive understanding of the theory of the Chinese nation, but also greatly improve their national self-confidence and psychological quality. Moreover, it also strengthened by disseminating the theoretical discourse of the Chinese nation. Therefore, the exploration is of great significance to the development of the Chinese national theoretical discourse system in the psychological education of college students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 587-594
Ivet Tileva

Nowadays economic psychology is a field of science that has serious potential to compete classical economic theories. Many contemporary authors are interested in the discipline which is proved by the variety of emerging branches of economic psychology. Some of them are economists, other psychologists, but a small percentage of them have both economic and psychological education. This pattern explains some serious misunderstandings in the scientific literature in the field. The lack of understanding of both sciences at the same time leads to extremes in the conclusions, which in turn are not accepted as universally valid by economists and psychologists. Мoreover, the literature on the subject written by economists and psychologists seems very different. Economists attach more importance to the results of economic choice, while psychologists analyze primarily the causes for it. However, the connection between the two disciplines is indisputable. Despite the variety of branches of economic psychology, it is worth paying attention to the first work in the field written by an economist, which gives fundamental answers that modern scientists seem to miss. Lionel Robbins essay represents an extraordinary balance between the economic and the psychological issues, united in an ideal symbiosis.

Екатерина Васильевна Гусева

Статья посвящена рассмотрению особенностей проведения профилактической работы по снижению конфликтов между осужденными и сотрудниками исправительных учреждений. В исследовании рассматриваются причины возникновения конфликтов между осужденными и сотрудниками исправительных учреждений; обстоятельства, которые оказывают влияние на природу причинности конфликтов; предпосылки для возникновения конфликтных ситуаций; различные формы конфликтов и провоцирующие их факторы. Анализируются методы, которые используются для профилактики конфликтов между осужденными и сотрудниками исправительных учреждений. Рассматриваются следующие меры предупреждения конфликтов: изучение личности осужденных, наблюдение за психическим состоянием осужденных, групповая и индивидуальная коррекционная работа с лицами, состоящими на профилактическом учете, проведение бесед с родственниками осужденных, осуществление психологического просвещения персонала исправительных учреждений. Характеризуются современные направления работы персонала исправительных учреждений по предотвращению рисков возникновения конфликтных ситуаций и снижению количества конфликтов между осужденными и сотрудниками исправительных учреждений. Обращается внимание на необходимость организации деятельности сотрудников в исправительных учреждениях с учетом мер, направленных на профилактику и урегулирование пенитенциарных конфликтов: выявление среди осужденных лиц с деструктивным поведением и наблюдение за их психическим состоянием, осуществление мониторинга социально-психологического климата в исправительном учреждении, а также проведение бесед с осужденными, развитие у них доверия к персоналу колонии. The article is devoted to the consideration of the peculiarities of carrying out preventive work to reduce conflicts between inmates and officers of correctional institutions. The study examines the causes of conflicts between inmates and officers of correctional institutions; circumstances that influence the nature of the causality of conflicts; preconditions for the emergence of conflict situations; various forms of conflicts and their provoking factors. The methods used to prevent conflicts between inmates and officers of correctional institutions are analyzed. The following measures to prevent conflicts are considered: studying the personality of inmates, observing the mental state of inmates, group and individual correctional work with persons registered with preventive care, conducting conversations with relatives of inmates, and providing psychological education for staff in correctional institutions. The modern directions of work of the staff of correctional institutions to prevent the risks of conflict situations and reduce the number of conflicts between inmates and staff of correctional institutions are characterized. Attention is drawn to the need to organize the activities of officers in correctional institutions, taking into account measures aimed at preventing and settling penal conflicts: identifying persons with destructive behavior among inmates and monitoring their mental state, monitoring the socio-psychological climate in the correctional institution, as well as conducting interviews with inmates, the development of their confidence in the staff of the colony.

2021 ◽  
Vol 143 (3) ◽  
pp. 285-307
Ferdynand Skiba

The main task of this publication is to present the psychological care and psycho-education system in the Polish Police. The aim of the mental health care system is to provide help and psychological support to police officers and police employees, and to relieve their tensions caused by negative external factors, called stressors. This help and support is necessary due to the fact that the profession of a police offi cer is considered a ‘high-risk’ job, one of the most stressful in the world and resulting in many diffi cult experiences, burdens and problems in the psychological sphere. Persistent mental disorders are often the cause of somatic diseases. Police offi cers on duty are confronted with many diffi cult situations, stressful events and they are exposed to numerous challenging and risky situations, which in consequence are the cause of the professional stress in offi cers. This, in turn, leads to psychological tensions and various ailments, somatic and mental illnesses. The article presents a number of factors that occur in the external service that are sources of work stress. Reference has also been made to the fact that a very common source of this stress is an inappropriate management process within the Police. The reason for numerous tensions are often confl icts between superiors and subordinates. However, the key to the publication is the description of the functioning of the mentioned system. The history of its creation is the fi rst step in its presentation here. The organisational structure of the system, the relatively full range of tasks assigned to offi cers, the organisation of their work, as well as the catalogue of events requiring their intervention and the forms of psychological assistance have all been presented. The paper also focuses on the psycho-education system — the one carried out directly by police psychologists, and this performed in a broader sense, called the psychological education which is carried out by the lecturers and management of the Police. As part of this psychological education process, future and current managers are equipped with a wide range of psychological knowledge. It is necessary for managers at various levels to be the fi rst to provide the necessary psychological support and ‘fi rst aid’ to their subordinates in cases of occupational stress and psychological load caused by service conditions. The conclusion shows that a well-functioning system of psychological care and psycho-education has a positive impact on the mental condition of police offi cers and employees, on their level of satisfaction with police service, and indirectly on the quality and effectiveness of the police work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-89
Amos Setiadi ◽  
KI Ismara Kusumatatwa

Abstrak: Saat ini di wilayah Jawa, keris masih dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang disucikan, disucikan, jimat, sakti, dan sesuatu yang memiliki kekuatan luar biasa. Dengan cara ini, orang percaya bahwa keris dapat mempengaruhi karir, kesehatan, dan karakter peserta didik oleh guru (Sang Guru). Penjelasan bagaimana fenomena itu bisa terjadi dibahas dalam trans-kepribadian, pendidikan psikologi, metafisika, dan budaya. Orang menganggap perannya baik sebagai media pembelajaran yang cocok untuk pendidikan karakter di masa lalu dan sebagai bantuan warisan budaya luhung (Indah) yang diakui oleh UNESCO. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memandang dan menempatkan keris secara proporsional sebagaimana mestinya: sebagai kaca benggala penggunaan media pembelajaran modern dalam pendidikan karakter yang harus lebih baik. Tulisan ini kesimpulan dari observasi partisipan yang dilakukan dalam waktu yang cukup lama di lingkungan yang relevan; penjelasannya terutama didasarkan pada beberapa pengalaman peneliti setelah melewati meditasi yang diperpanjang.Nowadays, in the Java region, keris is still considered as something which is sacred, holy, amulets, magic, and something which has extraordinary power. This way, people believe that keris can influence career, health, and learner’s character by the teacher (Sang Guru). The explanation of how that phenomenon can happen is discussed under trans-personality, psychological education, metaphysics, and cultures. It regards its role both as a suitable learning medium for the character education in the past and as an aid luhung (Beautiful) culture heritage admitted by UNESCO. This paper aims to proportionally regard and place keris as it should be: as kaca benggala (mirror) of the use of modern learning media in character education, which has to be better. This paper is not a common-sense, but an inference of a participant observation conducted in a long enough time in a relevant environment; the explanation is mainly based on some experience of the researcher after passing through an extended meditation. Hopefully, our future generation can see the authentic keris, not only as a picture – the way they now see Javanese tiger – and they do not have to go to museums in neighboring countries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (5) ◽  
pp. 109-118
Sergei Sarychev ◽  
G. N. Larina ◽  
Sergei Elizarov ◽  

In honor of the 85-th anniversary of his birth, the scientific views of the outstanding Russian social psychologist A.S. Chernyshev are presented, his contribution to the development of the theory of small groups and collectives, methods of social psychology and other areas of psychological science is noted. It is shown how ideas and developments were embodied in the activities of the psychological education service, in the social education of young people, in the psychological education of the population. His role as the leader of the Kursk scientific school in social and educational psychology is revealed.

Oksana Kravchenko ◽  
Olena Baldyniuk

The article considers the organization of psychological and pedagogical work with freshmen. Specifically, during student life, young people are further socialized in the system of relations in the new social adult environment. In this regard, young people must be actively involved in the educational process in higher education, successfully cope with the requirements for learning, and gain a set of necessary competencies that can be successfully applied in practice in the future. The main freshmen's problems are outlined a new system of education; another mode, load and requirements; new social role; relationships with classmates and teachers; problems in the social and household plan; independent living in conditions for out-of-town students. The analysis of the scientific literature allowed us to conclude that a significant potential for solving the problem of students' adaptation in a higher education institution is social advertising. Thus, by social advertising, we mean information of any kind, disseminated in any form, which is aimed at achieving socially useful goals, the promotion of universal values and the dissemination of which is not for profit. The role of social advertising as an important condition for students' successful adaptation on the example of the Faculty of Social and Psychological Education of Uman State Pedagogical University has been revealed. Already implemented forms of work at the faculty are: 1) annual competition of student and pupil scientific works «Family from A to Z»; in the nominations: scientific works; social projects (implemented or designed); social advertising (print, photo or video); 2) competition «The best social poster»; 3) Competition of social advertising in the form of short video works; 4) Festival of student creativity «Social worker of the future» in the framework of the social project «Make a dream come true». Thus, it can be argued that social advertising plays an important role in the students' adaptation, their formation as future professionals. Students master the necessary skills and abilities, which include the ability to work in a team, establish contacts, manage their time properly, show leadership qualities and persuade the interlocutor.

Maria V. Zhizhina ◽  

This article is looking into mass media’s missions in people’s psychological education on the example of media projects of the Center of Practical Psychology of the Saratov State University. It outlines two leading directions in arranging the center’s practical activities: the first one is directly related to psychological assistance and support rendered to people; the second one is focused on personal and professional development and self-improvement of university students, on shaping a developing educational environment that contributes to the disclosure of students’ potential personality resources and students’ increased involvement in university life, in communication with fellow students, teachers, and university staff. At the same time, the second direction is directly related to implementing the goals of university education aiming at mediatization of the scientific and educational activities of the university. The author actualizes the practical significance of mass media in psychological education and supporting people in conditions of increasing stress. Highlighted here are the theoretical prerequisites for the controversial nature of the issue of mass media’s positive missions and in particular, the use of the media’s psychotherapeutic potential in order to reduce and minimize the negative effects of not only the mass media themselves, but also the consequences of crises.

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