Izvestiya of Saratov University New Series Series Philosophy Psychology Pedagogy
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Published By Saratov State University


Tatyana I. Kiseleva ◽  

The article is devoted to the problem of using digital educational resources (COR) for the development of cognitive interests of younger students in extracurricular activities. Using the methods of theoretical analysis of scientific sources, questionnaires, comparison of digital educational resources located on educational Internet portals, websites and platforms, the author in her studies identifies necessary requirements for a modern teacher – the ability to navigate and use digital educational resources. The article discusses the features of primary school children of generation A (alpha). The author made an attempt to define the concept of “digital educational resources” in relation to extracurricular activities. The CORs contained in twenty-four educational Internet portals, sites and platforms were studied and the possibility of their use for the development of cognitive interests of younger students in extracurricular activities was analyzed. Parents were surveyed in order to establish their opinion about the use of Internet resources. The attitude of teachers to the use of COR in extracurricular work with younger students is determined. The conclusion is made that it is necessary to use the COR in the extracurricular activities of primary schoolchildren for developing cognitive interests. The author also noted that the number of such resources is insufficient.

Aleksandr A. Tainkin ◽  

Due to the transition of higher educational institutions to remote functioning in the spring of 2020 and the impossibility of conducting nursing practice on the basis of medical establishments it became necessary to create a new form of having classes that would allow students to master practical skills without contacting patients. The article presents the author's methodology of remote practical training in class to obtain professional skills and experience of professional activity (nursing) at the medical faculty. The author offers simple methods of making moulages for students to master practical skills and describes the methodology of organizing and conducting distance classes using these moulages. The pedagogical analysis of one of the classes is carried out. It is shown that the new form of conducting classes allows to individualize the work with students and help each student achieve perfection in mastering the methods of nursing manipulations. The method of giving remote classes described by the author can be used by teachers at practical training in the future, in classes on “nursing” at the medical faculty, in institutes of higher nursing education, and after the removal of epidemiological restrictions imposed due to the spread of a new coronavirus infection, for remote counseling of students undergoing nursing practice in medical establishments outside the Saratov region.

Evgeniya V. Listvina ◽  

The article deals with the problem of transformation of modern communication processes caused by the formation of a new digital society and its influence on all aspects of social and cultural life. Communication becomes diverse, rhizomatically branched, offering an interweaving of channels and means of communication, a multivariate effectiveness and a change in the actual communicants, communication actors. It is noted that long-term social ties cease to be dominant. A qualitatively new environment, called the media space, lays down a new format of communication. Information is perceived in increasingly shorter blocks. The essence and depth of communicative interaction is flattened. People are increasingly communicating taking into account specific brief cases or events, uniting for their implementation in rapidly disintegrating fragile social formations. Horizontal socio-cultural ties and social stigmergia are being strengthened. There is a playization, which is becoming one of the characteristic features of modern communication. There is a leveling of communications, interactions of different levels and different tasks. The author notes that such changes contribute to the disappearance of hierarchy, multi-level, highly contextual interaction from the space and at the same time strengthen the emotional component of communication. All this creates conditions for qualitative changes in the meanings and methods of social interaction.

Svetlana V. Frolova ◽  

The paper gives grounds for designing a new creative model of positive psychological counseling that focuses on developmental and preventive objectives rather than on correctional ones. These developmental and preventive objectives include actualization and transformation of personality resources, optimization of productivity and full personality potential, and tackling them helps overcome normative difficulties, achieve important life goals, implement inmost values and increase subjective well-being. Post-modern paradigm beliefs in complementarity of scientific psychological knowledge and constructivism in the process of its production, ideas of positive approach in psychotherapy, findings in the field of positive psychology, provisions of system and subject approaches to the understanding of personality development, theory of psychological relationships of personality, conceptual ideas of meaningful feelings, regulatory function of secondary images, aspiration of a person to seek and accomplish their purpose in life, types of life orientations were used as theoretical bases and methodological foundations for designing the model of positive psychological counseling. The author describes the goals, objectives and methodological principles of positive psychological counseling: psychological positivity (as a subject’s ability to select and create the best of the real opportunities throughout their self-actualization and realization of the meaning of life), psychological transformation and psychosynthesis, eco-sensitivity and self-transcendence, development and creativity, purposefulness and resourcefulness, personal and phenomenological uniqueness, psychotechnical variability and plasticity, positive interaction.

Vladimir N. Artyomov ◽  

The antagonisms in the development of modern social relations make working out the idea of creating comfortable life conditions for a person in society topical again. This circumstance suggests reconsidering the theory of a just state within the context of the philosophical conception of the institutional person with a substantial comprehension of the institutional organization of society comparing it with the variability of the tasks of modern democracy. The philosophical concept of the institutional person concerning a just state as a rational concept-construct for a human life and the organization of society continues a series of scientific articles on the concept of the institutional person: the ontological and value foundations which reveal its new possibilities for the analysis of social being. When considering the problem of the formation of a social state as a rational concept-construct for a human life and the organization of society through the prism of the philosophical concept of the institutional person, the principles and mechanisms of its solution are revealed. The paper draws attention to the natural processes of the formation of the middle class and the development of value consciousness which, while maintaining functional differentiation in society, form its social and class homogeneity defining the common tasks of modern democracy aimed at aligning the private interests of the domestic bourgeoisie with the national and regional interests of the country’s development and the personal interests of a human being, and to the painless transformation of domestic oligarchs into aristocrats, into allies of the middle class.

Sergey I. Mozzhilin ◽  

The article analyzes the spiritual-mystical components underlying speech, language and self-consciousness of a person. The research is carried out on the basis of an interdisciplinary scientific approach. The main attention is focused on the prologue of St. John, considered as a scientific theorem that paves the way for solving the problem of the existence of language and human self-consciousness. The methodological basis of the study is the author's concept of the formation of a sign-symbol of a mystical, disembodied being – a spirit, which formed the basis of a face symbol, in the phylogeny of humanity, as a consequence of mental mechanisms of transfer and replacement. This concept is used for the first time in the aspect of comprehending the prologue of St. John, which is the novelty of the study. The work logically substantiates the impossibility of the existence of the human word, and at the same time of abstract thinking and self-consciousness, without the psychic reality of an incorporeal, mystical controller and verbal designer of thought – namely, the spirit that prompts the subject to incessant acts of identification with him. At the same time, the logic of the study allows us to draw a conclusion about the scientific truth of the prologue of St. John, with regard to the beginning of human language and self-consciousness. Also, as a conclusion, the author emphasizes the key importance of a religious belief in a mystical ruler for the realization of the existence of language and self-consciousness of a person.

Natalia M. Romanova ◽  

The problem of studying the socio-psychological characteristics of criminals who have committed violent and self-serving violent crimes is extremely relevant. This is due to its insufficient study, the high prevalence of convicts of this category in the population of convicts, the ability to understand the causes and origins of their criminal behavior. The aim of the research is to study the sociopsychological characteristics of convicts who have committed violent and self-serving violent crimes. According to the results obtained, the acceptance of responsibility for the committed crime is associated with the age of the offender (young convicts are more likely to attribute the blame for the committed criminal act to external circumstances). First-time convicts tend to deny the need for social support and show less desire for social contacts; their perception of life goals is less conscious, life is less meaningful compared to repeat offenders. The greater orientation of repeat offenders to social interaction and the perception of their own life as meaningful are considered as associated with the conscious acceptance of criminal values and the commission of criminal acts. The features of the relations of convicts in the parental family are related to the parameters of their further life: constructive employment at the time of detention, the level of education, the available family status, the severity of the crime committed.

Ol’ga V. Shchetinina ◽  

Socio-philosophical content of the term “social policy”, its difference from the definition of “political economics” and also some features of technologies in a social area are described and analyzed in the article. The author distinguishes between the concepts of “labor” and “social labor activity” (deiatel’nost’). Using the concept of philosophy of a name developed by A. F. Losev, the definition of the "ideal" (“ideal’noe”) considered by E. V. Il’enkov, and A. V. Dakhin’s definition of “socio-historical memory” the author gives the definition of social policy that is understood as social labor activity (deiatel’nost’) of a man. This definition is focused on the ideas of safety and the development of essential forces of a personality-and-society, which relates to a name of a personality, to a name of a social community, to a name of a man as the complete form of social being, that contains concrete knowledge, experience, attitudes etc. as forms of social existence. The author shows that some aspects of technologies analysis in the social area give reasons to conclude: as distinct from more popular deserted technologies of commodity industry, the social policy area is in need to use another type of algorithms of social labor activity, – these are people intensive (chelovekoеmkie) technologies, the main peculiarities of which are described in the article. Main fields of social labor activity (deiatel’nost’) where people intensive technologies are reasonable to be used include pedagogical, medical, organizational ones etc.

Ekaterina S. Lobanova ◽  

This paper speaks of the growing interest in the category of creativity among the scientific community of interdisciplinary discourse, and the place of creativity among philosophical disciplines. Creativity as a property of the social environment is characteristic of the type of society in which traditions have not managed to become a universal form of behavior, prompting the subjects of society to permanently reflect on habitual patterns of behavior, the production of unique forms, and the original synthesis of previously known ideas and social practices. Being an integral property of the social and cultural environment as a whole, creativity ultimately reveals a person’s desire for novelty and marks the beginning of the digital revolution. The development of creativity due to explicitly specified external conditions contributes to its identification not only in a certain scientific environment, but also in the whole society, within which the creative class functions. Within the framework of the socio-philosophical context, the category of creativity reveals its potential based on the axiological approach. Tracing the rejection of the values of traditional society, the new values are those that contribute to the self-expression of a person, expanding the boundaries of his or her self-actualization.

Anna V. Molochko ◽  

Modern society, like a modern education, is no longer possible to imagine without technological visualization devices and various interactive materials. A few years ago, it was often not possible to widely use not only dynamic images, but even audio materials. Now the educational process is developing in step with technical progress and it is difficult to imagine a lecture or a seminar without educational means of visualizing information. However, the time for static presentations is coming to an end and it is being replaced by the use of educational video materials of various types and directions. The study presents a fairly detailed typology of currently existing video materials that can be used in the educational process. An example of the implementation of an interactive video clip in educational work with geography students is also given. The author pays special attention to the involvement of students in the process of designing, creating and evaluating creative video projects. Practical benefits of such a pedagogical technology are analyzed, both for the development of students' professional skills and for their creative growth. In addition, the article uses the QR codes of the student project, which makes it possible to view the video material presented in the study.

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