mackenzie mountains
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2021 ◽  
Benjamin J Stoker ◽  
Martin Margold ◽  
Duane G. Froese ◽  
John C. Gosse

<p>The northwestern sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet coalesced with the Cordilleran Ice Sheet over the southern Mackenzie Mountains, and with local montane glaciers along the eastern slopes of the Mackenzie Mountains. Numerical modelling studies have identified rapid ice sheet thinning in this region as a major contributor to Meltwater Pulse 1A. Despite advances in remote sensing and numerical dating methods, the configuration and chronology of the northwestern sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet have not been reconstructed in detail. The last available studies date back to the 1990s, when field surveys and mapping from aerial imagery were used to reconstruct the glacial history in the Mackenzie Mountains. Cross-cutting relations between glacial landforms and a series of <sup>36</sup>Cl cosmogenic nuclide dates were used to propose a deglacial model involving a significant readvance of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in the region. However, the chronological evidence supporting the readvance is uncertain because the individual ages are few and poorly clustered. Here we present an updated map of the glacial limits during the local Last Glacial Maximum and the recessional record in the Mackenzie Mountains, based on glacial geomorphological mapping from the ArcticDEM. We provide sixteen new <sup>10</sup>Be dates from four sites that were previously glaciated by the Laurentide Ice Sheet to constrain the deglacial sequence across the region. These dates indicate ice sheet detachment from the eastern Mackenzie Mountains at ~16 ka as summits in the mountain front became ice-free. The Mackenzie Valley at ~ 65 °N became ice-free at ~ 14 – 13  ka, towards the end of the Bølling-Allerød warm period. Combining these dates with existing <sup>10</sup>Be dates, these chronological constraints on the deglaciation of the Laurentide Ice Sheet allow us to reinterpret landform relations in the Mackenzie Mountains in order to reconstruct the ice sheet retreat. Our reconstruction provides updated constraints on the LGM extent, and the timing and pattern of deglaciation in the Mackenzie Mountains. This new understanding is useful to future efforts to quantify past sea-level contributions from the western Laurentide Ice Sheet.</p>

2021 ◽  
R B MacNaughton ◽  
K M Fallas

A composite reference section for the upper Ediacaran and lower Cambrian is documented for a location near Moose Horn River in Wrigley Lake map area (NTS 95-M), Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories. Four measured stratigraphic sections cover, in ascending order: the uppermost Sheepbed Formation; the informal Sheepbed carbonate; the lower, middle, and upper members of the Backbone Ranges Formation; the Sekwi Formation; and the lowermost beds of the Rockslide Formation. The uppermost Sheepbed Formation is dominated by dark-weathering shale and siltstone. The Sheepbed carbonate (440 m) lies conformably on the Sheepbed Formation and consists of limestone, dolostone, and dolomitic siltstone, including several horizons of rudstone with clasts up to boulder size. The upper surface of the Sheepbed carbonate has been eroded and the unit thins to a zero edge to the east. The lower member of the Backbone Ranges Formation (253 m) is heterolithic, including interbedded quartzose siltstone and quartzose sandstone, quartz arenite (locally with horizons of quartz pebbles), and dolostone to dolomitic sandstone. The middle member of the Backbone Ranges Formation (93 m) consists mainly of pink to grey-weathering limestone with red mudstone partings. The upper member (501.5 m) is dominated by quartz arenite, but also contains intervals of siltstone. Partway through the upper member there is a marker unit of dolostone to dolomitic sandstone that previous work suggests is a tongue of the Ediacaran Risky Formation. Based on regional correlations, the top of this marker may approximate the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary in this section. The Sekwi Formation lies abruptly upon the Backbone Ranges Formation. The contact is unconformable at this locality and mapping in the area indicates eastward erosional removal of the upper member of the Backbone Ranges Formation beneath the Sekwi Formation. The Sekwi Formation here consists of variegated siltstone with lesser dolostone, limestone, and quartz sandstone. An abrupt contact with nodular limestone and grey shale of the overlying Rockslide Formation approximates the base of Cambrian Series 3.

2020 ◽  
Vol 91 (6) ◽  
pp. 3076-3085 ◽  
Pascal Audet ◽  
Derek L. Schutt ◽  
Andrew J. Schaeffer ◽  
Clément Estève ◽  
Richard C. Aster ◽  

Abstract Moho morphology in orogens provides important constraints on the rheology and density structure of the crust and underlying mantle. Previous studies of Moho geometry in the northern Canadian Cordillera (NCC) using very sparse seismic data have indicated a flat and shallow (∼30–35  km) Moho, despite an average elevation of >1000  m above sea level attributable to increased thermal buoyancy and lower crustal flow due to elevated temperatures. We estimate Moho depth using receiver functions from an expanded dataset incorporating 173 past and recently deployed broadband seismic stations, including the EarthScope Transportable Array, Mackenzie Mountains transect, and other recent deployments. We determine Moho depths in the range 27–43 km, with mean and standard deviations of 33.0 and 3.0 km, respectively, and note thickened crust beneath high-elevation seismogenic regions. In the Mackenzie Mountains, thicker crust is interpreted as due to crustal stacking from thrust sheet emplacement. The edge of this region of thickened crust is interpreted to delineate the extent of the former Laurentian margin beneath the NCC and is associated with a transition from thrust to strike-slip faulting observed in regional seismicity. More geographically extensive seismograph deployments at EarthScope Transportable Array density and scale will be required to further extend crustal-scale and lithosphere-scale imaging in western Canada.

2020 ◽  
Vol 94 (4) ◽  
pp. 637-652
Jisuo Jin ◽  
Robert B. Blodgett

AbstractA Late Ordovician brachiopod fauna from the Black River quadrangle (D-1 1:63,360 scale) of east-central Alaska comprises taxa typical of the Late Ordovician brachiopod fauna in the pericratonic epeiric seas of Laurentia, including Hesperorthis pyramidalis (Twenhofel, 1928), Plaesiomys occidentalis (Okulitch, 1943), Eoplectodonta sp., Holtehdalina sp., Leptaena sp., Brevilamnulella minuta n. sp., Tcherskidium tenuicostatum n. sp., Rhynchotrema iowense Wang, 1949, and Whitfieldella sp. The presence of Plaesiomys occidentalis and Tcherskidium tenuicostata n. sp. indicates a latest Katian age by correlation with similar species in the Mackenzie Mountains, southern Manitoba, Anticosti Island, the American midcontinent, Kolyma, and Siberia. Cluster analysis based on 20 well-studied late Katian brachiopod faunas from various regions within Laurentia and elsewhere in other tectonic plates suggests that the small brachiopod faunule from Alaska has the strongest paleobiogeographic affinity with Laurentia, confirming that the Black River quadrangle of Alaska was part of Laurentia during the Late Ordovician.UUID:

2020 ◽  
Benjamin J. Stoker ◽  
Martin Margold ◽  
Duane G. Froese ◽  
John C. Gosse

<p>The northwestern sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet coalesced with the Cordilleran Ice Sheet over the southern Mackenzie Mountains, and with local montane glaciers along the eastern slopes of the Mackenzie Mountains. Recent numerical modelling studies have identified rapid ice sheet thinning in this region as a major contributor to Meltwater Pulse 1A. Despite advances in remote sensing and numerical dating methods, the configuration and chronology of the northwestern sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet has not been reconstructed in detail. The last available studies date back to the 1990s, where field surveys and mapping from aerial imagery were used to reconstruct the Last Glacial Maximum glacier extents in the Mackenzie Mountains. Cross-cutting relationships between glacial landforms and a series of <sup>36</sup>Cl cosmogenic nuclide dates were used to propose a deglacial model involving a significant ice readvance in the region. However, the chronological evidence supporting the readvance is uncertain because the individual ages are few and poorly clustered. Here we present an updated map of the Last Glacial Maximum glacial limits and the recessional record in the Mackenzie Mountains, based on glacial geomorphological mapping from the ArcticDEM. Sixteen new <sup>10</sup>Be dates from four sites that were previously glaciated by the Laurentide Ice Sheet constrain the deglacial sequence across the region. These dates indicate ice sheet detachment from the eastern Mackenzie Mountains at ~16 ka as summits became ice-free. The Mackenzie Valley at ~ 65 °N became ice free at ~ 13 – 14 ka, towards the end of the Bølling-Allerød warm period. These chronological constraints on the deglaciation of the Laurentide Ice Sheet allow us to reinterpret landform relationships in the Mackenzie Mountains to reconstruct the ice sheet retreat pattern. Our updated model of the LGM extent and timing of deglaciation in the Mackenzie Mountains provides important constraints for quantifying past sea level contributions and numerical modelling studies.</p>

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