salary satisfaction
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2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 325-340
Nanda Hidayan Sono

This study aims to analyze the influence of kiai leadership on umana' performance and the effect of salary satisfaction on umana' performance partially, as well as the influence of kiai leadership and salary satisfaction on umana' performance simultaneously. This type of research uses a field research method (Field Research) with a quantitative approach. The sampling technique in this study used the Simple Random Sampling technique to 51 respondents. This study uses statistical analysis consisting of classical assumption test and multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that the kiai's leadership has a partially significant effect on umana' performance with a sig. t = 0.003 < = 0.1. Salary satisfaction has no partial effect on umana' performance with a sig value. t = 0.762 > = 0.1. The kiai's leadership and salary satisfaction have a simultaneous effect on umana' performance with a sig. f = 0.004 < = 0.1.

Nature ◽  
2021 ◽  
Shamini Bundell ◽  
Nick Petrić Howe

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
Viktoriya A. Smolina ◽  
Irina G. Novokreshchenova ◽  
Igor V. Novokreshchenov

Job satisfaction among pharmacists affects the quality of pharmaceutical care and patient health. Our study targeted the evaluation of job and salary satisfaction levels in pharmacists and the factors affecting these levels. Methods — We conducted the survey of 407 pharmacists working at community pharmacies in Saratov Oblast (Russia). Results — The proportions of pharmacists satisfied with their jobs and their salaries were 77.1±0.4% and 52.8±0.4%, respectively. We discovered that salary satisfaction was influenced primarily by the household composition (p=0.004) and professional commitment (p<0.001). Pharmacists who were more satisfied with their jobs belonged to the age category ‘up to 44 years’ (p=0.002). They were less likely to change their employment (p<0.001) and more likely to experience positive emotions when performing their professional activities (p<0.001). Also, they were more satisfied with their salaries (p<0.001), committed to their profession (p<0.001), and more likely to perceive the social importance of their profession (p<0.001). Conclusion — Our findings suggested that formal traits of pharmaceutical professionals had a smaller impact on their job satisfaction, while the greatest impact was caused by the personal characteristics (perception of the social importance of their profession, professional commitment), salary satisfaction, age and frequency of changing jobs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Muhammad Yousuf ◽  
Muhammad Saqib

This study aims to examine the impact of job satisfaction on employee turnover intention in Bank Al Habib in Pakistan. This research is quantitative in nature and has utilized the double linear regression analysis and the data was collected through self-administrated structured questionnaire. A sample of 375 employees in the Bank Al Habib was selected randomly. The collected data was analyzed through partial least square technique using the Smart PLS software. The findings and results demonstrated that job satisfaction has a significant relationship with turnover intention. Five job-satisfaction dimensions as prescribed by the job descriptive index were employed to measure the job satisfaction variable, which include salary satisfaction, promotion satisfaction, work environment satisfaction, task satisfaction, and supervision satisfaction. The first-dimension salary satisfaction was found to have a significant relationship with turnover intention, which validates that if more salaries are offered to the employees, the job satisfaction level increases and turnover intention decreases. Similarly, the second dimension, promotion satisfaction was to also be found to have a significantly relationship with turnover intention which asserts that higher promotion and career development opportunities reduce the employee turnover intention. Correspondingly, the third variable, work environment satisfaction has a significant relationship with turnover intention which demonstrates that the better co-worker relationships and better physical  work environment characteristics reduces employees’ turnover intention. Likewise, the fourth and fifth variables task satisfaction and supervision satisfaction, respectively, also validate a significant relationship with job satisfaction and a significant relationship with turnover intention. The purpose of this study was to provide a valid framework to the managers and decision makers at bank Al-Habib which would help them devise appropriate job motivational strategies to increase job satisfaction, reduce turnover intention and overall promote organizational productivity and efficiency.

2021 ◽  
Cihan Cobanoglu ◽  
Khuraman Shahtakhtinskaya ◽  
Luana Nanu ◽  
Faizan Ali ◽  
Trishna Mistry ◽  

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