theological foundations
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Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Roberto Chiotti

This paper will begin by exploring the underlying scriptural and theological foundations for a Christian response to the ecological crisis with particular focus on the writings of cultural historian, Father Thomas Berry, CP. It will then describe the first worship space in Canada that attempts to embody the emergent “Eco-theology” to invoke both the transcendental and imminent presence of the divine by reconsidering every design decision from first principles. As articulated in its architecture, the traditional elements of Roman Catholic sacred space have been re-imagined and given unique expression to emphasize that when we gather for Christian worship, we do so within the greater context of creation. St. Gabriel’s Passionist Parish church therefore represents a distinctly new typology for Christian Worship that contributes towards an understanding of early scriptural teachings which emphasized the sacredness of all creation and not just the sacredness of humankind. The new building as sacred space presents a “Gestalt whole”, and like the medieval cathedrals of Europe, becomes itself a form of Catechetical pedagogy, engaging the senses, demanding reflection, and inviting transformation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 000332862110571
Ruth A Meyers

The health restrictions required by the COVID-19 pandemic made it impossible for many people to receive communion, creating profound spiritual hunger for many who are accustomed to receiving communion regularly. One option is the practice of spiritual communion, which may include a prayer of intent in times when a Christian is unable to receive the sacrament. This article explores theological foundations for this practice and its roots in Christian tradition, and the use of this devotional practice by congregations during the pandemic.

2021 ◽  
pp. 353-368
Peter Pavlovic

This chapter outlines the history and work of the Conference of European Churches (CEC). CEC was founded in the middle of the Cold War in a divided Europe as an instrument promoting dialogue, bridge-building, cooperation, and ecumenical fellowship between churches of Anglican, Orthodox, and Protestant traditions. From its inception, CEC has promoted values of peace, reconciliation, justice, solidarity, and human dignity, and has been engaged in the building of trust and a sense of community in Europe. Through fostering the active engagement of churches in society, CEC has contributed to the discussion on European values and the future of the European project. The final section of the chapter elaborates on the theological foundations framing the churches’ action for justice and the common good. Such pursuits are central to the theological principles underpinning a healthy society.

Tetiana Ryazantseva

Tetiana Ryazantseva. Theological foundations of teaching and education in modern evangelical educational institutions of the Euro-Asian Accreditation Association. Dissertation for the academic degree of Ph.D. Specialty 041 Theology. – National Pedagogical Dragomanov University of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. – Kyiv, 2021.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3(65)) ◽  
pp. 44-58
Виктор Петрович САЛЬНИКОВ ◽  
Дмитрий Владимирович МАСЛЕННИКОВ ◽  
Александр Александрович МАКСИМОВ

Hegel’s doctrine in the XXI century remains relevant for the Russian politico-legal science due to the deep development of the categorical apparatus and methodological tools for expressing the value nature of law and state. Hegel's doctrine of the subject of law, especially presented in his early works, is one of the little-studied, but at the same time very significant part of his scientific work, the appeal to which should contribute to the further development of the modern system of legal categories. Purpose: to carry out a comparative analysis of the various versions of the Hegelian doctrine of the personality as a subject of law and its genesis, taking into account the peculiarities of natural law and theological pproaches. Methods: the authors use logical, historical-genetic, historical-comparative, systemic method of cognition, as well as the methodology of theoretical and legal comparative studies. Results: in the late philosophical system, Hegel develops the doctrine of the dual nature of the personality as a subject of law: as a specific subject, a person mediates his relationship with other subjects through a single objective thing (qualitative characteristics of the subject), as an abstract subject, a person bases his relations with them on recognition as equal subjects of freedom (quantitative characteristics of the subject). The way to resolve this conflict is through morality. During various periods of his scientific work, Hegel considers the genesis of the personality as a subject of law from a natural law and theological point of view, including the idea of God, while  dentifying new substantive aspects of the concept of the subject of law, related to the the historical development of the state and the formation of the rule-of-law state.

Mahdieh Sodeif Motlagh

The issue of "divine justice", which is the one of the most important doctrinal principles and a characteristic of the theological religions such Shiite and Mu'tazilite, in fact is one of the Perfect Attributes of Allah and due to its indescribable importance, it has a special place in doctrinal discussions. On the other hand, the existence of evils and calamities, poverty and deprivation, oppression and disease and moral corruption, and even the manner of punishment in the hereafter, always raises doubts in the human mind and calls into question Allah's justice. The generality of such suspicions has led Islamic thinkers to solve these problems in defense of divine justice. In this regard, the present study seeks to use the words of the fourth Shiite Imam in the divine invocations of the complete Sahifa Al_ Sajjadiyya, to achieve the theological foundations to solve some evil doubts in the realm of creation and the human world. The method of collecting materials in this research is library and the research method is "descriptive -analytical". After investigations, it became clear that from Imam Sajjad's point of view, neglecting and inclining the soul to the world and other than Allah, and consequently being caught in the trap of the devil and carnal soul, and contamination with sin and transgression, is the real evil. According to him, the divine test and punishment and return to the truth, the flourishing of talents and the appreciation of blessings are the benefits of evil and suffering. also meanings such as: the inherent richness of the Almighty, the bestowal of goodness and abundant blessings, the guidance of the servants to the good religion and the punishment of the same action in the prayers of Imam (A.S), all three types of genetic justice, legislative justice and criminal justice can be proved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 325-360
Imanuel Boimau

Abstract: This article discusses an overview of the theological foundations of the practice of celibacy. The theological grounds that are generally used are free choice for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven, gifts and the concept that sex is a sin. Regarding these three principles, there is debate about how to understand each of the existing principles and which ones are acceptable and which are not. Through a study of various literatures, from these three theological foundations it is concluded that only free choice for the sake of the kingdom of God and gifts can be used or accepted as the theological basis for the practice of celibacy. While celibacy on the basis of sex is a sin, it is an inaccurate theological basis. With two accepted theological grounds, namely free choice for the sake of God's kingdom and grace, celibacy should be lived as a vocation that is lived willingly (free choice) by someone who is given gifts by God with the aim of living to glorify God.   Keywords: Celibacy, Gift, Calling, Sex, Sin.   Abstrak: Artikel ini membahas tentang tinjauan terhadap dasar-dasar teologis praktik hidup selibat. Adapun dasar-dasar teologis yang umumnya digunakan adalah pilihan bebas demi Kerajaan Surga, karunia, dan konsep bahwa seks adalah dosa. Terkait ketiga dasar ini, ada perdebatan tentang bagaimana semestinya memahami setiap dasar yang ada dan dasar mana yang dapat diterima dan tidak. Melalui studi terhadap berbagai literatur, dari ketiga dasar teologis ini disimpulkan bahwa hanya pilihan bebas demi Kerajaan Surga dan karunia yang dapat digunakan atau diterima sebagai dasar teologis untuk praktik hidup selibat. Sementara selibat dengan dasar seks adalah dosa merupakan dasar teologis yang kurang tepat. Dengan dua dasar teologis yang diterima, yaitu pilihan bebas demi Kerajaan Surga dan karunia, maka selibat semestinya dijalani sebagai sebuah panggilan yang dihidupi dengan kerelaan hati (pilihan bebas) oleh seseorang yang diberikan karunia oleh Allah dengan tujuan untuk hidup mempermuliakan Allah.   Kata-kata kunci: Selibat, Karunia, Panggilan, Seks, Dosa.

Алексей Николаевич Круглов

В статье показано, каким образом во фронтисписах логических компендиумов как особых визуальных средствах отразились основные споры и проблемы в понимании предмета, задач и роли логики в немецкой философии эпохи Просвещения. Антропологический характер логики, наличие теологических оснований, понимание логики как средства справедливости, поиск правильного пути исследования, поиск новых истин, положение логики среди других философских и нефилософских дисциплин, связь логики с задачами Просвещения - различные позиции по этим вопросам автор демонстрирует, анализируя фронтисписы из логических произведений Хр. Томазия, Хр. Вольфа, Хр. Вайзе, Н. И. Гундлинга, И. П. Ройша, А. Рюдигера, А. Ф. Хоффмана, Хр. А. Крузия, И. Г. Дарьеса, И. Ланге, И. Хр. Ланге, А. Бёма, И. Хр. Эшенбаха и др. В заключительной части проводится сравнение немецких фронтисписов из логических компендиумов, а также отраженный в них образ Просвещения, с фронтисписами в «Умословии или умственной философии» И. С. Рижского и «Российской грамматике» М. В. Ломоносова. The paper’s issue is how the main debates on the understanding of the logic subject, tasks and role have been reflected in frontispieces of logical compendiums in the German philosophy of the Enlightenment era. I argue that frontispieces are special visual aids that help to demonstrate various positions on such problems as the anthropological character of logic, the existence of theological foundations, logic treatment as an instrument for achieving justice, search for the right way of inquiry, discovery of new truths, the place of logic among other philosophical and non-philosophical disciplines and its connections with the aims of the Enlightenment. I analyze frontispieces from logical works of Chr. Thomasius, Chr. Wolff, Chr. Weise, N. H. Gundling, J. P. Reusch, A. Rüdiger, A. F. Hoffmann, Chr. A. Crusius, J. G. Darjes, J. Lange, J. Chr. Lange, A. Boehm, and J. Chr. Eschenbach. The final section compares the German frontispieces from logical compendiums and the Enlightenment image, which is introduced there, with the frontispieces in I. S. Rizhsky’s Umoslovie, or Rational Philosophy and M. V. Lomonosov’s Russian Grammar.

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