construction organization
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2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. p63
Alake Olaniyi

Performance in paid work has for many years been studied as an important form of individual and group behavior, with researchers and practitioners often aiming for its enhancement through job design, staff selection and development, or shaping managerial style and organizational culture. In parallel with this interest in performance, psychologists in employment settings have also worked to understand the sources and consequences of well-being, motivation and performance. These three variables are examined together in the assessing the employee well-being in small-sized construction organization in Ekiti State. Employee well-being is considered as an important tool for enhancing worker’s performance and construction sector is not an exception. It has been empirically established that well-being has positive impact on construction worker’s performance. Moreover, empirical studies have shown that performance in the sector has been decreasing globally. This study therefore aims at understand the demanding working environment of the construction industry and the factors which lead to employees being troubled. The researcher was of the opinion that an improved well-being of employees can significantly improve the organization productivity. Quantitative research design was employed with same questionnaire administered on the population covered. Random sampling techniques were used to select small-sized construction organization sampled from a selected population in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Purposive sampling was used to administer questionnaires to various employees. 75questionnaires were administered to employee collectively and 70 was filled and returned which constitute 93.3% success rate. Questionnaire was designed in Likert scale of 1-5. Analysis was done by statistical packages for social sciences version 17. Descriptive statistics which include mean percentile and tables were used to present the data. One Way Analysis of Variance was used to determine whether there is relationship between well-being and organization performance. Data analysis and results on the factors affecting small-sized construction organization employee well-being indicates that there is a statistically significant linear relationship between well-being and performance. The result also revealed that there is a positive and significant relationship between well-being and employee’s performance which reinforces the reinforcement and expectancy theory of remuneration especially the concept of Thorndike’s Law of Effect meaning a response followed by a reward is more likely to recur in the future. The study concluded that well-being has impact on employees and organization performance and recommend that the employers of labor both private and government must not take the well-being of their employees for granted because it will result in low productivity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4(62)) ◽  
Oleksandr Kononykhin

The object of research is the management processes of a road construction organization. The research is based on the principles of systems analysis for structuring design processes; methods of mathematical modeling, fuzzy mathematics, discrete programming, multicriteria assessment and optimization for the selection of cloud software for road construction organizations in terms of interval information. The information system of a road construction organization includes planning, reporting, regulatory and technical documentation that characterizes the state and movement of information in the enterprise. It is important to use systems that speed up the generation, processing and preparation of documents, as well as improve the storage and retrieval of information. The introduction of cloud technologies has become a necessary condition for increasing the mobility, flexibility and efficiency of the management system of a road construction organization. Formalized processes of information collection and internal distribution can better predict the dynamics of market trends and act more quickly, make decisions confidently and reasonably. In the final stages of selection for assessment, it is convenient to apply the criteria in conditions of interval uncertainty. The study was aimed at improving the efficiency of transport management by developing a model for choosing the cloud software of a road construction organization in terms of interval information. The following criteria of partial optimization were used in the developed model: maximum speed of execution of functions by cloud software; minimum cloud software requirements for internet connection speed; minimum cost of cloud software. The scope of permissible solutions is determined by restrictions: – execution of all functions must be provided by cloud software; – the minimum speed of execution of functions by the cloud software should be not lower than set; – cloud software requirements for Internet connection speed should not exceed the specified; – the cost of cloud software should be no more than specified. The developed model will reduce the cost of purchasing cloud software and increase the efficiency of transport management of a road construction organization.

Daniel Oluwatayomi Fadumo ◽  
Peter Oyewole Makinde

Researches have shown that effective communication is a challenge for project managers and stakeholders at all levels within an organization. Project managers experience the greatest challenge to set up and regulate communications that support a project overall. This, therefore, makes effective communication and linguistic clarity in construction management practices a sine qua non for achieving the expected results. Although a lot of studies have been carried out on effective communication both within construction management practices and beyond, very few studies have looked at effective communication and linguistic clarity among construction managers in Anambra State. Given the foregoing, there are several things we are not aware of. First, we do not know the types of language and methods of communication that are employed on construction sites in Anambra State. Also, our knowledge is limited to how effective communication aid in enhancing the performance of construction organization in Anambra State. In addition, we are not aware of the challenges confronting effective communication and linguistic clarity in construction organization within the state. Likewise, we do not know what identifiable solutions had been proffered towards language barrier and challenges confronting effective communication and linguistic clarity in construction organization in Anambra State. To attempt to answer the questions raised here, this study aimed at evaluating the place of effective communication and linguistic clarity in construction management practices in Anambra State. The study employed survey research and the use of questionnaires to obtain data for the study. The researchers use a five-point scale to elicit information from the respondents. The results highlight that the use of spoken communication on construction sites in Anambra State will breed an improved professional organizational commitment, minimize accident rates and adopt better safety precautions. It further identified that the use of  related words, synonym and antonym as well as easy-to-understand the written form of passing instruction or communications produces high performance, innovation and increase organizational stability and flexibility and improve work quality. The study recommends that hiring a multilingual workforce, getting translated plan or construction documents materials and offering immersive language training programs for the construction workforce will help to eliminate the challenges confronting effective communication and linguistic clarity in the construction organization. It is recognized that, in some ways, this research work would have limitations ranging from geographical and scope coverage limitation as the study focused only on construction management practices in Anambra State, Nigeria which may inevitably introduce limited bias into the survey which could limit the application of the results to geographically dissimilar areas. This study had other limitations such as data limitation in measuring the variables of linguistic methods on construction sites, only seven (7) language methods were identified. Therefore, there may be more variables if the study was extended. Secondly, there was also a methodological limitation due to the sample size as thirty-five (35) questionnaires were administered; also more construction professionals would have been included in the population area but only four (4) respondents group were interviewed due to time and financial constraints.


Purpose. Research of methodological and practical aspects of improving the efficiency of construction project management using innovative approaches and determination of managerial reliability applying the principles of systems engineering in the conditions of transformation of economic relations of the construction industry. Methodology. An important role in the study is played by the formation of knowledge and skills to use a modern project approach to solving problems of management processes at different levels, focusing these processes on achieving end results with minimal time and money and mastering the methodology of construction project management as a new progressive tools in the field of construction organization. Findings. The paper analyzes the management processes of construction projects, usually due to a number of factors that affect the progress of the construction project. Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of investment construction projects, which are based on a single methodological basis, are considered. The results of introduction of the basic principles of system engineering as innovative approaches of increase of administrative reliability are substantiated. Originality. Based on the principles of systems engineering, as well as the laws of project management identified ways to improve the efficiency of construction project management through optimal choice of management and organizational and technological solutions through the ability of contractors to organize work by planning and regulating resources (labor, material, financial, technical) their interaction (intensity, sequence, combination) in order to achieve a given result. Practical value. The application of the concept of construction project management and the use of the principle of systems engineering is one of the main ways to increase the efficiency of construction project management to ensure the competitiveness of construction projects in the transformation of the construction services market.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 13-19
Yuanxiang Jian

This paper mainly introduces the research and application of the technical features, technological principles and construction procedures of the pipe track inner mold in the construction of the pipe track through the silver pipe track project. The inner mold system is composed of trolley support; with a combination of large mold instead of cabin mold scaffold system. The cabin mold scaffold system optimizes the cabin mold system construction from “scaffolding ? installation mold ? reinforcement ? mold removal ? scaffolding removal ? horizontal transfer” to “inner mold trolley installation and commissioning ? trolley in place ? support form ? release mold ? mold movement.” Reduce labor intensity, conserve construction consumables, and assure quality and safety by reducing the expansion, deconstruction, and transfer procedure of the mold and supporting structure. The occupation time of internal mold trolley in each structural construction section is reduced, the trolley turnover efficiency is improved, and the economic benefit is improved thanks to the central support of early mold removal in the workshop, which serves as a model for the construction organization and technical treatment of similar projects.

2021 ◽  
Andrey Manukovskiy ◽  
I. Efremov

This article discusses the features of the development and applicationBIM technologies in the preparation of BIM projects for timber roads in the Russian Federation. The main types of software products used in the preparation of BIM-projects of forest roads have been established. The procedure for using software products is given, their main types are established and functional capabilities are analyzed. The drawbacks and limitations of software products for general-purpose project management in the context of the use of BIM technologies are identified. The necessity of developing a specialized software product for the preparation of elements of projects for the organization of construction «Planworks», in order to increase the efficiency of the use of BIM-technologies in the preparation of projects of timber haul roads. The article describes the proposed procedure for using the developed software product, and also formulates the main stages of developing a project for organizing construction in it. The main list of the initial data required for the preparation of the organization’s project in the developed software product is disclosed. The features of the automated generation of a network model of tasks for the construction of structural elements of a timber road are described, the main types of generated tasks, as well as the features of automated task linking, are given. The advantages of using the developed software product at the stages of development of a technical design and construction of a timber road have been determined.

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