national industry
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2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 312-330
Irma Rachmawati ◽  
Effy Zalfiana Rusfian

Magang merupakan salah satu upaya Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin)  untuk mendorong pegawainya mampu mencermati berbagai dinamika kondisi aktual dan melakukan berbagai penyesuaian untuk melakukan langkah-langkah proaktif dalam mendukung industri nasional. Perbedaan budaya pada kedua jenis instansi dapat menjadi hambatan yang menimbulkan ketidakpastian dan kecemasan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui akomodasi komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh peserta magang dan hambatan-hambatan yang dialami dalam proses akomodasi komunikasi tersebut. Studi ini menggunakan Communication Accommodation Theory (CAT) yang merujuk pada empat tahapan model Giles dan Anxiety Uncertainty Management (AUM). Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kualitatif interpretif dengan metode studi kasus, dan teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam. Penelitian menemukan bahwa peserta magang melakukan akomodasi kovergensi, divergensi, dan sedikit akomodasi berlebihan untuk dapat menyesuaikan komunikasi dengan pegawai PT X. Akomodasi komunikasi bertujuan untuk proses penyesuaian antarbudaya agar terbentuk saling pengertian di antara individu yang terlibat, tercipta perasaan nyaman, menurunkan hambatan komunikasi, dan mereduksi ketidakpastian dalam berinteraksi untuk mencapai komunikasi yang efektif. Internships are one of the efforts of the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) to encourage employees to observe various dynamics of actual conditions and make multiple adjustments to take proactive steps to support the national industry. Cultural differences in the two types of institutions can be obstacles that cause uncertainty and anxiety. This study aims to determine the communication accommodation made by interns and the barriers experienced in the communication accommodation process. This study employed Communication Accommodation Theory (CAT) which refers to the four stages of the Giles model and Anxiety Uncertainty Management (AUM). It used is a qualitative interpretive approach with a case study method and data collection techniques with in-depth interviews. The study found that the interns accommodated convergence, divergence, and a little excessive accommodation to adjust their communication style to PT X employees. Communication accommodation aims at the intercultural adjustment process to form a mutual understanding between the individuals involved, create a feeling of comfort, lower communication barriers, and reduce uncertainty in interacting to achieve effective communication.

Muhammad Faris Latief ◽  

Textile-garment industry in Indonesia has been established as the primary industry and economy that becoming fundamental to nation’s wealth. Well known as a top 5 of global market supplier, this industry predicted to keep score and improving their productivity to reach better position. In last 2019, Government of Indonesia already announced the roadmap plan of Indonesia 4.0, which put textile-garment industry as the one of priority industry that will be essentially adopting digital equipment and workflow to keep competitive and becoming the backbone of national industry alongside with other 4 industries mentioned. With this initiative being deployed and how the road map plan already announced, Author want to elaborate, assess and analyse how ready is digital adoption on textile-garment manufacturers, specifically on digital printing workflow. So on, this research will be titled “In Depth Assessment on Digital Textile Printing Environment as the Concrete Path of Making Indonesia 4.0”. The main purpose of this research is to give the clear picture of how ready textile-garment industry Indonesia to fulfil both of extensive demand from domestic and global market by adopting digital equipment, in this research digital textile printing. By elaborating all the considerations and factor, we are hoping that there would be identified root issues beneath of this industry and directly formulating the best approach and solution for this industry.

S. Iu. Sokoliuk ◽  
O. S. Tupchiу ◽  
O. V. Zharun

The article analyzes the concept of "customs regime", characteristic features are formulated, main elements, goals and functions of customs regimes in the development of foreign economic relations. The classical classification of customs regimes under the Customs Code of Ukraine is substantiated. Based on the analysis, a position on the study concept is substantiated, the interpretation of the category "Customs regimes" is provided. The conducted research confirms that under the customs regime, we understand the set of customs procedures that establish the rules for moving goods through the customs border of Ukraine and their further use in order to ensure the interests of the state in the customs sphere. The functions of customs regimes are analyzed: fiscal, which finds its implementation in the collection of customs payments in order to ensure the financial interests of the state in foreign economic activity; stimulating, implemented by exempt from customs taxation and the use of non-tariff regulation, simplification of customs procedures in order to stimulate subjects of foreign economic activity, promoting the development of a national economy, etc.; protective, which involves the use of non-tariff regulatory measures and aims to protect the economic and other national interests of the state by introducing a licensing, quota and other non-tariff restrictions when placing goods in customs regimes; control - aimed at ensuring compliance with the norms of the current legislation of Ukraine in the customs sphere, which is implemented through specific methods and forms inherent in control in the field of public administration; the regulatory, purpose of which is to regulate the order of action when placing the goods in the customs regime associated with the direction of movement of goods through the customs border, the definition of the status of goods and operations with it, etc. According to the results of generalization, the study is substantiated by the classification of customs regimes, which includes: a) the main (import (issue for free circulation) and export) as customs regimes aimed at ensuring the state's financial interests in foreign economic activity; protection of its economic and other national interests; b) preferential customs regimes (transit, customs warehouse, free customs zone, temporary import of goods to customs territory and exports at its boundaries, processing in customs territory and abroad), the purpose of applying which is to stimulate the subjects of foreign economic activity of the state, development of the national industry, promoting international trade, economic relations and relationships in the humanitarian sphere; c) special customs regimes (Repimport, re-export, duty-free trade, destruction or destruction and refusal of the state) that are not provided for by the European Union's customs law and in its essence or are auxiliary, or such that define certain signs of goods.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
pp. 21-39
Áron Gyimesi

Abstract Based on the international digitization indexes, the development level of digitalization in the Visegrad Four (V4) countries is similar in many respects. The status of the recent digital developments is comparable in results and in deficits also. These economies have similar inescapable paths in the past and further development opportunities in the future. The economic success of these four countries greatly depends on the transformation of their economic structures, mainly by utilizing digitalization. This study compares the approaches, activities and initiatives of the national Industry 4.0 platforms of the V4 countries that promote and support the digital transformation on the national strategic level. The study also highlights the results that have already been achieved by the members of the European Quartet. These four countries have reached good results in digital infrastructure investments. Meanwhile, they are left behind in skillsets, education and adoption of companies, regarding their digital transformation. Beside the direct comparison of the four Industry 4.0 platforms, the study extends the research to three of the Frontrunner countries of the EU in digitalization, namely to Austria, Germany, Sweden, to understand the best practices they use and actions they take regarding the digitalization. The paper formulates guidelines for defining competitive policies and techniques for accelerating the digitalization of the V4 economies. The study lists the pain points of the V4 digitalization and makes suggestions on recoveries, mainly on the field of the potential involvement of companies and the financing of the national I40 platforms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (96) ◽  
pp. 5-20
Oleksiy Okhten ◽  
Аlla Dasiv ◽  

The article substantiates the expediency of modeling the development of national industry taking into account how the main interconnected key sectors of Ukrainian economy (not only processing and extractive industries, but also agriculture) are developing, as well as taking into account the factors that cause changes in this development over time. Based on previous researches, multiplicative production function has been chosen as the base for building the model, which was modified by taking into account the peculiarities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the specifics of individual industries in Ukraine. The economic-mathematical model of long-term development of specified branches of economy of Ukraine in the conditions of digitalization was proposed, in which the value added in the branch is the dependent variable, and the classic components of production functions (labor and the capital) are the independent variables, as well as the new factor – digitalization, and factors, specific to individual industries (world food price index for agriculture and world raw material price index for the extractive industry). A specific feature of the model is also the use of correction factors that reflect the change in the return of factors over time and increase the accuracy of calculations. In addition, separate models have been developed to calculate each of the main factors, based on the dynamics of investments, taking into account the recursive influence of value added, propensity to invest, the condition of the world economy and other specific factors. The calculation of value added in agriculture, extractive and processing industries of Ukraine in 2010-2019 was performed using the model. The adequacy of the model was validated based on the results of its parameterization, which showed sufficient accuracy for the implementation on practice, as the average absolute error of approximation ranges from 2.94% to 4.14% depending on the industry, with abnormal 2014-2015 excluded from the calculations. The value of GDP in the country as a whole was calculated on the basis of the results of value added calculations by key industries. Taking into account the fact that the proposed set of models does not include all industries, a regression model was used to calculate GDP, to which value added for the identified key industries was used as factor. It is established that the proposed model is quite accurate and can be used to calculate the GDP of Ukraine on the basis of value added calculations in agriculture, extractive and processing industries. Given the prospects of practical use of the model for management decisions, the elasticity of the main driving factor (investments) of the development of individual industries was assessed for the main variables, which, in particular, showed that the exchange rate of hryvnia to the US dollar has a negative impact on investments, and the most pronounced – on investments in fixed assets of the processing industry. This questions the widespread idea that the devaluation of the hryvnia stimulates domestic production.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 6190-6195
Ma Qihua ◽  
Cao Yanqiong

In recent years, although people have paid more and more attention to the negative effects of e-cigarettes on people's health, and China has gradually strengthened the supervision of e-cigarettes in order to protect people, especially minors, from the infringement of e-cigarettes, the legalization of e-cigarettes supervision cannot be achieved overnight, and there are still some problems such as the lack of national industry standards, disputes over regulatory subjects, unclear classification management, etc. Therefore, China should speed up the introduction of industry standards, determine the regulatory body with the aim of protecting national health, especially the rights and interests of minors, scientifically define the categories of e-cigarettes and formulate different regulatory measures, so as to safeguard national health while taking into account the healthy development of the e-cigarette industry and stimulate the innovative spirit of private enterprises.

2021 ◽  
Vol 926 (1) ◽  
pp. 012026
R Budiarto ◽  
N Effendy ◽  
F Aliyah ◽  
D Novitasari ◽  
I A Mubarok ◽  

Abstract As a part of its national policy, Indonesia significantly increases its photovoltaics (PV) role in its energy mix. As investment in PV grows significantly, there is also demand to increase benefits in new jobs creation. Meanwhile, the dependence on imported components and support for the operation and maintenance of the system is still a big challenge. There is a strong demand in increasing capacity of the national industry to provide support in various aspects. This capability in all parts of the Indonesian PV supply chain needs to be improved. This study explored the opportunity to more intensively integrate the vocational education system into the PV supply chain to answer the problem related to the PV application in Indonesia. The research was focused on the Vocational High School (VHS). The analysis is conducted on various data of the VHS: its number, its spatial distribution, and its program to develop the student’s expertise. The study shows that VHS has opportunities to play a significant role in developing the PV industry in Indonesia. It can be realized systemically not merely for skilled labor provision but also to increase the production capacity of various PV system components.

Yuriy Boleslavovich Vinslav

The article describes the main trends in the implementation of the state industrial policy abroad. Examples of the USA and China are given. The increasing role of state regulation in industrial development is noted. The US experience in improving strategic state planning is considered. The priority directions of China's industrial policy are characterized. The necessity of improving the principles of formation and implementation of the domestic industrial policy in the conditions of its continuing raw materials orientation is emphasized. The issues of improving the quality of institutional regulation of industry are described in detail. The necessity of linking the development of the industrial sphere with demand forecasts and national security strategies is justified. The problems of choosing the priorities of industrial development, as well as the requirements for participants in the formation and implementation of industrial state programs are considered. Recommendations on the formation of an active and balanced industrial policy are given. The key aspects of industrial policy that need to be taken into account in the formation of the public administration system are described.

Łukasz Sawicki ◽  
Bożena Horbaczewska

Abstract The purpose of the paper is to present an innovative business model, the SaHo Model, designed specifically to enable the Polish government to implement nuclear power development plans, which can be possibly used in other countries and in sectors requiring high capital expenditures. The SaHo Model solves the problems identified in the nuclear energy sector, which are related to high investment risk and high costs of capital at the investment stage, and ensures revenues after connection to the grid. Since the state is the investor at the initial stages, it takes over most of the risk in the short term. Selling the shares before connection to the grid, the state significantly reduces the financial involvement in the long term. From then on, the SaHo Model works similar to the Finnish Mankala or American electric cooperative models, producing and selling energy to their shareholders at production costs. None of the models used so far in nuclear energy provides such opportunities. The SaHo Model allows to enhance the competitiveness of the national industry and to increase public acceptance for nuclear power. Thus, it is not only a business model but also a concept for the functioning of the nuclear industry.

Jingyang Huang ◽  
Kellee S. Tsai

AbstractWhat are the circumstances under which latecomer firms can develop indigenous innovative capacity and compete globally? China’s construction of a vast domestic security apparatus has contributed to it becoming the world’s largest supplier and consumer of video surveillance products and services. It has also produced several globally competitive companies, including those engaged in digital surveillance. Although security equipment producers initially emerged in Guangdong province, China’s leading technology companies are concentrated in Zhejiang province. This comparative study is motivated by the puzzle of why Guangdong, which has a larger security equipment industry with more local investment and earlier introduction of foreign technology, has lagged behind Zhejiang in technological upgrading. We trace this provincial variation to the policy choices of local state bureaucracies and the business strategies of local enterprises. While macro-level variables such as market demand and establishing national industry standards are important for industrial development, this study demonstrates the critical role of local technocrats and entrepreneurs in facilitating technological innovation in a rapidly evolving surveillance regime. Our analysis also reveals how latecomers to a technology-intensive industry were able to adapt their products strategically to meet the technical demands of a major segment of the domestic market, China’s public security sector.

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