capacity acquisition
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2020 ◽  
Vol 49-2 ◽  
Yessica García Hernández ◽  
Jessica Mendoza Moheno ◽  
Carla Carolina Pérez Hernández

The aim is to analyze the level of development of the absorption capacities in the manufacturing industry in order to identify whether there are significant differences according to the subsector. An empirical study through the quantitative method was carried out with data of ESIDET (2014). From the multivariate factorial and statistical analysis of the cluster the results show five groups of manufacturing sectors. One relevant finding is that there are different levels of absorption capacity (acquisition, assimilation, transformation and exploitation) according to the subsector. The main contribution of this study is the characterization of the manufacturing industry in terms of the absorption capacity, which may be useful for the design of public policies to facilitate the generation of knowledge in the industry. The main limitation of the research is that data from the formal economy are taken up, the originality lies in the absence of previous studies in the analyzed context.

2020 ◽  
Sunil Dutta ◽  
Stefan Reichelstein

This paper examines the theoretical properties of full-cost transfer prices in multidivisional firms. In our model, divisional managers are responsible for the initial acquisition of productive capacity and the utilization of that capacity in subsequent periods, once operational uncertainty has been resolved. We examine alternative variants of full-cost transfer pricing with the property that the discounted sum of transfer payments is equal to the initial capacity acquisition cost and the present value of all subsequent variable costs of output supplied to a division. Our analysis identifies environments where particular variants of full-cost transfer pricing induce efficiency in both the initial investments and the subsequent output levels. Our findings highlight the need for a proper integration of intracompany pricing rules and divisional control rights over capacity assets. This paper was accepted by Suraj Srinivasan, accounting.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 230
Babayo Sule ◽  
Umar Adamu ◽  
Muhammad Aminu Yahaya

Poverty is one of the major socio-economic problems in Nigeria which draws the concern of policy-makers in Nigeria of recently. In response to the scourge of poverty in Nigeria, the civilian government of Obasanjo introduced Poverty Alleviation Programme (PAP) in 2000 but later, PAP was halted and replaced with National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) in 2001. NAPEP has a multi-various approach to poverty eradication including Capacity Acquisition Programme (CAP) which is an emphasis on skills acquisition and training for self-reliance. The major problem is the way poverty is increasing in alarming rate despite various efforts by government to eradicate it in the period of this study. This study examined CAP in Gombe state and its impact on poverty eradication effort. The methodology adopted for this research is the use of primary source where interview was conducted with one local government chosen from each of the three zones of the state. Secondary source was also used where literature was reviewed theoretical framework was formed to support the arguments presented. The data obtained were presented and analysed together with the hitherto existing statistics on this area. The research discovered that CAP as a component of NAPEP programme achieved little success in poverty eradication as a result of government’s unseriousness, corruption and negligence. Thus, the policy is not ideal for poverty eradication approach. The best means of poverty eradication is employment generation through provision of small scale and large-scale industries, eradication of corruption and genuine political will from the part of policy makers.

Omega ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 81 ◽  
pp. 112-122 ◽  
Christophe Rapine ◽  
Bernard Penz ◽  
Céline Gicquel ◽  
Ayse Akbalik

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 340

 Resumo: A utilização de tratores e implementos agrícolas é amplamente difundida em todos os tipos de cultura, atendendo às necessidades das diferentes escalas de produção das propriedades rurais. Um dos principais desafios inerentes ao uso desse tipo de equipamento é a dificuldade de aperfeiçoar seu emprego, estabelecendo-se condições de operação, que propiciem o equilíbrio entre a alta capacidade de trabalho que a mecanização agrícola proporciona, o consumo adequado de energia e a sustentabilidade da área de produção. Este trabalho descreve as etapas de implementação de um sistema de aquisição de dados e visa avaliar o desempenho energético de um conjunto trator-implemento, utilizando um computador de placa única baseado na arquitetura ARM e sensores diversos. Algoritmos foram escritos em linguagem de programação C++ a fim de obter os sinais provenientes de cada um dos sensores e trata-los conforme sua natureza e grandeza física a ser mensurada. Após a etapa de programação, os sensores foram individualmente testados e calibrados em bancada e, posteriormente, o sistema como um todo foi testado no conjunto trator-implemento. O sistema mostrou-se uma ferramenta válida para auxiliar na tomada de decisão em operações de campo envolvendo máquinas agrícolas.Palavras-chave: mecanização agrícola, instrumentação eletrônica, sistemas embarcados. HIGH CAPACITY EMBEDDED COMPUTER WITH C++ FOR EVALUATING TRACTOR PERFORMANCE AT FIELD  Abstract: Agricultural machinery and implements have been widely used in all crops, supporting the needs of several productive scales. One of the main challenges to the use of such equipment is the difficulty of optimizing its usage, establishing operational conditions that allow the balance between the high performance provided by agricultural mechanization and the sustainability of the planting area. This paper describes the steps in implementing a high capacity acquisition system that allows evaluating the energetic performance of a set of tractor-implement using a single-board computer based on ARM architecture and sensors. The C++ programming language was chosen to implement the algorithms that read the signals provided by sensors and treat them according to the measured physical quantity. Thereafter, the sensors were individually tested in the laboratory and also at field with all sensors connected to the embedded computer. The system proved to be a valid tool to aid in decision making in operations with agricultural machinery.Keywords: agricultural mechanization, electronic instrumentation, embedded systems.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Anthony S. White ◽  
Michael Censlive

Variation of installed industrial capacity has been found to follow a cyclic pattern. This paper discusses the application of control theory to the problem of the timely acquisition of extra production capacity. The control system based model presented here is compared with a System Dynamics model proposed by Sterman. Key differences are the method of implementing rational decisions about deployment of extra capacity and the use of a nonlinear APVIOBPCS inventory model. Benefits of this new model are a more measurable process and the ability to select parameter values to optimise capacity deployment. Simulation of the model indicates that the results found by Sterman underestimate the production backlog and time taken to reach equilibrium. The use of a Proportional, Integral, and Derivative (PID) controller in the capacity control loop model illustrates that it is possible not only to alter the backlog levels but at the same time to reduce the sales force and improve the revenue. The model also shows clearly that the impact of not increasing capacity promptly results in catastrophic failure of sales as a structural, rather than a business, problem. This model is simple enough to be implemented as a spreadsheet for use as a guide by managers.

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