technology pricing
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Vidhi Shah

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to study and identify the factors such Boarding and clearance time, Ease of E-ticketing and luggage capacity and their effect on Customer Preference in the airline. This study examines the underlying forces of service quality influences on passenger’s satisfaction in aircraft transport. The study examines which dimensions have a positive influence on service quality and which dimensions have the most and least important impact on service quality in international air travel, as perceived by airline passengers, thereby ultimately targeting maximum monetary benefits. It is a qualitative research based on subjective examination of behavior, attitude & impressions. The simplification of research support is mainly based on group discussion of respondents. The data was collected through a Focused Group Discussion. Two FGD’s each consisting of 10 participants were recorded. The findings show that how the customers preferred one airline to others because of its quality, pricing and technology and frequency of flights. The participants talked much in depth about the quality and the treatment by staff inside the airplane. They also mentioned the details about the slowdown and fallout of the airline sector in India. The limitations are that it is constraint only to Mumbai. The participants lacked knowledge of the working of the airline industry as they did not travel frequently through airplanes. Keywords: Quality, Preference, Technology, Pricing, and Punctuality

2021 ◽  
Erin Kirwin ◽  
Mike Paulden ◽  
Christopher McCabe ◽  
Jeff Round ◽  
Matt Sutton ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 931 ◽  
pp. 1122-1126
Sergey G. Oparin

The article discusses the problem of exceeding the planned cost of construction, sources of origin and ways to manage the risk of the need for additional financing of construction at the stage of project preparation. The possibilities of solving the problem by substantiating the reserve funds for unforeseen works and costs on the basis of the process approach and the digital model of distributed risk assessment are considered. In order to improve the reliability of determining the cost of construction, the dependence of the reserve funds for unforeseen works and costs, risk cost and risk degree is determined. An example is given of substantiating the reserve funds for unforeseen works and costs in the composition of the summary budget calculation of capital repair of the 1st Yelagin bridge over the Srednyaya Nevka river in Saint-Petersburg taking into account project design, production, technology, pricing, contractual and inflationary risk factors.

Chris Perry

Irrigation dominates demand in many watershort countries, generating competition, scarcity, and environmental degradation. Remedies require political commitment, laws, institutional reforms and technical interventions, collectively based on physical water accounts that distinguish between nonconsumptive uses that largely return water to the surface or subsurface system environment for reuse, and consumptive uses that remove water from the local water system. Domestic and industrial uses predominate in the former category; irrigation dominates the latter. The most commonly recommended solution to the water crisis, namely improved technology, has the potential to worsen scarcity by increasing both consumption and demand for water. An alternative option, pricing, has nowhere been successfully demonstrated to reduce irrigation demand to sustainable levels. Enforced physical quotas that are consistent with sustainable consumption is the only proven approach, and it is essential that the elements necessary to achieve this are introduced before widespread adoption of ‘hi tech’ irrigation is promoted.

2012 ◽  
pp. 393-416
David Choi ◽  
Uday Karmarkar ◽  
Hosun Rhim

2004 ◽  
Vol 27 (2/3) ◽  
pp. 295 ◽  
Francis Bidault

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