baer ring
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2020 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-190
Gregor Dolinar ◽  
Bojan Kuzma ◽  
Janko Marovt ◽  
Burcu Ungor ◽  

Let 𝓡 be a ring with identity and let 𝓙𝓡 be a collection of subsets of 𝓡 such that their left and right annihilators are generated by the same idempotent. % from 𝓡. We extend the notion of the sharp, the left-sharp, and the right-sharp partial orders to 𝓙𝓡, present equivalent definitions of these orders, and study their properties. We also extend the concept of the core and the dual core orders to 𝓙𝓡, show that they are indeed partial orders when 𝓡 is a Baer *-ring, and connect them with one-sided sharp and star partial orders.

2019 ◽  
Vol 69 (5) ◽  
pp. 999-1008
Ali Akbar Estaji ◽  
Mostafa Abedi ◽  
Ahmad Mahmoudi Darghadam

Abstract Let 𝓕𝓟L := Frm(𝓟(ℝ), L). We show that if L is a P-frame then 𝓕𝓟L is an ℵ0-self-injective ring. We prove that a zero-dimensional frame L is extremally disconnected if and only if 𝓕𝓟L is a self-injective ring. Finally, it is shown that 𝓕𝓟L is a Baer ring if and only if 𝓕𝓟L is a continuous ring if and only if 𝓕𝓟L is a complete ring if and only if 𝓕𝓟L is a CS-ring.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (01) ◽  
pp. 2050011 ◽  
B. Ungor ◽  
S. Halicioglu ◽  
A. Harmanci ◽  
J. Marovt

Let [Formula: see text] be a ring. Motivated by a generalization of a well-known minus partial order to Rickart rings, we introduce a new relation on the power set [Formula: see text] of [Formula: see text] and show that this relation, which we call “the minus order on [Formula: see text]”, is a partial order when [Formula: see text] is a Baer ring. We similarly introduce and study properties of the star, the left-star, and the right-star partial orders on the power sets of Baer ∗-rings. We show that some ideals generated by projections of a von Neumann regular and Baer ∗-ring [Formula: see text] form a lattice with respect to the star partial order on [Formula: see text]. As a particular case, we present characterizations of these orders on the power set of [Formula: see text], the algebra of all bounded linear operators on a Hilbert space [Formula: see text].

2018 ◽  
Vol 61 (4) ◽  
pp. 1103-1112
Xiaoxiang Zhang ◽  
Gangyong Lee

AbstractA module is called unit-endoregular if its endomorphism ring is unit-regular. In this paper, we continue the research in unit-endoregular modules. More characterizations of unit-endoregular modules are obtained. As a special case, we show that for an abelian group G, Endℤ(G) is a unit-regular Baer ring if and only if Endℤ(G) is a two-sided extending regular ring. While the class of unit-endoregular modules is not closed under direct sums, we provide a characterization when there are direct sums of two or more unit-endoregular modules also unit-endoregular under certain conditions. In particular, we investigate unit-endoregular modules which are direct sums of indecomposable modules.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (02) ◽  
pp. 1850029 ◽  
Gary F. Birkenmeier ◽  
Yeliz Kara ◽  
Adnan Tercan

We say a ring [Formula: see text] is [Formula: see text]-Baer if the right annihilator of every projection invariant left ideal of [Formula: see text] is generated by an idempotent element of [Formula: see text]. In this paper, we study connections between the [Formula: see text]-Baer condition and related conditions such as the Baer, quasi-Baer and [Formula: see text]-extending conditions. The [Formula: see text]-by-[Formula: see text] generalized triangular and the [Formula: see text]-by-[Formula: see text] triangular [Formula: see text]-Baer matrix rings are characterized. Also, we prove that a [Formula: see text]-by-[Formula: see text] full matrix ring over a [Formula: see text]-Baer ring is a [Formula: see text]-Baer ring. In contrast to the Baer condition, it is shown that the [Formula: see text]-Baer condition transfers from a base ring to many of its polynomial extensions. Examples are provided to illustrate and delimit our results.

2018 ◽  
Vol 222 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-60 ◽  
Roozbeh Hazrat ◽  
Lia Vaš

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (08) ◽  
pp. 1650141 ◽  
Jae Keol Park ◽  
S. Tariq Rizvi

The notion of a Baer ring, introduced by Kaplansky, has been extended to that of a Baer module using the endomorphism ring of a module in recent years. There do exist some results in the literature on Baer ring hulls of given rings. In contrast, the study of a Baer module hull of a given module remains wide open. In this paper we initiate this study. For a given module [Formula: see text], the Baer module hull, [Formula: see text], is the smallest Baer overmodule contained in a fixed injective hull [Formula: see text] of [Formula: see text]. For a certain class of modules [Formula: see text] over a commutative Noetherian domain, we characterize all essential overmodules of [Formula: see text] which are Baer. As a consequence, it is shown that Baer module hulls exist for such modules over a Dedekind domain. A precise description of such hulls is obtained. It is proved that a finitely generated module [Formula: see text] over a Dedekind domain has a Baer module hull if and only if the torsion submodule [Formula: see text] of [Formula: see text] is semisimple. Further, in this case, the Baer module hull of [Formula: see text] is explicitly described. As applications, various properties and examples of Baer hulls are exhibited. It is shown that if [Formula: see text] are two modules with Baer hulls, [Formula: see text] may not have a Baer hull. On the other hand, the Baer module hull of the [Formula: see text]-module [Formula: see text] ([Formula: see text] a prime integer) is precisely given by [Formula: see text]. It is shown that infinitely generated modules over a Dedekind domain may not have Baer module hulls.

2016 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 243-255
Usama A. Aburawash ◽  
Muhammad Saad

The consistent way of investigating rings with involution, briefly *-rings, is to study them in the category of *-rings with morphisms preserving also involution. In this paper we continue the study of *-rings and the notion of *-reduced *-rings is introduced and their properties are studied. We introduce also the class of *-Baer *-rings. This class is defined in terms of *-annihilators and principal *-biideals, and it naturally extends the class of Baer *-rings. The use of *-biideals makes this concept more consistent with the involution than the use of right ideals in the notion of Baer *-rings. We prove that each *-Baer *-ring is semiprime. Moreover, we show that the property of *-Baer extends to both the *-corner and the center of the *-ring. Finally, we discuss the relation between *-Baer and quasi-Baer *-rings; the generalization of Baer *-ring.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (02) ◽  
pp. 1550132 ◽  
P. Amirzadeh Dana ◽  
A. Moussavi

Analogous to left p.q.-Baer property of a ring [G. F. Birkenmeier, J. Y. Kim and J. K. Park, Principally quasi-Baer rings, Comm. Algebra29 (2001) 639–660], we say a right R-module M is endo-principallyquasi-Baer (or simply, endo-p.q.-Baer) if for every m ∈ M, lS(Sm) = Se for some e2 = e ∈ S = End R(M). It is shown that every direct summand of an endo-p.q.-Baer module inherits the property that any projective (free) module over a left p.q.-Baer ring is an endo-p.q.-Baer module. In particular, the endomorphism ring of every infinitely generated free right R-module is a left (or right) p.q.-Baer ring if and only if R is quasi-Baer. Furthermore, every principally right ℱℐ-extending right ℱℐ-𝒦-nonsingular ring is left p.q.-Baer and every left p.q.-Baer right ℱℐ-𝒦-cononsingular ring is principally right ℱℐ-extending.

2015 ◽  
Vol 22 (04) ◽  
pp. 607-620 ◽  
R. Manaviyat ◽  
A. Moussavi

Let R be a ring with a derivation δ and R((x-1; δ)) denote the pseudo-differential operator ring over R. We study the relations between the set of annihilators in R and the set of annihilators in R((x-1; δ)). Among applications, it is shown that for an Armendariz ring R of pseudo-differential operator type, the ring R((x-1; δ)) is Baer (resp., quasi-Baer, PP, right zip) if and only if R is a Baer (resp., quasi-Baer, PP, right zip) ring. For a δ-weakly rigid ring R, R((x-1; δ)) is a left p.q.-Baer ring if and only if R is left p.q.-Baer and every countable subset of left semicentral idempotents of R has a generalized countable join in R.

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