social labor
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Larissa de Almeida Rezio ◽  
Elda de Oliveira ◽  
Aline Macêdo Queiroz ◽  
Anderson Reis de Sousa ◽  
Sonia Regina Zerbetto ◽  

Abstract Objective: to understand how the contradictions and tensions of neoliberal policy, materialized in precarious work, affect nursing workers’ mental health in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Method: this is a study with a qualitative and descriptive approach, analyzed in the light of neoliberal economic policy. Data were collected through virtual means, with the participation of 719 nursing workers, from April to June 2020. To organize the data, the IRaMuTeQ® software and thematic analysis were used. Results: the reports revealed the lack of value of workers and the loss of social labor rights; the progressive nature of the neoliberal policy, its threats and repercussions on workers’ mental health; and recognition by female workers that political and class participation does not occur in isolation, but collectively. Conclusion: under the aegis of neoliberal policy, the COVID-19 pandemic brought an upsurge precarious work, influencing nursing workers’ subjectivity and mental health.

Ol’ga V. Shchetinina ◽  

Socio-philosophical content of the term “social policy”, its difference from the definition of “political economics” and also some features of technologies in a social area are described and analyzed in the article. The author distinguishes between the concepts of “labor” and “social labor activity” (deiatel’nost’). Using the concept of philosophy of a name developed by A. F. Losev, the definition of the "ideal" (“ideal’noe”) considered by E. V. Il’enkov, and A. V. Dakhin’s definition of “socio-historical memory” the author gives the definition of social policy that is understood as social labor activity (deiatel’nost’) of a man. This definition is focused on the ideas of safety and the development of essential forces of a personality-and-society, which relates to a name of a personality, to a name of a social community, to a name of a man as the complete form of social being, that contains concrete knowledge, experience, attitudes etc. as forms of social existence. The author shows that some aspects of technologies analysis in the social area give reasons to conclude: as distinct from more popular deserted technologies of commodity industry, the social policy area is in need to use another type of algorithms of social labor activity, – these are people intensive (chelovekoеmkie) technologies, the main peculiarities of which are described in the article. Main fields of social labor activity (deiatel’nost’) where people intensive technologies are reasonable to be used include pedagogical, medical, organizational ones etc.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (5) ◽  
pp. 147-154

The author of the article set himself the task of analyzing the social and labor guarantees provided by the state to families with children. Model. To solve this problem, it is necessary to investigate the social purpose of support measures in relation to children, families with children, to investigate the grounds for their provision. Conclusions. The system of social and labor measures is aimed at providing comprehensive support to families with children, helping to protect the labor and social rights of citizens. Research framework. Limited by relations in the sphere of social, labor and family law of the Russian Federation. Practical value. A systematic analysis of measures to help and support families with children, issues of protecting women - mothers allow us to systematize the prerequisites for the birth of children, to determine the incentives and obstacles to the birth of a child. Social implications. Determination of the purpose of support measures for families with children, analysis of individual types of assistance will determine the relationship and interdependence of social, labor and family-type norms, the effective interaction of which will ensure the basic needs of each family. Originality, value. The systematic study and research of social assistance measures, the study of labor guarantees for women with children makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of the state's family policy, to identify shortcomings and gaps in the country's social system. An analysis of the norms of the diverse legislation of the Russian Federation makes it possible to identify additional guarantees for children and families with children, for working women.

Nargizakhon Odilovna Alimova ◽  

In this article has been analyzed of some views on the history of daily life of women in the villages of the Ferghana valley in 1946-1991 by the helping historical sources, archive materials and literatures as well. It shown that over the years of Soviet rule, the living conditions of women in Uzbekistan, especially in the villages of the Ferghana Valley, depended on family income (monthly wages). Involvement of women in social labor was considered an important issue not only in terms of production but also in terms of politics.

2021 ◽  
pp. 48-54
S. Dulson

In article theoretical aspects of the social and economic relations and, in particular, their economic essence and the contents are considered.

Laura Huici Sancho

La Organización Internacional del Trabajo (en adelante OIT) se creó tras la Primera Guerra Mundial con el objetivo de facilitar la definición de estándares mínimos universales de derechos sociolaborales. La OIT desarrolla su función normativa a través de la aprobación de convenios y/o recomendaciones, que los Estados miembros pueden o no ratificar e incorporar o no, en consecuencia, a sus ordenamientos jurídicos internos. Su especificidad radica, por un lado, en su carácter de Organización internacional con vocación de universalidad y, por otro lado, en el tripartismo que caracteriza su funcionamiento, con la participación en sus órganos principales no solo de representantes de los gobiernos de los Estados miembros, sino también de las principales organizaciones sindicales y empresariales de los mismos[1]. Estas características esenciales dotan de legitimidad específica la actividad normativa de la OIT, haciéndola especialmente relevante para el reconocimiento, protección y promoción internacional de los derechos sociolaborales[2].[1] Para Philip Alston, desde el inicio del nuevo siglo asistimos a una progresiva pérdida de protagonismo de las organizaciones sindicales en la regulación de las relaciones laborales, lo que debería poner en cuestión también el tripartismo en la OIT (Alston, P., “Facing Up to the Complexities of the ILO’s Core Labour Standards Agenda”, European Journal of International Law, 2005, Vol. 16, núm. 3, pp. 467-480, p. 475). Con todo, consideramos que esta forma de funcionar que da entrada en la Organización a intereses diferentes a los estrictamente gubernamentales es un logro al que no cabe renunciar a la ligera y, por tanto, es todavía hoy una especificidad relevante a la espera de nuevas evoluciones.[2] Jordi Bonet abunda en ello al afirmar que “la OIT ha mantenido una aproximación integrada respecto de los derechos humanos: el ser humano es, en el ámbito socio-laboral, titular de un conjunto de derechos y libertades que son objeto de un tratamiento jurídico no diferenciado” (Bonet Pérez, J., Mundialización y régimen jurídico internacional del trabajo. La Organización Internacional del Trabajo como referente político-jurídico universal, Barcelona, Atelier/ANUE/UB, 2007, p. 163).

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