guide value
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2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (01) ◽  
pp. 11-16
Sokhna NDAO DIAO ◽  
Seynabou F. DIOUM ◽  
Ndeye DD NIANG ◽  
Arame MBAYE ◽  

Introduction. In Senegal, 29.8% of adults are known to have hypertension. Among all the dietary factors causing this disease, salt and its impact on blood pressure are by far the best documented. Objective. The objective of this study was to estimate the dietary salt intake of Senegalese populations on the basis of scenarios consumption. Material and methods. This was an estimate of the amount of salt that could be consumed by a resident of Dakar and Mékhé (Thiès). For that, the analytical data relating to the salt content of the most commonly consumed millet and rice dishes were correlated with those relating to the available food consumption habits. Results. The consumption scenarios revealed that Dakar as well as Thiès resident consumed between 8.81 and 32.34g of salt by day, i.e. 176.2 to 646.8% of the guide value of 5g of salt per day recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Conclusion. Overconsumption of salt is noted in Senegalese, with sodium intakes higher than the guide value recommended by the WHO.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Helena Cristina Serrano ◽  
Manuel João Pinto ◽  
Cristina Branquinho ◽  
Maria Amélia Martins-Loução

Reviewing the ecological studies on the endangered endemic Plantago almogravensis Franco, an Al-hyperaccumulator plant, and combining these with morphological, physiological, biochemical, and molecular data, significant knowledge on the limiting factors that cause its narrow geographical distribution and rarity status is achieved, which can contribute to suited conservation guidelines. Emphasis was given on (i) the major factors limiting P. almogravensis’ ecological niche (biotic and abiotic); (ii) phases of the life cycle and population dynamics; and (iii) and the phylogenetically close taxa (Plantago subulata aggregate) in order to fill the knowledge gaps in the uniqueness of P. almogravensis ecology, its phylogeny, and conservation status. The identification of relevant ecological data and using plant functional (morphological and physiological) traits, as well as genetic attributes, substantiate into a powerful tool to guide protection and conservation measures, usable toward this and other endangered hyperaccumulator plant species. Knowledge of the limitations of this strongly narrowly distributed plant allows for better design of conservation measures and to guide value and investment strategies in order to secure the species’ current area (habitat conservation and reclamation), direct the expansion of the existing population (assisting in populational densification and colonization), and/or grant ex situ conservation (genetic resources conservation).

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 184
Alessandro D’Amico ◽  
Agnese Pini ◽  
Simone Zazzini ◽  
Daniela D’Alessandro ◽  
Giovanni Leuzzi ◽  

The profound qualitative changes of indoor air and the progressive increase in the absolute number of pollutants, combined with the scientific awareness of the health impacts deriving from spending more than 90% of one’s time inside confined spaces, have increased the attention onto the needs of well-being, hygiene, and the health of users. This scientific attention has produced studies and analyses useful for evidence-based insights into building performance. Among the main pollutants in the indoor environment, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) play a central role, and the use of box-models using the mass balance approach and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models are now consolidated to study their concentrations in an indoor environment. This paper presents the use of both types of modelling for the prediction of the VOC concentration in the indoor environment and the proposal of a guide value for the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)-oriented building design, specifically related to the indoor VOC concentration due to building materials. Methodologically, the topic is addressed through environmental sampling, the definition of the parameters necessary for the numerical models, the simulations with the box-model and the CFD, and the comparison between the results. They show a good correspondence between the modelling tools used, highlighting the central role of ventilation and allowing a discussion of the relationship between regulatory limits of emissivity of materials and Indoor Air Guide Values for the concentration of pollutants.

2019 ◽  
Vol 186 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 413-418
Terézia Eckertová ◽  
Monika Müllerová ◽  
Karol Holý

Abstract This paper presents the results of measurements of radon activity concentration (RAC) in spring waters and natural wells in three mountains of Slovakia (Strážov Mountains, Považský Inovec and Little Carpathians). These mountains provide drinking water for inhabitants of surrounding towns and villages. Little Carpathians is the most seismically active area in Slovakia. Považský Inovec, where 2 out of 11 uranium deposits of Slovakia are located, is interesting due to increased uranium mineralization. We have collected samples from more than 170 natural water sources, many of which exceed the guide value of 100 Bq l−1, with a maximum value of 274 Bq l−1. The median of these data (15 Bq l−1) is also higher than the national median in groundwater (11.6 Bq l−1). From the obtained data, we have created maps representing RAC of groundwaters for the whole territory. These maps were also compared with the geological maps.

Gefahrstoffe ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 79 (07-08) ◽  
pp. 255-259
R. Hebisch ◽  
T. Kuhlbusch ◽  
K. Bux ◽  
D. Breuer ◽  
T. Lahrz

Die Beurteilung der Konzentrationen von Gefahrstoffen in der Luft kann anhand verschiedener Beurteilungsmaßstäbe erfolgen. Einerseits ist dafür ausschlaggebend, ob Tätigkeiten mit Gefahrstoffen oder ohne Gefahrstoffe ausgeführt werden. Andererseits ist auch immer zu berücksichtigen, ob die Tätigkeiten im Freien, in teilweise geschlossenen oder geschlossenen Arbeitsbereichen erfolgen. Es werden einzelne Szenarien näher betrachtet und die Expositionsbeurteilung wird anhand von Arbeitsplatzgrenzwerten, Immissionsgrenzwerten und Innenraumrichtwerten dargestellt. Dabei wird insbesondere auf solche Situationen eingegangen, die sich nicht eindeutig voneinander abgrenzen lassen.

2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
pp. 117
Gilmar Silvério Da Silva ◽  
Sandra Miola ◽  
Gilberto Silvério Da Silva ◽  
Eliane Rodrigues De Sousa

An environmental assessment about phosphorus and nitrogen species was carried out in waters of São Francisco Falso River, tributary of Itaipu Reservoir. Results from four field campaigns showed that trophic state vary of oligotrophic to mesotrophic, being the latter observed under rain influence. Among nitrogen species, NO2 presented concentration above guide-value recommended by Canadian environmental agency, what means a risk for aquatic life. In comparison to Ocoí River, another tributary of Itaipu Reservoir, São Francisco’s waters showed better quality.

2017 ◽  
pp. 5085-5091 ◽  
Dr. Mona Mostafa

Fungal and bacterial aerosol particles concentrations are measured in a school classrooms at two different floors using the 6-stage Andersen impactor as a bioaersol sampler. The average bacterial concentration is higher than the average fungal concentration. The concentrations were 957 and 955 cfu/m3 for bacterial particles at first and second floors, respectively while the fungal particles  concentrations were 146 and 235 cfu/m3 at first and second floors, respectively. Most of the biological particles were concentrated at the size range of respirable particles (< 5 µm ) that can penetrate into the alveoli and may cause lung diseases. The human activity is a main factor for the production of microbiological particles. Environmental factors play also a role on the fungal growth. Bacterial concentration is almost twice the guide value of WHO while the fungal concentration is underestimation.

2016 ◽  
Vol 865 ◽  
pp. 206-210
Klára Křížová ◽  
Rudolf Hela

The paper is involved with effects of admixtures (fly ash, slag) and their combination on selected properties of ordinary concrete. The set of concrete covers seven different containing of Portland cement and approximately 10% of admixed slag and concrete with fly ash and slag contents up to 42 %. At early age of the concrete balanced values of compressive strength were obtained except the concrete with admixture combinations. And on the contrary at 28-day age the concrete with admixture combinations obtained comparable values like concrete with only one type of admixture. The compressive strength was monitored together with modulus of elasticity to 180-day age of the concrete. In the last phase the obtained values were compared with guide value where the slower development of theses parameters with applied admixtures was pointed out.

2014 ◽  
Vol 25 (5) ◽  
pp. 677-698 ◽  
Maria Åkesson ◽  
Bo Edvardsson ◽  
Bård Tronvoll

Purpose – A service system, including self-service technologies (SSTs), should facilitate actors’ value co-creation processes to enhance customer experiences. The purpose of this paper is to analyze how customers’ experiences – both favorable and unfavorable – are formed by identifying the underlying drivers when using SSTs in the context of a self-service-based system. The authors also analyze customers’ journeys, which occur before, during, and after their experience with a self-service-based system with SSTs. Design/methodology/approach – An exploratory, inductive study examines customers’ self-service experiences of using an SST. By undertaking 60 customer interviews, an event-based technique identified 200 favorable and unfavorable experienced events, which consist of activities and interactions identified through open coding guided by a theoretical framework. Customers’ experiences form through social norms and rules, referred to here as schemas. The authors sorted the drivers into four main categories of schemas (informational, relational, organizational, and technological) and into three categories: before, during, and after the store visit. Findings – The authors identified 13 favorable and unfavorable customer experience drivers that guide value co-creation and explain how the flow of value co-creation helps form customers’ experiences. Research limitations/implications – The results are limited to one self-service system context and therefore do not provide statistical generalizability. In addition, the examined company already focusses on customer experiences; other organizations may have different experience drivers. Practical implications – The results explain what is important when designing an SST-based service system. Besides, managers can promote the drivers in this research as advantages customers can gain by using self-service. Originality/value – This study offers original contributions by: first, classifying and analyzing 13 experience drivers in four categories grounded in customers’ schemas; and second, offering a new conceptualization that focusses on the formation of customers’ experiences during a value co-creation process – that is, the customer's journey – rather than on the outcome experience only.

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