endplate potential
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2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Hai Xiao ◽  
Ka Wu ◽  
Xiaoliu Liang ◽  
Rong Li ◽  
Keng Po Lai

Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease primarily mediated by acetylcholine receptor antibodies (AChR-Ab), cellular immune dependence, and complement system involvement. Since the AChR on the postsynaptic membrane is destroyed by an immune attack, sufficient endplate potential cannot be generated, resulting in the development of a synaptic transmission disorder at the neuromuscular junction and in muscle weakness. The role of the complement system in MG has been demonstrated in animal models and clinical tests, and it has been determined that complement inhibition in patients with MG can prevent disease induction and reverse its progression. Eculizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody that inhibits the cleavage of complement protein C5 and prevents autoimmune damage; additionally, it has received subsequent approval by the Federal Drug Administration of the United States for MG treatment. However, various concerns regarding the use of eculizumab persist. In this review, we have discussed the treatment time, cost effectiveness, long-term efficacy, and tolerability of eculizumab for MG treatment. We have also summarized historical information and have presented perspectives on this new therapeutic modality.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-14
Gianmaria Lorenzo Odierna ◽  
William Donald Phillips

Background In myasthenia gravis, impaired postsynaptic sensitivity to acetylcholine results in failure of neuromuscular transmission and fatiguing muscle weakness. Objective Develop an ex vivo muscle contraction assay to test cannabinoids and other substances that might act on the myasthenic neuromuscular junction to restore control of the muscle. Methods Tubocurarine was added to an ex vivo, mouse phrenic nerve-hemidiaphragm muscle preparation to reduce acetylcholine sensitivity. This produced a myasthenia-like decrement in twitch force during a train of 10 nerve impulses (3 / sec). Endplate potential (EPP) recordings were used to confirm and extend the findings. Results Surprisingly, addition to the bath of dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO), at concentrations as low as 0.1%(v/v), partially reversed the decrement in nerve-evoked force. Intracellular electrophysiology, conducted in the presence of tubocurarine, showed that DMSO increased the amplitudes of both the spontaneous miniature EPP (MEPP) and the (nerve-evoked) EPP. In the absence of tubocurarine (synaptic potentials at physiological levels), an adaptive fall in quantal content negated the DMSO-induced rise in EPP amplitude. The effects of cannabinoid receptor agonists (solubilized with DMSO) in the contraction assay do not support their further exploration as useful therapeutic agents for myasthenia gravis. CP 55,940 (a dual agonist for cannabinoid receptor types 1 and 2) reversed the beneficial effects of DMSO. Conclusions: We demonstrate a powerful effect of DMSO upon quantal amplitude that might mislead pharmacological studies of synaptic function wherever DMSO is used as a drug vehicle. Our results also show that compounds targeting impaired neuromuscular transmission should be tested under myasthenic-like conditions, so as to avoid confounding effects of synaptic homeostasis.

Toxicon ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 56 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-63 ◽  
K.G. Moreira ◽  
M.V. Prates ◽  
F.A.C. Andrade ◽  
L.P. Silva ◽  
P.S.L. Beirão ◽  

2006 ◽  
Vol 105 (5) ◽  
pp. 968-975 ◽  
Tomohisa Niiya ◽  
Eichi Narimatsu ◽  
Akiyoshi Namiki

Background Sepsis attenuates the muscle-relaxing effects of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers. The authors investigated the effects of acute late sepsis on neuromuscular transmission and neuromuscular actions of rocuronium to clarify the mechanisms by which sepsis attenuates the effects of nondepolarizing neuromuscular blockers. Methods Sepsis was induced by cecal ligation and puncture operation. Endplate potentials, acetylcholine potentials, and electrotonic potentials were recorded from the motor endplates of isolated diaphragms from acute late septic and nonseptic rats. Results (1) Sepsis did not influence the effect of rocuronium to decrease endplate potential amplitude, which was increased by sepsis itself; (2) sepsis facilitated the effect of rocuronium to decrease quantal acetylcholine release, which was increased by sepsis itself; (3) sepsis did not influence the effect of rocuronium to decrease acetylcholine sensitivity, which was decreased by sepsis itself; (4) sepsis decreased critical depolarization, and rocuronium did not influence critical depolarization. Conclusions These results indicate that acute late sepsis facilitates endplate potentials and enhances excitability of the muscle membrane, indicated by a decrease of critical depolarization. It is thought that these elicit the sepsis-induced attenuation of the muscle-relaxing effects of rocuronium.

2006 ◽  
Vol 96 (2) ◽  
pp. 671-676 ◽  
Mary Anne Mann ◽  
Saumya Das ◽  
Jinghua Zhang ◽  
Meredith Wagner ◽  
Gerald D. Fischbach

Members of the neuregulin family of signaling proteins increase transcription of acetylcholine receptor (AChR) subunit genes in muscle fibers and the number of AChRs in the muscle membrane. In adult mice heterozygous for targeted deletion of type I neuregulins (Ig-NRG+/−), postsynaptic AChR density was decreased and transmitter release was increased. We examined the relationship between functional AChR density and ACh release in postnatal day 7 (P7), P14, and adult NRG-deficient mice. Here we report that changes in postsynaptic sensitivity and transmitter release are not temporally coupled during postnatal development in Ig-NRG–deficient mice. Although miniature endplate potential (MEPP) amplitude was decreased compared with control in P7 Ig-NRG+/− mice, quantum content was not increased. Quantum content was increased in adult heterozygotes despite normal MEPP amplitudes. Thus, during postnatal maturation, both quantal size and quantum content were influenced by decreased Ig-NRG expression, although the effects were dissociated in time.

2002 ◽  
Vol 26 (6) ◽  
pp. 810-816 ◽  
Patrice Desaulniers ◽  
Pierre-Andr� Lavoie ◽  
Phillip F. Gardiner

2001 ◽  
Vol 85 (5) ◽  
pp. 2070-2075 ◽  
Michelle Moyer ◽  
Erik van Lunteren

The amplitude of neuromuscular junction end-plate potentials (EPPs) decreases quickly within a train but recovers nearly completely from train to train during intermittent stimulation. Rundown has been shown to be dependent not only on the rate of transmitter release but also on the rate of replenishment of the depleted neurotransmitter at the site of release. Two groups of processes have been proposed for synaptic vesicle recycling, both of which involve multiple energy-requiring steps and enzymatic reactions and which therefore would be expected to be very temperature-sensitive. The present study tested the hypothesis that low temperature therefore increases the rate of EPP amplitude rundown. Studies were performed in vitro on rat diaphragm and used μ-conotoxin to allow normal-sized EPPs to be recorded from intact fibers. EPP amplitude rundown during intermittent stimulation at 20 and 50 Hz (duty cycle 333 ms) was greater at 20°C than it was at 37°C. Initially, temperature affected only intra-train rundown but, over longer periods of stimulation, both intra- and inter-train rundown were significantly accelerated by cold temperature. Cumulative EPP amplitudes were calculated by successively adding the amplitudes of each EPP during the stimulation period to provide an estimate of total neurotransmitter release in the neuromuscular junction. The cumulative EPP amplitude was significantly lower at 20°C than it was at 37°C during both 20 and 50 Hz stimulation. These data indicate that the mechanism involved in EPP amplitude rundown and recovery is temperature-sensitive, with a greater decrement in EPP amplitude at cold than at warm temperatures.

2001 ◽  
Vol 90 (3) ◽  
pp. 1041-1048 ◽  
Patrice Desaulniers ◽  
Pierre-André Lavoie ◽  
Phillip F. Gardiner

Rat motor nerve terminals and the endplates they interact with exhibit changes to varying patterns of use, as when exposed to increased activation in the form of endurance exercise training. The extent to which these changes affect neuromuscular transmission efficacy is uncertain. In this study, the effects of habitual exercise on the electrophysiological properties of neuromuscular transmission in rat soleus muscle were investigated using a novel in situ approach. Consistent with previous reports, miniature endplate potential frequency was enhanced by habitual exercise. Other passive properties, such as resting membrane potential, miniature endplate potential amplitude, and “giant” miniature endplate potential characteristics were unaltered by the training program. Full-size endplate potentials were obtained by blocking soleus muscle action potentials with μ-conotoxin GIIIb. Quantal content values were 91.5 and 119.9 for control and active groups, respectively ( P < 0.01). We also measured the rate and extent of endplate potential amplitude rundown during 3-s trains of continuous stimulation at 25, 50, and 75 Hz; at 50 and 75 Hz, we found both the rate and extent of rundown to be significantly attenuated (10–20%) in a specific population of cells from active rats ( P < 0.05). The results establish the degree of activity-dependent plasticity as it pertains to neuromuscular transmission in a mammalian slow-twitch muscle.

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