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Breast Care ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Maria Paola Cicini ◽  
Gianluigi Ferretti ◽  
Nicola Morace ◽  
Cecilia Nisticò ◽  
Francesco Cognetti ◽  

<b><i>Introduction:</i></b> A wide spectrum of cardiovascular (CV) toxicity is associated with anticancer treatment, and nearly all chemotherapeutic agents can elicit CV toxicity. Inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinases 4/6 (CDK4/6Is) have become standard of care in the treatment of hormone receptor-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative metastatic breast cancer (MBC). CV side effects are uncommon with CDK4/6Is and only include QT prolongation, with a low incidence rate. <b><i>Case Presentation:</i></b> This paper describes 2 cases of new-onset second-degree type 2 atrioventricular (AV) blocks requiring permanent cardiac pacing involving 2 women with MBC receiving ribociclib or abemaciclib. Both our patients had no known history or risk factors of cardiac disease and a normal 12-lead resting electrocardiogram (ECG) when diagnosed with breast adenocarcinoma. Both patients have been subjected to surveillance for cardiotoxicity with serial ECG and echocardiography. No left ventricular dysfunction or arrhythmia was found during the follow-up, and cardiac biomarkers were normal. <b><i>Conclusion:</i></b> To our knowledge, these are the first cases reported in the literature of new-onset advanced AV blocks in patients under treatment with CDK4/6Is, suggesting the clinical relevance of a more frequent ECG monitoring, besides the QT interval, in these patients.

Norberto Gavioli ◽  
Avinoam Mann ◽  
Valerio Monti

Александра Егоровна Прокопьева

Актуальность данного исследования обусловлена тем, что в юкагирском языкознании глагол языка лесных юкагиров не был изучен с точки выражения функционально-семантической категории аспектуальности. Теоретико-методологической основой явились труды известных отечественных ученых в области аспектологии: Ю. С. Маслова, А. В. Бондарко, В. С. Храковского и др. Известно, что аспектуальность — функционально-семантическая категория, которая включает в себя взаимодействующие языковые средства (морфологические, словообразовательные, лексические и др.), служащих для передачи характера и распределения действия во времени. В настоящей статье впервые дается описание основных морфологических и лексических способов выражения одного из типов количественной аспектуальности в языке лесных юкагиров – итеративности. На основе фактического языкового материала делаются выводы, что для реализации итеративного значения используются специализированные морфологические (грамматические) и лексические средства. Определен основной грамматический инвентарь средств передачи итеративного значения в языке лесных юкагиров. Так, аффиксы -и-, -йи, -ийи-, -уйи- с итеративной семантикой являются универсальными, т. е. присоединяются к основам как переходных, так и непереходных глаголов. Показателями итеративности для непереходных глаголов являются аффиксы -й-, -сьии-, -(н)дьи-, -дьаа-, для переходных — -т-, -сь-. Итеративное значение передается и хабитуальными показателями. В языке лесных юкагиров при помощи суффиксов -ну-, -нун-, -нуну- выражается хабитуальное значение, т. е. регулярная или постоянная повторяемость действия, являющегося способностью, склонностью либо характерной чертой участника того или иного события. К лексическим средствам выражения идеи итеративности могут быть отнесены наречия времени типа пугэмэ ʽлетомʼ, йоулэмэ ʽвечеромʼ, идэй-нэдэ ʽиногдаʼ, послелоги типа чичкин ʽв течениеʼ, обозначающие повторяющиеся периоды времени; образа действия типа ускуом ʽобычноʼ, чуотэ ʽвсегдаʼ, обозначающие относительно регулярное повторение действия; наречия меры и степени типа атахлидьэ ʽдваждыʼ, ньингэльи-дьэ ʽмного раз, многождыʼ, обозначающие количество проявления действия. The relevance of this research is due to the fact that in Yukaghir linguistics the verb of the forest Yukaghir language has not been studied from the point of expression of the functional-semantic category of aspectuality. The theoretical and methodological basis was the works of famous Russian scientists in the field of aspectology: Yu. S. Maslova, A. V. Bondarko, V. S. Khrakovsky and others. It is known that aspectuality is a functional-semantic category that includes interacting linguistic means (morphological, word-formation, lexical, etc.) that serve to convey character and distribution actions in time. This article is the first to describe the main morphological and lexical ways of expressing one of the types of quantitative aspectuality in the language of the forest Yukaghirs — iteration. On the basis of the actual linguistic material, it is concluded that specialized morphological (grammatical) and lexical means are used to implement the iterative meaning. The main grammatical inventory of means of conveying iterative meaning in the language of the forest Yukaghirs has been determined. So, the affixes -yi, -ii-, -ui- with iterative semantics are universal, i.e. join the stems of both transitive and intransitive verbs. Indicators of iteration for intransitive verbs are the affixes -y-, -sii-, — (n) dy-, -dya-, for transitive — -t-, -s-. The iterative value is also conveyed by the habitual metrics. In the language of the forest Yukaghirs, the suffixes -nu-, -nun-, -nunu- are used to express the habitual meaning, i. e. regular or constant repetition of an action that is an ability, inclination, or a characteristic feature of a participant in an event. The lexical means of expressing the idea of iteration can include adverbs of time such as pugame ʽin summerʼ, youleme ʽeveningʼ, ideinede ʽsometimesʼ, postpositions such as chichkin ʽduringʼ, designating repeating periods of time; actions such as uskuom ʽusuallyʼ, chuote ʽalwaysʼ, denoting a relatively regular repetition of an action; adverbs of the measure and degree type as atahlid'e ʽtwiceʼ, n'ingel'id'e ʽmany timesʼ, denoting the number of manifestations of the action.

Jun Li

In this paper, we investigate Artin–Schelter regular algebras of dimension [Formula: see text] with three generators in degree [Formula: see text] under the hypothesis that [Formula: see text], in which the degree types of the relations for the number of the generating relations less than five can be determined. We prove that the only possible degree type of three generating relations is [Formula: see text] and the only possible degree type of four generating relations is [Formula: see text].

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 447-465

ABSTRACT This paper critiques the trilemma framing of the political economy of globalization, and offers an alternative framing based on the construction of national policy space. The paper makes three main contributions. First, building on Stein (2016), it deconstructs the categories used by Rodrik (2011) and introduces distinctions between the “degree”, “type”, and “dimensions” of globalization; “effective” versus “formal” national sovereignty; “content” versus “process” of democracy; and “national” versus “global” democracy. The deconstruction shows countries face choices involving a series of margins, not a trilemma. Second, that suggests reframing the problematic in terms of national policy space, which is the “funnel” through which globalization impacts democracy and national sovereignty. Third, the paper shows a country can be impacted by globalization even if it does nothing because other countries’ actions change its possibility set. The reframing shows globalization is an intrinsically political project. To the extent it is now driving a nationalistic anti-democratic turn in politics, responsibility lies with political elites.

N.A. Karimova ◽  
Sh.D. Islomov ◽  
Sh.E. Amonov

The article highlights the features of the conduct and interpretation of data on audiological tests at the children in order to identify the degree, type and level of damage of the auditory disorders. According to a survey of 121 children with a diagnosis of sensorineural hearing loss, it was confirmed that using a complex algorithm of audiological tests such as OAE, DPOAE, BERA and ASSR in hearing diagnosis of the children allows to obtain more accurate and detailed information and avoid possible errors in determining various forms of hearing disorders.

2020 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 04006
Nadezhda Malysheva ◽  
Sergey Kizinek ◽  
Anna Khadzhidi ◽  
Lyudmila Kravchenko ◽  
Valeriia Chegge ◽  

The article presents studies of the soil-reclamation state of rice agricultural landscapes of Krasnodar Territory using the example of the Chernoyerovskaya irrigation system. The direction of changes in soil salinity over a long-term period was revealed. In the framework of monitoring the state of rice soils, salt survey was carried out. The degree, type and causes of their salinization have been determined, the relationship between the salt regime of soils and the regime of the level and chemical composition of groundwater has been established. Recommendations for managing the fertility of rice agricultural landscapes are given.

2017 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 399-413 ◽  
Laura Huey ◽  
Hillary Peladeau ◽  
Hina Kalyal

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 ◽  
pp. 1-4 ◽  
Munish Sharma ◽  
Daniel A. N. Mascarenhas

Ticagrelor is an antiplatelet agent prescribed to prevent the development of adverse cardiac events after acute coronary syndrome (ACS). According to the PLATO trial, ticagrelor is associated with ventricular pauses in the first week of treatment; however, these episodes were felt to be asymptomatic and nonfatal to the patient. We present a case of ticagrelor related second-degree type II heart block causing severe dizziness and diaphoresis that resolved after discontinuation of the medication.

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