psychological knowledge
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2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 825-848
Inna B. Bovina ◽  
Tatiana V. Ryabova ◽  
Vladislav Y. Konkin

The question of political repression divides society and polarizes public discourse. Understanding political repression through the prism of socio-psychological knowledge is a zone of proximal development for researchers, because the suicidal nature of repression, which A.M. Etkind points out, makes it difficult to understand terror, hinders the work of mechanisms that operate in a society that has come into contact with a catastrophe of such magnitude and duration. The study is devoted to the study of social ideas about repression, as well as emotional reactions towards repression and the repressed among the descendants of the repressed, i.e., their children and grandchildren. A total of 110 people (61.82% - females) aged 44 to 78 years, 93.63% with higher education, participated in the study. The sample included three groups: the generation of children (21 people, M = 59.52 years; SD = 9.04); the generation of grandchildren (63 people, M = 54.71 years; SD = 7.66); and the control group (26 people, M = 53.65 years; SD = 7.72). A survey in the form of a questionnaire was used, followed by a prototypical analysis of associations, which made it possible to identify the structure of ideas about repression in the three groups. To analyze emotional reactions, a factor analysis of scores on 38 scales was carried out, followed by an analysis on the new variables. The characteristics of the structure of social representations (the core and periphery zones) are consistent with the initial hypothesis that the supposedly traumatic event of repression is perceived as a personal one by the descendants but as a social one by the respondents of the control group. There were no differences in the severity of emotional reactions in relation to the category of repressions and repressed between the generations. The combined group of descendants significantly differs from the control group in the greater severity of indicators when assessing the category of repression by the factors of Anxiety, Depression and Grief, and when assessing the category of repressed by the factor of Grief. The results of the study of social ideas about the past allow us to talk about the collective memory of repression in two generations of the descendants of the repressed: in the structure of the inner world of generations of descendants, repression is a personal event of family history, colored by sorrowful feelings of varying degrees of intensity and depth.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Ben-Oni Ardelean

This study pursues to build the conceptual model of entrepreneurial success (ES) that discusses the concept and phenomenon of ES and its perquisites and outcomes. This proposed mode anticipated that factors technological knowledge (TK), entrepreneurial orientation (EO), and psychological knowledge influence ES. This paper explains previous literature on perquisites, the phenomenon of TK, EO and psychological knowledge, and ES. This conceptual paper targets the scholarly works that provide support for the proposed model. A significant contribution of this paper is to propose an original relationship between prerequisites, phenomena, and consequences in ES. The proposed model shows a novel conceptualization of how these constructs may be connected to affect ES outcomes. This study enhances the literature by providing the theoretical literature of forerunners and outcomes for ES. In addition, this study has important implications for practitioners and entrepreneurs to generate success in entrepreneurial activities. Based on new insights, this study also developed and suggested new approaches and opportunities for future research.

2021 ◽  
pp. 135910452110583
Rachel Draper ◽  
Cerith Waters ◽  
Gemma Burns ◽  
Katherine Shelton

Psychological consultation is one way of reaching a greater number of families with limited resources, yet little is known about the benefits and challenges of this intervention in adoption. We qualitatively explored consultations provided to adoption social workers by clinical psychologists. Six social workers and four clinical psychologists participated in semi-structured interviews. Five themes with supporting sub-themes were identified: (1) A context of highly emotive work with scarce resources; (2) consultations draw on Dyadic Developmental Practice and systemic thinking and involve goal-oriented and interpersonal processes; (3) consultations experienced as valuable despite challenges; (4) consultations facilitate learning for both social workers and psychologists; and (5) a collaborative focus and the ‘expert role’. Our findings suggest consultation is experienced positively by social workers and psychologists, that it successfully facilitates the transfer of psychological knowledge, and has the potential to enhance multi-agency working. Future research needs to better understand the impact of consultation on adoptive families.

2021 ◽  
pp. 63-75
Tatyana Vladimirovna Lebedeva

The aim of the study is to improve the quality of nursing care for patients in the trauma department by developing a standard. Results. High physical activity, performance of unusual functions, lack of psychological knowledge are priority problems, the solution of which will improve the quality of nursing care. Conclusion. The lack of standards for nursing in the care of patients with trauma pathology in the literature has prompted the development of an exemplary standard for nursing care for patients with a femoral fracture. It is this category of patients that is distinguished by a high need for medical assistance and care.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (6) ◽  
pp. 5-13
Irina Mironenko ◽  
A. L. Zhuravlev ◽  

We introduce a variant of international cultural psychology, insufficiently known to the Russian reader, the leader of which is Jaan Valsiner. It differs significantly in its methodological principles and orientations from most related to cultural psychology, both international and Russian. In a certain sense, the methodology of the school of dynamic semiosis seems to be an alternative to the modern development of the discourse of cultural psychology in Russia. Russian cultural psychological discourse primarily moves towards a general humanitarian synthesis, with a focus on the intersection of the humanitarian subject area of psychology with the humanities, while cultural psychology of Jaan Valsiner represents a movement of trans-subject synthesis, embrasing not only the humanities, but the entire scientific sphere, including the exact and natural sciences, along with the humanities. Thus, the task of “vertical” integration of psychological knowledge, that is, the integration of natural science and humanitarian psychology, appears the main target, which should become the mission of cultural psychology in the development of psychological science.

2021 ◽  

Until 2010, the phrase “psychological literacy” (PL) was used sparsely and in a variety of ways, including to refer to (a) a student’s grasp of the major concepts of the different topic areas of psychology, (b) a call to action for psychologists to contribute to increased psychological knowledge and skills in the population, or (c) a nation’s general capacity to apply psychological principles in everyday life. In 2010, PL was defined in terms of the intended outcome of undergraduate (UG) psychology education, delineating nine capabilities, broadly categorized as discipline knowledge and its application, critical thinking and research skills, and the valuing of ethical behavior and of diversity. A call to action to educate “psychologically literate citizens” was also made. Several studies have evaluated the impact of educational interventions in relation to those capabilities. A more recent and general conceptualization of PL appears to revert to some of the earlier understandings, being defined as the capacity to use psychology to achieve personal, professional, and societal goals. The broad aim of this bibliography is to identify existing and topical themes from the literature on PL. A significant proportion of the literature has a focus on psychology education. Nevertheless, there is some diversity in the themes identified. Note that there are many papers that make mention “in passing” of the modern conceptualization of PL. Although these are indicative of the general acceptance of the concept, these were deemed to be less central to the reader’s understanding of this topic. How were the themes identified? A literature search was conducted with standard databases, then additional literature was independently identified (e.g., through the examination of reference listings). In terms of what was selected for consideration, specific criteria were applied (e.g., English language only, no conference abstracts). During this process, themes emerged, and a coauthor consensus was iteratively reached regarding (a) the major existing and topical themes and their relevance, and (b) exemplars for each. Each of the sections covers one of the themes identified, except where sections are organized by subthemes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 84 (2) ◽  
pp. 16-77
Petro Myasoid

The study is dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the birth of a prominent Ukrainian scholar, Academician V. Romenets (1926–1998) – the founder of cultural and historical psychology, the author of the theory of deed. The purpose of the study is to analyze ways of explaining the nature of the mental that exist in cultural and historical psychology, to characterize the work of the scholar and deepen the understanding of the subject of this discipline, and to analyze the theory of deed and take the next steps. The first part of the study characterizes the history and current state of cultural and historical psychology, the leading theories in this area, the problems that are not solved. It is stated that the authors of works in this field are just beginning to look in the direction, where the prominent Ukrainian scholar has already paved the way with Herculean efforts and ideas of great significance content. The article substantiates the proposition that the theory of deed of V. Romenets fills cultural-historical psychology with the real content and brings it to a fundamentally new level of development. The second part of the study presents the positions of the concept that sets the guidelines for analyzing the work of V. Romenets, periodization of creativity; the theory of deed is characterized as an explanation of the nature and essence of objectification of mental in action as a cornerstone of historical human existence in culture. According to V. Romenets, the image of a person in the history of culture appears as evidence of the psychology of the era, on this basis, the historical levels of formation of psychological knowledge are distinguished. The components of the theory of deed is given to the words of the scholar: the theory of creativity, the history of world psychology, historical psychology, the life path of a person, philosophy of the transitory, the theory of the sources of human life, a person as an inspiring personality, canonical psychology. The definitions of the components of the main triad in V. Romenets’ thinking are given: person – deed – world. It is noted that due to the work of the scientist, psychology is filled with proper humanistic content and highlights the cultural and historical mission of this science, which is to remind people of the responsibility for what has been done and has not been done, for what has been done and has been lost. It is claimed that the system of knowledge created by the scholar has no analogs in world psychology. The third part of the study analyzes Romenets’ solution to psychology’s main problem, represented by the relationship “subjective – objective”. In this regard, the place of the scholar’s creativity in Ukrainian and world science is determined. It is shown that the theory of deed is constructed by thinking, which is implemented as a deed, the theory of deed is a historical-logical-psychological product, its completion is the logical conclusion of the history of psychology. It is shown that the creativity of V. Romenets is in line with the leading trend in the history of epistemology, which runs from dualism to increasingly meaningful monism. A provision on the principle of involvement is introduced, which fixes the fact of a person’s direct presence in the cognitive process and is further deepened by the idea of the identity of thinking and being. It is shown that the principle of involvement essentially characterizes the creativity of V. Romenets and opens the possibility to see that psychological cognition is carried out by a particular scholar and that the individual in this process lies in the realm of natural as historical-logical-psychological. That which in epistemology acts as anthropocentrism, in psychology arises as the basis of the anthropological approach, the subject of which is the mental of a person as a directly present way of being inherent in it in the being of the world. The positions of the anthropological approach are formulated, it is noted that the approach is formed in the process of analyzing the creativity of V. Romenets and serves to study human life in its specific psychological dimension.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002216782110485
Linda James Myers ◽  
Tania Lodge ◽  
Suzette L. Speight ◽  
Kristee Haggins

This article provides an overview of developments in the field of Black/Africana/Pan African psychology over the past 50 years. It has evolved toward production of psychological knowledge grounded in an emic cultural paradigm consistent with the understandings emerging from classical African civilization and across the Diaspora. The historical context for the development of a Black/Africana cultural paradigm is discussed, including an analysis of the failure of Eurowestern psychology to effectively address the mental health needs of people of African ancestry, particularly as exemplified in the experience of Non-immigrant Africans in the Americas (NIAAs). Readers are introduced to the rise of African-centered cultural frames of reference, values, and psychological models, practices, and strategies. The development of Optimal Psychology or Optimal Conceptual Theory (OCT) is highlighted. OCT is a comprehensive theory successfully implemented, utilized, and researched for more than 40 years. The production of psychological knowledge built upon a cultural paradigm rooted in the wisdom tradition of African deep thought traceable to the birthplace of all humankind is essential to a comprehensive understanding of humanity and will be described.

Светлана Александровна Тарасова

Статья посвящена проблеме взаимодействия сотрудников с осужденными, имеющими психические расстройства, не исключающие вменяемости. Рассмотрены характеристики осужденных данной категории с юридической и психологической точек зрения. Обозначены основные причины появления психических отклонений у осужденных в местах лишения свободы. Подчеркивается, что большинство психических расстройств возникают под влиянием мощных психогенно травмирующих факторов, чаще всего связанных с насилием. Описаны проблемы в работе сотрудников исправительных учреждений с осужденными, имеющими психические аномалии. Автор указывает, что недостатки в работе сотрудников обусловлены недостаточным уровнем профессионально-психологической подготовки, отсутствием специальных знаний и умений, учитывающих специфику работы с рассматриваемой категорией лиц. Определен круг задач, которые нужно решать сотрудникам пенитенциарных учреждений для эффективной работы с осужденными, имеющими психические аномалии. Определено содержание ценностно-мотивационного, когнитивного и действенно-практического компонентов профессиональной компетентности сотрудников исправительных учреждений в аспекте работы с данной категорией осужденных. Выявлены ценностно-мотивационные установки, а также знания и умения, необходимые для эффективной деятельности в данной сфере. Показана значимость гуманистической установки по отношению к этой категории осужденных, ориентации на оказание им помощи и поддержки. Подчеркивается необходимость специальных психологических знаний, умений распознавать психическое расстройство, прогнозировать поведение осужденного и конструктивно с ним взаимодействовать в структуре профессиональной компетентности сотрудника УИС. Обосновывается введение в учебный план вузовской подготовки сотрудников исправительных учреждений факультатива по основам клинической психологии. The article is devoted to the problem of interaction of correctional officers with convicts who have mental disorders that do not exclude sanity. The characteristics of convicts of this category from the legal and psychological points of view are considered. The main reasons for the appearance of mental disorders of convicts in places of deprivation of liberty are identified. It is emphasized that most mental disorders occur under the influence of powerful psychogenically traumatic factors, most often associated with violence. The problems in the work of correctional officers with convicts with mental anomalies are described. The author points out that the shortcomings in the work of employees are due to the insufficient level of professional and psychological training, the lack of special knowledge and skills that take into account the specifics of working with this category of persons. The range of tasks that need to be solved by employees of penitentiary institutions for effective work with convicts with mental anomalies is defined. The content of the value-motivational, cognitive and effective-practical components of the professional competence of correctional officers in the aspect of working with this category of convicts is determined. The value-motivational attitudes, as well as the knowledge and skills necessary for effective activity in this field are identified. The importance of a humanistic attitude towards this category of convicts, orientation to providing them with assistance and support is shown. The need for special psychological knowledge, the ability to recognize a mental disorder, predict the behavior of a convicted person and interact constructively with him in the structure of the professional competence of a correctional officer is emphasized. The article substantiates the introduction of an elective course on the basics of clinical psychology into the curriculum of university training of correctional officers.

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