inaccurate information
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2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-25
Sayati Mandia

Background: Hepatoma  or  hepatocellular  carcinoma  (KHS)  is  a  primary  malignant  tumor  of  the  liver originating from hepatocytes and the 3rd cause of death from cancer in the world. The history of a hepatoma patient can be seen based on the patient's medical record. The filling of medical record is done by doctors, nurses and medical record personel. However, in medical record  filling, incompleteness  is often found and cause inaccurate information. Accuracy coding important for financial of hospital.Methods: Type  of  research  is  quantitative  descriptive,  which  is  to  determine  the  completeness  and accuracy of  the  medical  records  for  hepatoma  cases and procedure code using criteria  for  document  quantitative  analysis in a public hospital, Padang. The study  design  used  a  retrospective  analytical  approach. The variables in the study were completeness of discharge summary and accuracy of hepatoma procedure based on ICD-9 CM. The population in this study were inpatient medical record documents for Hepatoma cases at a public hospital, Padang from June to August 2019, which were 45 medical record documents (discharge summary form) of hepatoma inpatients.Results: From 45 hepatoma patient medical record documents, filling of item name, medical record number, date of admission, indication of the patient being treated, history, physical examination, diagnostic examination, procedures, medications given, medicines used at home, PPBS doctor's signature, DPJP doctor's hand is complete 100% . Highest incompleteness of filling was found  at code ICD (47%) and address item (43%). From 45 discharge summary , accuracy procedure code at hepatome case shows 100 % accurate in ultrasonoggrafi abdomen and ultrasonografi thorax. While that EKG 98% accurate and 95 % rontgen thorax.Conclusions: In general, item data of discahrege summary for hepatoma medical record are completenes; highest incompleteness of filling was found  at code ICD (47%) and address item (43%); Accuracy of code procedure more than 90% in each code procedure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 366-376
S.N. Kotlyarov ◽  
A.L. Shumova ◽  
L.V. Klishunova ◽  

This review reveals the current challenges to nursing education in improving health literacy given the high availability of information and rapidly developing e-health technologies. Health literacy is recognized by the global community as a strategic element of public health, especially with the heavy burden of the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic is accompanied by new factual data appearing in the available Internet environment, frequently changing recommendations and guidelines, including misinformation. The main source of information for the public is becoming the media. E-health literacy for dealing with too much and inaccurate information about current COVID-19 infodemics requires a unique set of skills. These include the ability to find, evaluate, integrate, and apply health information from the online environment to prioritize their own problems. The new health literacy challenge is e-health media literacy. This is the understanding of information, the ability to distinguish between explicit and implicit meaning of messages, and to benefit from media messages. The most reliable sources of relevant information for patients are, in most cases, the websites of medical organizations. Preparing and posting informational and educational materials for the public on health care providers' Web sites is inextricably linked to the development of media literacy by the nurses themselves. Therefore, one of the priority areas in the training of nurses is the formation of media literacy to improve electronic health literacy of the population.

Andrii A. Danylevskyi ◽  
Mykhailo A. Akimov ◽  
Vladyslav I. Kutsenko ◽  
Oleksandr I. Savka ◽  
Tetiana Ye. Leonenko

The aim of this study was to identify problems related to the establishment of criminal liability for providing inaccurate information about the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic, and propose the ways to solve them. To aim involved the following methods: systemic approach, descriptive statistics, comparative approach, descriptive analysis, pragmatic approach, and forecasting. The effectiveness of health authorities’ response to outbreaks of diseases depends on the completeness and accuracy of the information disseminated. In fact, national legislations do not provide criminal liability for providing inaccurate information about the epidemiological situation in a pandemic. Therefore, there is a need to develop Interim Guidelines to ensure the accuracy of information on the epidemiological situation in a pandemic. A rule that criminalizes the provision of inaccurate information or the dissemination of inaccurate information about the incidence in an epidemic and/or pandemic, should be one of the rules on liability for crimes against national security, and should be punishable by imprisonment for a certain period and deprivation of the right to hold certain positions and engage in certain activities. This study is not exhaustive and opens up prospects for further research in this area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 118 (52) ◽  
pp. e2112266118
Kathleen Hall Jamieson ◽  
Daniel Romer ◽  
Patrick E. Jamieson ◽  
Kenneth M. Winneg ◽  
Josh Pasek

Although declines in intent to vaccinate had been identified in international surveys conducted between June and October 2020, including in the United States, some individuals in the United States who previously expressed reluctance said, in spring 2021, that they were willing to vaccinate. That change raised the following questions: What factors predicted an increased willingness to inoculate against COVID-19? And, to what extent was the change driven by COVID-specific factors, such as personal worry about the disease and COVID-specific misinformation, and to what extent by background (non–COVID-specific) factors, such as trust in medical authorities, accurate/inaccurate information about vaccination, vaccination history, and patterns of media reliance? This panel study of more than 8,000 individuals found that trust in health authorities anchored acceptance of vaccination and that knowledge about vaccination, flu vaccination history, and patterns of media reliance played a more prominent role in shifting individuals from vaccination hesitance to acceptance than COVID-specific factors. COVID-specific conspiracy beliefs did play a role, although a lesser one. These findings underscore the need to reinforce trust in health experts, facilitate community engagement with them, and preemptively communicate the benefits and safety record of authorized vaccines. The findings suggest, as well, the need to identify and deploy messaging able to undercut health-related conspiracy beliefs when they begin circulating.

2021 ◽  
pp. 966-979

The self-driving autonomous cars is becoming an increasingly popular concept all around the world but the area of self-driving two wheelers is still under developed. For developing countries like India, two wheelers are affordable than cars for most of the population. The project aims at developing intelligent self-balancing bike using artificial intelligence because the major problem in developing an autonomous bike is in the area of balancing. Even though there are many working mechanisms available for self-balancing of bike, the implementation of AI will be an edge over others from the point of computational power requirement and the programming complexity incurred. A prototype of the bike was developed with reaction wheel mechanism for self-balancing. The mechanism was fully controlled by AI by preventing the need of explicit programming for balancing which was the earlier technique used in self-balancing bike. Reinforcement learning, a type of machine learning technique is adopted for this purpose. The policy gradient algorithm was used to make the bike learn by itself for balancing. Even though the AI algorithm worked well in the virtual environment (balancing a cart-pole) it fails in the real environment. (i.e. it fails to balance the bike). It is because of the noisy data from the sensor, which gives inaccurate information about the orientation of the bike. The noise in the data is due to the vibration of the body when the reaction wheel rotates. This could be solved if the AI is fed with accurate information about the orientation of the vehicle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (Fall/Winter) ◽  
pp. 1-19
William Murphy

This paper explores the threat of disinformation to American society. Focusing on social and cable news media as the primary disseminators of disinformation, it examines how the very design and nature of these two mediums promote and stimulate the intentional and viral spread of wholly inaccurate information as well as the significant and tangible negative consequences experienced across American society as a result. The paper subsequently proposes a legal solution to this dilemma in the form of a repeal of Section 230 paired with a reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine. The background, history, and effect of each are thoroughly discussed, and the prevailing legal and policy arguments against their respective repeal and reinstatement are considered and countered in concluding that the proposed solution would, to some degree, likely promote a more civil and informed American society better equipped to confront modern challenges.

2021 ◽  
pp. 229255032110643
Sahil Chawla ◽  
Jeffrey Ding ◽  
Leena Mazhar ◽  
Faisal Khosa

Background: YouTube is currently the most popular online platform and is increasingly being utilized by patients as a resource on aesthetic surgery. Yet, its content is largely unregulated and this may result in dissemination of unreliable and inaccurate information. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality and reliability of YouTube liposuction content available to potential patients. Methods: YouTube was screened using the keywords: “liposuction,” “lipoplasty,” and “body sculpting.” The top 50 results for each term were screened for relevance. Videos which met the inclusion criteria were scored using the Global Quality Score (GQS) for educational value and the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) criteria for video reliability. Educational value, reliability, video views, likes, dislikes, duration and publishing date were compared between authorship groups, high/low reliability, and high/low educational value. Results: A total of 150 videos were screened, of which 89 videos met the inclusion criteria. Overall, the videos had low reliability (mean JAMA score = 2.78, SD = 1.15) and low educational value (mean GQS score = 3.55, SD = 1.31). Videos uploaded by physicians accounted for 83.1% percent of included videos and had a higher mean educational value and reliability score than those by patients. Video views, likes, dislikes, comments, popularity, and length were significantly greater in videos with high reliability. Conclusions: To ensure liposuction-seeking patients are appropriately educated and informed, surgeons and their patients may benefit from an analysis of educational quality and reliability of such online content. Surgeons may wish to discuss online sources of information with patients.

Martijn van Beek ◽  
Ray Bull ◽  
Melissa Chen

AbstractSkillfully presenting evidence/information to suspects is one of the few interviewing techniques that increases the likelihood of guilty suspects providing information or making a confession, without making innocent ones do so as well. It is important that this evidence/information is correct, since deliberately disclosing incorrect evidence poses some risks. Also, in real-life interviews, police interviewers may unwittingly disclose incorrect evidence, for example when a witness was mistaken and provided the police with incorrect information. The present study examined the behavior of fifty police interviewers in interviews with “suspects” of a scripted crime: what is their response when the interviewees try to explain to them that some of the evidence/information just disclosed by them is incorrect? Eleven interviewers responded adaptively (by actively picking up on this new information), 35 responded in a neutral way and four responded maladaptively (by discrediting the interviewee’s claim). Experience and a full interview training had a significant negative relationship with adaptiveness. These results indicate that, when preparing and conducting interviews with suspects, greater awareness is needed of the possibility that some of the evidence/information that is to be disclosed could be incorrect, and therefore it is crucial that suspects’ responses which suggest such may be the case are taken into account.

Oleksandr Maslak ◽  
Yurii Oherchuk ◽  
Tetiana Maslak ◽  

The semantic load of the concept of "strategy" is analyzed, it is determined that the meaning of this term has changed over the last hundred years depending on the object and subject of research; The main three key concepts of strategy definition are considered, namely classical, conceptual and complex, which were singled out by Western scholars and which were partially supported by Ukrainian, as well as philosophical and organizational-managerial concept, which are singled out by purely domestic scientists. in organizations, as well as those that are due to the present, namely: change management, rapid response strategy, strategic alliances, customer relationship management system, mental aikido strategy and the strategy of the "Blue Ocean". To develop strategic alternatives, it is recommended to take into account the following information: the main activity of the company; mission and vision, values; financial indicators; production capacity; high-quality staff; technological and technical capabilities, etc. Based on the research, using methods of generalization, observation, comparison, recommended complex stages of choosing a company development strategy based on the formation of strategic alternatives, identified risks that strategy developers may encounter in implementing this process, which are often subjective and can be minimized when drawing up a risk management plan. These include a vague mission and vision of the company; insufficient level of competence of employees involved in the project development strategy of the company; a narrow set of tools used in the evaluation and selection of strategic alternatives; use of inaccurate information, information that has nothing to do with the choice of strategy, the choice of questionable sources of information and attitude to the process of choosing a strategy based on strategic alternatives as a formality, etc. The recommended stages of choosing a development strategy based on the formation of strategic alternatives will allow the company to take a more comprehensive approach to processing and analyzing information for alternatives, and if necessary to adjust the existing strategy or introduce additional, to have spare processed work in the portfolio.

2021 ◽  
pp. 027623742110479
Christiana Iordanou ◽  
Melissa L. Allen ◽  
Lara Warmelink

This study investigated whether the content of children’s drawings of an event changes over three successive interviews about that event. It also assessed whether children recall more details verbally than they draw. Twenty-seven 3- to 6-year old children witnessed a live event which ended with one actor stealing a cuddly toy. They were interviewed about it 1 day, 2 weeks, and 6 months later. At each interview, children were asked to make a drawing of the event while narrating what happened. We analyzed the content of the drawings for seven features relevant to the event as well as inaccurate information. Children’s inclusion of “the perpetrator” and “the victim” decreased over time but the other features remained stable. Children verbally reported significantly more details than they drew. Our findings suggest that children provide less information in drawings than in verbal reports, but this information may be more reliable and stable compared to verbal reports over multiple interviews.

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