quality and reliability
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أحمد ماهر خفاجة شحاتة

Despite the availability of millions of information resources on the internet, the Arabic digital content represents a relatively small percentage compared with the information available in other languages. The size of Arabic content, the lack of an adequate number of Arabic databases that organize this content and make it available to the Arab reader, and the lack of novelty and originality are the main issues that feature the Arabic content on the internet. The aim of the current study is to clarify the Arab scholars’ perception regarding the quality, reliability, and suitability of Arabic digital content that is available on the internet. A quantitative approach was adopted in this study in order to answer the research questions. A questionnaire was distributed online among a sample of Arab scholars to determine the quality and reliability of the Arabic digital content. Moreover, the questionnaire tried to identify the extent to which the current Arabic digital content meets the growing information needs, to identify the Arab scholars’ uses of Arabic content, and to discover the criteria that determine the digital content suitability. The findings of this study revealed that Arab scholars believe that Arabic digital content is weak and there is a lack of originality. In addition, the results indicated that Arabic digital content on the internet does not satisfy the scholars' needs which enforce them to use English information resources to compensates for the lack of Arabic resources. The study recommended the necessity of establishing mechanisms to support Arabic digital content and increase the academic institutions' role in enhancing Arabic digital content by encouraging and supporting scholarly research in the Arabic language.

Geriatrics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
Natalia Maria Hawryluk ◽  
Małgorzata Stompór ◽  
Ewelina Zofia Joniec

(1) Background: Evaluation of the quality and reliability of the frailty syndrome videos available on YouTube platform was the aim of this study. (2) Methods: The observational study included 75 videos retrieved by searching seven terms related to frailty syndrome on YouTube. The quality and reliability of the videos were measured using three different tools: quality criteria for consumer health information (DISCERN), the Global Quality Score (GQS), and the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA). The video content was categorized according to the following characteristics: video provider, duration, view count, average daily views of the video, average daily views of a channel, channel subscribers, number of days since upload date, likes, dislikes, comments, the external webpages linked to the videos. (3) Results: The videos had a mean duration of 375 s and an average number of views of 1114. The quality of 17 videos assessed in the study was found to be high, 48—intermediate, and 10—low. The high-quality videos had the longest duration, the highest number of views, and points for the DISCERN score. The physician uploaders had the highest mean DISCERN and mean GQS scores, the highest number of views, and the longest duration but the hospital channels had the highest JAMA score. (4) Conclusions: YouTube can be a valuable source of medical information for patients and caregivers. The quality of videos mostly depends on the authorship and the source of video providers—physicians, academic, and health care-related organizations provide the best quality content based on professional medical knowledge.

2021 ◽  
Burak Tanyıldız ◽  
Murat Oklar

Abstract Background: The aim of this study was to analyze the quality of videos on YouTube as educational resources about uveitis.Methods: An online YouTube search was performed using the keyword ‘‘uveitis’’. Total view counts, duration of videos, publishing dates, likes and dislikes, numbers of comments, and source of videos were recorded. Educational quality and accuracy of the video content were evaluated using the DISCERN score, Global Quality Score (GQS), Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) score. Video popularity was also evaluated using the video power index (VPI) score. All videos were classified according to publishers and types of categories.Results: From among the 200 videos analyzed, 94 were included. The mean DISCERN score was 38.5 ± 13.2 (poor), the mean JAMA score was 1.8 ± 0.6 (fair), and the GQS was 2.5 ± 0.9 (fair). There were positive correlations between the three checklist (p < .001). VPI was not correlated with each score (p >.05). The most common upload sources were ophthalmologist (24.4%) and YouTube channel (20.2%). Regarding content, 47 videos (50%) medical education, 26 videos (27.6%) patient education, 16 videos (17%) patient experience, 5 videos (5.3%) surgical procedures in patient with uveitis. While the most popular videos were uploaded by doctors other than ophthalmologists, the videos uploaded by academic institutions and associations were found to be higher educational quality and reliability scores. Conclusions: Uveitis videos on YouTube are poor quality and reliability and are not adequately educational for patients. Therefore, the physicians must be aware of the limitations of YouTube and ensure the flow of correct medical information to patients.

2021 ◽  
pp. 229255032110643
Sahil Chawla ◽  
Jeffrey Ding ◽  
Leena Mazhar ◽  
Faisal Khosa

Background: YouTube is currently the most popular online platform and is increasingly being utilized by patients as a resource on aesthetic surgery. Yet, its content is largely unregulated and this may result in dissemination of unreliable and inaccurate information. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality and reliability of YouTube liposuction content available to potential patients. Methods: YouTube was screened using the keywords: “liposuction,” “lipoplasty,” and “body sculpting.” The top 50 results for each term were screened for relevance. Videos which met the inclusion criteria were scored using the Global Quality Score (GQS) for educational value and the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) criteria for video reliability. Educational value, reliability, video views, likes, dislikes, duration and publishing date were compared between authorship groups, high/low reliability, and high/low educational value. Results: A total of 150 videos were screened, of which 89 videos met the inclusion criteria. Overall, the videos had low reliability (mean JAMA score = 2.78, SD = 1.15) and low educational value (mean GQS score = 3.55, SD = 1.31). Videos uploaded by physicians accounted for 83.1% percent of included videos and had a higher mean educational value and reliability score than those by patients. Video views, likes, dislikes, comments, popularity, and length were significantly greater in videos with high reliability. Conclusions: To ensure liposuction-seeking patients are appropriately educated and informed, surgeons and their patients may benefit from an analysis of educational quality and reliability of such online content. Surgeons may wish to discuss online sources of information with patients.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2131 (4) ◽  
pp. 042076
E Dulskiy ◽  
V Kruchek ◽  
P Kolpahchyan

Abstract The article is devoted to the assessment of the comparative experimental studies’ results of various technologies for drying impregnated insulation of power electrical equipment in the process of manufacturing and repair: standard technology, which provides for convective drying using high-power electric ovens, and the proposed technology and methods for accelerated drying in hardware complexes using infrared (IR) radiation. In particular, the article presents the results of the polymer insulation surface microstructure analysis after drying by the indicated methods. The research was carried out in an industrial environment, using specialized certified equipment. In theoretical terms, the article presents the calculations on the rationale for the use of IR radiation during drying of a multilayer insulating structure of various compositions. The studies carried out confirm the hypothesis about the formation of microcavities on the surface and in the thickness of the polymer insulation when using convection during drying, which reduce the quality and reliability of the electrical equipment insulation as a whole. At the same time, the proposed technology and technique for accelerated drying of electrical equipment insulation using IR-radiation gives an opportunity to improve the quality of the resulting polymer insulation, increasing its reliability. In addition, this technology can significantly increase the productivity of insulation repair and reduce energy costs.

Nazlı BATAR ◽  
Gizem AŞKIN ◽  
Elif Beyza İPEK ◽  
Sezen SEVDİN ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3 (113)) ◽  
pp. 92-100
Sergii Kiforuk

The lack of recommendations in the normative and technical documentation related to fiber-optic communication lines (FOCL) for assessing their technical condition necessitated devising a method to control the lines' quality and reliability of operation. The method creates the basis for calculating the quality and reliability indicators of FOCL operation and suggests measures to improve them. It determines the methods of control, as well as the acquisition, accounting, and analysis of damage statistics with and without interruption of communication. The graphic sequence of implementation of the stages of the method demonstrates that resolving the task to control these indicators should involve: – managing the acquisition and actual acquisition of operational data on damages (the causes, nature, quantity, the duration of communication breakdown and complete elimination of damage); – determining the quality and reliability indicators of FOCL operation annually; – analysis of the obtained results and the development (correction) of measures to comply with the norms of these indicators; – the implementation of measures to comply with the norms of quality and reliability of FOCL operation (if necessary). Based on the operational data from a line operator acquired over three years in the specified climatic zone (a cable of the type OKLBg-3 DA12-3×4E-0.4F3.5/0.22N18-12/0), the methodical component of the method was examined. The obtained results on the operational quality (damage density, average damage duration, break (downtime) of communication) and reliability indicators (FOCL readiness factor) of a subscriber access network without reservation showed that the line had low efficiency. The communication breakdown over three years amounted to K=12,569.8 stream∙hours. The downtime at this volume of digital stream∙hours has led to significant economic losses. Line operators have been given recommendations for the proper FOCL operation and ensuring a normalized value of the line readiness coefficient. To this end, it is necessary to reduce the time to re-link and prolong the line's failure-free operation

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