relativistic fluid
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Universe ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (11) ◽  
pp. 413
Neven Bilić ◽  
Hrvoje Nikolić

We study the conditions under which an analog acoustic geometry of a relativistic fluid in flat spacetime can take the same form as the Schwarzschild black hole geometry. We find that the speed of sound must necessarily be equal to the speed of light. Since the speed of the fluid cannot exceed the speed of light, this implies that analog Schwarzschild geometry necessarily breaks down behind the horizon.

2021 ◽  
pp. 189-202
Boris Khots

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (8) ◽  
Sebastian Grieninger ◽  
Ashish Shukla

Abstract A relativistic fluid in 3+1 dimensions with a global U(1) symmetry admits nine independent static susceptibilities at the second order in the hydrodynamic derivative expansion, which capture the response of the fluid in thermal equilibrium to the presence of external time-independent sources. Of these, seven are time-reversal $$ \mathbbm{T} $$ T invariant and can be obtained from Kubo formulas involving equilibrium two-point functions of the energy-momentum tensor and the U(1) current. Making use of the gauge/gravity duality along with the aforementioned Kubo formulas, we compute all seven $$ \mathbbm{T} $$ T invariant second order susceptibilities for the $$ \mathcal{N} $$ N = 4 supersymmetric SU(Nc) Yang-Mills plasma in the limit of large Nc and at strong ’t-Hooft coupling λ. In particular, we consider the plasma to be charged under a U(1) subgroup of the global SU(4) R-symmetry of the theory. We present analytic expressions for three of the seven $$ \mathbbm{T} $$ T invariant susceptibilities, while the remaining four are computed numerically. The dual gravitational description for the charged plasma in thermal equilibrium in the absence of background electric and magnetic fields is provided by the asymptotically AdS5 Reissner-Nordström black brane geometry. The susceptibilities are extracted by studying perturbations to the bulk geometry as well as to the bulk gauge field. We also present an estimate of the second order transport coefficient κ, which determines the response of the fluid to the presence of background curvature, for QCD, and compare it with previous determinations made using different techniques.

Pramana ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 95 (3) ◽  
Jayanta Dey ◽  
Sarthak Satapathy ◽  
Prasanta Murmu ◽  
Sabyasachi Ghosh

2021 ◽  
pp. 136519
F. Becattini ◽  
M. Buzzegoli ◽  
A. Palermo

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
Nils Andersson ◽  
Gregory L. Comer

AbstractThe relativistic fluid is a highly successful model used to describe the dynamics of many-particle systems moving at high velocities and/or in strong gravity. It takes as input physics from microscopic scales and yields as output predictions of bulk, macroscopic motion. By inverting the process—e.g., drawing on astrophysical observations—an understanding of relativistic features can lead to insight into physics on the microscopic scale. Relativistic fluids have been used to model systems as “small” as colliding heavy ions in laboratory experiments, and as large as the Universe itself, with “intermediate” sized objects like neutron stars being considered along the way. The purpose of this review is to discuss the mathematical and theoretical physics underpinnings of the relativistic (multi-) fluid model. We focus on the variational principle approach championed by Brandon Carter and collaborators, in which a crucial element is to distinguish the momenta that are conjugate to the particle number density currents. This approach differs from the “standard” text-book derivation of the equations of motion from the divergence of the stress-energy tensor in that one explicitly obtains the relativistic Euler equation as an “integrability” condition on the relativistic vorticity. We discuss the conservation laws and the equations of motion in detail, and provide a number of (in our opinion) interesting and relevant applications of the general theory. The formalism provides a foundation for complex models, e.g., including electromagnetism, superfluidity and elasticity—all of which are relevant for state of the art neutron-star modelling.

Marlos O. Ribas ◽  
Fernando P. Devecchi ◽  
Gilberto M. Kremer

We present a model of an early universe where the sources of gravitational effects are a scalar field, a relativistic fluid based on Schutz’s model and a self-interacting fermionic field. From the classical analysis based on the Hamiltonian formalism we show that the scale factor of the universe can be expressed in terms of a conformal time that emerges from the fluid’s degrees of freedom. From the Wheeler–DeWitt equation, a wave packet solution as function of the conformal time is determined. It is shown that the combination of the scalar and the fermionic field furnishes a consistent quantum regime and a smooth transition to the classical description, working with the aid of the Bohmian mechanics and in particular with the concept of quantum potential. The influence of the presence of the scalar field is also discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2 Jul-Dec) ◽  
pp. 020206
Francisco S Guzmán Murillo ◽  
Iván Alvarez Ríos ◽  
Alejandro Romero Amezcua ◽  
José A González

In this academic paper we present in detail the numerical solution of the accretion of a perfect fluid onto a black hole. The conditions are very simple, we consider a radial flux being accreted by a Schwarzschild black hole. We present two scenarios: 1) the test field case in which the fluid does not affect the geometry of the black hole space-time background, and 2) the full non-linear scenario, in which the geometry of the space-time evolves simultaneously with the fluid according to Einstein's equations. In the two scenarios we describe the black hole space-time in horizon penetrating coordinates, so that it is possible to visualize that accretion actually takes place within the numerical domain. For the evolution of matter we use the Valencia formulation of relativistic fluid dynamics. In the non-linear scenario we solve the equations of geometry using the ADM formulation of General Relativity, with very simple and intuitive gauge and boundary conditions, and include diagnostics related to the Apparent Horizon and Event Horizon growth. In view of the recent spectacular discoveries by the Event Horizon Telescope collaboration and further discoveries to come, the aim of this paper is to provide the necessary tools for interested graduate students in Black Hole Astrophysics, to enter into the accretion modeling starting from a considerable advanced starting point.

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