mass medium
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Dite Liepa ◽  
Kristīne Mežapuķe ◽  

As evidenced by the studies referred to in the introduction of the paper, television is the most popular mass medium both in Latvia and throughout the European Union, and it plays a key role in shaping the linguistic environment. Therefore, it is important that at least the speech of journalists and programme hosts on television corresponds to the norms of literary Latvian. Lately, viewers have been particularly concerned about the quality of language. The rather low quality of Latvian used in mass media stems from both the speech commonly used by the society and the journalists’ Latvian language skills. A knowledgeable journalist is regarded as an authority, and viewers put their trust in authoritative and erudite speech. However, journalists sometimes lack awareness of their role and influence on the wide audience watching, evaluating, and quoting them. Examples were gathered from the most popular television channels in Latvia that broadcast in Latvian – LTV1, TV3, Rīga 24TV, S-TV – and the following programmes: “Rīta Panorāma”, “900 sekundes” (broadcast on LNT in 2019), “TV3 Ziņas”, “Bez tabu”, “Tieša runa”, etc. The examples show that there are numerous errors, linguistic inaccuracies, and stylistic shortcomings, particularly regarding lexis. The aim of the paper is to focus on the most common errors, those being lexicostylistic errors and the widespread use of colloquial speech. Although a mixture of styles is common nowadays and colloquial speech has become an integral part of publicist style, its usage in TV programmes cannot always be justified. A short insight into new words coined by journalists is provided as well; however, these words are not included in dictionaries and are unlikely to become neologisms. The conclusion of the paper focuses on the causes of errors and advice regarding the improvement of the journalists’ language.

2021 ◽  
pp. 71-107
Lonán Ó Briain

Following the Geneva Accords of 1954, the VOV employed an array of ensembles that performed newly composed red music and revolutionary songs (ca khúc cách mạng) from the First Indochina War. Chapter 3 examines the construction of the DRV’s broadcasting and performing arts infrastructure at a time when radio was the principal mass medium for sound-based communications and the primary source for news and cultural programming. These infrastructural developments coincided with an escalation of tensions in the Second Indochina War (1955–75), when the DRV used radio to inundate southern listeners with their propaganda. With a particular focus on the central site for cultural production (state radio) and the most prominent musical form of the era (red music), this chapter illustrates how the DRV’s Ministry of Culture used radio productions on socialist themes as technologies of governmentality. Broadcasters reified the roles of men, women, and children in the ears and minds of their listening public. Their productions also played a crucial role in defining cultural boundaries between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie as broadcasters sought to sonically territorialize the socialist state. Based on interviews with former station employees, analyses of iconic songs, and archival documents, the research suggests the ongoing veneration of singers, songs, and stories from this golden age of radio music constructs a particular narrative about Vietnamese history that commemorates the achievements of the CPV and perpetuates its control in the reform era.

Oleksandra-Mariia Dzhavadian

The article discusses the importance of social advertising impact on physical health and mental health. Global and domestic social advertising campaigns on mental health are studied, their orientation, goals and implementation are analyzed. The article considers some aspects of social advertising in Ukraine and abroad. It is described that social advertising performs functions in the system of social work and what tasks it can perform as a mass medium in the context of social work. Statistical data on the incidence of mental disorders in Ukraine are analyzed. International projects to improve mental health have been identified, such as the approval by the World Health Organization of the Comprehensive Plan of Action in the Field of Mental Health. The level of quality of life depends on the state of mental health, due to which a person can feel himself / herself as a full and significant part of public life and be a worthy citizen of his country. The population, which has a good level of mental health, shows labour productivity, active social position, unity, social peace and stability. It has a positive impact on the economic and social development of the country. An analysis of theoretical works of domestic experts and foreign publications shows that social advertising could prevent, promote socialization, play the role of social worker and improve the social climate in the country, warn society about certain problems and prevent their spread. It was also concluded that social advertising provides an opportunity to implement social projects that can not only raise awareness of the importance of mental health of the population of Ukraine but also directly involve people in their implementation and the formation of a healthy Ukrainian society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 76 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-71
A. T. Nagieva ◽  
A. Yerlan ◽  

Periodicals are defined as publications issued at regular intervals by a certain number of issues numbered, given the same title and issued in the same type. In addition, periodicals tend to continue publishing without a deadline and have an editorial board. Periodicals traditionally include newspapers and magazines, periodical bulletins and periodical collections. The totality of mass periodicals is called the press. As a mass medium, periodicals have a number of properties of discursive meaningful communication, characterized by completeness, multidimensionality and evidence of judgments. The duration of operation in the media market and the established reputation provide greater persuasiveness and purposefulness of the audience's perception.

Quaerendo ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 95-122
Juan Gomis ◽  
Jeroen Salman

Abstract In this article we compare Dutch penny prints with Spanish Aleluyas, focusing on three specific functions of this premodern mass medium: popularising and adapting theatre plays; standardising (folk/fairy) tales; adapting and popularising literary classics. Via these functions we address the discrepancies between the two countries considering the materiality of the penny prints, the growth of the production, but also the transition from a predominantly religious, towards a more profane content. Striking was the lack of educative and edifying initiatives in Spain in contrast to the Dutch ideological strategies. We observed some interesting similarities as well. Although in both countries penny prints often conformed to current ideologies and institutions, there were instances in which penny prints and aleluyas were used as instruments of social satire or resistance. A few similar strange twists in the adaptations of literary classics, seem to suggest some form of transnational exchange or at least imitation.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (9) ◽  
pp. 2443
R. Z. Sayyed ◽  
S. S. Shaikh ◽  
S. J. Wani ◽  
Md Tabish Rehman ◽  
Mohammad F. Al Ajmi ◽  

The present study was aimed to evaluate the suitability of agro-wastes and crude vegetable oils for the cost-effective production of poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), to evaluate growth kinetics and PHB production in Alcaligenes faecalis RZS4 and Pseudomonas sp. RZS1 with these carbon substrates and to study the biodegradation of PHB accumulated by these cultures. Alcaligenes faecalis RZS4 and Pseudomonas sp. RZS1 accumulates higher amounts of PHB corn (79.90% of dry cell mass) and rice straw (66.22% of dry cell mass) medium respectively. The kinetic model suggests that the Pseudomonas sp. RZS1 follows the Monod model more closely than A. faecalis RZS4. Both the cultures degrade their PHB extract under the influence of PHB depolymerase. Corn waste and rice straw appear as the best and cost-effective substrates for the sustainable production of PHB from Alcaligenes faecalis RZS4 and Pseudomonas sp. RZS1. The biopolymer accumulated by these organisms is biodegradable in nature. The agro-wastes and crude vegetable oils are good and low-cost sources of nutrients for the growth and production of PHB and other metabolites. Their use would lower the production cost of PHB and the low-cost production will reduce the sailing price of PHB-based products. This would promote the large-scale commercialization and popularization of PHB as an ecofriendly bioplastic/biopolymer.

R.Z. Sayyed ◽  
S. S. Shaikh ◽  
S. J. Wani ◽  
Md Tabish Rehman ◽  
Mohamed F. Alajmi ◽  

The present study was aimed to evaluate the suitability of agro-wastes and crude vegetable oils for the cost effective production of poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), to evaluate growth kinetics and PHB production in Alcaligenes faecalis RZS4 and Pseudomonas sp. RZS1 with these carbon substrates and to study the biodegradation of PHB accumulated by these cultures. Alcaligenes faecalis RZS4 and Pseudomonas sp. RZS1 accumulate higher amounts of PHB corn (79.90% of dry cell mass) and rice straw (66.22% of dry cell mass) medium respectively. The kinetic model suggests that the Pseudomonas sp. RZS1 follows the Monod model more closely than A. faecalis RZS4. Both the cultures degrade their own PHB extract under the influence of PHB depolymerase. Corn waste and rice straw appear as the best and cost-effective substrates for the sustainable production of PHB from Alcaligenes faecalis RZS4 and Pseudomonas sp. RZS1. The biopolymer accumulated by these organisms is biodegradable in nature. The agro-wastes and crude vegetable oils are good and low cost sources of nutrients for the growth and production of PHN and other metabolites. Their use would lower the production cost of PHN and the low cost production will reduce the sailing price of PHB based products. This would promote the large scale commercialization and popularization of PHB as ecofriendly bioplastic/biopolymer.

First Monday ◽  
2021 ◽  
Matthew Hannah

We are entering a dark age for information literacy, an age predicated on a strange reversal of accepted wisdom. Whereas early Internet advocates predicted a utopian age of information access and literacy, the twenty-first century has witnessed a paradoxical technological expansion of communications technologies and, at the same, the growth and spread of bizarre, vast, complex conspiracies. Although many argue that belief in conspiracies is the mark of a “crippled epistemology” (Sunstein and Vermeule, 2009), I argue that this particular fusion of information access and ignorance is emblematic of what Chun (2015) has described as the combination of individual content creation within a mass medium. It is our incredible access to information, when combined with anonymized mass communications platforms, which has exacerbated networked conspiratorial thinking and given rise to the most complex example of this problematic: QAnon. In this article, I analyze QAnon through the lens of a theoretical frame I call the information dark age, and I argue that QAnon represents a new paranoid permutation, which takes advantage of information technology to spread its shadow across the Internet. The power of the QAnon conspiracy is its protean nature, its ability to grow quickly through crowd-sourced contributions to the overarching theory. Perhaps even more disturbing is that QAnon has weaponized this network in an effort to derail the 2020 presidential election in favor of President Trump and spread misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic. Without a dramatic evolution in our current media infrastructure, we are facing the increasing spread and worsening effect of this information dark age.

2021 ◽  
pp. 226-240
Лілія Шутяк ◽  

The article examines the concept of literary reportage and the specificity of its functioning in Ukrainian printed and electronic media, with particular emphasis on the differences between traditional and literary reportage. The basis of literary reportage is informativeness (fact). As in the process of preparing traditional reportage, the journalist collects facts, interrogates witnesses, works with documents and archives, examines the situation and the characters of the future text. Analyticality manifests itself here in the understanding of the received information, methods of describing the problem and searching for its solutions, conducting observations both „from the inside” and „from the outside”. In order to be as faithful as possible on the one hand, and to introduce an emotional color – on the other, reporters use literary means; it is the lexical and stylistic features that give the reportage originality. The aforementioned elements appear both in literary and traditional reportage, but in the first case they are more emphasized, and in the second – they are kept within the limits appropriate for news journalism. Thus, literary reportage is the genre that exists on the border of journalism and literature, accumulating the features of both. At the same time, it remains necessary to separate the concept of belles-lettres from literary reportage. In the contemporary Ukrainian media, the genre of literary reportage is just beginning to develop; the Internet and the blogosphere play an important role in this process, where its model realizations can be observed most often. A lot of literary reportages can be found, among others, on the websites of, INSIDER and Reporters. In the printed media, literary reportage appears relatively rarely, exceptions include trip stories written in the form of reportage (magazines „MANDRY”, „Ukrainian Week”, „Kraina”) or literary reports found in „Gazeta po Ukraińsku”. The small share of this genre in the Ukrainian media space is related to several reasons. In the case of literary reportage, the length of the texts varies, but most of them are long, which means that they do not always fit in with the traditional formats of the mass media. In addition, the preparation and writing of this type of material requires more time and – when the message quickly becomes outdated – it often turns out that it is no longer worth publishing. The Internet has significantly accelerated the pace of journalistic work, at the same time moving it to a different level of quality. Literary reportage is not an ordinary mass medium, it is journalism with literary elements, and as such it forces a specific type of reading. It requires time that the average Internet user, exposed to distracting temptations (advertising, spam, social messaging), often does not have. All this causes an intense transfer of reportage from the media space to the book space, where the audience is more formed and better prepared to accept this kind of journalistic and literary experiments. And so in Ukraine, since 2017, there has been a publishing house of reportage and documentary literature „Czowen” (Lviv). So far, it has published over 10 books on literary reportage, both by Ukrainian and foreign authors. Particularly noteworthy are the books from the Tempora publishing house, which has been organizing a literary reportage competition since 2012 and presenting the best examples of this genre in anthologies and in the form of individual publications.

2021 ◽  
Matthias Kast

Oktober 1907: In Bamberg herrscht ein unerbittliches Ringen um die Vorherrschaft über den Preis für das populäre Gesellschaftsgetränk Bier. Die Hersteller wollen den Gerstensaft stadtweit um zwei Pfennige pro Liter erhöhen, das trinkfreudige Publikum sieht das anders und rebelliert. Den anschließenden „Bierkrieg“ tragen verschiedenste Konfliktparteien aus – Brauer und Biertrinker, Wirte und Zeitungen. Und dennoch bleibt er ein Krieg ohne Schwertstrich und Blutvergießen. Vielmehr setzt die Antibierpreisbewegung auf Boykott und Protest und erreicht nach nur sieben Tagen eine Abkehr von der Verteuerung. Der im vorliegenden Buch behandelte „Bamberger Bierkrieg“ versinnbildlicht, wie sich öffentliche Prozesse zu Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts in einer deutschen Kleinstadt abspielten, welche Personen auf welchen Öffentlichkeitsebenen agierten, wie sich Proteste zu einer Bewegung formten und nicht zuletzt, welch hohen Stellenwert die Presse als einziges periodisches Massenmedium innerhalb der öffentlichen Kommunikation anno 1907 besaß. October 1907: In Bamberg, there is a relentless struggle for supremacy over the price of the beer. The producers want to raise the price by two pfennigs per liter in the city, but the public, which loves to drink, sees things differently and rebels. The "Bambergian Beer War" was fought by a variety of parties - beer brewers and beer drinkers, pub owners and the press. Nevertheless, it remains a war without swordplay and bloodshed. The anti-beer price movement relies much more on boycotts and protests and achieves a reversal of the price increase after only seven days. The "Bambergian Beer War" examined in this book symbolizes how public processes worked in a small German town at the beginning of the 20th century, which people acted at which levels in the public sphere, how protests formed a movement and what influence the press had as the only periodic mass medium within public communication in 1907. Der im vorliegenden Buch behandelte „Bamberger Bierkrieg“ versinnbildlicht, wie sich öffentliche Prozesse zu Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts in einer deutschen Kleinstadt abspielten, welche Personen auf welchen Öffentlichkeitsebenen agierten, wie sich Proteste zu einer Bewegung formten und nicht zuletzt, welch hohen Stellenwert die Presse als einziges periodisches Massenmedium innerhalb der öffentlichen Kommunikation anno 1907 besaß.

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